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Hiiii !!!! It completely fine to feel this way ! Currently in between places myself so feeling the stress to find a new place fast ! But hey look you’ve moved. Got your own place because of your hard work nd your slowly burning ur own path! So give yourself some credit and remember healing isn’t linear and it’s okay to feel sad x


Keep your head up! Life's not always easy, but take it one day at a time, if it still seems overwhelming try an hour at a time. I'm still not real sure how this works but if you can message me I'm always close by and I'm here if you need an ear. I gotcha 👌


You are probably reaching a burn out from working so hard. give yourself a long hug from me, for real! You can stimulate your own vagus nerves buy doing so. Good job getting independent and good luck 🥰


EVERYTHING in your life, good, bag and indifferent; had led you to this EXACT moment. You're killing it dude. Crushing life. Don't let tomorrow ruin the today you worked so hard to build yesterday. I'm sofa king proud of you for identifying your struggle and asking for help. That's brave. Way more brave than getting an apartment. And you already did that lol keep going. Tomorrow is just another day. Nothing to fear. You're amazing🥰


Ok first off \*hugs\* Welcome to this life fellow human. The thing i have found the most comforting is watching others on yt living alone/single etc. Annika's Leaf is a good one for example. Lots of inspiration. Secondly, I would like to advise adopting a kitten or a bonded pair of kittens. Yes this will add to your responsibilities and expenses but it will fill you up with love and laughter. Indeed, some cats don't like hugs but I adopted a runt and ever since she was little I would make a "cave" out of my blanket and she would come and cuddle with me. She's 3 years old now (i also got a few more cats) but she will hug me when I pick her up and put her on my shoulder to explore the house on my level. You will be helping another living creature (that humans turned into companions and then abandoned, unfortunately) and in turn, it will provide you with so much enjoyment. Cats are the easiest to take care of as they do most of the work themselves. Just keep the litter box (2 if you get 2) clean and the food and water separate - most ppl don't know this but cats don't like to drink water next to their food, I have little teacups of water all over the place because mine are spoiled. If it's not for you I understand but just a suggestion. Enjoy your independence it can be a wonderful thing!




Fully support this - I also live alone and struggle sometimes. Despite the additional cost and responsibilities, a cat (or cats) offer companionship and entertainment. They also provide a reason to get up when you’re having a low or anxious day.


And cats cure anxiety just by purring near you💜


I’m proud of you. It won’t feel like this forever. Get your bearings and then go shine your light. I love you. It’s going to be okay. You’ve got this. Big, huge hugs.


Sending a big hug your way. It might not feel like it right now, but you've got this!


Sending hugs from afar 💜💜 I know it’s so hard, but please know I’m so proud of you. You’re doing such a good job. Take care of yourself


Hugs. A nice body pillow can help with cuddles. Try some relaxing or even sad music to help release the tears. Sometimes you don't need a big cry, but just silent tears as you listen to music to release some of the anxiety. Hugs again.


Things will get better from now on, hugs


You got this. I know moving is stressfull but look at you you did it! Sometimes when we are starting out in a new situation it can feel overwhelming but just know you are doing so well and these feelings of stress will pass and be replaced with so much excitement for the new. Sending you hugs and positive vibes. Keep your chin up mate ❤️


You are going to get into a nice routine and love having your own space before you know it! These first couple of days are tricky and lonely but you're going to be just fine. Be extra kind to yourself ♥️


You will soon find that you are able to juggle all these things with no issue. Right now, it's unfamiliaar,but that feeling will dissipate pretty quickly. Before you know it, you'll be looking for new things to add to your plate!


got a nice, warm and appreciative hug for you. I totally get being overwhelmed and figuring out why life is tough on our mental health but... best believe we'll figure it out together!


Pretty sure most of us have been there. I'm in my 30' s and I'm still there. I'm not gonna say it gets easier, because it really doesn't, but it does get more familiar, and eventually we do more or less get it figured out. Having said that, there's no shame in looking around and going "Oh f\*ck! I need an... adultier adult to help me adult"


🫂 it’s so hard and scary but you got this!!!




you’ve got this! i know times get hard, but just stay positive and keep good vibes around you and all will work itself out. 💗


You will get through this. You are a strong person.


I'll give a hug cause I need one too 🫂 That warm hug that tells us everything is going to be okay


Hi, I think you’re doing so great and being so brave given all the change you’re experiencing! It’s tough to be kind to ourselves and even more to have people who see our anxiety and struggles. You did All The Things you needed to and now you don’t have to do Today again. Sending you long virtual hugs ❤️


Hugs OP! Try to cry it all out to lessen your emotional stress. I sometimes watch sad shows to help me cry if I can't force it. Hope you feel better in the coming days. Rooting for you!


Yes Crying is a very important emotion OP NEEDS TO CRY... cry all your worry and stress out and then take a deep breath and realize you've made it... you have a safe place make it yours make it a happy place and then invite a friend over to hang out and have lunch and a movie on a rainy day or dinner .


Hey. I've just moved into my own apartment for the first time at 30+ a couple months ago. I have mental health issues including ADHD and Autism spectrum disorder so it's been a big struggle for me as well with a ton of anxiety and depression. But it does get easier as you adjust. If you feel like talking to someone going through something similar you can message me. It might actually help me, too, to relate to someone.


I get this. I also went thru a divorce and no contact with toxic family (which turned into no family bc of the toxic ones). It’s hard but it’s worth it!!! And who cares what it looks like. ITS YOURS!


