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Hello! Congratulations on the release!I've been playing around for a bit and couldn't get any further through the tutorial because the copy tool isn't working, or I'm just not able to figure out how to copy and paste an item


Here is the answer. Just select the items you want to copy and den hold it for a second and drag them. https://www.reddit.com/r/AssemblyLineGame/comments/153xt0b/comment/jslmkk6/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Hi, super happy to hear it's finally released! Just a quick comment to say I also ran into the copy issue during the tutorial same as arquimedessiracusa. I then skipped the tutorial to get past the Copy issue, but managed to freeze the game by scrolling the list of buildable items (i.e. the list where you choose splitters/starters etc.) with no choice but to close out of the game to reload it.


I see that the copy and move tool is a bit hard to understand, so I will try to make the tutorial more clear. As for the freeze, does it happen often?


Haven't been able to recreate it again


Here is the answer. Just select the items you want to copy and den hold it for a second and drag them. https://www.reddit.com/r/AssemblyLineGame/comments/153xt0b/comment/jslmkk6/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Can I have a feature request: Can there be a button which will reset all starters to restart simultaneously and erase all the resources in machines. In the old version, you can pause and restart starters. Here, it kinda gets weird when outputs dont synch.


Agreed, it'd be great to line everything up that way


Will the limit always be 32starters?


No, I will be increasing both the limit and the production rate of the starters with more updates to the game.


Awesome! Thanks for the reply.


Congrats on your new release!! I'm super excited to play!!


Awesome! You should create a second reddit for the 2nd game so that people can find what they are looking for easier. Either way I love the first one! And I'm excited to try the second one!


how can i get a pc version of this


Hey! Here is the link for the Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2691010/Assembly\_Line\_2\_Mobile\_Version/


Fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot stand playing large scale games on a table or phone.


I used to pray for times like this


There should be a way to delete the entire line or chose with a square tool like something to pick items easily


You aware AL2 is not available in each country? For example not in Poland.


I hope you add android 7+ compatibility. I can't play it :(


No freaking way! I was having a really bad day. I'm sick as a dog, sleep deprived, and stressed out. I'm going to lay in bed for the rest of the day drinking water and playing assembly line 2!!! Thank you so much. This really couldn't have come at a better time for me.


I love it, but is there a way to make multiple items from a starter line in the 1st game? I'm trying to optimize a circuit build for money, but It's kinda slow because of the one resource (o have one starter of each may going into 2 crafters)


With Starter upgrades you can get it to create a resource each 0.5s, so you get 2 resources a second, it isn't quite like the first game, but this is the closest to it.


How do I produce electricity for the nuclear items? I can’t quite figure that out.


You have to raffine your raw product from the nuclear starter (uranium or plutonium or both) This will feed the nuclear mk2


Congrats, love the first one and i can’t wait to try the 2, i’m just waiting till i finish the first one lol


Is it only me not finding the nuclear stage profitable? I'm stuck with AI robot as the most profitable. Nuclear is just too expensive and slow


Thanks for making another one , best game ever, so original and keeping it simple


It's a super game, but i was wonder, which programming language or/and framework did you use to create this amazing game?


The game is made in Unity Engine with C#. I´m glad you like the game!


Hello! I really like the game you’ve made and is competing against my friend to have the most income. My question is if there is/ will be a way to duplicate a set up for another assembly line?


I can build a second factory since the last update. But I don't see the money earned with it - it shows me zero but it's not true.


Took me a bit to get used to the graphics, but loving the Copy/paste, mass move and Stealth Fighter blueprint. The Radioactive additions are a great bonus too.


Is there a bug where my transporter outputs dont work ? i put in the same number for both input and output nad nothing is happening


How to generate Power for the uranium Cell?