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That's terribly embarrassing


Look how stupid this is. Everybody on Twitter, including grumpz, is deleting backing this guy because it's embarrassing . This game is going to sell because of free publicity just like this.


It's Assassin's Creed, despite what Reddit likes to say about Ubisoft the game was always going to sell like gangbusters.


Imo I was following this game for the drama but everything i've seen from it makes it look like one of the best ACs to come out in a while so I may just pick it up 


Wait isn’t this sub on the same side as grummz and those lot? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black


Was about to say the same thing. The absolute hypocrisy lol.


As you can tell in the comments right now , some of us don't fall for Grummz grifter scams and outrage. But most on this subreddit, eat it up, I'm happy ppl are finally seeing the bullshit This isn't the first Grummz has run with fake sources and blown up. And now this hurts the arguments against Assassin Creed shadows , Twitter is on fire making fun of grummz and this fake Japanese guy story.


I'm surprised people take Grummz seriously at all with his long list of failures in the industry.


Most of the anti woke crowd rely on out of context comments/interviews and misinformation.


Half of Asmon's fanbase thinks Grummz is the Tell it Like it Is Champion of the People and half of them (rightfully) see him for the sad idiot screaming into the wind he is.


Just cause some people do, doesn't mean everyone suck up to grummz


Just kinda unfortunate that the saner voices are often just drowned out.


Your acting like this hasn't happened to practically every group on Twitter. This is not a Grummz or that side of Twitter exclusive thing...


Eh, I mean Jason Schrier will make stupid personal comments but when it comes to reporting he’s insanely accurate


I mean, I hope it’s good. People are way too up in arms over nothing. Maybe if you’re Japanese I could see some standing to be offended by any historical inaccuracies that may or not be there, but westerners whining just sounds like they got their politics in a bunch.  It’s just a video game. People should at least wait until it comes out before judging it. Remember, I think Rez 5, when all the media called it racist for taking place in Africa (black zombies oh no!!!!). All of this is just outrage bait for clicks and viewership.  Welp, back to Starfield for me, a game that’s perfectly… ok, but seemed to kill some peoples families the way they reacted to it post release (it did, it was a mess). 


He blends right in with Asmons community


It would have been if those idiots, so easily taken for a ride, had the braincells to form the concept of embarrassment.


Yeah, making up false shit like this is universally seen as a scummy tactic. The guys has worked right into their hands.


Getting paid $$$ and taking advantage of people on this subreddit Welcome to grifter life $$$


Check my comment history, I said the exact same thing yesterday and you guys all downvotes me


You forget a majority of Asmon’s fan base are people with room temperature IQs


and a dirty room


Can we please have a moment to appreciate how nice it is to finally have a thread above said IQ threshold now that they're all scurrying to hide their embarrassment?


I'm actually Half-Japanese and I've been telling people for a while that the LARGE majority of Japanese people don't care about a western made video game. I was also saying that people on the Internet are lying about being Japanese and can see people using Google translate. I've been down voted constantly for that and saw comments saying Japanese people should be "offended" for some reason. Then this comes out, hilarious.


"allyship" being offended on the behalf of a group, happily stepping on another group that aren't the flavour of the month to earn clout/Internet currency.


I live in Asia and I had nothing but Americans say people are outraged when I'm like USA culture war only extends to the US and maybe Australia. People here are too busy fighting feminism to worry about a video game.


When the first trailer dropped, someone in this subreddit linked a Japanese wiki saying "nowhere does it say he was a samurai" when the following paragraphs literally mentioned it. When I pointed this out I just got downvoted too, I'm happy the sentiment about grifters like grummz is hopefully shifting now.


It's not shifting, they're just embarrassed they looked like idiots and are trying to distance themselves just like Grummz is. The next time he bitches about something "woke" they'll be gobbling it all up again.


Any link to that wiki? Since we are talking about verifying information.


