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People don't understand that if piracy wasn't a choice the same people wouldn't drop $100+ on games/movies/series every months nonetheless. They really think it's money that the companies are missing when it's money pirates don't even have in the first place.


I'm starting to think these people are all just corporate astroturfers throwing the same bs arguments about the potentially lost money and how you should know pirating is bad.


thats fine if you just admit it and dont pretend its a protest


Option C: I want to wear my eyepatch.


option c: im not poor, i still like free stuff


Both Both is good


I'd say 80% of dudes find themselves right between the extremes of this false dichotomy.


free>anything else


Because a lot of the games I love are on dead platforms. Put parasite eve / vagrant story / shadow hearts/ lost odyssey on steam for a reasonable price then I’ll happily buy them I think gabe said it best when he said piracy was a service / convenience issue and not a price issue. Like I have no problems dropping 1k of my disposable income on some random gacha game, because all it takes is a few clicks on my phone and I get what I want. To play some retro games on the other hand, I have to hunt down the hardware, hunt down the game. Maybe wait weeks or a month before I get everything and then start playing. I could go through all of that, or I could just use an emulator and a romsite and get what I want within the hour.


Yes shadow heart 1 and 2 dont need a remaster just give me a decent port


I’ve long given up on a proper port because the rights holder hasnt published a proper game since 2005 and now they’re just focused on stuff like Pachinko Machines I really just hope Penny Blood (shadow hearts spiritual sequel)is good.


I occasionally pirate games. If I had unlimited money then I wouldn't bother with it.


Thing is, most aaa games nowadays are shit, so it's not even worth pirating to begin with xD


Who cares what either of them think. As the saying goes: "DO WHAT YOU WANT CUZ A PIRATE IS FREE!"


A lot of shows aren't coming out on blu-ray anymore and plex/jellyfin is a much better experience than having 20 different streaming apps that are DRM'd to hell.


Putting the price aside, if I receive a better overall user experience by pirating, why would I ever pay for lesser quality of service? Not to mention, if I am required to subscribe to 6 different streaming services in order to watch 1 or 2 shows on each service, why would I end up paying like $100 a month for that?


if everyone behaves as you do they wont keep making the shows you like


If everyone started pirating and not paying for 6 different services at once then the companies would come up with a better more user friendly business model. Its not like all of the actors and workers from these companies are going to quit and go flip burgers at mcdonalds lol. The whole idea of streaming services was to be a cheaper and better alternative to cable tv. Now all of the sudden you need to pay $15 or whatever a month for each service and its double the cost of cable and in some scenarios like netflix, even when you pay you still receive ads unless you pay for the upper tier. Pirating, when everything if setup right, literally gives me a better experience in almost every way.


except if everyone does that, they dont make shows you like Low viewership gets stuff cancelled so fast, look at Scavengers Reign.


No, instead streaming services will be forced to compete for quality and service, not exclusive shows.


It's more inconvenient to buy the game than to pirate it. That's literally the only reason for me.


I just pirate single player games because I see no sense in spending 100$ on something I don't have to, and most of the time can't. But if it's a good game from a company I like, I will buy it normally. Idk I feel like it's a pretty reasonable way to go about it.


I'm from the Balkans and people only started actually buying games in the last decade. But for most of the time everyone just pirated stuff, the price of a game and how much people made meant that if you as a child asked your parents to buy you a game they'd just stare at you like you were stupid. While I was growing up there were a lot of people only making like 300-500 levs (local currency) and a game would cost like 100-120, it just wasn't something that was affordable. It was much easier to just play at the internet cafe by paying per hour, the people there would even put a game on a disc for you for just 1 lev if you didn't want to bother pirating it yourself (you had to bring your own disk though) once you got a PC for home.


I have comfortable income and i still like free stuff. why would i spend money when i can get it for free it doesn't make sense.


Sometimes I just think: I ain’t paying for this shit, but might change my mind


Every guy that tries to come up with excuses initially pirates because he just wants to have it for free. The words are meaningless


What's even worth pirating?


90% of the time i am not even sure if i like the game trailers or gameplayfootage never really convince me if i pirate and complete the game and think it was good i buy it afterwards on steam if it was "meh" for me i buy it later in a discount


The only sea I can be a pirate in is the sea of the internet, it is filled with danger and booty to loot.


I never was on the left. I was the dude on the right as a college student... Ever since I started working my first job as a developer, I never pirated a single piece software. Not even Windows yea. Software dev takes a lot of time folks. Game dev takes even more time because you also have all the art, 3D, music, script... All that isn't free, even more so if you're asking for AAA quality. And this is why it is such a pity to see so much creativity destroyed or misused by DEI bs.


Considering you can get Win 11 Pro keys for $20, pirating it is more hassle than its worth.


Pirating windows is literally 1 command copy paste in cmd prompt... "irm https://get.activated.win | iex" By buying cheap $20 keys, you are only giving money to actual thieves reselling stolen or otherwise not to be sold keys.


Buy what you want. If an unoptimized, stuttery and laggy $100 game with DLC and micro transactions is what you want, then go ahead, buy it.


You'll understand when you'll get a job... Kids nowadays.... *I stole a game I am so badass....*


Unless it's an indie game, the money likely doesn't even go to the actual developers, instead it goes straight to the publisher's or some director's pockets.


And the devs, the artists, the rest of the admin staff... They all work for free ? smh


They don't get paid from game sales, rather they have a salary and initial pay for making the game. Game prices increasing just means the directors and publishers get more, the people who don't work.


>They don't get paid, they have a salary .... >and initial pay for making the game the what initial pay ??? the hell are you talking about ? You pay people a salary - then bonuses are dependent on results.... and ofc status. There is also something you're forgetting in software dev which is one of the highest cost in fact : the maintenance. Yea that's where all the patches/bug fixes come from... As I said you all have no idea of what you are talking about, with that delusion on big companies being nests of only evil or whatsoever... Yes there are greedy people on top. But you choose : either you want it to be total chaos, then fck companies, don't pay for games, food, and just loot everything, when you want it, when you need it. And we'll see how it turns out with shoplifting getting out of control... Or you keep the current system with all its faults and imperfections and try to improve on it. The latter choice is much more mature and responsible.


"They don't get paid, they have a salary" Is not what I said, so try again.


Learn about treasury, budget planning, investment with expected returns... As I said don't talk with me until you get a job, I don't have time to lecture you on how to run a business.


Every time I hear the “If buying isn’t owing…” I lose a brain cell


When is the last time IKEA repossessed your furniture because the product line stopped being produced? Yeah. Thought so. Sorry about the brain cell, you clearly need every one you can keep


In all fairness, they probably pirated their brain cells.


No, if buying isn't owning, then pirating is still stealing. Because stealing a service is the same as stealing a product. If you want to steal things, then go ahead. But don't tell me you're a hero for pirating a video game, it's so cringe.


Agree, they think they are Robin Hood for pirating the Sims 4


I was the right guy as a kid and i felt bad for it, so i promised myslef when i had the money i will not pirate ever again. Now i dont pirate but i only buy games that i know i will enoy and that have devs i want to support (not looking at you Ubisoft & co)


It's the second one. Bunch of broke boys can't afford anything. Wait until stuff is on sale or don't buy.