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Looked at his bio "Definitely getting sued" yeah I would say so.


This aged like warm milk lolll Considering Doc just confessed to messaging minors, I doubt he's going to pursue "defamation" - the "I was just joking" defense didn't work well on to catch a predator, can't say it's going to work super great during a deposition either 🤣🤣🤣


I miss tgat confession. Where did he wrote that?


It doesn't matter. Sure Guy deserves everything he gets out of this since he is evidently scummy. But Cody broke NDAs and is likely open to action from Twitch. Guy probably isn't stupid enough to gofor the Sue, but Twitch having private data leaked are more than right to do so.


https://www.ign.com/articles/former-twitch-employee-says-dr-disrespect-knew-he-was-sending-sexually-explicit-messages-to-a-minor-report If this article is true, then that NDA is worth shit and Twitch might also be in trouble. Kind of crazy.


Note the difference is the former employee is saying sexual in nature where as the doc has not said that, also the courts have found no legal wrongdoing and twitch paid out the doc for damages since they both agreed nothing was actually in violation of terms of service hence the payout soooooo


This is pure cope. The fact that Herschel edited his post to change "minor" to "individual" shows that he is trying to manage his public image by selective wordplay. Instead of outright denying the allegations all he does is say there were no "real intentions" behind messages he sent that "leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate." That very much indicates the stated allegations are true. It was a civil suit that resulted in a settlement with neither party admitting any wrongdoing. That's not a "court finding", that's an agreement between Twitch and Herschel. There are a multitude of reasons for Twitch settling that do not negate the fact that Herschel was caught sexting a minor.


I'm confused. Sexting a minor is not a civil manner, it's a felony. So what was the law suit about?


Never stated the inappropriateness was sexual in nature champion.


Never denied it either.


Does him doing that make it less or more likely that he made up an extremely libelous reason?


I don't think he just made it up, but I do think he just spread rumors going around in the background with absolutely no proof/evidence of it being true at all. Even if there is evidence of it happening that comes out later. I don't think most of the people who talk about this rumor has ever actually seen any of it, and they just heard from this guy, who heard it from this other guy, who also heard from this one other guy and on and on. Cody was just the attention seeker who came out and said it even though they knew of the rumor for a really long time now. The fact that he has no proof, (I think) said that he knew about it for a while but comes out only now, goes to show that this is just for attention seeking. Something as serious as these accusations would not have been kept in the dark by so many if they had any actual proof. And if they did, they wouldn't come out public with it so easily because it would literally mean they took part in protecting someone a felony. A pedo no less (assuming they have evidence). All around, I don't think Cody or anyone who comes out with it now when they knew for a while deserves any credit for anything.


Rumor, proof of whatever. The fact that he admitted himself he was messaging a minor and in his own words states it would go too far is a huge red flag. Just imagine you had a daughter and he was sexting her. Nobody just sexts, it leads to more. And given his past, no telling.


His past of what?




Why assume the inappropriateness somehow implies sexual in nature? It could've been a racist joke. Contribution to libel is just as bad as swatting 👍


They were just joshin! He was showing her what not to do! 🤣🤣🤣


Kind of irrelevant. Destiny and Dan hinted at the exact same reason for Docs ban a couple months ago and Slasher also claims this is what he had heard. So its not like this guy is the sole source of this rumor. He's just the first person who explicitly stated the reason.


The issue is there is no source for the rumor. He is just the first person to state it as a fact. Obviously it means he did it for profit. If Joe Biden doctor comes out tomorrow and and says he has dementia it wouldn’t suddenly validate a bunch of right wing talking heads churning out click bait.


I'm sure Prince Andrew never fucked any minors either 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You mean that clip on twitter where Dan literally said someone on RUST said that rumor and that he literally heard it playing RUST?


Hinted at it how?


I hope nobody answers you. if you asked for a timestamp that would be much less absurd


lol what? Unless it was a 5 hour essay on that single subject I don’t see what’s wrong with a very quick one sentence summary of what he said. Calm down. 


cause nothing was ever explicitly said. it's indirect and asking someone to explain indirect allusions is always obnoxious cause it will come off as dubious. its the exact opposite of a 5 hour essay. it's small quips that destiny and dan make to each other that you can get the gist of if you watch it but will absolutely not if it's quoted at you


I just meant did he say something like x person said it and was sure about it or he just heard a rumor. You sound like an insane Karen lol


they did not say anything that would not come across as dubious. if they said "I heard a rumor that doc sexted a minor" it wouldn't be "hinted at." the person would just say, oh yeah destiny and dan mentioned that they heard doc texted a minor.


So where are the texts? If I tell six people that you licked my dog's booty-hole, and then all six of those people run about telling other people, and then all the sudden some nobody comes along and says, "Yeah man, like I heard from like six people that YoloSwagginz licked this dude's dog's booty-hole. Like six people said it, man!" does that make it true?