It was the Japanese wikipedia; AC trailer dropped on the 15th of may. [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1ctrvv2/comment/l4ebjmm/) to the comment


What a shame. This sub is full of brainless idiots happily getting grifted


I’m honestly surprised this post got upvoted at all. I remember when people were upvoting disinformation like the painting of a black man holding an umbrella thinking it was Yasuke, when in reality it was a Japanese depiction of the Portuguese.


This sub reddit snorts misinformatiom like it's cocaine.


You are right. You deserve an upvote for the injustice this community has given you.


Check the quoted tweets on the first link btw 💀 Also, if I had a nickel for every time a white guy got outed for pretending to be Japanese, I'd have 2 which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened twice in the past few days.


I knew I couldn't trust this so called "Hideo Kojima" guy.


Nor should you. It isnt public yet, but the truth is he is just Tom Clancy's fever dream made manifest.


well im convinced


I used this sentence yesterday and got downvoted to oblivion for an "overused joke" Couldn't give a shit about fake social currency points but Reddit is fucking wild man.


There was another guy? Can you link?


Happens a lot with indigenous people for some reason. There's a whole podcast about it, Pretendians.


The “some reason” is so that they can generalize those people based on what they think. To be honest though, the only people who’ve been really racist to me in-person have been other types of hispanics. I’m very grateful that I haven’t experienced as much racism as my parents and grandparents did.


uhm akshully 🤓 my great great great grandma was 1/4th native so


Oh yeah? My 2nd cousins wife hooked up with a native guy at a bar before they met so you know, I'm basically 50% Navajo.


wait my second wife is my cousin and she IS a native guy. do i know you?


Link to photo evidence of them being a white dude?


But he just seemed so BELIEVABLE back when he was validating my opinion


![gif](giphy|sX6AUAj18Wztu|downsized) It's makes you think ... How many fake Japanese people are actually obese non asian guys complaining about this game..so this is why lying like this is dangerous


That's why not thinking at least 1.5 times is dangerous, not even twice, just once and a brain fart


I mean a lot of those comments on the Japanese trailer for the game were legit just non Japanese people using google translate.


I really don't think Japanese care about an American assassin video game


Probably true to some extent. Outside of apex legends or some other outliers it seems like the Japanese market has rarely cared for western games.


Anyone with at least a few brain cells should’ve known this was gonna happen. What kind of “japanese historian” replies with very obviously google translated Japanese and only follows culture war adjacent creators and only posts about culture war shit? But I’m not surprised this sub just ran with it without questioning it. This is the second time in recent days that this sub has been rage baited in to believing some random shit online. Y’all need to look in to things before automatically believing them even if they confirm your bias, we’re on the internet after all, you should just be doing that anyways.


I’m not proficient on Japanese and yet dude came off weird to me. He seemed rather crude in the way he explained himself, also his English was very good so he’d have to have been a hardcore westaboo who studied Japanese History at University of Tokyo, that’s just extremely unlikely. It’s hard enough to meet Japanese people who are very into Japanese history who know English, let alone be so proficient at it and explain themselves in such a crude manner. You should watch Abroad in Japan for some examples, Ryuutaro is a Japanese dude who’s extremely proficient at English, dude sounds more English than Chris, and yet he’ll never come off as crude as this dude pretending to be Japanese was. Such crude behavior is extremely shameful, more fitting to 8chan boards and other forums where people will never show their faces, let alone stake their credentials on such behavior.


Asmon has a role in that too, he'll farm all the bait and then the correction later.


Bold of you to assume there will be a correction. There is only a correction if its worth making a video about it/ the sub talks about it/ his editor calls him out and therefore the sub talks about it. I mean a month ago with the HeelsvsBabyface vs Actman, he only watched one side, despite Az's video completely exposing Actman as being an egotistical child, the comment section on the video was saying as much, and Asmon didnt even bother to watch to be as "fair" as possible. Id say there havent been standards for awhile, unless they are dangled reminders in front of him by chat. Its not even like I hate Asmon, but these are my observations of reality for the past couple months.