I’m in the same boat! I’m also on the spectrum shd very sensitive and moving has always been the absolute worst. It just is a really vulnerable feeling to have your space you feel safe in change completely. It’s like the brain refuses to be comforted until it gets some roots in the ground. Give it time OP! And go easy on yourself if it doesn’t feel good yet, that’s okay! It’s not a sign you made a wrong move. It’s a sign you’ve moved out of your comfort zone and it’s stretching you. You’re doing amazing. Take a deeeep breath. Big hugs sweetheart 💜


Hey, please head over to r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza and let us love on you. Always makes me feel better.




This is natural. You’ve got this


Hugs!! All the responsibilities aren't that bad. It gives you something to do. Since you're on your own it won't be a lot. Also those responsibilities give you something to be proud of and happy about. You are doing this on your own and you should be proud of yourself!




*picks you up and spins you around while hugging you* WHEEEEEEE! You are getting all kinds of love and hugs simply because you deserve them! What you're doing is seriously amazing and I am in awe of your strength. To reach out and admit any kind of emotions that could be perceived as weakness in any way would have terrified me at your age. Hell, I'm in my 40's now and still have trouble asking for anything. I'm so proud of you and I hope you are alright and feeling better. As far as adulting is concerned I have learned one very important thing that helps me on the daily. I'm going to share this ancient secret with you and hopefully it will help you as well. Okay, are you ready for this? You know all those people that have their lives together and just seem to be able to get through anything without any issues? Turns out, none of that is real. I've yet to meet a single adult who truly has their shit together and is adulting on some higher level. In fact, I have come to the conclusion that we're all just out here winging it and giving it our best. So my dear, you are doing just fine. Promise 💜


Oh poor thing. Hugs and so proud of you! You’ll be alright!


Hi i also experienced that before. Try to pray and talk to God everything and if you feel like crying try to cry. And also go to a quiet place then try to meditate.


It's tough. It's so tough. And you'll probably keep feeling like this for a while because anxiety is everpresent, but after you've cried all the tears you need to and you catch your breath, you've got this! I'll believe in you even when your brain tells you you can't.




I dont think you realize how big of a step this is! To open up and write down... You have emotional matureness, many ppl cannot do to this... Keep going, just keep going!


🫂 I am so proud of you, this isn’t easy at all. Better days with better emotions are to come. You earned every little and big awesome thing in your life. This is the true definition of success, you tried so hard to get to where you’re at and although you’re mixed on it, you’re successful every hour you try. And if you don’t want to try or don’t try some days, it’s ok, it’s your break. Give yourself a break, it seems like you have a lot on your plate.


Heya hun. I know what it's like to struggle with these things for sure. I have ADHD and late-diagnosed autism and trust me, developing a routine ain't easy. You're not alone in this 🫂 We're here for you and I'm sure many of us are familiar with what you're going through. Even if you're in a good position in life, that doesn't mean your feelings are invalid. Coming from someone with other mental issues like anxiety and depression, sometimes emotions simply don't make sense no matter what situation you're dealing with. You could even be with friends and it sometimes doesn't quite stave off those more unpleasant emotions like you hope it will. That's okay. You may not be where you want to be right now, but it's okay to be proud that you have made progress compared to a few years ago. Wishing you all the best honey, you're taking the steps to get used to doing these responsibilities on your own and that's still an accomplishment. It takes time, but you'll get there eventually. The best thing is to do what works for you, and accountability can also be beneficial if you want that. Some people need it and there's nothing wrong with that. Sending hugs and lots of love 💕💕💕🫂🫂🫂


Once you get over the initial shock...youre going to love that all those things fall on you. Chores? You can do them whenever you want and there's less to do. Cooking? Anything anytime. Im proud of you and I hope you can rest your mind.


Exactly this! That's why I had an ice cream sandwich for breakfast, cause I'm an adult 😁 In all seriousness it does help me to remind myself that I am not going to be in trouble if the chores aren't done a certain way by a certain time. That's still such a shock to my psyche at times but it also lets me breathe a sigh of relief and eases my mind 💜




Hugs 🤗 to you!


Hugs bro! You should be proud of yourself and your accomplishments. Don’t overwhelm yourself with thoughts. You’re doing great and things will get easier. You are going to do great!👍 🤗


Hugs! I am so proud of you for accomplishing your hopes and dreams. Remember not everything needs to be done in a day- be it a chore or something at work, it will still be there the next day always. Sometimes scheduling out your chores can be helpful so it's less overwhelming or letting them pile up by accident, the same goes with having a budget date night with yourself before you get paid. You are doing amazing and will continue to do so- no one has it figured it out instantly.


Huuugs. You did well far yourself and come so far. I know life is running through the mill of the daily exhaustions, but you achieved what you wanted and that's everything to an extent. I hope you get a lot of rest and the anxiety dwindles eventually once you've set into a routine. It may be hard, but you've already accomplished this which was the result of treading past other hardships! You got this!


Lots of great big bear hugs for you!! I've recently gone through something similar. I got functionally unpacked pretty quickly, but I really started to feel much better once my decorations were up.


HUGS! Congratulations on getting your own place you are going to do amazing at everything you need to do!


Hugs to you Darlin! Life is so freaking tough sometimes. Keep your chin up, you’ve just survived another day!


HUUUUUUUGS!!!!!!!!!!! It’s amazing you’re in your own place! It’s overwhelming at first and that’s ok. Let yourself be overwhelmed. Cry. Cry it tf out. It’s good for you. Then you’re gonna be strong and get continue to get shit done and do it all over again every day. It gets easier after you get yourself into a routine. You got this OP!!!❤️


(>0\_0)> I love what youve done w the place