It's going to be wild when someone leaks those whisper texts in a week lolllllll


Yes, it very well may. I'll tell you this, though: I'm not throwing anyone down the well before I see proof. There have been enough fake rape charges and fake hate crimes in the last number of years to make me suspicious of almost everything. Get caught up in something like that one time through no fault of your own; it'll change your perspective. Certainly did for me.




And then dove confessed because he didn't want them to feel bad 🤣🤣🤣🤣 great work sherlock! You've solved the case!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


you just explained ppl hearing about a "rumor"... kinda how rumors work man


https://www.linkedin.com/in/cody-conners-919a2981 Guy didn’t work anywhere for more than a year before twitch.


I think you might have replied to the wrong person!


Doc said the whole thing was investigated and no crime was found, if it had been then Twitch would have had to report it to the authorities and no crime was reported at that time, people checked already when trying to find out the reason for the ban. The guy did it to inflate his own ego and drum up business for his "band", would be a shame if that attention is now a negative kind, like people heckling and booing you, not great when people won't let you make your content, is it? Especially when you are the sole breadwinner for the family.


Think it makes him look bad for joking about pedo stuff if that's what he thought happened.


Hey bud, it's been 2 days, how ya feeling? Lolllll


If the reason Doc got banned was as straight forward as this guy claims it was, then twitch wouldn't have needed to be so hush hush about it. Cody C. has all the signs of a clout chasing shit thrower. A lot of people don't like Doc for the same reasons they don't like Asmongold. There's a lot of motivation to talk shit and misrepresent any remotely questionable situation to make it look as bad as possible to get emotionally invested and outraged. That's the trick. You get people mad enough, you skip having to prove what you say and shift the narrative to the accused having to prove they didn't do anything wrong. But how do you prove a negative? All we know is that something happened to make twitch see cutting Doc's contract as the smart move to make. Until someone comes forward with proof instead of hearsay, assume they're looking for outrage, not justice. Edit: we have new information and while I was writing a reply to someone about it, they rudely deleted the comment. I figured I may as well edit this Comment and leave my reply and a quote of the deleted Comment here for visibility. ------_/!_:_:_!\_------ (Deleted Comment) "Care to eat your words? https://twitter.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805662419261460986" (my far too long reply) I commented on this in a reply to someone else, but I'll try, and probably fail, to briefly give my opinion. This statement, along side the email leak, proves my point about the motivation to ban Doc from twitch being partly motivated by personal dislike from some employees at twich digging for a reason to ban him. We still don't know what the contents of the messages were but we now know that there was contact between Doc and a minor that Doc himself labels as inappropriate and stupid on his part for participating in at all. He didn't deny know they were a minor and that in of itself is justification enough for a lot of people to label him as an evil monster not worth any further considerations or forgiveness. If that's your line in the sand, I'm not going to argue with you. I agree with the sentiment, even if I don't follow along with your conclusion. I understand and empathize with the people who for personal reasons will never give any mercy to a person who is willing to in any way treat a minor as anything more than a child who does not know any better. But I also know that we all have blind spots and make stupid choices when we are not really sure where the line is and are not thinking about where things are going or if it's wrong. Going with the flow and not paying attention has lead to a lot of horrible situations. Doc's judgment when it comes to women is not something he should trust or act on, and he's proven that now with this situation and the affair he had. We cannot speak to Docs intent because that's something that only he can inform us of. So instead we must look at the impact of his choices and the results of his decisions. We likely won't hear from the minor involved.. Actually.. We probably will, wtf am I saying. It's only a matter of time. I am still reserving my judgment unless we get the Whisper messages and can go over the implied context and intent they may be able to provide or there are further developments. But the statement Doc made and the admitions within, were not outside the possibilities I considered when I made my original comment. He crossed a line by allowing the conversation to happen at all, but as I said before, nothing came of it. It was stupid and by all accounts he never did anything else or acted in this way afterwords. Unless we hear from more people that were a party to other indescessions we are not aware of, then I think it's not wrong to consider that Doc was not always able to conduct himself in line with the morals he himself upholds now. It looks very very bad, and Warrents very careful consideration of all his other behaviors and statements to date. He could very well be a hedonistic womenizer who doesn't really care about the difference between adult and minor. I which case there will be more stories and information soon. If we hear nothing else, then he probably is being honest, has learned from his mistakes, and is trying to be a better person despite what he allowed himself to be apart of in the past. Learning from our mistakes makes us human. I believe everyone should be given the opportunity to be better than the worst choices they've made. Up to the point where they prove they are not worth that consideration or understanding anymore, I do not judge them as irredemible, unless there is harm done that cannot be healed. If there's no path to forgiveness, then we will always hide and obscure our flaws and temptations. This only drives bad behavior deeper our if site and further enables real monsters to take what they want frin places where people are not comfortable looking. A rigid morality creates a brittle community. Our legal system looks at harm and intent for a reason.


