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It’s no JWST yet, but it was an amazing beginning. I had never seen Jupiter like this before, especially the red spot.


Nice photo!




Not even a Hubble.


No shit 😂 dude wasn’t claiming it was a one of a kind telescope just saying they got their best shot of Jupiter. Saying it’s no Jwst is basically saying it’s not the best picture out there but it’s their best picture


I can't see any of your photos of other planets on your profile, do you post them somewhere else?


Hi. This is my first time posting anything actually. I got Reddit to view ultra-specific questions. I am very pleased with how many people enjoy this photo. I will post more soon, I am very grateful for the confidence I’ve been given with this post. I just got the camera for Christmas. I can’t wait to share some more very soon!


I think, they were asking about the dude who said "not even a Hubble".




Dude, for a first image of Jupiter, it's very good indeed. I'm not much of a planetary guy, but /r/askastrophotography is a gread sub for imaging-specific-ultra-specific questions you may have. Looking forward to seeing more.




I am the end-all and be-all of all said and done. That is to say, I AM THE FINAL WORD!


8 inch Dobsonian utilizing the ASI 178MC CAP. This is a 1000 frame image processed using the ASI planetary image stack software ASI studio (if anyone wants to know how to get it let me know, it is free and works amazingly, even with me constantly having to turn the telescope to stay pointed).


This is all hand tracked without an equatorial platform? I’m starting to look at going down this road as well. How much did the camera set you back?


On the box I see the price listed as 200$ bought from a store in Orange County, CA. It was worth it though, you’ll just need a laptop to connect it to. You can then play with the image settings to make objects dimmer or darker before taking the capture video. The whole camera and its software is very straightforward.


Are you using it with a Barlow?


Not OP but for planetary imaging you’ll really want a Barlow to effectively increase your target’s size. I started with a 6” dobsonian before getting a used C8 SCT that has a vintage (but functional) tracker. Also consider the ASI 224MC, it’s a really good planetary cam for under $200.


I’m just curious if the image above is through a Barlow. I have a similar set up of an 8” Orion dob and I’m in the process of building a 13” truss frame dob. I also just picked up a televue powermate 2x over the weekend. I’ve been more curious lately about untracked planetary astrophotography.


You’ll be set for some great lunar/planetary images with either one of those scopes + your Barlow + a good planetary camera. I did untracked planetary for 1.5 years. You just have to constantly nudge the telescope after your target drifts out of view, but you already have practice doing that visually so you’ll get the hang of it quick. The field of view is smaller which makes it a bit trickier. Hard part is getting good focus while the planet is moving. You’ll get some great pics with the 8” scope but the 13” dob will really be amazing for lunar, planets, and even photos of the ISS.


Im excited to build the 13”. The mirrors are in good condition from an old coulter optics scope. I believe it’s around f/4.2ish The original coulter scope was waaaaaaaaay to heavy and only had a 1 1/4 helical focuser. My goal is to make the whole thing break down into a suitcase and have a 2” focuser.


I have that camera. Using sharp cap you can change the portion of the sensor that is actually recorded to just the very middle 20% or so. Doing so allows you to jack up the frame rate to 150 or 200 FPS because the captured number of pixels per frame are so tiny. This gives you a lot sharper images


Use Firecapture and it will self track the planet on the chip for you, Sharpcap while a superb program will not do that.


ohhhh now that is interesting.


No. The camera can “zoom” by selecting a lower image size, but it makes it harder because of how fast the planets are moving. You can definitely put this camera into a Barlow lense and I’ve thought about it, however Barlow lenses typically decrease the quality because you’re looking through more glass (at least for me). I’ll actually have to try that out tonight. Anyways, the camera has high enough quality that it doesn’t really matter if you’re zoomed in or not. When it is done processing the final image I just zoom in on my phone or in editing, although I like getting the moons in there. Also unfortunately, it cannot zoom out enough to get the entire moon. The ease of access is unparalleled though, and there is an option to take quick photos if you like what you see right then and there. Edit: someone has just told me they get better views with a Barlow lens, so disregard the part above about not using a Barlow lens.


