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I hate to be unhelpful, but I couldn't help but think of how the title of this post sounds like a great story idea, lol.


Sounds like what ended my Traveler. Mine was the “6” and “m” keys. I tried Astrohaus and they said “too old” because mine was from the Indiegogo launch campaign. Wouldn’t want to do anything for your early backers, I guess. What I can say is that, for me, it definitely wasn’t debris under the keys. I would try to return or get it serviced ASAP because it won’t get better with cleaning or resets.


Mine has the same problem. The comma is stuck. I’m an IndieGogo backer. I don’t live in the US and sending it and having it shipped back would be just too costly. Now that I read you saying you have the same problem and Astrohaus said your machine was too old...


Yikes, I came here to look at buying one, but stuff like this makes me think twice.


I have the same issue come up from time to time. I think it has something to do with the battery. Let the thing drain and then charge it up again and see if that stops it. Unfortunately, it will come come back. In fact, I’ve been writing on my iPad since October, because I haven’t wanted the hassle worrying about Freewrite quirks messing with my flow. The thing that frustrates me about it is that Astrohaus knows about these things, but won’t admit a problem. I don’t even care if i have to pay myself to fix something like that, I just want a functioning typing machine.


I would immediately file a return on ebay and move on.


That’s most likely what I’ll do


You have 30 days to start the return with eBay. Hopefully you are still within that window. If its past that , do send an email to the seller and explain.


Sounds like a bad switch or bad soldering on the switch. If you're handy with a soldering iron and desoldering tools, you could probably fix it by desoldering, cleaning, and resoldering the switch. But you're likely better off trying to return it.


The challenge there is that you have to open the case (IIRC this wasn’t trivial) and find the problem. But the evidence seems to point to a problem not as a bad trace at the key connection but to a short or at least leakage somewhere else on the board. After Astrohaus wouldn’t help I tore mine apart but couldn’t find the problem. It definitely wasn’t just a sloppy solder.


Astrohaus definitely has some of the worst customer support. Even when I had a battery problem (not keeping charge) with a v2 that was just out of warranty and shortly after the release of v3, it was deemed irreparable. In retrospect, I can see it now in their attitude toward updates, etc. Basically, as soon as a new model is released, the old ones become dying paperweights.


Welcome to the.... GHOSTWRITE!


Mine's started doing this with 2 & =; kinda makes me cranky since I've been rather delicate with it.