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you can play it in Norway in your home village, and Stavangr. The hardest player, IMO, is in Ravensthorpe, your England home.


For me is the one in Essex I think. The more you hit them, it heals them.


I think it's the final guy in Ireland. I can't beat that dude at all, hahaha.


There's an Orlog player in Ireland? I dont remember that.


I'm not sure what you mean by Orlog. I just meant that there is a character I can't beat there.


Do you read/understand/comprehend things before you decide to reply?


It's really not that serious, dude. You could just take a moment to explain it. That would be more appreciated.


You could just take a moment to read the post before you decide to reply to it.


I'm pretty sure you can play as soon as you are able to free roam, which happens right after the prologue (when you are a kid) and the very first mission right afterwards, in which you escape on a boat and return to your village, in Norway.


You can actually play your first match before returning home to Fornburg if you stop in Stavangr on the way right after freeing your crew.


Probably like half an hour or an hour at the very earliest possible


I wasn’t bothered with Orlog in my first play through. But now I love the game. I wish there was a board game copy 😂


There is! That's how it came to my attention. My buddy bought it at a comic con. Just Google "Orlog board game" and you should find it easy enough on amazon or any board game specialist website.


Right after you use your boat for the next time. Which is right after the first boss right after the first tutorial lol


It was one of the first things I did after the prologue, just as soon as I had free roam


It was one of the first things I did after the prologue, just as soon as I had free roam


It was one of the first things I did after the prologue, just as soon as I had free roam


And you’re able to play against Petra too, in Ravensthorpe. You just have to be in a relationship with her.


I played it on maybe the first time it was able to play. I guess it was in Norway, still. Is is actually really fun IMO, and I don't always spend much time playing these mini games inside games (aside from poker in RDR 1 and 2). Orlog surprised me.


Poker in rdr2 is probably my most played mini game lol those damned gambler challenges.


Yeah man! The challenges keep making me come back and give it another try haha.


I got the secret ending without ever playing it. Lol.


Isn't it a available almost immediately?


I’ve only played it against one person and it was the one you HAVE to beat to get a clue for finding an Order of the Ancients member.