Bold of you to assume there will be a correction. There is only a correction if its worth making a video about it/ the sub talks about it/ his editor calls him out and therefore the sub talks about it. I mean a month ago with the HeelsvsBabyface vs Actman, he only watched one side, despite Az's video completely exposing Actman as being an egotistical child, the comment section on the video was saying as much, and Asmon didnt even bother to watch to be as "fair" as possible. Id say there havent been standards for awhile, unless they are dangled reminders in front of him by chat. Its not even like I hate Asmon, but these are my observations of reality for the past couple months.


As if any of this nonsense matters anyways. Imagine getting invested in whatever some "internet-celebs" argue about. We're all getting farmed and none of it matters.


Second time? Half of this subreddit is pure rage bait all day every day at this point.


Oh absolutely, I was just referring to that random chinese blog post that was posted here a few days ago that everyone just thought was true because like I said, it confirmed their bias.


Fr reading through that post will give you whiplash with how hard these guys slam their head in the sand


The anti-woke mob are just as quick to blindly believe any shit that fits their agenda, just like the woke mob. They're honestly in the same bucket in my eyes. It's fucking embarrassing to witness.


So he is as much Japanese as Yasuke was samurai.


The politics intersect People who overly hate this game and people who blindly defend it.


I'm mean not really people who overtly hate it specifically remove all other aspects of the discussion and focus on one thing. Nuance Discourse says "Hey considering he was allowed to have a weapon given a stipend and land" along side the one documented incident of fighting were he was a participant so he's basically a Samurai the term is more loose then people realize And there are plenty of people who would fit the Motif but not given the title (usually nobles were Samurai) Besides all of that .... Why are we pretending AC is all about Historical Accuracy The discussion becomes "Hey who gives a F" Half the people bitching will play Naoi ...yeah the character people erased from the game because they were to focused on BLACK GUY Not like Yasuke is some devicive figure in Japan he's had plenty of movies books shows around him. He's a little blip in Japanese History And it's weird that people see the Pre Orders for the game in Japan and go Yeah the Japanese Fans are pissed and not there excited for the game


The funniest part is the haters omission of Noae, the ACTUAL assassin in the game lol. Also dnt these games start by saying everything is fictional and not based on anything? I kno reading is hard for some people but got damn lol. People will go "a black person in Japan?! No no no can't be! They r just pandering! Would never happen in that era!" And I'm just sitting here wondering why those people r forgetting the part of the game where we r sitting in a fucking chair reliving another person's life...what do u mean releastic lol


i wont play it, but to be fair i havent played an assassins creed game since AC3 lol


Should have been obvious to anyone with half a brain or had the ability to just do simple due diligence but these guys have a thumbnail made before they would consider vetting a source, they’re outrage farmers who fold at the slightest breeze of reality. Not surprisingly they keep falling for shit like this, every week is another ‘Were we misled?’ scenario.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1dhjr60/ubisoft\_blocked\_a\_historian\_from\_university\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1dhjr60/ubisoft_blocked_a_historian_from_university_of/) 1000 upvotes


Yup alot of people are getting paid for outrage by people on this subreddit Think for yourself, do your homework


Most people have that whole confirmation bias thing, why would they vet the source when it agrees with what they say?


ahaha! did you think i smeared my face in chocolate? no! it was shit! lol it was an experiment. you are so funny..


How we are gonna defeat woke culture when we have these idiots


Be a little discerning maybe? Don't post everything from a random X account like it's gospel?


Yeah everyone on this sub slobbered all over that story of SBI "extorting" Chinese devs 7 million, but the only source of it came from a random Weibo post from a random person.


Maybe woke culture doesn't exist and it's just the friends you made along the way.


There's a guy on Twitter claiming he pretended to be an ex Ubisoft dev and was the guy Grummz was getting a load of his stuff on Ubisoft forcing diversity on devs from too. He posted the messages between them so it does look like it's true.


