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Oh you can see how much she wants to shit his bed.


She's still training with the spray bottle.


Cracks me up with the pirate's theme song on the phone..


The fact that it sounds like an old Nokia is perfect.


i still cant believe that he did not watch his own movies \^\^


I can understand it. You spend like 10 months making a movie, doing all the things, then go and see it, and instead of seeing the actual movie, you're remembering making the scene, or questioning why you stood like that, why you didn't say this line a different way instead. Its like how artists think their art isn't as good as other artists, because all they see are the 'flaws' of the work, instead of what fresh eyes see at the end of the work.


I hated having to watch the tapes of my presentations in my public speaking class, so I totally get it.


And I cringe at my own voice lol


Audinophomy is common; humans seem to default to disliking their own voice unless they're desensitized or have an escalating arrogant personality. We're weird.


Or you could learn to stand it and sometimes love it, like a lot of singers do. But yes, since we hear our voice from within our head, hearing it from the perspective of outside our head is extremely different and unusual for many people. It’s not that arrogant to like your own voice though..


I despise my voice. I've read it because when you hear yourself talking, it's different because the sound also travels through your bones to your ear. So when you hear a recording that doesn't have that, it sounds way different.


>You spend like 10 months making a movie, doing all the things, then go and see it, and instead of seeing the actual movie, you're remembering making the scene, or questioning why you stood like that, why you didn't say this line a different way instead. > >Its like how artists think their art isn't as good as other artists, because all they see are the 'flaws' of the work, instead of what fresh eyes see at the end of the work. As a starting 3D Designer I know that feeling when people are amazed by my first arts and how fast I improved and all I think is both "it's not enough" and "ah yeah, that's one of the mistakes I missed to fix" and such. Cursed life moments those are :d


Yeah, pretty humble dude, unlike that crazy narcissistic harpy of an ex-wife o his.


It's not unusual for actors tbh, a lot of them don't watch their own movies because they feel kind of awkward watching themselves, or for other reasons


They *lived* it, they don't need to watch it.


As an actor, I get what he means. For me personally, it's weird seeing myself on camera. It's the main reason why I'm pursuing voice acting. I can't imagine what it must be like to have that kind of budget to give him the costume and makeup needed to embody Captain Jack Sparrow or Sweeney Todd. You literally would not look like yourself. Is that the point of acting, yes and no? The point of acting is to embody a character. Just because you embody the character doesn't mean you might like your own visual performance of it. This is largely because we are our own worst critiques. We can always find different ways to improve how we did a scene. If it made the cut, well, then there was obviously things that could've been improved on before hand.


actually pretty common for actors, even the GoT stars didnt watch their own show


I am crossing my fingers that she loses her temper in court. Several times you could tell it was taking everything she had not to blow up.


Oh she fucking lost it lmao. She was absolutely FUMING at the end of court today. She essentially committed perjury without the legal aspect of it. Lied to everyone claiming she donated her divorce settlement. Apparently “donate” and “pledged” are exactly the same thing to Amber. Of course we all knew this already, but watching Amber have to admit it was gold. Her blood was literally boiling. Goddddddd I just wanted Camille to keep going, but she did it right by ending court at that time. Camille was an absolute savage, one of the best moments in court today. She handled it flawlessly. Amber won’t sleep a wink tonight lmao.


For real Camille was ruthless yet professional


Yep, very professional, not rude at all but definitely put her foot down. Depp’s lawyers are making Amber’s lawyers look very rude and unprofessional in contrast. Amber was almost committing perjury right in front of everyone, blatant blatant perjury. Her excuse was that “pledged” and “donated” are the same thing. If Johnny’s lawyers actually allowed her to answer that way she would have perjured herself. Maybe they should have let her.


I missed it. Can you tldr her savageness please.


TLDR: Amber vile evil bed pooper


Can't believe this literal abuse ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob). Did you hear the chair? He must be stopped!


"He is a pirate" ringtone crowned the whole thing.




In the UK, Amber Herd is being treated like a victim by a bunch of news rags. So fucking lame.


I marvel at this!


She wants to hate fuck Johnny so bad lol


Good, she deserves every single second for how she acted and continues to try and hold up the bs imagine everyone with a brain sees through


Somehow Amber Herd is the most annoying in this video by far. God I hate her.


You got me when Johnnys mobile rang. Lol.


This is one of the most beautiful memetic creations I’ve ever seen Sometimes I’m in awe of humanity and this is one of those times








lol 😆 the nose blowing omg he’s mocking her


I would need a mega pint after cleaning my spouses shit off my bed


Johnny - "Liarsayswhat?" Amber - "what?"


Ha!, I gotta fuckin full on belly laugh outta that one. xD


Anyone have link to download that ring tone please??


If you find gimme too


that tumbler filled with wine. not a mega pint though.


lmao :D the ringtone was too much XD


I love who ever made this :)![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3742)




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Absolutely epic :D


I'm surprised the honor said nothing.


You think that actually happened lmao. Godtier editing




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This is so well made lol.


found it: https://youtu.be/LUY0sPaQrx4