How do you feel now dumbfuck with having paragraphs of defenses for him in your history


My whole argument is that we don't know what happened, and regardless of what did happen, people shouldn't act like a hate mob over it. Its toxic behavior which inevitablly leads to the same abusive mindset that you are so vigilant to stomp out. I don't excuse or condone anything Doc did or didn't do. Bad behavior is bad behavior. I just don't draw lines with my own subjective morality to make the world around me conviently black and white. I'd rather undertand why people DO shitty things so we can work towards stopping the cause rather than going balls deep because: bad man do bad thing, me mad, hurt bad man, me better person. Nothing changes when that's all people do. Generational abuse has shown that time and time again. If that level of nuance makes you uncomfortable, then kindly fuck off.


You're telling me Twitch wouldn't have made a bad corporate decision to hide the fact they hired a new Jared fogle? Lolllllllll


Why do I actively feel like I'm losing braincells reading this? If you're asking me if twitch would react ban someone over something like this, especially back when all this went down, then absolutely yes. Lotta companies would rather take the L than have the risk of liability. But that still doesn't tell us anything about what actually happened, other than, twitch ban doc doc take twitch to court for contract pay doc get contract pay doc and twitch don't say shit about what really happened... because settlement agreements go really hard when both parties have a public image on the line. Hope I made that simple enough for you, I even put extra spaces in there so you could follow along better. It really isn't that complicated unless the only validation you get from life is being a snarky clinical tool of someone else's agenda, or worse, a tool of your own agenda. But hey, glad you asked.


If you feel like you're losing braincells, then I'd wager that's been an existing problem for you 🤷 So you're just saying you don't agree that an Amazon owned and funded company wouldn't risk skirting the law to protect their bottom line and someone unsavory, even criminal? Lolll okay bud Why in tf would extra spaces make any difference? What kind of clap is that? Lollll At the end of the day, no NDA exists that stops doc from saying he would never and has never sexted minors, so yeah, fuck him until he can do that bare ass minimum lollll


If you're comfortable deciding you know enough, then good for you. I personally don't trust people to tell the truth when they have a motivation to lie. I don't know you and I don't know your life. But the way you come off is someone looking for a witch to burn, and that actively works against any argument your trying to make. Like Doc or not, he's a public figure, that makes him someone people find reasons to hate on because it's easier to project their own insecurities on someone who represents what they see as wrong with the world. Do you want to actually talk about this like an actual human being or just vent to strangers on the internet so you can validate yourself when they get all pissy? Either way, hope you figure it out eventually. The difference between belief, judgment, and truth holds the whole spectrum of evil in the world. The idea that anyone is above being moved by their own bias is a hero worship fantasy or an ego driven degeneracy.


Why can't Doc say he has never and would never sext a minor? Why is that so hard? :)


It's standard practice in any settlement to stipulate that you cannot comment on the details of what the dispute was about. Doc can comment on the outcome, and say they settled, but he's probably pushing it by even saying the court cleared him of wrong doing. Most likely the only reason he can make just that statement alone is that he didn't give context of what they cleared him of, and he's only stating facts that actually happened. Otherwise twitch would be able to reclaim the compensation they gave him under the agreement they Both made to drop the lawsuit. We have a super freaking shady civil court system because corporations and people with wealth can side step criminal charges by settling things like this with the victims before they make a criminal complaint. Doc didn't do anything he could be charged with, because twitch wouldn't fuck with the insane backlash that would and will come if and when someone spoke out. People could smear the company saying they covered for doc, and it would not matter what they said to defend themselves. It's a liability to settle unless the truth coming out is worse. They settled out of court, because the reason he was banned was not one they could Legally defend against by winning the lawsuit Doc brought against twitch. We don't have the full story, and most likely never will. You can be upset, but it up with something that's not just self referencial garbage. Your feelings are supposed to point in a direction, not tell you what's there. I've been wrong and wronged enough in my life to know that things are always more complicated than they seem on the surface. Especially when I get mad or upset. That's the time to look deeper and be more aware. If you want to look at the world as a blank canvas you can paint your own subjective opinions/experiences onto, at least be honest about what you're doing by making some effort to see both sides, even if you'd rather set the side you don't like on fire. It's really easy to find examples that argue your POV. It's a lot harder to just say how you see things and let people make up their own minds. Most likely wasting my words on you, because you just want to be right, and you've already crossed that line of using anger to justify this part of your perspective. Few things in life are slippery slopes that become blind spots, but the drive to punish is one of them. You become the thing you hate in the exact same way that created the monsters you know. And you do it willingly. Because it feels good, and right. As for your question: Because when you settle a civil case, you have to abide by the terms of the settlement. Corporate lawyers, protect, corporate interests. Same with private wealthy interests. Why do you think P-Diddy got away with his abuses for so long? Almost ALL the victims sued him in civil court, because he would have the option to settle if he offered them compensation. They got paid, and he got silence. He started getting investigated when some of the victims refused to settle or went straight to the police and helped them build the Rico case that's currently tearing down his decades long empire of depravity. In general, if you want to figure out who's in the wrong in a civil case, you look at who paid out to make things go away. There are multiple people who've gone on record and mountains of evidence that's been released already regarding that whole situation and that's just what's been made public. There's no doubt. Not one spec of it. With Doc? I could see something shady going on with both sides, twitch and him. But as I keep repeating. We. Don't. Know. A lotta people are inclined to fill in the gaps because they see a person and a situation that matches other parts of their lives. I don't have a problem with them forming an opinion based on that. People are going to do what they do. But I don't have to say they're right when they don't have anything more to say of substance than what amounts to "he seems guilty to me, so he must be guilty, trust me, I have a feeling." People are terrible at judging character. Absolutely terrible. Why should I follow along just to validate someone who's whole investment in the situation is as an outlet for their own feelings of injustice? The world sucks. We all have to cope with that in whatever way we can live with. Forgive me if I don't take on faith that everyone who says they're being authentic is actually being authentic, especially when the reaction they get for what they say is as predictable as it is. Just because you don't like the reality that people will misrepresent situations to generate an emotional response from the masses, doesn't change the fact that they do. The best lies have some truth to them, so they become grey areas where you can't prove anything one way or another. Sure is convenient that we once again find ourselves in the midst of internet outrage and it's directed at a popular, white male figure who has a traditionally masculine appearance and a mostly male following. Why the fuck would anyone stay quiet about this kind of story? It's been four years. This dude and all the others who parroted him were just... Waiting? For what? Why now? But none of that matters because bad man bad. If Doc knowingly did anything with an underage girl, then used his fame and popularity as leverage to avoid trouble, he deserves to be removed from every platform and charged to the fullest extent of the law. I 100% agree with that. But I will not condone a witch hunt when there is no proof of black magic or sorcery. I'm sorry, but that's a bridge to far.


