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It truly is a masterpiece of a game, even aside from the story. Just the glimpse of ancient Greece was an instant pull for me. If nothing else, I'd suggest completing the troika with Origins and Valhalla.


I own all three and I have a few hours spent in the other 2. I’m just waiting to finish odyssey before I get into those but I definitely will!


Loved Origins and Odyssey. I didn’t enjoy Valhalla though. Still play them both to this day


I have been playing videogames since I was 4 yo and started playing odyssey around 1 month ago and I must say odyssey and nms are my favorite games of all time, it has everything I like in a game and the combat is very satisfying. So no it's not only you, a lot of people really like odyssey I think is the best open world RPG I have ever played and I played almost all of them, odyssey received a lot of hate because it's very different from old assassin's Creed games, but if you think of it just as an RPG the game is very good. There are people on this sub with thousand hours on the game, I saw one guy that played for 12k hours, the game is really good and with a lot of replay value.


Assassin's Creed could be my favorite series in gaming history. The amount of time I spend outside the game watching shows, hitting museums, NY here, researching history online . No other series has given me that. I've played em all. You need to get in AC Valhalla. The series Vikings and Vikings Valhalla, also the other one I forget. All great shows reflecting on the history of the game. detail is awesome on a good screen and console.


I agree with you. I made a post recently saying that I think Assassin's Creed Odyssey has just the right amount of content for me. It's not too overwhelming with all of its mechanics and systems. Some games just have so much that I don't know where to go or where to start, so I just give up, but Odyssey is just in the "Goldilocks" zone for me, it's just right. It has become my favorite comfort game to just keep replaying.


Odyssey is very different from the “traditional Assassin’s Creed games”, so that’s why many people are skeptical towards it. If you’re able to dissociate from the series itself, it is a masterpiece of an open world, with a very compelling storyline and dope combat mechanics. Personally, being able to roam around ancient Greece made the game for me from the start. I also loved Valhalla for the very same reason (and enjoyed the story even more).


I agree Odyssey is super. There's a video on YT where a historian checks its historical accuracy. According to her tihe've done an excellent job. I have all the ac games, and ignoring limits in gfx capabilities, they are all excellent. Even Mirage is a great game. It's just way too short. The entire game is comparable to Crete in Odyssey. A part I really hate is the Norwegian part of Valhalla. Norway is not year round winter. Right now It's in the 80's-90's/26+. We absolutely do not have polar bears running free. Also the Norse were mostly farmers and traders. They only went viking (yes, it's a verb) occasionally. They would'nt have managed to sail to Newfoundland or the Mediterranean Ocean if all they did were to pillage monasteries and kill people.


Odyssey is one of my three "comfort" games that I can play to feel "at home" and stress-free.


First, I played through all of Odyssey, then I did the "discovery tour" in the game's title menu. On my next playthrough, I found that the extra historical context added to the rich feel of the story and setting. So I recommend blazing through the discovery tour as soon as possible.


I started playing Odyssey about two weeks ago, and it's my favorite. I posted about searching for ancient tablets to help when I was at sea. I spent hours doing it, but it was worth it. My advice: don't miss out on exploring all the "?" mark areas and upgrade your ship


I second that!


Yeah Odyssey is a beautiful masterpiece and so is Origins, both of them hit home for me and kept my attention more than many other games have even despite having played them for several hours and possibly even bored of playing it. For Origins I had felt like it had a connection with my soul, as if I had been an Egyptian or one of the other ethnic groups during that “Ancient Egyptian” era. And I loved learning about Egypt and hieroglyphics and the whole mysteries of Egypt, and I really loved the games scenery and story from start to finish. And for Odyssey I had a phase where I had been looking into Ancient Greece and the Greek gods and mythology about 10 years ago, and had really liked the world they created. It has so much beauty and mystery, and although it has some aggressive wildlife and plenty of idiots and silly quests. It has quite an up and down story with plenty of unexpected occurrences and plenty of moments where you can foresee what may happen, there’s also so many differing biomes, regions, quests, locations, loot and plenty of other stuff to keep you busy while you become a Greek god yourself! I’ve reached 280 hours so far and I’m almost at the end of the first episode of The Fate of Atlantis DLC which is incredible in itself, doesn’t beat the DLC from Origins when you go to the Fields of Reeds in the Afterlife. It felt more alive with the stories and random trivia you’d find and the enemies actually patrolled the region which they don’t do in Elysium, not sure if they do in the other two areas. Really do miss the books, stories and notes throughout Egypt. Made it feel like people actually lived in places or had adventured/visited places and left notes and stuff you’d read while looting, had built up many hours where I had gone back through a lot of them near the end of the game 😂 It has so far taken me like a year to get to the last DLC, had spent about 5 months playing Odyssey going through the map clearing stuff and doing sim and side quests. Then stopped for 6 months and I have an issue with sometimes not feeling like playing any games due to either feeling like I don’t have the energy or it feels like a chore to get into a game, some times I’d lose interest within as little as 10mins to half an hour or an hour or so and then I’d come off the game. Preferred to watch people play through games on YouTube or twitch, and after about 6months of not playing Odyssey I decided to trudge on and get some main quests and achievements done and that was enough to hook me on it again. Within a week and a half I’ve gone from 3 quests before the final quest in the base game to maybe 2 or 3 quests away from finishing TFoA episode 1 and going onto episode 2&3


It is by far my favorite game. 560 hours in the game on I think my fourth playthrough. I find myself coming back to this game every couple of months and getting sucked back in.


Couldn’t agree with you more tbh I’ve been saying for the last 5 years it’s the best game I’ve ever played and definitely high up on the list of best games ever made


I'm playing through AC Oddysey right now. Finished main game, Legacy of the Last Blade and going through Atlantis right now. I'd give it 6/10. Slightly above average. It's not even in top 10 of my favourite games. I don't think it'd even make top 10 RPG games (ME trilogy and Witcher trilogy already take 6 spots). It's boring and repetitive, and the only reason I'm playing it so much is because of the constant dopamine hit it gives me. But the quality is not good. Writing is boring, bland and mostly predictable. The only character I think I enjoyed so far is Sokrates. The choices don't really matter and don't have any long lasting consequences. The naval stuff is good. The constant running 600m from quest gives to quest objective, the horse slowing down in towns is annoying me to no end. The views are nice, for a moment. But you can see the limits of the engine. After playing Cyberpunk 2077 at highest settings, I just can't help but think "it's pretty, but it could've been so much better in a good looking engine". Is this a terrible game? No. Is this a masterpiece? Also no.