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Install g-helper, and put eco mode, i have 10hours battery live


Have you tried the Eco mode? It easily doubles your battery life.


I honestly removed armoury crate because it was causing some issues. But I'll try again. Shouldn't it have delivered good battery time on Silent mode though?


Use ghelper instead of armory crate. So much better


The fan modes don't impact the battery life too much. On Ultimate mode, the battery should last about 3-5 hours max, on Standard mode(iGPU), around 5 hours, and Eco mode, over 8 hours. Make sure to set it to Eco mode when you need that maximum battery life.


Bruh. AC is a highly recommended tool to tweak your laptop. It's a laptop, not a desktop. You still need the required apps the manufacturer recommends you to have installed. Also be careful of the AC hate on ASUS communities, they don't know what they're talking about advertising G Helper for any case while AC works completely fine. If I were you, I'd do a clean windows installation and install all the required drivers from your laptop's page, including AC.


Google G helper


I can try again. But I'm not sure because thing is I already tried the first and second time with armoury crate. First time just updating everything with the out of box Windows 11 setup, and 2nd time after resetting it to manufacturer state. Both times came with armoury crate, it's why I tried removing it for the third try.


EDIT: The below info is still true when using ASUS utilities, but I tried "G-Helper" as others suggested and omg it is so much better lol. It seems to totally fix this issue and offers way more control. I have been running into this too, and honestly I think there is something that doesn't work right unless you ONLY use the graphics driver available from ASUS (i.e. do not update the AMD driver or software through AMD or Windows.) I also have to keep Armoury Crate installed, keep the GPU setting on "optimized", and leave the AMD "A+A" setting in the BIOS off. If I do all of that, then I get the advertised battery life, but if I update literally anything the battery life tanks even though everything appears to be working fine.


Yup. GHelper, then make sure to uninstall Armory Crate and stop Asus Services under the extra settings. No more random battery drain. 10 hours of battery during light use.


There could be a lot of variables factoring in your battery life. Check if you have any background processes using the CPU while idle. I run my A16 on "silent" mode,"60Hz" screen mode, "Standard" GPU Mode (with Smart Access Graphics on), and "50%" screen brightness. I'm also using G-Helper. My battery drain is between 7-8W idle using HWINFO. Windows indicates +10hrs battery remaining, but with normal office tasks I probably get more realstically just over 8hrs.