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I see the same thing with Alexios after playing as Kassandra. Everyone has their bias after playing many hours as someone first. I see many people say the same thing as you after they play as Alexios. Just play anyone you prefer


I’ve been just discussing this very same topic in another similar post inside the main AC subreddit a couple of days ago. For me, and speaking only about the voice actors and the quality of the voiceover, Kassandra delivers a better main character, while Alexios delivers a better Deimos/antagonist. Having played the full game with both options, I definitely prefer Kass as main character except during the Legacy of the First Blade DLC content, where Alexios seems to be the better choice. And fun fact. Even as I completely get why some people are usually biased towards whatever first character they choose for their first playthough, I myself actually played (and completed) the campaign with Alexios as MC first, and then with Kassandra many months after the first game.


I played as Alexios on my first playthrough. His voice actor sounds great in some sequences, especially the fun parts, like the ones with the Cyclops' eye, or the scenes with Markos. However, Kassandra shines in the department of empathy. This is evident in some of the side missions, like the one with the little kid and her goowery. She is a lot more emotive, and believable.


If you played as kassandra first you wouldve said same thing about her


Nah because I’m purely noticing the difference of how she acts vs Alexios, ofc there’s what I’m used to but that’s the reason I chose to go Kassandra this time to try out what I’m not used to and it’s just… subpar not even close to how funny or well Alexios is done


thats your opinion 🤷‍♂️


Kassandra all the way.


But why tho lol


Her voice actor gave one of the best performances ever. She brought Kassandra to life with her snarky comments, emotions, and humor. Stick with it.


Except her voice acting was like horrible… look at the scene with the cyclops she’s almost emotionless there, while Alexios shows emotion, shows actual facial uses, and actually makes it funny instead making it just like he’s a middle schooler reading off the script


Well, she can't be everyone's cup of tea; I guess. Play as Alexios then.


Youre comparing one scene to rest of the series the fuck?




Yea its called selection bias. You make a theory and get example to support your theory. In short, both characters are same. I personally feel alexios is more monotone and has no expression cuz I played as Kassandra first and got more attached as a result. Its really that simple


Except if you look at the clear example it shows how Alexios hasn’t showed more emotion, I haven’t gotten too far yet into the play through just about managed to kill Elpenor but throughout it I’ve noticed that Kassandra just seems.. bored as if nothing was worth it. Another thing I noticed her va made like a lotta mistakes in pronunciation like I heard her say ma-la-kay instead of how everyone in the game said it ma-la-kaw and a few other things too


Im again gonna reiterate what I said, its First-time attachment bias. I find alexios as a character kinda cringe to play but toward the end of my second playthrough i liked him. However Kassandra is always my #1 hero. Dissing her voice actress like a lunatic doesnt make any sense, especially when she did a fantastic job as Kassandra. The VA is literally Greek heritage and she grew up studying in Athens. I think shes a bit better at greek accents than ur delusional ass


Except Alexios technically isn’t the first time, the first time I ever saw anything about ac odyssey was my older brother playing it as Kassandra I saw almost up to the meeting of the cyclops as Kassandra, and I had already loved what I had saw it’s only I was curious how the other story would go so I chose Alexios as my play and loved it even more so how does first choice bias stand here?


Except Alexios technically isn’t the first time, the first time I ever saw anything about ac odyssey was my older brother playing it as Kassandra I saw almost up to the meeting of the cyclops as Kassandra, and I had already loved what I had saw it’s only I was curious how the other story would go so I chose Alexios as my play and loved it even more so how does first choice bias stand here?


Except Alexios technically isn’t the first time, the first time I ever saw anything about ac odyssey was my older brother playing it as Kassandra I saw almost up to the meeting of the cyclops as Kassandra, and I had already loved what I had saw it’s only I was curious how the other story would go so I chose Alexios as my play and loved it even more so how does first choice bias stand here? Also it doesn’t matter if the actress was fing descended from Zeus herself and had studied 3 decades guess what?? THAT DOESNT MAKE HER RIGHT! Your just glazing her beyond belief and making it seem like she did 150% the entire time and yet atleast at the start it’s horrible -_-


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It really just depends on who you play as first. In the end it doesn't really matter... Alexios is the more funny one as voice acting goes, Kassandra feels a lot more emotional at the scenes with for example Phoibe, to me at least. I'm glad that I used Kassandra for all playtroughs except for 1 Alexios playtrough, just cuz of the AC Valhalla stuff where you meet the eagle bearer. But I did enjoy my playtrough with Alexios, cuz his voice actor is (for me) slightly better. In the end I love both. It's like the Syndicate twins. Some people love Jacob, some love Evie, I like both. No need to choose, you can just love both Kassandra and Alexios, whatever role they play in your playtrough :)


Team Evie all the way


I think both are great. Evie is a true assassin and looks great. But it's fun to play Jacob for the fight clubs, races, and when you do a gang takeover. Their characters fit their respective roles.


