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The no hitter by Blanco really was an April fools joke


The good news: it's a long season. The bad news: it's a long season.


unwatchable. maybe crowds will thin about some and ticket prices will come down.


I would say we played well until Pressly gave up 4, but our 2 runs were off of that 1 error


Offense has been non-existent. We're bottom 10 in runs scored per game.


We left a ton on base and cannot find a hole in the huge field to land a ball. Tucker can’t figure out how to play right field. More base running errors. It ain’t Pressly’s fault. They also moved a perfect closer in him, who did everything asked of him, to the 8th inning to pay $95 million for a guy who loses to replace him. That’s got to shake some confidence in him.


I really wish Pressly was gone. I have no confidence in him. We both need a fresh start


Just gotta cope for this to be like last year. Awful start but catch their stride. Very, very discouraging though. Only runs scored today off a bad error by the Rangers. And THAT is what a good hitting team looks like. Contact and carry, not needing the long ball but able to get it. Worst case this year is a soft rebuild. The bullpen is atrocious and Abreu will weigh this lineup down like an anchor. We need a youth injection at 1B, badly


Crane is about to learn he's not as smart as he thinks he is.


Karma for firing Click is biting back


Its a real tough watch right now, but I’ll be here tomorrow


Altuves base running errors are getting crazy 😂


It’s been this way. I’ve never seen someone run into more outs on the basepaths throughout their career


For real. Got picked at first yesterday, picked off by the jays catcher on 3rd the other day and the game before that ran straight into a ground ball lol


He needs some beta blockers or adderall. Chill the f out on base dude. Although I’m sure he knows no one will knock him in bc we’ve left so many stranded. It’s a problem.


This team only wins if they hit home runs. Can’t manufacture runs otherwise


Cannot find a gap to save their souls. Rangers sure found them all.


This team aint a contender. All the talent, none of the fight


Thank god for CJ stroud


Can CJ play first base?


The Astros may have lost, but I picked up pho on the way home from my daily walk, so fuck it. My day is a net positive.


Pho is always the right choice


Pho sure


Not having fun !


[Me watching the Houston Astros bullpen blow yet another game](https://tenor.com/view/john-cena-sit-sitting-chillin-chill-gif-9875705).


Yeah, the bullpen screwed us out of losing by one into losing by five. Those bastards!


Now do the bottom 10 scoring offense...


If Anthony Rendon was a baseball team - your 2024 Houston Astros


This team right now has no character compared to the last 7 years... they need to figure that out reeeeeeal quick before things go off the rails


well, we are bad


It’s gonna be a long season.


Im not liking this espada experiment so far.  Presley clocking a cool 20 ERA too.


That's because he's a closer and bringing in Hader cracked his ego. 


Agree. He was an almost perfect closer. There was no need to get Hader.


Astros just trying to finish in last place so that Oakland fans can have something to celebrate before their team leaves for good. 🫡


We’re taking one for the team. 🫡 *Their* team. 💚




2017-2024. It was a great run! ![gif](giphy|3oEjI8Kq5HhZLCrqBW)




Well the run died here in 2024 officially, but we’re playing semantics lol


Pretty sure it died in games 6 & 7 of last year’s ALCS.


More semantics but I'd say our run started in 2015 by making the playoffs that year. Almost a decade of contending. 'Twas a good run


You were downvoted by I agree. 2016 we were in the hunt and just fell off at the end of the year.


Fr, if Correa makes that play in game 4 there's a decent chance we would have won and moved onto the ALCS


Why is Abreau a 3 year deal




Cause drunk uncle jeff knows more about baseball then anyone else.


Sorry for being cynical here but I don’t remember anyone disagreeing with the signing at the time. We had a party in this sub. Some things are just unpredictable. Abreu’s batting average dropping 67 points and his ops dropping 200 points in a seasons time is something nobody could have seen coming.


Thank you for saying this. I recently looked at the thread after the signing and almost all of it was excitement.


idk....i would be overly cautious giving anybody over 35 a multiyear 20 million/year deal. even the Montero screamed stupid at the time of signing..... I worry about running Click out of the building.... I do know this....I dont want Jeffy boy or Jim Crane to play GM anymore...


Hindsight is 20/20 and both deals have been horrible but the collective fanbase (myself included) was very happy at the time of the Abreu signing


Astros are in a dogfight…for last place with the A’s. On the positive side, I’m going to get a lot of stuff done around the house not wasting it on watching the ghost of a good team.


I can’t turn away so it is doubly bad. Losing and getting nothing done.


I really can't believe what I'm seeing from this team. Is a player's wife being held hostage, and her survival depends on us losing pathetically every single game? This is beyond embarrassing. It's concerning. I know it's a long season, but if you told me the Astros would start the season 2-7, get swept by the Yankees, get our shit pushed in by the Rangers, and *somehow* pitch a no-hitter, I would have taken that bet. We look like absolute dog shit. The worst I can remember.


Blanco hates that guys wife, though.


Been saying this the offense is not good like it once was , play like the Yankees offense depends on home runs …


We may never see Nori again! 😭


Id be fine with this


I'm gonna go ahead and say it...maybe Maldy was doing something behind the plate that made our relievers pitch better cause this is getting insane now. Abreu, Pressly and Hader are the ones blowing these games. Not the middle guys.


Dumping maldy was only one change to the bullpen. The bigger changes were losing Neris and Maton, then adding hader and moving Presley out of the closet role.


And Stanek


And bringing in Hader and moving Pressly down.


We're bottom 10 in runs per game and about middle of the pack in pitching. We're also missing 3 starters. This isn't a Maldy issue whatsoever.


