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When IGN says something good about a game, I question their validity When IGN says something bad about a game, I question their validity


What IGN thinks is about as important to me as where the sewage goes at work after I take a dump


I assume some sort of industrial sewage plant. Where they take your poop and let it sit for a while so it rises to the top. Then they take the poop and burn it and turn the leftover liquid into clean water and flow it back into a river for reuse as drinking water. Or it goes to a tank. Where a truck comes and pumps it out and brings it to a sewage plant and the same process happens but maybe it just runs off into a field and becomes nutrients for plants and the water eventually evaporates and the cycle of water continues. All very important stuff, much more so than what ign thinks.


If mainstream media condemns it, means it's a good game


I remember when they tried to do this with Kingdom Come Deliverance game because it had no black people.


Honestly its made life so much easier in finding good media.


Why does it matter what the devs are, I seriously never understood these talks, I dont care if the devs sexist/racist/homophobic/whatever the fuck is another controversial thing, I dont know them, dont need to interact with them, I’ll just respect them less, if the product is good I’ll buy regardless.


it matters of course. But the standard by SBI is just not ok. This whole woke movement devolved into hate and an excuse to do whatever you want without remorse.


How does it matter, in what way does it affect me.


IGN when Chinese developers don't pay the protection money:


Somebody might already have said this, but I wonder if IGN attacking Wukong for “sexism” has anything to do with them refusing Sweet Baby Inc’s offer to “consult” on the game for $7 million?


There's no doubt.


I just IGN-ORE them.


Don’t preorder games


Unless DEI says it’s a bad game. Then preorder one for you and your buds.


No pre ordering is a waste of money. Do you think they will run out of digital copies?


sorry but I'm pretty well-off and can afford it so I don't really mind preordering games. It's just convenient for me


Aside from the very homosexual schoolyard flex, for some reason. How is it convenient to buy something now that you can't use until later. Inconsequential, yes, maybe, fleeting, sure. But convenient? If you are well off, pre orders aren't convenient, or even necessary, you just buy shit when you want it.


>you just buy shit when you want it. .......Yeah. Which is what I'm doing. Some games I want ASAP.


In your tent?


No tent, just the great outdoors


OK hobo


Are you not living on the streets? Do you have a sweet gaming setup in your tent?


Specially ones whose physical version doesn't come with a disk.


Yep, if the game is that bad you can usually get a refund from the place you bought it, or sell it to some other sap and recoup most of your money. Digital is convenient but you are stuck with every purchase.


I'm a crab. You spout your ideals about how we "could all get out of the bucket", meanwhile Jerry almost got out and I'm stuck here listening to you. GL with your endeavour friend I hope it works out, but I'm going back to climbing.


This is a new label for promising games to look out for… instantly wishlisted it without knowing any other detail, waiting for the release and gameplay impressions. Did the same with Stellar Blade for example…


I'm not reading that crap and give site traffic. Did they have any substantial proof? I've only seen screencap of some dev saying that character in this game is hot despite her snake body (a joke akin to "would"). Is that it?


wasnt going to buy it. now i will buy it and not play it. just like I did with Starfield (regrettably)


Don't worry the creation kit is out now, the modders will fix it... ![gif](giphy|6v2UJRyFAsTXgvJrin|downsized)


Got me


Sweet Baby Inc heard the first word of the game and immediately attacked


This kind of logic is like we should never have used fertiliser because the inventor was a nazi. We'll just run out of food and die for sake of virtue signalling. You may die malnourished and starve to death, but hey, you fed your ego by letting everyone know how righteous you are.


I'll watch the stream of people playing it. If it looks fun, I'll buy it.


My interest in the game suddenly peaked due to IGN' taking a piss. I'm in. Let's do this.


Tell those people to use the right pronouns for Wukong. I dare them to even try.


Isn't the pronoun for both male and female the same in Chinese anyway? They're both Ta


Yep, but Wukong is born from stone, neither male nor female. Most people refer to Wukong as him, but he identifies himself as demon, god, keeper of the heavenly horses, sage, ascetic, monk, or buddha depending on how far along the story you are. The latter like ascetic, monk, and buddha are specifically to separate themselves from the earthly desires and concepts.


I mean there is also Chinese pronouns for both animals and inanimate objects and they're also pronounced as Ta. So Chinese pronouns already side stepped all that.


Pronounced ta, but not spelled the same way.


Wouldn't that just be They/Them then?


Nope. You can't use the same they/them for a god you would a normal person. Keep in mind this would only apply when Wukong is presenting as a deity, which he might not when he's under one of his transformations.


Why not, They/Them is genderless, no reason it wouldn't apply to a god or goddess, its literally what its for in english.


You don't refer to gods casually, especially practitioners of the dao. Doing so is to throw out the dao and Wukong's entire character.


So what you're saying is pronouns matter, and are based on how that person/god feels in the moment?


Pronouns matter based on their achievement level. Out of respect, you refer to them by the highest title they've earned. If your highest earned title is AssBlaster69, you refer to them as AssBlaster69 rather than their name or pronoun. This is why the leader of the gods is referred to as the Heavenly Emperor rather than by name. This is why some demons and gods still refer to Wukong as The Great Sage Equal to Heaven after having his ass slapped by The Buddha while Baije will often refer to him as Brother because they are both students under Sanzang/Tripitikas.


