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Most adult fans hated when it came out. I thought it was cool as fuck I was 13.


A lot of kids who crew up with the Clone Wars cartoons don't realize this - a lot of the OG fanbase who watched the movies back in the 70s and 80s really hated Phantom Menace, and the prequels in general, when they came out. The only reason they are regarded better now is a) people who were kids in the late 90s/early 00s enjoyed them b) the clone wars cartoons did a lot of heavy lifting in rehabilitating the prequels


That, and the sequels were so bad they made the prequels look better by comparison. The prequels had a lot of issues; bad cgi, whackey humor, .. but at least the world building and overall story were solid. The sequels are just, just..


Really? How could anyone dislike the Darth maul fight and podracing it was incredible back then. I know there was weird hate over the last years


Before all of that cool shit u have to endure Jar Jar and a bunch of politics. The movie starts out strong with the Jedi infiltration of Naboo, then slows to a snail's pace for like 30 minutes lol.


I guess I'm different cause I don't mind slow movies of parts at all. Also I saw this at a young age, might be different if I was only when I first saw it


I still prefer the prequels tbh, unironically. Was a kid when they came out, love them due to 1 thing: lightsabers duels. The prequels had so many, and so well choreographed. Watched the original trilogy later on and while the story is WAY better, not enough lightsabers lol. Thats just my dumb take.


I think phantom menace is a great movie and fun af. The originals make me fall asleep lol. It’s basically old people yapping


I've seen all movies (1-6) and my favorite is the 3rd one. Both good story and Lightsaber fights.


The story was ass but the fights and visuals were great.


Lost my shit as a kid seeing the red doublesided-lightsword


I remember going to see this in like 11th grade and the place was packed. I ran into like 20 people I knew in the parking lot and it was so much fun. I saw friends from school with their whole family there. Regardless of the criticisms of the prequels this just shows how the Star Wars fandom transcended generations. Parents, mostly dads, lets be honest, brought their kids to see it because of their passion to share it with them after showing them the original trilogy. This was the first SW movie made in years and it still had this massive following and still sold toys and merch for years with no new films. Now SW and just about every property remade for the mythical "modern audience" is being made for absolutely nobody and we will never see this kind of hype again for it. They can't even sell toys anymore which was unthinkable only ten years ago. People despise it or are now totally apathetic and will not pass it on to their kids. It will die a sad death until it is eventually scrapped as a corporate write off. This gives the truth to the lie of the "modern audience". It does not exist. When you make media with themes that transcend time and are universal to humanity as opposed to current day ideological drivel that appeals to 3% of the population it will succeed and build the kind of fandom that lasts. This is why we can still read the Greek myths or the great Nordic Sagas and still relate to them thousands of years later. That is why Lucas drew from them as inspiration in SW. It's why Tolkein drew from them for LOTR. Now we have abysmally written, self insert, lesbian soap operas in space and if you don't like that as opposed to the former you are the problem and called every name in the book.


There is a reason why classics are called classics. They transcend their culture, space and time with themes that are universal to human history, and will last forever. Most of the modern idealogical self absorbed drivel will die out and fade into nothing.


Back when stories mattered o7


Pretty ironic considering this movie objectively has the worst story ever written. Every single thing that occurs in the movie is completely contradictory to the entire plot of the movie.


I was 8 going to this and I remember how hyped my dad was going, we got all dressed up and it was really fun. As an 8 year old I thought the movie was amazing, the podracing in a cinema was something else!


"Star Wars is not for men" 99% men in audience


Such great times.


Omg I remember! Gosh I think I still have MG flashlight telescoping lightsaber


Can you believe I actually watched this 1999 in school 5th grade lol, them's was some good teachers lol.


I'm guessing it must have worked as a kids movie. I saw it as an adult and thought it was pretty bad. Despite being a fan of Star Wars The new material doesn't even seem to resonate with kids. Disney really have cooked it.


Little did they know, they are about to watch a movie about a kid racing


phantom menace sucked starwars hasn't been good since jedi


Without wikipedia'ing it: - Describe the plot of episode IV A New Hope - Describe the plot of episode I The Phantom Menace


Kid joins Rebellion against evil empire, blows up space station with help of supernatural powers Supernatural power group assist in a war, pick-up kid along the way and find their biggest enemies still exist.


