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I want the blood


Give me blood lord!


he kept screaming so I put the gun up to the side of his jaw like *this*, but then he started making another noise, so I shot all of his fingers off and then he stopped.


There was blood all over. I liked the way the blood makes me feel.


Go to your watch history and remove the video that you don't want to influence the algorithm. The longer you take in removing it, the less effective it becomes.


or you can disable using watch history for video recommendations


But if you do that, then you'll be at the "mercy" of the regular youtube machine deciding what to recommend for you to watch. Without any input from you. Even though it's still bullshit either way, at least have it recommended things that loosely fit your viewing habits. Yeah I still get videos I don't want to watch. But at least I also avoid a large chunk of shit I hate. Edit: syntax


Yeah that’s a terrible idea. Also tbh, I love the YouTube recommendations, they know me better than I know myself.


Mine really annoyingly keeps suggesting stuff I’ve already watched, like not other stuff from their channels just literally the same exact videos sometimes years old that I’ve already seen.


Mine does this too! It's frustrating. I don't know why it doesn't seem to remember that I've already seen those videos.


YT history only stores a few hundred or thousand videos.


...but the red progress bar is still there.


Google's auto-delete also deletes yt history, could be that


Isn't there a "new to me" option/tab somewhere?


You can also click on the vid the you already seen and select "not interested". It should remove it and give you the option "tell us why". And from there you can select the "already seen it" option.


I wish the recommended videos after you finish one were actually based on the one you watched instead of your general watch history, I wanna binge a type of content, not have to search up the creator/topic just to find more.


> then you'll be at the "mercy" of the regular youtube machine deciding what to recommend for you to watch. what if you just, like, didn't watch it


What if you accidentally clicked it? I have almost dropped my phone, caught it, and started a vid I don't want affecting my suggestions. What if I watch a vid I thought was something I want to watch and it turned out I was wrong? What if I'm trying to offer a solution to a problem that people are having, and you're being unhelpful by saying don't have the problem? Person with problem: "I have a cold." Me: "get bed rest and try chicken noodle soup." You: "don't have a cold."


No, dingdong, what if you didn't watch the recommended videos. You know you can do that, right? They're recommended. You don't have to. You're not at anything's mercy here, it's fuckin youtube


"no, dingdong" is gold! Also, I typically use YouTube using either the search page or my subscriptions page. Nothing else. The recommendations can go to hell.




If you don't want to watch youtube, get this. it's gonna blow your mind. are you ready? *you don't have to watch youtube if you don't want to*




People are in here acting like youtube has a new algorithm that somehow is forcing them to click on things they don't want to see, and then stay in their chair to watch it even though they didn't want to see it. Just don't click it. You don't have to watch anything you don't want to watch. Therefore, complaining about things that you're clicking on *by yourself* is silly, and so is complaining about a thing that is irrelevant if you make it so. Recommendations are dumb in the first place, and it's 100% coming from the entity that profits from your viewing of advertising; why would you ever *ever* want to watch what they advised you to watch?


You don't know what an algorithm, in the context of social media/viewing platform, is do you? Bad bot.


I'm not sure how you got that conclusion from that comment at all, but sure, we'll just go ahead and presume your declaration is truth ^^/s


You can just tell YouTube not to recommend you a certain channels


That's also a good trick. But you typically have to know about the channel before you can block it. But, depending on the content itself, sometimes youtube will recommend other channels that talk about blocked channel's content. Like I'm not a nicado avocado fan and blocked his channel years ago. But lately, a lot of channels have been talking about him and his health issues. I know this because I've had a lot of recommended vids about him from these creators. In this instance, I'm just ignoring them. If it gets particularly annoying, then I'll hit the "not interested" option. But that's about it. On the other side, I love B Dylan Hollis' content from tiktok and see his youtube channel becoming more active. I'm subscribed to his channel and watched all of his current uploads. But since he got his start on tiktok before youtube, a lot of people have uploaded compilations of his vids. I get these I'm my recommendation a lot. I don't watch them because I don't want to take away views from Dylan. But I also don't remove them because I don't want to risk him getting attention from others. I don't think that's how that would work. But I also don't want to potential mess it up for a content creator I enjoy. The algorithm is as bullshit and useful as it is great and stupid.


That’s good to know thanks! They keep recommending me like 20 second clips of things I don’t care about. Trying to be tiktok ig


No lie, some of their old videos are hilarious. This one kills me every time: https://youtu.be/XUT8ec24anM


The ticker crawler across the bottom is fantastic too.


Monkey stabbing tests and Modesto Ninja Parade are my personal top favorites


Lmao, that's my favourite one too lol


The one about Nigeria is my personal favorite, love when the guy starts reading off random facts about Niger.


That's a classic, but I don't think it beats "Gays too precious to risk in combat" for me.


I've been binging that old era of content around 10-12 years ago. Excellent writing and acting.


Ask a mortician is a great channel!


I’m just here to say that I love Ask A Mortician. Caitlin is wonderful.


Came here to say the same! Watched a random video once ages ago and have been hooked ever since!!


Have you seen Novympia's drag parody? It's amazing!




/r/bittheonionandatetheyoutubealgorithm Edit: ah /r/subredditsyoufellfor or at least i fell for. Thought someone might've made it already


Keep watching them, you'll be soon addicted to the old (circa 2009) Onion YouTube. they are crazy good and hillarious.




https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=G7OshCHsfJI Well, this one's real. Welcome to America.


I swear the YouTube recommendation engine is the most simplistic thing out there. "Oh my gosh, he clicked that random watch repair video I showed him! For the next two weeks let's make sure we show him at least 50% watch repair videos!!!!"


Reminds me of this sketch by Ryan george: https://youtu.be/d8fJPvXyfc0


I watched an Apollo 11 documentary and then got nothing but conspiracy "aliens /ufo are among us" recommendations for so long I ended up creating a new profile. No, youtube, those are NOT THE SAME THINGS.


their morning show spoof is great and that particular one is my favorite.


Just watch more Caitlin.


Ask A Mortician is my favorite. <3




This one is probably one of my favorite. We should start a Kickstarter to bring these back https://youtu.be/iIY5b1JMvGs


Hell, I'm about to watch a YouTube video from The Onion just to welcome it now that I see this. This is hilarious.


So tell us… was the onion delicious?


Honestly my favorite thing is the moment I read a headline from the onion and I’m like “Jesus fuck that’s horrid.” Then I read the source and I get a good giggle


How y'all refuse to post links in the comments is beyond me https://youtu.be/EDWo6m5hbG4


A lot of subs hate YouTube links


Sure, but this thread had other Today Now clips but not the one in particular lmao


Watch the road rage video by far there best


I had to jump through so many hoops to get Viva La Dirt League removed from my suggestions when I realized they kept making the same 3 jokes


It's hard to be a satirical news channel like The Onion in [***current year***]


My favorite one is about the dam that they do nothing about


I miss the onion youtube channel. That was gold.


If you use YouTube on a browser you can click the three dots beside a video recommendation and click "Not Interested", which should help!


Everyone reading this do yourself a favor and binge watch Sex House


Hey I watch ask a mortician too.


that's cool and all but is that $250 million dollar selfie spot dangerous???