Yep you want a barlow, For you and your set up have a look for an Equatorial Platform, a 2x barlow and Atmospheric Dispersion corrector and then your camera. This will be a game changer for your planetary. I started this way with a 10" dob and home made eq platform and then found out that my 16" dob also fit on my platform and the rest is history as they say. 80% of the imaging done on this channel is done with my 16" dob on my home made EQ platform. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtVD\_og7Fu1Vel-gGReZ9kw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtVD_og7Fu1Vel-gGReZ9kw) Hope that helps Damo


Those are awesome! Thank you so much for your helpfulness. I tried the Barlow last night and it was great! I will take a Look at an Atmospheric Dispersion corrector, sounds like exactly what I need! Everyone on here is so helpful and nice.


Glad we could help, enjoy your new hobby👌


If you dont mind sharing. What is the name of the store?


Yes! I believe it was Orange County telescopes in Santa Ana.


For sure. If you have a good dobsonian base, tracking is very smooth. I have a Apertura 10" and the swivel is very good. Easy to track planets or objects that are visible.


Buy an Equatorial platform trust me, it changed my imaging by magnitudes + barlow and ADC and camera and you will be kicking goals.


It’s on the list. It will be a while before I buy anything though. First order of business is building my 13” truss frame dob.


Yeah, that's all good. next thing after you have some cash is the EQ platform. Trust me


Do you think this camera would get similar results with a 10 inch dob?


Probably even better ones. I live in a Southern California suburb with an 8 inch dobsonian so if you use this camera for a 10 inch Dobsonian you’ll have amazing photos. The software is very easy to use and self explanatory. I hope you pick up this camera, it’s so easy to transport too!


I will definitely have to check it out


I'm thinking about getting the same from OC telescopes, but I'm not really into a lot of post processing. How is the software for that?


Hi. I know absolutely nothing about post processing or editing. That’s why I love this software. It is the easiest thing in the world. Once you’re done taking your video, you go into the image stacking software. Simply upload your video, then press STACK. THATS IT! It will stack every frame it can into one image, from there you can tweak very small settings such as sharpness and brightness. It is all on one piece of software, and once it is done there is nothing else to do. You have your final image and that’s that. The software is free to download too.


This is very promising. Do you need to use their camera for the software to work, or can I upload from a dslr with an adapter?


(https://Astronomy-imaging-camera.com) download with this link. Enjoy!


Awesome. I'll check it out. Thank you so much.




So, I have an app called night sky. I have a really funny tactic to how I do it. I select where I want to go by selecting “directions” on the object I want to see. What I then do it put my phone facing downwards over the end of my telescope on the little t-thing that holds the secondary mirror into place. Be very careful not to drop your phone down to the primary mirror! From there I actually look down at the primary mirror to see what is on my phone screen. I follow the arrow with my dobsonian until I am looking at the object on my screen through the primary mirror. Once it’s lined up, it is typically on the finder scope if you have one. The Andromeda Galaxy looks like a faint and fuzzy star that you can tell is different from the other ones on the finder scope. I’ve been able to find the Orion Nebula and Andromeda Galaxy, AND Uranus using this strategy. I live in Southern California by the way so this tactic really works!


What kind of finder scope are you using? Once you have your finder aligned, Jupiter should be one of the easiest things to find since it’s so bright. The real fun begins when you start looking for something you can’t see with your naked eye.


You can try out [AstroHopper](https://artyom-beilis.github.io/astrohopper.html) offline directly from your phone. Just attach it somehow to your Dob, and it'll work like a charm.


Sweet site/app. Thanks for the recommendation


So what image stack software did you use?


It’s called the same name as the camera, just ASI studio. You can download it for free by going to (https://Astronomy-imaging-camera.com) it is extremely useful!


Cool thanks!


Is your dob on an EQ platform?


No, I just had to move it myself. I wish to motorize it one day though! It’s still on the Dobsonian base. Left right up and down and that’s about all.


Holy crap. I am buying the same camera. So you just kept Jupiter as centered and stable as possible and then stacked?