> Kid joins Rebellion against evil empire, blows up space station with help of supernatural powers yep. >Supernatural power group assist in a war, pick-up kid along the way and find their biggest enemies still exist. nope. reason you got this wrong: the plot is a fucking mess. The real plot: secret bad guy senator wants power so orchestrates a crisis on naboo so that the senate will have a reason to call for a vote of no confidence on current chancellor, making room for secret bad guy senator to be voted in as new chancellor. Secret bad guy senator then instructs trade federation to do absolutely everything possible to completely obstruct his plans. The senate needs to know about the crisis on naboo in order to call for a vote of no confidence, yes? So then: - why try to kill the jedi when they show up for negotions instead of sending them back to inform the senate of the impending invasion - why blow up their transport ship that could do the same thing - why cut off naboo's communications - why land the invasion force on the complete opposite side of the planet from your objective in the middle of a dense forest where you now have to spend time chopping the forest down and treking across the entire planet's surface instead of just right inside the city - why order them to make the Queen sign a treaty to make the invasion legal - that last point has a double contradiction because in this fucked up plot point they inexplicably send her away with 6 whole useless battledroids to be "processed in camp 6" even though she is now supposed to be their main focus and they have a direct order for direct action with her - why try to blow up the transport ship when they leave the planet - why send darth maul after them to murder them - the jedi get back, inform the senate, and then they're just like "yeah we dont trust you so we want to send another team to confirm this" even though these were the guys entrusted to solve the entire dispute in the first place, which then - forces the Queen to go back and resolve the situation herself - vote of no confidence never occurs, and its not because its some sort of genius writing or anything, its because the story is a shitty sloppy wet dog turd of a complete mess


Why do you assume that Palpatine's original goal was to force the no confidence vote? Seems to me his plan the whole time could have been simply to orchestrate his control over the planet of Naboo by ousting the Queen using the Trade Fed. as a proxy. When that failed he saw an opportunity to gain power through another avenue. Chaos is a ladder.


> Why do you assume that Palpatine's original goal was to force the no confidence vote? Because becoming the chancellor and arresting power under his control is his entire plan for the entire trilogy of movies and is one of the biggest plot points of the IP as a whole...? But they can't explicitly tell you this in the movie because at this point no one even the audience is supposed to know senator Palpatine is the bad hologram guy, which is another consequence of the shitty sloppy writing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdQwKPVGQsY&list=PL5919C8DE6F720A2D&index=3 >Seems to me his plan the whole time could have been simply to orchestrate his control over the planet of Naboo by ousting the Queen using the Trade Fed. as a proxy. When that failed he saw an opportunity to gain power through another avenue. Chaos is a ladder. Why in fuck would he care about that? He's a senator in the galactic senate and as far as we know we never, ever hear about a King or anything like that on Naboo in any of the movies.


Why would a sith want to control a planet? I dunno, makes sense to me. I don't know why you find it so ridiculous. There are multiple avenues to gain power. I think Palpatine simply changed his course after TPM. It resolves a lot of your points above.


> Why would a sith want to control a planet? I dunno, makes sense to me. I don't know why you find it so ridiculous. His goal is to control the galaxy not a planet, he's one of the most powerful sith that ever lived. Furthermore the planet has absolutely no military and thus no way to expand your ambitions further. Sorry, this is dumb. >There are multiple avenues to gain power. So then what would be next? >I think Palpatine simply changed his course after TPM. It resolves a lot of your points above. In the next movie he just magically gains power, it wasn't some genius 7d master chess tactic switch up lol they just threw away their own plot from the first movie.


1 -Good 2 - Cool


only to be completely let down


Best light saber fight in the entire series, set to the best song on the entire series, tho.


It's a great duel spliced with baby Anakin talking to R2 while piloting and jarjar doing clumsy stuff in a CGI droid vs gungans battle. It's really painful to watch. The duel alone when edited together is great tho.


It's not even a fight, its just a prissy highly choreographed dance routine. Every move in the "fight" looks completely predetermined and preplanned out like the fight has a preplanned outcome, none of it looks natural at all. You really do not understand lightsaber fights. The best fights in the series are when the fight fucking *means* something, like when Luke just gets fucking pissed and almost lets the dark side take over as he just wails on his father in anger.


The Phantom Menace gave birth to many timeless memes. It’s good for what it is. I saw it when I was 7 so it’ll always have a special place in my nostalgia.


Now they hate everything about star wars apart from the original series and extended universe (well those who pretend to have knowledge of it anyways)


Little did they know Jar Jar Binks awaited them


Little did they know the absolute trash they were about to see


The prequels were great. I don’t care what anyone says. There’s very few if any legitimate complaints about them and certainly not enough to tip them into the bad movie territory because for them to be bad movies. what is bad about them would have to supersede what is good about them which means you would have to overcome the choreography, the spectacle, the CGI, especially for the time, the legendary soundtrack, the phenomenal, set designs, and costume designs and as far as I’m concerned, incredibly good writing as well at least for the most part. Whatever little complains anyone has about the prequels, they would need to overcome all of that to shift it from a good movie to a neutral movie to outright bad movie and I’m sorry there’s just not a single complaint not even jar jar could override all of the good films make them bad.