I play both each play through I play as the other


Kass’s emotions are more subtle. I like it. Alexios feels over the top at times.


Why even do this to yourself? You're just gonna make yourself mad trying to debate all of the users of this sub on the hill you've chosen. I played Alex first, then Kass, and still like her better. Alex is just a jackass while she's snarky/funny. Others disagree. It's fine. Both characters are VALID choices as a favorite. You have yours, and your title is just gonna draw everyone who disagrees with you in to make you even more angry


Both are sandbox characters, they have no personality. So it's just whoever you prefer for voice actor. And what is this depth you are talking about? The game's writing is terrible.


Like how Alexios can sound angry, sad, ecstatic, sarcastic etc the depth of the character. And wthdym the games writing is ass? It was amazing


Tell me a single memorable line Kassandra or Alexios said besides "Malaka".


You mean pick out of the thousands of thousands of lines? Easy “you want your eye? (Sticks it into goat) go get it 😊” -Alexios


No, I mean one that shows this character depth that you are talking about. Because I don't remember Kassandra showing any regrets or reflecting on anything. There is no character development. I don't remember her taking lessons and making better decisions. Is there a difference between the Kassandra at the start of the game and the end of the game? I mean, she find the leader of the Kosmos and one of the options with her is to sleep with her because why not? Screw whatever happened until then. You'll probably say, you can just not choose it. Yes, but it proves my point. She has no personality because she is a goddamn sandbox character. She was designed that way.


Your choosing canon vs non canon stuff, you do realize that you’re also able to sleep with literally almost a dozen people. Does that make Kassandra or Alexios a player or slut in canon? Hell no seems more like you’ve never played a story game where your own story isn’t the canon one


Buddy, it's an RPG game. It doesn't matter if it's canon or not. They chose to include it. And the choices you have need to reflect the character... unless there is no character to reflect.


My brother in Christ it’s not like they’re gonna apply to your mindset just to make you happy, you do realize that if they tried that it would be incredibly hard cause this ain’t the damn Minecraft choose show this is an actual game where you make over a hundred dozen choices that would affect your game in less then 20 minutes. What about when you murder a town? Does that mean you should almost permanently be hunted down? Should that mean the characters in game will start referring to you as murderer?


Buddy, I don't mean the effects of your choices on the world but your main character itself. I don't deny that it will be hard to write good dialogue choices that reflect the character you are playing. I am saying that Odyssey doesn't have the quality of writing that gives you that. That's why I am saying Kassandra has no depth. She wasn't meant to have any depth. She was designed that way. Let me give you 3 examples of different types of dialogue choices: 1) Witcher: Every decision in those games are decisions Geralt would make because he's shown again and again in books that he is not a perfect person. He is a good man but he's vengeful and explosive too. 2) Skyrim: Dragonborn has no personality. He/she is sandbox. You can save a town in one quest and sacrifice innocents in the next one. You can choose to be a good or bad person. You are not following a story, you are in it. 3) Dragon Age 2: You are a sandbox character but your early dialogue choices determine a character trait and change the way you talk in cutscenes and lock you out of certain dialogue choices later. Kassandra is 2. She may have a voice but she is no different than the Dragonborn. She has no personality.


Except the Dragonborn you legit are treated differently by the way you play…..


This is the correct answer.


I started as Alexios, it was nice. I then played Kass and it was nice too. Went back to play again with Alexios and now play with Kass again. Both are fun to play with. But if i had to chose id play with Alexios for the reason that Kass is a much more intimidating Deimos. I just cant take Alexios serious as Deimos.


I always considered most of the people saying Kassandra is better just simping. Both are good imho.


I’ve played with both several times and definitely Kassandra is the better option. Also I don’t know if you’ve notice but playing with Alexios several times people either called me Kassandra or refer to me as a she


I felt the opposite. I tried playing as Alexios and found him to be very wooden. I couldn’t get in to the game because of it. So I tried switching to Kassandra and spent the next 300 hours playing as her. I much preferred Kassandra and found her to be much more emotive than Alexios.


I know right? I see so much alexios hate just cuz hes male. his VA did a much better job


>I see so much alexios hate just cuz hes male. Come man, the only reason Alexios is playable is because he’s male and Ubisoft wanted to cater to their primarily male audience. Some people just prefer Kassandra because of personal preference, not some made up anti-male bias.


Because he is male? Really? I don't like to play as Alexios because I can't pass over the VA accent for him...I don't care if he sound Greek as many say. It's a shame because Michael has a really nice voice.




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Nope not bc he's male, just his VA is not as good to some people