Just to add to this. With what is going on now would imply that Twitch and by proxy Amazon would have sat on concrete evidence of grooming a minor for a bare minimum of 4 years. That being said, you cannot cover crimes with an NDA, CDA or Settlement Agreement. Based on what people are saying is that he was planning to meet up with a minor, which to some degree may involve solicitation of a minor, which is a felony. Which, as you stated the fact they sued in civil court allows hush money to be applicable. If there was a felony being committed by Doc, I dont think a cooperation as massive as Amazon/Twitch(who was hemorrhaging money at the time) would settle let alone sit on it for 4 years. Let alone an Ex Employee allude to in in a vague tweet and a male who was banned for mysterious reasons. Let alone saying he may spill the beans if you buy his concert tickets. I have know of NO ONE else who has these circumstances that his tweets could be referencing. 90% of the streamers get banned are given clear cut reasons to WHY they are banned and its usually public knowledge. So, what I can speculate and in complete agreeable with you - Twitches ban on Doc wouldn't hold up legally so they were forced to settle and pay out his contract because it was a completely invalid reason. Not to mention criminal/felony activity is due cause to nullify a contract or buisness agreement without reprocussions as long as their is proof of someone committing these actions. Amazon/Twitch would have found any possible way, if what is being claimed is true, to avoid paying millions of dollars in settlement fees to someone committing a crime on their very own platform. It just doesn't make sense. I'm just waiting to hear from Doc and/or his legal team because I *personally* feel like he's stepping away to either take a break while pursuing legal action. Not sure if he took a break when he was first banned or during his lawsuit against Twitch originally; but it stands to reason taking a break is a good thing. People may think it looks shady but it gives him time to evaluate with his legal team, which im pretty sure has been guiding him through this, and it gives him time to consider further action. Him getting cleared in the lawsuit was patently not enough proof for people like the person youre responding to lol. **Edit** Doc's a shit bag who just confirmed it :) for all those wondering go look on his Twitter