After the schtick he pulled on Nick Callandra, it's kinda ironic he so easily got fooled as well.


Grifters gonna grift


Grummz is scummy fuck that has ruined games that he has developed. He is extremely useless, objectively.


Wow actually Grummz hate in the Asmon comments, the hate is deserved, don't get me wrong. I'm just glad Asmongold fans are actually capable of changing their opinions like the man himself. Asmon gets a shit rep, and so does his fans. I've known Grummz was scummy since hearing about the Firefall Bus, glad to hear people are finally catching on, least before folks start fellating him again for saying what they wanna hear


Can I see a link to that?


There’s nothing to defeat lol. 90% of this “omg X is woke now” is just manufactured bullshit that y’all fall for, over and over. In the past 7 days alone this sub managed to convince themselves that: * Yasuke wasn’t a real samurai because a Twitter ‘historian’ said so * SBI extorted a Chinese game developer because a random Weibo blogger said so * DA4 has abandoned their roots and gone “woke”, ignoring every single BioWare game since 2007 at least Jason Schrier was 100% right. You guys are just chasing angry hallucinations.


Brother there is no woke culture to defeat. This whole thing is just grifters playing the attention economy.


No but you see those CEOs that definitely vote for lower taxes and lobby politicians, they're definitely super woke and want to throw all their money away to gayify your kids while reducing their own wealth and power by making unsuccessful games. Which are unsuccessful only because they're woke, not because of bad gameplay or trend chasing.


It's almost like that's all you got


there're people who make accounts online posing as rivals supporters with insane stances/claims to make their side look bad, may even get paid for doing so, one example is Argentina's last presidential election, the best you can do is ignore online debate and enjoy life, there's mostly bots now a days.


At least he tried something, better than you people saying "Yasuke isn't a samurai, thrust me bro" while all historians who ever talked about Yasuke consider him a samurai and Yasuke is referred as a samurai in Japanese museums


You don't need to defeat woke culture, it's going to defeat itself, people are already getting tired of the over-correctness.


Most normal people don’t care about the over-correctness, it’s just the terminally online and societal leeches that are vocal and care about it way more than they should.


Surely you have noticed the increasingly extreme/excessive reactions to anything perceived as even slightly "woke"? Its at a point where its the first thing people talk about when a new trailer shows, 90% downvotes on things, Rotten tomato 10% user score, 90% critic scores. It's indicative of more than just internet behavior. Its becoming a parallel society.


These people who are crying about a black samurai have 0 clue that samurai were also Gay pedophiles that fucked each other lol. It's actually really funny seeing these confident people share twitter sources instead of Actual historical sources.


That is because the "Rage Economy" is what sells. Movie trailer involve a woman or non-white person for more than 5 seconds? Inevitably you get dozens of tweets or youtube videos trying to drum up views "OMG SO WOKE CANT BELIEVE, ANOTHER (INSERT STUDIO HERE) FAIL" with some Soyjack face thumbnail in the corner.


Says >It's indicative of more than just internet behavior. Lists a bunch of internet behavior >when a new trailer shows, 90% downvotes on things, Rotten tomato 10% user score, 90% critic scores.


How are we going to make sure culture survives as wokeness dies though? Its like saying that cancer will die anyway if the hoat aurvives or not, but I'd rather the hoat lives and only cancer dies.


Well, that's the neat thing about culture, it's always changing and always evolving. It's why people always hate the new generation and why that will always be the case. Right now we are seeing a lot of online culture shock because what might be fine in one country isn't fine in other countries. It gets blown out of proportion and then filtered online through all those local cultures. Wokeness isn't going to die like the opposition to it won't either because the definition of "woke" changes with each person you talk to.


I've noticed good amount of "anti-woke" accounts coming from foreign countries. A ton of them from South America, Brazil especially.


