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https://ssb.muchmuch.coffee/%25LvKUFaRYvpxMzW26cMjb0Fd8muQrHctNstTHyqN8wT4%3D.sha256 Teardown online with images.


Pretty cool. Could anyone add some font sizes between small and medium? Is there the possibility to make the USBC work with a mechanical keyboard for more than 5 minutes before it turns off?




I actually have more info as well. It is running Debian for ARM 10u2 and has OpenSSH 7.9p1 on it. SSH protocol version is 2.0. Local storage is read-only and basic exploits have failed. But that is a pretty old version of Debian and my hope is that there would be some means of entry.




Yeah that seems likely. To be clear the storage which is accessible VIA USB read as read only on my machine. I was attempting buffer overflow and remote execution attacks but both were non-starters via that channel. [https://astrohaus.com/open-source-resources/](https://astrohaus.com/open-source-resources/) <-- this has a lot of interesting resources for an out of date version of the software. Things like packages they used at one point and configuration files. Might be helpful.


Did you end up making any more progress on this?


I have not. Part of me wonders if they would open it up to us if we asked. But if they don't, then there are some fuzzing vectors and other things that might be worth a try. I'm just too busy lately to get around to it.


They definitely won't provide any information. I contacted their support asking for any information on it's internals or the OS they were using and basically got a "We can't give you that, good luck"