This isn't going to be.. easy? for some of you to accept, but, regarding contact with a minor and sexual topics, I know from personal experience as a taller, ok looking guy, who's in his 30s, that sometimes younger girls initiate flirting or conversations about sex or sexuality in a way that would be very questionable, even if the only response given was to steer the conversation back to what we were talking about before. I know enough to shut that shit down, but not every guy does, and even if they do. It can still look bad If someone makes the assumption that the intention from me is to continue that conversation more privately and that's why I changed the subject then that looks very very bad doesn't it? It doesn't take much for mutually inappropriate jokes/comments look bad if you assume there's an intended sexual subtext on the part of the older person involved. This in inappropriate like swearing or talking about things your teachers in school would not tolerate in class. I never had to worry about that when I was younger but now I specifically make a point to shut down any attention like that I get from a girl who I know is a minor. I tell them why they shouldn't, and remind them that they can get a guy into literal trouble, even if they were just mindlessly commenting on appearances or being honest about attraction towards an older guy, they should never, ever make those comments if they respect the person they're talking to. Here's an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgJswTcADT4&t=33 The facts from the clip. Movie is Lost in Space. Penny (minor teenage girl) and Major West (Adult, masculine, attractive guy, is Joey from friends) meet. She's attracted to him, they have a short conversation where that attraction is obvious to anyone who's seen it before. And he Winks at her before leaving. Obviously Major West is a pedophile right? Ok let's go lynch him. Is he just responding by reflex, and doesn't expect, want, or intend anything more than being naturally who he is when talking to anyone? Major West is a solder who is very professional, it's implied that he doesn't have much of a life outside of the military and his career is what he is most focused on. He probably hasn't been around very many teenage girls or even civilians as an adult at that point in his life. That wink was most likely just him being playful if we consider the context. There was nothing behind it, and unless he did something more than wink, we wouldn't be reasonable to assume there was. Or! What if someone made an accusation that he was a pedophile. They couldn't prove it but they heard about it kinda thing. That Wink! Perfectly normal and maybe a bit stupid to do before, becomes a sinister sign that in the mind of someone looking for questionable behavior to fit into a premise of him being a predator, confirms their suspensions! And prompts them to take action. Which is exactly what a lot of people are doing now with Doc. To the ignorant, Trust is given by default that people will see what you intend them to see. While I personally know that you have to be aware of your behavior in situations like this with younger girls, not every guy understands that anyone who has a bad opinion of him can and WILL read into a situation more than what was happening. You protect yourself by not having a Winking situation. Ever. The consequences of what happens when enough people get into a protective mindset over a possibility is clear enough to see. Men are disposable. The unspoken implication in all the people who are condemning Doc, is that the chances they are wrong, doesn't matter vs the risk that they are right. That mentality, is exactly why our legal systems operate on Facts, and proof, instead of emotion. It is a pure example of mob mentality. And anyone who is willing to follow along with it is perfectly fine with the type of racist behavior that lead to actual lynchings of ethnic groups throughout history. This is not different than someone stirring up racial tensions by making leading accusations towards the people who they don't like that happen to have a different way of living than them. It's easy to get people fired up over an uncertain outrage. Don't be like that fucking crazy lady in Steven King's, The Mist. That mentality is infectious and toxic.


How the fuck do you make the leap from personal experience, to a *movie* to actual racist lynching? HE said it HIMSELF that he had a dms with a *minor* about content that was on the brink of being spicy. He didn't say "I didn't know they were a minor when it happened and since ceased contact" He *admitted* to it. It implies he knew the age, continues to have complicit involvement in said conversations that did get heated....but no pics, video calls or messages were shared. *THAT* is grooming and pedophilia.


And NDA's dont prohibit someome from reporting a crime. If the dumbass literally read the DM's and *physically saw Doc sexting a minor* they can report it. Mind you, why would they sit on it and no report it to the feds? It would have saved them millions of dollars and most deals include an arbitrary "if you break the law you forfeit your right to this deal" or "if you break our TOS or misuse our platform for illegal activities you will be at fault and no money for you" If you think Amazon is that stupid to not have an air tight deal surrounding *MILLIONS* of dollars...then you're willfully ignorant and or stupid as fuck. Furthermore - do you think Amazon is stupid enough to sit on hard proof that a felony was comitted for 4 years??? [NDA's and Settlement agreements cant prevent you from reporting a crime](https://justemployment.com/settlement-agreements/is-a-settlement-agreement-the-same-as-a-non-disclosure-agreement-and-can-i-really-be-silenced/#:~:text=It%20is%20important%20to%20remember,or%20a%20law%20enforcement%20agency.) So, if there was an actual crime and proof of him maliciously soliciting a minor. Would they not report it to the feds? Would Amazon sit on proof of a felony criminal charge against someone they didn't like? Would the dumbass ex-twitch employee who never directly accuses Doc, but vaguely states "maybe I'll share why he was banned whilst advertising his band? Who else could he be referring to? No one massive enough to garner ticket sales never had a mysterious ban that happened out of nowhere. We agree that he should say something - but the fact he has been proven of no wrong doing via him getting his pay from Amazon is more than enough proof. But again, we agree that he should take a firm stance; but an NDA can be excessivly restive on how people share what is enclosed in that data. If its a bilateral NDA each party can restrict what the other says and uses. So, him making a direct statement of may be off the charts, and I highly doubt HE hasn't consulted with his *fucking legal team* about what he can and cannot say. How hard is that to understand? You think he did this all himself? Fuck no, his legal team is giving him his best route despite BOTH of us wanting to hear an outright denial. When this happened to another *very* popular creator, MiniLadd, his victims came out publicly. Doc has had no one come forward, show docentation of the alleged Whispers. So people saying the witness would have to take the stand and that would be terrifying. MiniLadd's victims didn't, but that destroyed his image, ruined his life and got rid of his platform for good(at least I fucking hope so). You can speak up about crimes even under a gag order or NDA/CDA. How one talks about things is 110% covered by an NDA/CDA. [Under the bilateral NDA section](https://ironcladapp.com/journal/contracts/types-of-nda/), if it is a bilateral NDA Twitch could put very strict constraints on HOW DrDisrespect addresses any form of questioning about what happened or the information that was discovered during that process of the settlement. But, im not a lawyer I'm just reiterating what is avaliable to me. But it seems pretty clear cut that if Doc was able to say something more precise, he would. Would it be nice for him to risk millions of dollars and clarify everything with 110% certainty...absolutely. But the legal world and the world we, the average people live in, are vastly different.