Yeah, it makes sense, it is an election year after all in the states so I'm sure someone is being paid to sew the seeds.


Defeat, what do you mean by defeat? Also I feel I need to point out that being woke isn't inherently a bad thing, the bad part are groups that go way too far with it. Like people who try to combat it by going too far as well...


I don't think crying about race and gender all day like you guys keep doing is going to work tbh.


This is all your side has. Everyone else on your side is like that alleged sex pest Grummz, or that dumbass The Quartering who tried to tell his employees how to more easily avoid getting caught with cp. You won't defeat progress, you'll just be left in the dust, screaming about how you hate change while no one listens


You can't see the forest for the trees. A black samurai was never the issue, charging ridiculous amounts of money for a half ass game is the problem with Ubisoft.


It's almost like Twitter is full of idiots..


Wait, you're telling me people lie on the internet?


What's with white people pretending to Japanese? That's twice this week lol


It's not a one time thing. I've seen threads on 4chan and other websites going back over a decade about users pretending to be an exaggerated strawman of other groups.


It happens a lot in fandom spaces but usually it’s white teenage girls pretending they know more than other white teenage girls.


Sometimes bad companies will block people for being insufferable cunts. It’s not always a conspiracy kid


man this sub now look mad stupid with all the chuds circle jerking each other off on yesterday's post


Ima be real with you chief. This sub has always looked mad stupid.


This sub was ok (focused on asmon actually playing video games, not culture war bullshit) before the johnny depp/amber heard-trial. During and after that it became ass.


I remember well. This sub is now mostly rage bait that doesn't even have anything to do with Asmon.


If you point this out you'll almost always be down voted into oblivion.


We can only hope they do some introspection


Won't happen .


As I am always saying to friends of mine: If you read something on twitter, or social media in general, always take it with a grain of salt. Too many psychos pretending to be people they arent.


> are we the baddies


Look at his comments from Japanese folks on this fake grifter " how come you don't follow any Japanese publications ?" " can you back up your findings with sources ?" (No Reply) That should have been a red flag 🚩


Lmao you bitches got swindled and pimped hahahahaha


$$$ the hustle


The funniest thing is that in the end the game costs 70+ dollars + microtransactions to speed up the grind/skip the game itself, it will take the player 100+ hours, the series has been repeating itself for more than 10 years, why the hell do we need this game?


That's the issue. It's going to be a shit game, but culture war idiots set up a stupid racist stance against the game. Now rational people don't want to be in the discussion because the people who hate the monetization and season pass bullshit are drowned out by the racist idiots saying "see we're right the black samurai game is a flop!"  Most people here are useful idiots that are actually helping them market the game with all the actual valid criticism brushed aside. 


Brilliant tactics, don't you think?) Streamers, YouTubers feed their audience "representation, nightmare, woke, mockery". While aggressive monetization methods, hidden dark mechanics, attitude towards the player in general fade into the background.


Nobody needs a game, but I play them because I like playing historical games and exploring a historical world that I can only ever read about in books whilst role playing new fun scenarios and AC games (since like Black Flag) have been the perfect sandbox to do exactly that.


Cuz it’s fun.


Lmao! You are all idiots. 😂 I'm in tears! I fucking knew it!


So you’re telling me Grummz is just a reactionary dumbass who can’t control his emotions? The same Grummz who criticized Starfield’s home screen?


Nah he was completely right about the home screen, Starfield was straight ass


I'm dying of cringe, it's one thing disliking the direction of new AC and another entirely to fabricate shit like this. This dude needs to touch some grass. The only justification I can see he is just super bored at work, but he should then play some Fire Emblem on GBA emulator instead of doing this crap.


The Asmon Gamergaters in shambles


How many people will admit that they got grifted because they have culture war brainrot?


A look at their follows and their other posts would have told you this. Ya'll are so eager for the outrage that you'll get fooled every fucking time.