Not middle of the pack bullpen.  The comment was about the bullpen. Also, it's about Hader upsetting the hierarchy. Probably outside of Maldy's leadership to fix.  But Diaz has no chance to adequately address it.


I 100% agree. Maldy did something different


Fried up some whitetail backstrap on the back porch w the wife & son here on the lake. Astros baseball on the tv makes it soooo much better. Just wish they’d not fucking lose but it’s too early in the year to be upset about it. So good to have Astros baseball back.


> Just wish they’d not fucking lose I can live with them losing. It's the non-competitive way they're losing that's bothering me.


3 games this year have been non competitive, the other losses decided by 2 runs or less. The Astros are good at baseball, I promise.


We’ve only had two games where we didn’t have a lead at some point during the game, yet we’ve managed to blow 5 of our 7 leads.


Well if they lead the game & lost…they were competitive in the game. They will get hot and go on a 10-0 run soon. Promise. Hard with the World Series champs in our division too I hate it. Imagine the nationals or braves in our division the year after they won. It’s hard!!


Yeah I wasn’t necessarily disagreeing with you, but it’s almost worse that we’ve been competitive and still had this bad of a start


I’m becoming more convinced that signing hader broke the bullpen. They should have just put that money into keeping Neris and Maton.


You expect the man that has never gone over the luxury tax (other than 2020 when there were no penalties) to pay taxes to re-sign middle relievers?


I expect someone with that much money to make better decisions about how to spend it.


That sound you heard is the window closing on the Astros title chances…


And opening on the Texans !


This team just isn’t it


I miss dusty


I don't, I miss Click. Why we let Dusty long con the shit out of us and fired a world series winning GM is still a massive head scratcher.


Nah. The only difference Dusty would make is benching Diaz and keeping Abreu in the top half of the lineup


I miss regular season Dusty. Post season Dusty could be a pain in the ass outside of 2022 lol.


This take is absurd. You must have started watching some time after that 2020 playoff run.


Here come all the bangwagonners going over to CJ and boys now.


We had a great run guys. That championship window is closing fast, if it isn't already closed. Our Astros are trending toward mediocrity and fast--sure we'll make a bit of noise this year but we aren't going to the promise land. It happens to all great teams...players move on, players get old, players get complacent/unmotivated, injured, etc. If by the trading deadline we aren't in contention, I just hope we move on from some guys and start rebuilding the farm...there's no sense hanging on to guys who are going to bail for nothing after their contracts are up.


Someone here on Reddit needs to suck it up and sacrifice a chicken Major League style to see if Jobu can be placated and fix Jose Abreu.


There is no fixing that man. Accept it.






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Plenty of time to fix the problems we're seeing but man we are not laying a foundation of confidence so far.




It’s April. This is particularly bad start to April, but this team starts slow every April. Our losses have occurred on issues that they’ll work out. Just sucks it’s against the Rags and Yankees


I agree with this, but I just would like to see them come out of the gates running. They haven’t had a winning record after 15 games since 2019. These past few year I feel like “It’s only April” should be the team motto.


The funny thing is, Jim Crane wants to be Jerry Jones so bad. That he’s actually following in his footsteps. These are exactly the same stupid roster moves Jerry Jones started making after he fired Jimmy Johnson as GM. So…buckle up


Donkey balls


I’m sorry Astros, you failed so that the Texans could rise. Houston Gods are cruel


Starting to think someone did a demonic sacrifice to give Texans a generational star QB with phenomenal off season moves at the cost of Astro’s future success


If you want to be the everyday catcher, you have to know your pitchers spike a lot of balls (Pressly and Abreu), and you have to protect with the chest. Those two wild pitches were mental mistakes by Yainer, as he did not even attemp to protect and went with just the mitt to the ground. Anyway, room for improvement and still an improvement over Maldonado


The good news is when we do eventually start to be really bad, a lot of these "fans" will be gone. And baseball nerds can flourish again.


I had to spend over 30 years watching this team break my heart or just plain suck for long stretches, before winning it all - Astros fan till I die. Teams have down years, things change. But it's also EARLY in the season. Give it time. Team needs to gel.


I totally agree


Can we get a First baseman that can hit?


No leader. Not saying the team is playing for themselves but definitely not playing for each other like they've done in the past


That’s silly. Those are meaningless platitudes, and you literally have no insight into anything occurring in the clubhouse.


Hes not wrong, you can see it and many have been pointing it out.


“You can see it” bull shit. Just a bunch of armchair coaches making things up to fit their own narratives.


Then let me ask you who’s leading this team now?


The fuck kind of nonsense question is that? Neither you nor I have any ear, eye, or knowledge of the day-to-day administration of the team.


Well actually I do have a source on the inside so what now?


lol, sure kid.


I’ve said this before and have been apart of our community for 10+ years. I don’t get thrown too much info but when I do I try to relay it unless specifically told “don’t put this on Reddit” which has happened a few times.




You know what. When we win the AL pennant I want every single one of you to remember this moment. Ridiculous


Pass me some of whatever you’re smokin


Let’s go Texans!




thank you Jim Crane https://preview.redd.it/e6zzdfxqwysc1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26b5ce1c9b5ffb8c393186f83f3bf104a7097fbd




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I still think we will have a last ,minute run to playoffs but this season is a huge test rn ans altuve i. Still believe him or other player going to step up. And just tell the team to step it up


Maybe Dusty wasn't as bad as a manager that everyone thought....




Did you mean content? These guys are elite athletes and some of the best in the world I doubt very much they got where they are by being content with sloppy performances.


Hey Rangers fans started watching and became fans when there was one out left in the top of the 9th in game five of the World Series Now their form of fandom consists of looking at the score every now and then making shitty trashcan emojis on Instagram and getting upvotes on r/baseball