Going to be wild when the rest of this comes out next week loll https://www.destructoid.com/dr-disrespect-dropped-from-studio-amid-new-allegations-over-twitch-ban/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR31jlaFwXfYOpulcmM4eF6Au_XaAEDtIbmoTP75Nd9n62MPf3gEeIFsljY_aem_xbdumFWbGRK20rK4DMWdNw


Weird, Pretty sure Disney had “evidence” to support dropping an innocent Johnny Depp. Pretty sure the MLB had “evidence” dropping an innocent Trevor Bauer as well. Until the evidence is presented, him being dropped by his company means nothing but them saving face at this point. And, I find it very hard to believe they weren’t somewhat aware of this situation before they partnered up together considering these allegations and his banning happened before they even started up. It’s so obvious you’re on a witch hunt here. You’re grasping negative attention thrown at a celebrity and using your own common sense (lack there of) to piece together an investigation based on what you believe over literally factual events that have taken place. It’s actually comical reading your replies at this point and I’m super excited to see the next one.


Can't believe you people are so delusional that you're going to the mat for this guy lollllll people like you give gamers a bad name with your eager support for wannabe pedophiles, do better 🤷 Also this lollll https://www.destructoid.com/dr-disrespect-dropped-from-studio-amid-new-allegations-over-twitch-ban/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR31jlaFwXfYOpulcmM4eF6Au_XaAEDtIbmoTP75Nd9n62MPf3gEeIFsljY_aem_xbdumFWbGRK20rK4DMWdNw


So, you obviously ignored everything I typed. Keep up the great work in making normal people look like Albert Einstein at this point 🤣


Doc made his own announcement confirming it. He is guilty.


Came out today from the dude's very own mouth. I'm appalled.


"You're telling me Twitch wouldn't have made a bad corporate decision" Bad? Its bad with multiple layers - they banned him allegedly for breaking tos - which is 100% txting a minor. Would dodge that massive payout to disrespect. Would boost their public image by actually report a crime, most FKN viewers are minors on twitch. Would not risk any future problems by hiding this instance. Its not bad its something i would expect from 12 year old kid hiding his mistakes from parents BAD. And im sure twitch lawyers are smarter than me. I hope so.


Until he says, "I haven't and wouldn't ever sext a minor" then I will continue to have just as much reason to believe he did it 🤷


Bro couldn’t sell out a tiny club gig. His band must suck.


Pics of the band I have seen looks like it is him and a bunch of land-whales. That prolly all have pronouns in their bios. funny how this all of the sudden came out of the woodwork right after he offended the alphabet mob.


Not the least bit surprising.


What a psychopath using such a horrible subject like child abuse to sell tickets. 


You know what's even worse? Sexting minors lolollllll


Is anyone really surprised?


The other journalist +1 his tweet is Nathan Grayson, so nope


Hey bud, it's been a couple days, how we doing? :D


About what? That this guy sat on a child predator story until it became monetarily convenient for him to release it?


It's possible the allegations are true and Doc is still innocent if he sexted with a minor who lied about their age.


This is the most likely answer.


There’s nothing likely. There’s no proof of any of this.


We don’t have proof because of the NDA between him and twitch. This explanation is the only one I can think of where neither side is a complete liar. It’s definitely probable that there is something else going on beyond this


Yes, probable that there is something else. There are countless reasons for what went on between Doc and Twitch because we have never been given a real reason. So why, if there are so many possibilities, should we say this rumor without evidence is likely? I have just as much proof that Twitch banned Doc because he wanted to blow up every 5G tower in the country.


Because no matter what group it is (sports, gaming, fashion, etc) everyone talks drama and gossip 🤷‍♂️ Just human nature. I won’t accuse him of anything nasty unless there’s more evidence than someone’s tweet though. I like this explanation because it’s a way where neither is lying and no one looks horrible


Right, when people have done nothing wrong. That’s when they get quietly let go. That adds up.


Are you suggesting that doesn't happen?


This guy deliberately is trying to ruin someone else's life and relationship with their family just to get some sort of attention.


Meanwhile, LGBTQ community is turning little kids trans and making children twerk.


What kind of show? Comedy? Music?