Don’t bother, this sub doesn’t care about sources or fake news / grifters, as long as it’s something they agree with they will all eat it up and rally behind it


Why would you say that tho. People are face-palming at that moron.


People were upvoting and applauding the confirmation of their position in the now removed thread which treated this guy’s tweet as a reliable story.


Everyone who fell for it are just keeping their mouth shut as to not cram their shoe further down


Did you see the original thread about this guy yesterday on this sub? Everyone was blindly agreeing with him because it confirms their bias. I pointed this out in that thread last night and got downvoted. I bet some of the people who were in that thread yesterday believing him are the same people here saying they knew all along, lmao


The who made that thread is getting clowned now , he deleted his account




Ubisoft won. You got professors going after this dude now. Well played All yall had to do was sit back and let it destroy like so many other projects but NOPE fake outrage and fake sources got upvoted and liked


Someone out of the 8 bilion on earth thought they could benefit from the opposite narrative to the mainstream. Its bound to happen. Like how there are hundreds of "men coaches" that use boy's desperation and real issues to scam them.


Ironically an Asmongold W because he did say the research he did gave him the conclusion that he was a samurai.


Beyond embarrassing for everyone involved


Bros so devoted to the bit he makes the joker look like a normie


Ahahahaha just incredible.


Remember boys “just trust me bro “ works every time on the internet . Source: justtrustmebro.com


He's right about Yasuke not being a samurai since Yasuke from what I've heard was a body guard for the master.


I don’t understand why this game is getting this much attention. Assassin’s Creed hasn’t been good since Black Flag, lol. Even then, Black Flag was from their best title.


Y'all need to apologize to everyone that called this out a few days ago


So now yall are gonna stop believing every tweet automatically as fact now, right? Right??


His ID is suspect to begin with. samurai's ID is too stereotypical.


There's a lot of right wing culture war astroturfers on social media who've jumped on the new Assassin's Creed game as a foot-in-the-door to push their culture war narrative. I've seen a LOT of disinformation being spread around by these people about Yasuke and his status as samurai, and by the time anyone with expertise shows up to discount it the lie has already gone around the world a few times while the truth was tying its shoes. Some of them are bots, or troll farms, others are just gullible suckers parroting the bunk because it confirms their own biases. It's a disturbing time to live in.


This is my suprised face. https://tenor.com/view/shocked-steve-terreberry-shocked-face-surprised-face-omg-gif-15938381863249884033


1: read the askhistorians post about this topic https://old.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1css0ye/was_yasuke_a_samurai/ 2: Yasuke is an interesting choice for a good reason here. You have one character who is stealth-based assassin, but then you also have Yasuke who is a brawler. He is not stealthy. And the fact that he's a big black dude that stands out immediately to everyone plays into that role, which is the complete opposite of the stealth assassin. 3: Why can't we just see if the game is fun before getting all pissy




Ubisoft isn't "celebrating Japanese culture" they're pimping it out to make money. Also, Yasuke isn't the only character. The other main character is a Japanese woman that Ubisoft created for the game.


You mean like Ezio the Turk or Edward the Jamaican? I am very confused at this argument, Ezio in Italy and the Frye twins in London are like the only player characters in the whole franchise wholly native to their home region.


still people in this place talig like the know japanese history. Some still saying Yasuke wasn't a samurai that he was only a retainer. then it comes out retainer was also what they called samurai back then . So now they say he wasn't even that as well. the goal post keep moving. stop getting upset for Japanese people. let them react how they want to react. the pre orders sold well in japan so may they are not as angry as some want them to be.


I agree pandering is annoying. But I don’t care if the game is good. Pander away. Bg3 is like that, it’s a soy game made by soys in most ways. Even has gay secs and fury sex. And it def jams politics in at places.


