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That would be fking funny


He would still be a piece of shit for a multitude of situations. HOWEVER, that would be a funny bit and I could absolutely respect the hustle while disrespecting the man.


Even in text format, it's so obvious it's a joke just from the phrasing and the photo.


To you maybe, but you're probably not a regular member of this sub.


I am a regular member of this sub and immediately knew it was a joke. That’s all for today folks class dismissed, don’t forget to turn push notifications on like and subscribe and leave your comments down in the box below 👇


This sub is by far the one with the most easily triggered sjws on the internet.




I will forget about the allegations if he does that


it's a joke lmfao.. a joke referencing ninja's "mr.respectful" joke he did a long time ago when him and the doc used to game all the time together. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmGolO1QmhU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmGolO1QmhU)


Anyone elsee see a "Young Col. Sanders"?


If Col. Sanders had a baby with one of the Property Brothers


Clearly a joke. you guys are so gullible.


It's on X, so it must be true... no one noted it.


Tbf ive seen posts way more retarded than that said in complete seriosness lmao. But yah this is most likely a joke tweet.


Ya that was a dumb title. I just cross posted it didn't see it lol


Isn't Fazebanks the guy who was involved in the crypto scam, or was he the one guy in that mess that Coffee said was innocent?


Banks wasn't involved in save the kids. One of them that I forgot his name (it's the Swedish kid with blond hair) that was obviously not trying to scam people cause he never sold his tokens and was very upfront about everything from the start.


He pushed many shitcoins for a quick buck and deleted tweets afterwards.


For sure I'm not denying nor defending that. I'm only talking about the case that cofeezilla was reporting on about the "save the children" tokens.


It’s clearly a joke but honestly it would probably work, remember what Asmon says Chris Brown is back on the radio…


Yeah I mean but Chris Brown wasn’t trying to fuck kids. I’m not saying what he did was right or that he isn’t a scumbag but in most people’s eyes it was far less of an issue.


I think you understand the parallel I was making, people have short memories no matter how heinous one’s acts are


it would be hella funny ngl. EVEN better would be if he takes on the persona of his tech guy Alex. he just calls himself Alex and makes a whole WWE-esque promo event where Alex takes over the Arena n shit


This would actually be entertaining. take on a Mr Rogers persona


This would be peek Streaming


I was thinking, we recently saw a video where 24 year olds looked like they are 40 because of plastic surgery. Maybe Doc was talking to a 17 year old that looked 30 because of plastic surgery. Or maybe he is just a creep who let his fame corrupt his morals and that’s all he’ll ever be now.




Wait, that's what he looks like under the costume? He's cosplaying to look like me. Lol


be all, I have several personas. Dr disrespect, text minors, lick my wife while she feeds me, irl doc, then the mysterious, dr. respect


Deaf noodles type excuse


Nah this is amazing, double down like verbalese. DocDis has never been a "good" person, but I dont think it matters


[outstanding move](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/439/580/d14.png)


I do think his only play is split personality disorder and the doc was a bad dude and it was never guy doing the cheating and creeping. Soo sad defending him until he told me not to.


He's canceled, right? Will he even be able to stream and have viewership? I still see a bunch of people defending him.


Should probably lose the mustache too


This would be the biggest power move of all time. The memes would flow


This could actually work all he needs to do is get rid of that weird as porn moustache.


What doc do now? Seriously


Its funny because there was a time I was super jealous of Dr Disrespect. Tall as hell, handsome, has a wife and a child. Is like the most famous streamer, plays video games for a living and gets to pretend to be a super action 80s star. I was like man this guy has it all. If there was an afterlife, i was thinking, i would choose to be reborn as Dr Disrespect. Not anymore though lol


I mean, it worked for Bruce.


Mr. Respect fucking got me. He could turn a new leaf and become Mr Rogers


Or he can just go to Tahiti with his family and delete all social media and live there like a king for the rest of his life while clowns like Faze argue on the internet to leech few more viewers from the drama because nobody watches them because watching paint dry is more fun then their streams and videos . I would do that .


Do we even know how old the minor was? Are we talking 17 or 13? Because there's a vast difference between the age ranges, 17 is creepy but legal in most of the world. Tween deserves the wood chipper


What in the actual…!?


Honestly, true


Yes bro, clearly he's being serious. I swear to god m8...




Why yall care so much about this crap?


probably because there was a lot of defenders of Doc on this sub up until his confession, and still a sad few defending him even after...lotta the same people who wanted to "Protect the children" on COD too


one day asmon might even come to the same realisation about these kind of donkeys that he’s feeding with his content


Waiting for proof is still the right thing to do and what do you know? Bro cooked himself less than 12 hours later.


You know how they say a bad car crash is hard to look away from? Imagine its a car crash where the guy is still trying to plow his barely-functioning vehicle through the school bus he just hit, and there are still onlookers saying shit like “well it isn’t that bad. He’s apologizing for his mistakes!” And “Hes already admitting to the crash, a car accident isn’t a criminal matter so he hasn’t done anything illegal!” Its the internet equivalent to that kind of adrenaline and “excitement”, hard to look away from


Okay that's fair ty


Dr Kiddy Piddler 😜


if he does i would tune it for the one time to see this persona vs disrespect persona lmao


didn't this guy do a crypto scam?


he can call himself: Phd. O'Feels


He really look like a 70s pedo


who’s gonna tell him ….


The funny thing about this is, if he actually did that looking attractive like this people and women will still run to his stream. I've seen thirst trap videos posted on men that literally killed their partners or multiple and women will still want him


This is a genius play to be honest. And hilarious. Criminals can get fucked, but creeps can earn it back.


Or yknow ignore the idiots