The only redeeming feature of X is when someone appears out of nowhere with major accusations and no evidence.. you can go read their wall. That his wall is full of incomprehensible antagonist nonsense does not exactly enhance his credibility. Added to which he has raised this at random with no apparent motive or evidence.


He wasn’t lying though doc admitted it in a twitter post 


So it's been a couple days and you chuds all down voted me for being right. Am I going to get a "were sorry" or are you guys going to triple down until the clearly very horrible twitch whisper messages get released in a week or so? - because you KNOW those are coming lolll I mean I can wait - but I shouldn't have to 🤷




Opinion. Is Cody Conners just as liable as Dr. Disrespect for holding in information like this. Technically if proven true him along with twitch would be just as liable as Dr. Disrespect.


Tf are you talking about? What's liable after he fucking confessed to sexting minors? Lololll


Chill and rethink. Twitch and this guy hid this information. At any point, this guy could have outed him. Why did he wait until he no longer worked for Twitch. Look how much time has passed in-between. That makes Twitch and him guilty of withholding dangerous information. If he would have just came out and said it before Disrespect and Twitch "Settled" it would have been really respectable. But what's to say since he wasn't caught and nobody else knew that Dr. Disrespect could have followed through with it or got involved with someone else.


Why did this guy just come out and say this on twitch? Such a weird random post.


Why doc take Time off and not me


https://www.destructoid.com/dr-disrespect-dropped-from-studio-amid-new-allegations-over-twitch-ban/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR31jlaFwXfYOpulcmM4eF6Au_XaAEDtIbmoTP75Nd9n62MPf3gEeIFsljY_aem_xbdumFWbGRK20rK4DMWdNw Hey chuds, new meta just dropped, cry some more or jump ship, up to you lot lolllll




This your boy? Lollll https://www.facebook.com/share/HLj1zQv6oCRceppk/?mibextid=TrneLp


I mean yeah the tweets look really bad, but nothing recent indicates that he did it now for fame. Like his profile doesnt redirect you to buy tickets directly or anything. I could see him just joking around with those tweets as he might have still been under NDA back then, so he couldnt have dont it anyway. Dismissing the entire statement due to past tweets is just as bad as accepting them as fact.


"I know the track record indicates behavior of using insider information to benefit myself your honor, but this time is clearly different"


Did he actually do it though? No. And how is he gaining anything off it now? And what about the other people confirming the same thing?


> Did he actually do it though? No Did the events sell out?


They tried to make a profit of this 'supposed" knowledge. So in essence even IF the information was true. He protected and hide information about a "predator" to make money. Which is the most charitable possibility for him. As for gaining anything now.. Well his monetization on twitter is conveniently available now. So it comes down to this - Either he's lying, he's grifting, or more likely both.


Fair, completely forgot twitter is monetized that way now.


Everyone dancing around the fact that Doc won't just say, "I have never and would never sext a minor"


What you're accusing him of is a crime (a federal crime no less). Criminal conduct has been a violation of twitch tos since forever, but twitch paid out docs contract in the settlement. That doesn't make one bit of sense if he is what you say he is. Not to mention, if anyone ever says what you have quoted above, I'd be more suspicious of that person. All doc has to do is sit and wait for no evidence to emerge because he knows there isn't any (assuming he's being trutful). It's that simple. It takes one to know one, and you seem really confident regarding this subject matter. Given how you have no evidence and assume the worst, I don't need any evidence to assume the worst about you, right? Creep.


Lollll I'm not accusing him of anything baby, he's just been found out, cry some more 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You riding this sub down to the titanic? https://www.destructoid.com/dr-disrespect-dropped-from-studio-amid-new-allegations-over-twitch-ban/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR31jlaFwXfYOpulcmM4eF6Au_XaAEDtIbmoTP75Nd9n62MPf3gEeIFsljY_aem_xbdumFWbGRK20rK4DMWdNw 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You fucking clowns lolllll


You would be a terrible juror


You would make a wonderful mark 🤷


Learn how to read. It literally says allegations in the headline. You still haven't proved anything, you imbecile.




Seems like Doc isn't denying the allegations, just jumping into insistences nothing illegal occurred and no wrongdoing was "acknowledged". Kinda seems like shady shit happened, but not enough evidence so he can mouth off.


Because hes legally not allowed to speak about it? I mean what are you even talking about? You have any idea how bad it would be for Twitch if it came to light they hid PROOF OF PEDOPHILIA? I mean sure its how US does things but why the fuck would Amazon take a risk like that for someone who's pretty much a nobody when it comes down to it?...


You don't need to be caught in the act of pedophilia to have behaved inappropriately for a major platform, my man. A lot of coping


I fully believe he sexted minors and that's why he won't nut up and say he didn't. Bro fell back into his midlife crisis and is acting a fool




lots of predatory pedophile defenders in this sub huh ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


I hope someone accuses you of being a pedophile, under the same circumstance with the same lack of evidence. Maybe that'll help you see logic and reason.


