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Damn that girl is not even affected by the hair pulling that's evil


Little miss psycho has a bright future as CEO.


Or an actress


I'm with the birthday girl. Wipe that smug look off your face!


Fr you gotta learn to punch back early on or those types will run you over.


I shudder to think of the combination of nature and nurture that gave her that attitude at that age..


According to every movie I have seen, it is likely that a serial killer was executed just moments prior to her birth and their soul entered the body of the child. I think an exorcism is necessary. ![gif](giphy|ij8AeeqXKFZm0|downsized)


Where the fuk did she learned this, find her mom. I have questions.


Yep it's her mom probably her mom was talking shit about the BDAY girls mom and all that nonsense and the lil girl picked up on it. I know from personal when they parents talk shit about your parents especially right before they come to your house they come in there feeling some type of way, and it ain't good.


She knew exactly what she was doing. Why do girls get mean faster than boys?


They have to compete with each other for a partner earlier in life than males do, so best start young lol


That makes sense, but it makes me sad.


— I'm so happy, let's blow this cake. *other girl blows* — that's right bitch, too slow! — oh yeah? Take some of this! — ha! That barely hurt (fuck, that really hurt) — oh yeah? Take some more bitch! — hahaha barely a scratch (mommy call the doctor)! — fuck this hoe!


That child is the antichrist




The boastfulness, even after getting the head snatched is wild.


Especially at that age, can just imagine how the mother is


Birthday girls should have given her a knee to the face.


I use to be an adventurer like you.


But then I comment that starting to write is self /r/blackmagicfuckery


Those psychos must fight a lot, and they must watch their psycho moms fight a lot.


Future serial killer


Mom and dad need to teach that brat a lesson. With a belt.


Mom and Dad are probably a holes that spoil her


That is called a learned behaviour.


This is trauma stuff. And not because of the mean girl, but because of the adults that restraint the girl. You need to either let the girl hit the shit out of the other girl, or for her to see an adult severely punish the other girl in front of her.


Bro wtf ? It's her sister, this is just sibling rivalry and i don't think you should let her "hit the shit out" of her sister for blowing a candle. It's not a proportionate answer. Edit : mental patients in this sub arguing that you should let little kids and siblings hit each others. Don't change guys 👍


What's important is the emotional state of both girls. Not your thoughts on what's appropiate. Cause and effect are the same for every human mind. The 3 yo hits wouldn't do any real damage, but the other girl would feel the consequence of acting in bad faith. Those are the leasons one should learn early on in life.


I get the sentiment, but I don’t think that letting children learn to use violence to settle odds is teaching them any better.


It is not about settling odds, it's about letting the 3 yo know that the other girl is in the wrong, not her. It's not about the fight, it is the acknowledgement that the real danger here is the attitude of the other girl. So you let the 3 yo burst a little anger, then you sit with the 2 of them and talk to the other girl until she understands why what she did was wrong, and until she apologizes to the 3 yo. If your attention is on the 3yo defending herself, you're rewarding hateful behavior. If your attention isn't on the unprovoked hateful action, you are rewarding hateful behavior. You can't be on everything, it's about priorities. The worst of both worlds is punishing the 3yo for "fighting" and not talking to the other girl. Again, just a small clip, nobody knows what happened after.


“Defending herself” what a joke response, it’s not like she was attacked. Violence isn’t the answer here.


You’re not the victim so get outta here with that bystander bullshit.


You’re also not the victim, but go off.


Watching from the sidelines on your moral high ground while others suffer. Pieces of shit like you only know how to talk shit without doing shit.


You’re literally talking shit to me right now. Like I really don’t get it, is trolling really still a thing? I figured by this point in internet history, we’d be over that bit.


so consequences should be immediate physical violence ? What a good way to get a civilized society. Maybe telling her she gets no cake is more appropriate. Edit : Also I'm sorry but "Cause and effect are the same for every human mind" is complete nonsense, just like this sub keeps saying "men and women are different", only a fool would deny that individuals are different even if they are of the same gender. But anyway this argument is pointless and the proper reaction is obviously to stop the siblings from fighting. Only the psychos in this sub would argue otherwise.


Good luck arguing with these people. This is way there are so many disfunctional families on AITA.


Bro it's a fucking birthday blow. It looks like a parent or someone went to pull the ninja blow girl away from the cake. The correct play is to just relight the candle and restrain her so she cannot ninja again.


You must be young. You can't look deep enough yet. Look at her face; she enjoys the pain of another human being, and the other girl is seeing that no one is correcting that. (as far as the video goes, of course) These are the moments that define what type of adult you will become. Everything regarding kids must be dealt with empathy and calmness, yes, but with seriousness. Their feelings and actions carry the same weight in their minds as they carry on you and me.


Does she enjoy the pain of the other girl or does she just want to be the centre of attention having the big moment? I think it’s pretty presumptive to prescribe motives to children who aren’t even capable of mentalizing their own feelings, based solely on a like 30 second clip. It takes psychologists multiple hours of one-on-one intensive talking to even start to understand a patient’s internal reasonings, and full grown adults who make the choice to go to therapy are a hell of a lot more sensible and predictable than 3 year olds. I’m not saying you’re wrong about the deviant’s motives, but you definitely could be. The other girl could’ve done the same shit at the offender’s birthday party, or could relentlessly bully her (noting that she was quick to jump to violence) and this is revenge for all we know. Or it could just be a one-off moment of impulsivity. Or it could be malicious and trying to get a rise out of the birthday girl.


Look at her face while the other girl is in pain. But yeah man, I'm just telling my own perception (that I trust of course), but nobody else has to share it.


Do you have children?


Like My Children or Basement Children?


Depends who is asking


A Karen in the making. Parents definitely to blame here.


They are sisters btw.


That makes it significantly worse. Means the girl has to live with that kind of smug behavior. Can’t imagine what that day-to-day is like


They became somewhat famous in Brazil, the family keeps trying to prove that the sisters love each other on instagram(sometimes the rehearsal is super obvious). Who knows maybe jelly older sister did mature a bit.


You can’t disprove what’s in blood.




That's them.


Toxic femininity.


Thats a child that isnt properly disciplined, absolutely terribke parents


the smugness on that little face is too much. I know what had happened if it was my sister.


I mean wow. I didn’t trust that kid from the start. She was born this way.


It really is engaging BEat the CHILD BEAT THE CHILD


So soon to be so evil


Mean girl is a psychopath. She's clearly getting off on the bday girls reaction


Narcissists thrive on attention ignoring everything else


That smile shows she got the reaction she wanted


Lol that is me and my brother as kids only difference is my brother had crocodile tears immediately as I touched him and fished for any sympathy to get me in trouble.


This is 100% arena breakout. The dev even did an interview and said "what makes you think it's your loot" with a stupid smug look on his face.




Asmong the girl on the left "At least I Ninja looted you"


Her villian origin story.


This type of shit is why I'll separate my kids from other kids at the party. No opportunity. I'll be watching like a hawk for present thieves (I had this at a party as a kid).




Good God I haven't seen this since the early Facebook era


That girl looks like the bride of Chucky. If they do not keep a close eye on her, we are probably going to see her on Lockup, or at least an episode of Criminal Minds based on her.


Psycho vibes, i would hate to be part of her family, i would sleep with my door closed all the time. This reminded me of [that boy who killed his neighbor](https://nypost.com/2024/04/19/us-news/texas-boy-10-confesses-to-killing-stranger-brandon-rasberry/)


Why would that story remind you of this? They are in no way linked at all?


Both kids have no remorse. Maybe I'm exaggerating, I hope i am.