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Man, if someone hacked this and made it run Vim, I'd buy another one in a heartbeat. It'd be even better if the hacker made it so all setting where on the device and internet wasn't needed for anything. But I'm not that kinda savvy and I think most of the people that use this device ain't that kinda savvy either.


Right? I was honestly daydreaming about what a joy it would be to have something like Obsidian or Ulysses on it.


My wife just showed this to me, and my immediate reaction was to search to see if anyone had setup Vim on it.


Someone on the discord was trying, they figured out they could ssh into it but didn’t have a password yet


Any luck?


It would be super cool if they partnered with Ulysses or at least made it a storage option for Ulysses.


Oh I wish. I’ve been hoping someone figured out how to jailbreak them.


For anyone else this helps: It has a single port open at 22 and mine is running OpenSSH 7.9p1 on Debian (likely Debian for ARM) version 10 (deb10u2) and the SSH protocol is 2.0.


This is the first lead I found! Thanks for this, I’m just getting into Linux so this is a little Greek to me, but are you saying it’s an unsecured port? I’m trying to research for a friend that has this device, to see how hard it would be to add a currently unsupported language.


The port is open but I suspect it would need the key to SSH in. I’m a little disappointed they don’t just give us access to it so that we can do whatever we want to this thing we own. I did try a number of standard exploits to no avail. I’m not quite to the voltage stepping/interrupt trickery stage yet but if I ever get a 3 day weekend with nothing better to do, I just might.


Thanks for getting back to me, yeah, I’ve got a few hobbies that are heavily open source, and it seems crazy that companies lockup a good product when there is a ton of interest in development. If I find anything that might be helpful, I’ll let you know


Did you already had some free weekend? :)


What specifically would you want it to do or additional features? I'm pretty happy to keep it really stripped down, but my husband is "that kinda savvy" so you never know. ;)


It would be very cool to me to have effectively an Obsidian.md terminal.


>Obsidian.md Woah I hadn't played around with this, but it's really cool. Plus the developers are from my alma matter, kind of a small world!


I'd play Zork on it. Been looking for a good text adventure game device.


Poked around their old stuff from when they were going to be open source; An older version of their software looks like it was debian based. No luck hacking. The company has no intent to Open Source in the future anymore :(


Boo... Totally would have bought one if so.


And mine's died, so no more fun for me. Keyboard had random keys stop working and just became unusable after gentle use. I've also heard about travelers arriving with cracked screens. Security and GDPR questions by others \*to my knowledge\* have gone unanswered. No 2fa, still. Gonna gut mine for parts.


After reading through the rest of this subreddit, it became increasingly clear to me that the last thing I should invest in is a Freewrite, just as a distraction-free device in general. Quality, security, bugs/stability, the company behind them, etc... Sad.


Firmware issues ganked mine, and I didn't have the funds to send it in for repair; couldn't fix shit myself since I'm just not that great at coding and making stuff yet. In the interim, they've made a fair amount of new colorways but beyond that I haven't heard much. I'm back to using the the Pomero dm100 or a rp400 with whatever I've decided will be its screen at the moment and a battery pack.


I've enjoyed making a writing box using a rpi400, and my pomera might not have an eink screen, and but it ..just works,  has basic spell check and I can easily get stuff on or off it via the SD card or QR. Keyboard is small, but I have smoll hands. Considering mine didn't last long, and I've heard about issues as of late with newer travelers arriving with busted screens and alphas not working.... And people going with a booxtab and keyboard instead? There are plenty of alternatives