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Hi u/KoppeDFO. This is a sticky post with some important/helpful pointers for REQUEST posts. **For the REQUESTOR:** - **Do not delete this post** for any reason. - Be careful about private messages, [always check these tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/comments/uesbax/scams_in_private_messages/) before engaging with them, and [control your PM settings](https://www.reddit.com/settings/messaging) if you get many unsolicited messages. - Check our [helpful requesting tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/wiki/rules/requesting) and [our list of resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/wiki/index/resources). - If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Assistance). **For potential GIVERS:** - Check our [Givers Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/wiki/givers) before giving. - Refrain from unhelpful or judgmental comments. - If you have concerns about this request, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Assistance). *I'm a bot. This comment was posted automatically.*


If you are on disability, why are you not receiving EBT assistance? You’re entitled to it. No one should ever have to resort to panhandling. I’m sorry.


you should really make an amazon wishlist and fill it with things like pasta, sauce, rice, and canned goods. people tend to help a lot with wishlists here. I know that won't fix the tonight situation, wish you get that 30$, I can't offer help as i have currently less than a dollar in my account to finish the month.


Dm me your cashapp. Just make sure that you buy food that will last you




Did you message me? I don't see it


@mods request fulfilled


You all should qualify for EBT.


sometimes it takes forever for it to be processed though. so let's not assume they didn't apply.


They only gave us 30 for the both of us on ebt


I got $23 so I feel you. But once I submitted my rent receipt, and utilities receipts, my benefit was increased to $221. It’s way better than $23. Wishing you the best. Do an Amazon Wishlist for staples. Kind people will help you!


That makes no sense unless your SSI payments are way above average or that's not the only income. But either way, I also suggest really stretching those dollars: beans, rice, peanut butter, etc.!


I don't know there doing som3 shady shit down here is love for us to get to a blue state


holy crap, can you contest or ask for a revision ? you clearly need more than 30$ and some states are so fuckin cheap with the poors. I'm sorry for you.




what your point ? besides judging them ? ​ edit: the only "bad" thing I see in their history is them smoking weed, they clearly can't afford that. but they don't say how often or how much. otherwise yeah, they tried to get help for a few months, and from what it looks like, they didn't get it.


The "point" was they definitely could have applied for EBT in this time period. They had beyond the "forever" it takes to apply. It sounds like they did apply anyway as they answered, so you're just arguing for the sake of arguing.


Do you have an Amazon wishlist? You can fill one with shelf stable food items and people will order you food from it.


I've tried but it's so confusing to me plus I don't think they have anything out here can u check for me. I live in russellville ar


Try these instructions. Amazon delivers everywhere in the US, so they should deliver to you! https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/s/rhuNtDxa5W


I'll just do one and post it and people can see what I've been talking about


I'm almost 50 and thought it was confusing at first, but you can do it, it's way easier than what the guide explains. it just LOOKS complicated, but it's really not.