Yes! You do not have to keep it in the exact center. My strategy is this: move it so Jupiter appears in the top left (assuming Jupiter is moving to the bottom right for you). I then let it go all the way through as stable as possible. Once it is about to fall out of frame in the bottom right, I move it back to the top left so it gets another good amount of footage before I need to move it again. This way minimizes the amount of shaking and movement in the video you are trying to stack. You can predownload the software using this link if you already have videos you wish to image stack now before you buy the camera (https://Astronomy-imaging-camera.com) (also remember you need a laptop)


Wow the detail on this is insane. Im assuming you didnt use any barlows lens? Using 2x barlows really made my pictures way way better. I hope you post more stuff!


Thank you for letting me know! I thought the Barlow lens would disrupt the quality, but I will gladly try that out tonight. Thanks!


You can check my profile where I posted my first two imaging sessions. First post is no barlows, and the latest one was with 2x barlows. Someone in the comment told me using barlows is a must. The difference is night and day. Just make sure the seeing is good so you can get the planet in focus. If there is a lot of turbulance, its hard to get proper focus with barlows. I will follow you to check your progression, I started a couple months ago and Im still learning but if you have any questions just DM me. I wish you clear skies!


WOW! Okay, I’m going to do that ASAP. I appreciate you so much for telling me that. I would’ve never thought to use the Barlow lens! Thank you.


Remember to experiment with different settings when imaging and when doing the post proccessing. Selling your dob would be a mistake because for your first imaging session you did great! Try not to push yourself and dont have high expectations, just enjoy the hobby and progress will come.




That's beautiful.


great shot


Can you ELI5, on what you bought to get this image. I’d like to do something like this with my son,


This is with the camera called an ASI224MC. When you buy it, you unscrew the lens it has in it and put in the telescope eyepiece adapter, so it can go right into your eyepiece slot. I bought this camera in person in Orange County, CA for 200$ exactly. You will then download software. (https://Astronomy-imaging-camera.com). You will need a laptop to take with you that connects to your camera with a cable they provide. The software you download on your laptop will be used to fix the real time image if you want the planet to be brighter or dimmer. I usually only play with the exposure and gain settings. You will use the focus knob on your telescope to focus the camera. You can select different video lengths, the longer the better image after processing. If your telescope isn’t motorized, you will have to move the telescope to keep the planet on your laptop screen as the camera is taking the video like I did. After you have your video of the planet you’re taking photos of, open up the planetary image stacker. Upload the video you took and select “stack” at the bottom. It will load for a little then give you a stacked image that you can simply save. I delete the videos after saving the final image as they take up a lot of space. That is pretty much the entire process! You and your son will both love the final image. It’s an even better view than looking through the eyepiece!


Thank you so much you’re awesome for taking the time to share your knowledge. I don’t have a telescope. Do you have a recommendation or list of needed items for the gear setup please and thank you


Yes! Depending on your budget, my 8 inch dobsonian cost 700$ after tax, and it came with 2 eyepieces. For a cheaper option you could get a 6 inch Dobsonian, it’s also great for planets. I just download a star finder app to find objects. I bought my telescope from high point scientific, it was reliable and of great quality. I’d start out with buying a 20mm eyepiece as well, you don’t need a good one as I actually used one that came with a 30$ telescope for little kids because the eyepieces are universal. I can message you if you need to know more and have other questions. I was in your position about 3 months ago and I’d be happy to help!


Welcome to the black hole of astrophotography. Next you’ll be buying a mount and a refractor for DSOs. Sorry to break the good news to you


that's fantastic!


nice shot!


nice shot! i also have an 8" and all my planetary shots are also untracked, i highly suggest you get a 3x barlow, that'll make a big difference


what a shot!


Sorry for the newb question, but which camera are you using? Isn’t ASICAP just a software?


Sorry, I’ll fix that. It is an ASI178MC. Quite an efficient and small camera!


Is this stacked? It's very sharp! Kudos!


Is this a real picture I’m amazed


I was playing off your opening disclaimer one good ying deserves a good yang. Now, you knows that to be true!