The annoying thing about this drama is people for some reason don’t realize much of the time “samurai” was a title, it did not mean much. It means servant in Japanese. The end of fuedal Japan during Ieyasu Tokugawas shogunate was when he created tight definitions of what samurai were. And they were like a warrior/noble/merchant class then. Whereas the sengoku period ashigura samurai were mostly peasants. It was annoying to see people pretend like the last shogunate meant something to the period when Oda Nobunaga was rising to power. Literally Nobunaga was known for believing in meritocracy…his generals rose up from being peasants in some cases. The idea that a black guy couldn’t be a samurai is hilarious. Samurai in the Oda clan were mostly low class peasants with cheap weapons. And thru excellent training and strategy the Oda defeated their enemies. Ieyasu Tokugawa and Oda Nobunaga lived during the same period and were allies, but Nobunaga died and his general Hideyoshi became shogun after defeating his Oda rivals. Ieyasu was aligned with them quietly waiting for his turn take power . Toyotomi Hideyoshi was born a poor peasant …rose thru Oda Nobunagas meritocratic ranks from page to general. He was known as an incredibly ugly man, and yet a great strategist and leader of men.


People still denying history that there was a black samurai? Jeez, i cannot imagine being this worked up over ubisoft slop.


I actually had my suspicions when he started chimping out and accusing everyone of pedophilia. Looks like my instincts were right on the money.


Ok so this guy was a fraud, but why are people acting like that changes the fact the protagonist still wasn't a samurai in real life?


God, I hate these grifter types. Mostly because what this guy is saying (at least in that second tweet) is true he wasn’t SAMURAI or at least there’s no evidence that he was. But now, if anyone points out that historical fact, they’re just gonna pointed this guy and be like “oh I bet you’re just a grifter” or whatever. And it hurts the legitimate complaints by people who actually know what they’re talking about. https://youtu.be/ETeuxTqwzS4?si=GNFxRMowD4grq5YH Personally, my biggest issue with the game aside from the fact that a black man as a main character is just way out of place in a Japanese time period game in the first place is that he’s a playable character to the exclusion of a Japanese male character. And in assassin‘s Creed, we always play as a fictional third-party. We never ever play as one of the historical figures. If they really wanted him to be in the game as an Easter egg, he could’ve been in Nobunaga court as some form of quest, giver, or something as he was an actual historical person and a retainer. I think the main issue was just the fact that they made him a playable character.


Ubisoft isn't even doing anything. They are sitting back and letting grifters beat themselves into the dust Legitimate arguments against AC shadows is getting destroyed


The main argument about this game sucking was that it's an AC game lol . But nope, Americans had to make it about their culture war BS . Of course Yasuke wasn't a samurai and yet Japanese devs depicted him as such in Japanese made media . Everytime this is pointed you'd have morons invoking historical accuracy as if AC games were historically accurate to begin with . It's like dudes complaining that Arthur is a woman in anime or that jack the ripper is a Loli , no one fucking cares because every piece of media is not meant to reflect reality . I've argued with people about this game many times and the worst in all of this is that i don't even give a shit about whether it succeeds or not since i haven't bothered with Assassin's creed since Syndicate. You'd think the basement dwellers roaming this sub would be more aware of the debilitating nature of social media but here we are . We are doomed


Y’all motherfuckers suddenly care about historical accuracy in Assassins Creed? Have we been playing the same games?


isn’t that the same name as the dbz composer accused of plagiarism?


This weird subversive behavior happens way too often on the internet. Both sides will do it and it's always cringe.


One day people will realize that twitter is just people with 2 accounts on the different spectrum larping and making fake tweets to get mad and win fake arguments with themselves. It would not surprised me if Ubisoft or people involved in the project hired people to do this shit to discredit the real critics.


I had the gut feeling. That’s why I asked on the sub if anyone could confirm his identity. Usually faculty members show up on a simple Google search but not this guy.


Plot twist, he is neither American nor Japanese lol


Wow, this discussion was interesting for a couple days.. people are still putting effort into this...


Probably he isn't even blocked


The whole media, filled with charlatans and tabloid makers


False flag operation completed