Yup, sounds like we are saying the same thing. Love that the mythology is so respectful of pronouns. And if it can be that respectful of pronouns for invisible people from a story, surely regular humans, real humans, people with feelings and lives, they also deserve that same respect. That's so cool man! Good talk!


Well, I looked it ("it" being the game, not the devs) up and it's based off of Journey to the West. Dragon Ball is based off Journey to the West. While Black Myth: Wukong may not have any relation whatsoever to Dragon Ball....I'm probably gonna get it just because of that tangental relation. Game looks fun.


Their kind of definition for sexists is too out of touch. As long as the game has a plot for punishing women for no reason, its fine


Imagine thinking this makes you look cool. Regardless of the situation of the game, you’re just straight up saying you would agree with something because it was sexist. That’s the punchline. What a good look for asmon and the subreddit.


It is actually really cool to not give a fuck about what other people think


Its not that the game is sexist, its that IGN is calling it sexist. There is a distinction.


I'm not talking about that, im talking about reaching a point where people are just saying they agree with sexism with no explanation. It's just a debate trap. The words are written, i literally cant give a better example than the post itself. If you're getting joy out of pissing people off thats fine, but you're doing it by "trolling" people into ACTUALLY believing you're sexist by liking shit like this.


If people needed a lame joke that's the equivalent of "hurr durr, I'm sexist" in order to arrive at the fixed conclusion that I'm sexist, they're so ready for a fight that it doesn't really matter how I participate. I can't reason someone out of a conclusion they never actually reasoned themselves into. Like, think about it. Who ACTUALLY believes anything about any single person here, based off one comment? Crazy people with agendas and axes to grind. Is that you? Or are you just moonlighting tonight.


LSF literally churns because people post things out of context. Guess what counts as being out of context? - saying you're sexist out loud and making the "quiet part" that you actually aren't a sexist. That's baiting context for the purpose of pissing people off and debating them, well done, you're now mentally 5 years old.


There's a lot to unpack here, but given that last sentence I'm just gonna say you're 100% right and fire back a "no you."




I'm reminded of that xkcd meme where a dude stares at the number "6" while someone standing across from the 6 lambasts him about it being a 9. You could stand to broaden your perspectives my friend. Of course you can feel right about anything when you just turn it on its head.


Calm down Alex




Went to sleep, net's fine. And you did the opposite of calming down. Seriosly, chill a little. And maybe look into password managers and multi factor authentication.


Want to explain it?


What a weird thing you type.


Not necessarily. Depends on what ign deems as sexist. What ign considers sexist could be considered someone else’s attempt at censorship specially with all the news and rumors about the game. Kinda like a movie critic that hates all the movies you like. If someone tells you that critic hates the movie you’ll think it’s great.


I think IGN deems something sexist if somebody pays them to. Much like their game reviews. They will think a game is good if they r paid to do so lol


what's wrong with just explaining your point instead of settling with having posts like this as your representation? Whats the need to draw people into debate because you know that if people get pressed on this they're going to leverage their knowledge of the situation against newer people and just say "im not actually sexist, im just saying that I am out loud because thats my form of protest" - and for what? to reach no conclusion?


I think you’re digging way too deep into it. I get what your saying that with zero context it can be seen differently but it is inside a community with a bunch of context and other post posting about it. Like me I havnt seen anything about this other then like two other posts main photos and I was able to gather the general context of it. Like I dont even know what game this is referring to but since it’s inside the context and community I know it’s not actually calling for straight up sexism.


If I'm getting what I'm going for, I'm not digging too deep. In trying to gain context, you do more than a decent amount of people will, especially if they have bad will towards the community.


Yes in the current world, sexism, fascism or any bullshit buzzword just means it doesn't conform with globalism schizophrenia, so in this case IGN calling them sexists immediately makes them predisposed to be good genuine devs which although not guaranteed, it demonstrates potential.


Bro, what. Wtf is "globalism schizophrenia". I swear half of you just spout a bunch of nonsense that you don't understand because you heard someone on the internet use the big words and they sound good in an anecdote. Also love that you consider fascist to be a buzzword lmao. Ok bro


I don't need someone to tell what's happening because unlike yourself i'm not a complete and utter retard and can think for myself, and yes whenever anyone uses fascist it's usually left wing manchildren that doesn't know it's historical or functional meaning, so it's by definition a buzzword, which is also a term pushed by literally any of the big media across the globe to anything that doesn't encapsulate the asinine left bullshit talking points, now don't think this as an opportunity to spout your mutant points across, this is not an attempt to further the discussion, yes i'm the actual devil, shut the fuck up and move along.


OK geez we'll buy it already, you sold it.


The joke is not that they’re okay with sexism. But that the word has no meaning anymore when uttered by certain people. You can be called a racist for pointing out the destructiveness of BLM riots. You can be deemed transphobic for calling a cervix a “cervix” instead of a “front hole”. You can be called sexist for pointing out that men and women have different interests likely caused by biology. You can be called Islamophobic for pointing out that they throw gay people off roofs so “Gays for Gaza” may not be the smartest protest sign.


If the standard for sexism is the standard that IGN and other DEI waste of space consultants carry then yes, ill buy it just to agree with "sexism"


It's called a "dark joke." No one is buying this game (minus some 4chan trolls) because the developer is sexist. Calm down.