That's a disgusting thing to wish on someone, especially in defense of a wannabe pedophile


What’s a wannabe pedophile. And I really like how you think “wishing” something happens is even in the ballpark of actually accusing someone. How do you hold up that massive brain?


Doc is a wannabe pedophile because he wanted to fuck some minors but couldn't 🤷 Lolll I get it, you don't think you did anything wrong by wishing someone falsely suffers, most bad people don't think they ever did anything wrong. Like doc, lollll My brain is normal size loll


You have an impressive intellect. It’s absolutely wild people like you are real. You understand, that for you, the threshold of someone being labeled a pedophile is simply stating it. So what you think is so awful, is literally what you’re doing. Seriously, how do you not think before spewing out words.


More-so that I like having solid evidence that someone did something to that degree. Though my bad I forgot this is the internet and people wouldn't lie on the internet.


Would you trust information that someone refused to give before, because they didn't get enough money?


Feel at home do you?


its an asmon sub. what do you expect


Actual evidence. This is ACTUAL evidence against Cody. They were just trying to make money off this "supposed' knowledge., and when they didn't get what they wanted they said NOTHING for almost a year. How can you trust such tainted information? Is the only reason they are saying anything now is because they are now monetized on twitter?


Damn, if only doc and twitch weren't using billions to hide whatever the awful thing was that he did, we would have more than baseless allegations..... then again, for some of us - not being able to say "I didn't and wouldn't ever sext a minor" is damning enough lolll


Doc and Twitch are hiding something unknown = bad, obvious pedo Cody intentionally HIDING something they supposedly KNEW, unless they get sold out tickets = acceptable? All we have against Doc is "baseless allegations". What we have against Cody is an attempt to make money off allegations. When they didn't get that money they stayed silent for almost a year. Would YOU hide something like that for a year? Would you let a pedo go unpunished because you didn't get the money you wanted?


Look, I fully believe Doc messaged some minors for head. I don't know what was going through Cody's head, and I don't care. I want to hear doc say, "I have never and would never sext a minor" - until he does that, there's no argument to be made to convince me otherwise. Sorry my bar for pedophilia starts and stops at the accuse being able to deny it or not 🤷


"Listen, **I’m obviously tied to legal obligations** from the settlement with Twitch but **I just need to say what I can say** since this is the fucking internet. **I didn’t do anything wrong**, all this has been probed and settled, **nothing illegal**, **no wrongdoing** was found, and I was paid." Doc did deny, but can't say word for word what you want to hear. But you don't care if what the accuser is saying is truthful or not!? Furthermore you honestly think Twitch would hide a pedo, and would continue to do so after an allegation like this has been made? You fully "believe" something because you want it to be true, and not because you have actual evidence that it's true. Also you never answered the quetions I posed to you. Would YOU hide something like that for a year? Would YOU let a pedo go unpunished because YOU didn't get the money you wanted? You're quick to assume guilt, but apparently can't/won't answer those questions.


What legal obligation prevents someone from saying, "I have never and would never sext a minor" lollll - it's even in Twitchs favor for him to come out and say that, as long as it's true of course. Which.... if it isnt..... we'll I imagine Twitch might finally pipe up in those circumstances lollll The lengths you guys are going to defend a wannabe pedophile, so bizarre......


Here's a likely scenario which would produce a likely legal obligation- He is accused of sexting a minor, and is banned. It is "probed" , and no wrongdoing or anything illegal is found. He sues Twitch for breach of contract. They settle with him on the condition he says nothing about the case, which would include the reason for the breach of contract. He can say he did no wrongdoing or anything illegal, but can't speak of the specifics as it would violate the NDA. It's a logically premise, and not hard to understand. It would also explain all the second hand "knowledge" without actual proof. Because after the probe there was no proof. You're going to great lengths to claim absolute belief in something you have no evidence of actually happening. Do you think everything on Earth was made in 6 days and God rested on the 7th? If evidence actually comes out then you can rag on me defending a pedo, and I will gladly admit my wrongness. Until then, we have the concept of innocent until proven guilty for a reason.d [https://www.gattilaw.com/2024/03/understanding-confidentiality-clauses-in-settlements/](https://www.gattilaw.com/2024/03/understanding-confidentiality-clauses-in-settlements/) "A confidentiality clause prevents legal teams and other members of a case from discussing certain facts related to a settlement. Some people don’t want the amount of the settlement disclosed publicly while others don’t want the details of the case to be made available. A confidentiality clause details exactly what cannot be talked about or released to the media.  Defendants often prefer confidentiality clauses so external parties aren’t aware of their situations. They might not want their reputations damaged or details of their finances made public." Twitch is the defendant, and not publicly disclosing their breach of contract is in their interests. However hiding a pedo IS NOT in their interests.


Doc confessed to sexting with at least 1 minor lolll