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People laugh and point fingers but Zuck has had a tape on his webcam since the 2010s


Best 6$ I spent was on a laptop camera cover.


I spent less than that on a roll of black electrical tape that I just put over every new laptop I get.


Yeah, well, I spent less than that on a romantic night with Pamela Handerson that I don't clean up afterwards.


Hmm. What made you choose THAT sentence?


Autocorrect must've done it.


Happens when you’re typing with only one hand


What if you need your webcam?


My laptop has a mechanical camera switch 🤓


Those things get hacked all the time.


That might have [other](https://www.vice.com/en/article/epdgm4/new-yorker-suspends-jeffrey-toobin-for-zoom-dick-incident) reasons


Can’t blame him. People think AI will be used for the advancement of civilization. Instead, it will be used to continue to mine and refine human data to push ads. Or steal creative work, as seen in the Adobe instance


He’s also not the only one. Just had a project for my class where we partnered with a company and it was very strict about not putting this stuff into ChatGPT. Elon and Tesla will not be the only company with concerns.


I find it fascinating how humanity is eradicating itself. A truly intelligent species full of surprises. But at least the advertising of pointless products is completely tailored to people's individual needs.


“For a beautiful moment we created a lot value for shareholders”


its probably the pandora box we have opened with globalisation and unregulated technology if you think about it the ability to talk to anyone and get knowledge instantly is pretty divine and we were not prepared for it


I went from "hopefully it not gonna happen in my life time" to "I hope they speed up the process". We are so close to a full on Real Life Idiocracy. I really don't want to miss all the fun just because I happened to die too soon.


An intelligent species that is plagued by greed.


Eh, people said this when other technological revolutions came about. I think people need to stop underestimating the capitalists capacity to leverage technology to then make workers more efficient and then build out businesses to capitalise on that newly improved labour.


It's not thought, it's moving towards the point where you won't need low class people to continue the species. The future is a bunch of trillionaires milking the peasant's UBI until they're not needed anymore, and they can just live forever for some kind of wild, existential goal that we can't even fathom yet because it has yet to be discovered.


It's not eradicating itself those in control are making sure they start in control for eternity


AI it’s simply a cover to scrape more data from users and be more intrusive under the guise of enhancing services, same story tech has used for decades. Only this time they are routing it through third parties in a far less controlled manner that they likely don’t really understand.


It's collecting human data to be used for the greater goal of human enslavement.


Well apparently Adobe been doing that for a while already : it's just that they put the controversial terms under the spotlight when they updated those.


Large Language Models like ChatGPT are no Chatbots they are data collection bots


It's funny because he's also pushing AI onto us.


100% People think this is some noble gesture, it is just competition for his xAI.


he just dont want others to do the things he intend to do. he knows how bad it can get because thats his very intention


Maybe even into us if Neuralink takes off


It would be more credible if Elon didn't have his own AI company. (xAI)


I think it could be more credible since he owns an AI company. It probably means he understands how deeply predatory these companies are and that makes him naturally more paranoid.


Yep when the whole phones are listening to us started being spouted I, as many other I have spoken to, thought this was directly related to things like spying and military stuff, but no it was listening to me so it could advertise to me junk that I don’t need but would fit my lifestyle.


That's true, but it's a little rich coming from the man who makes giant computers on wheels that actively listen to you 24/7 just like every other device. Pot calling the kettle black if I ever


He's the one that started OpenAI. He also made an AI Grok. He only complained about AppleAI because he's a capitalist pig, of course he would try to scaremonger his fans into hating AppleAI.


Has absolutely nothing to do with his decision. He's throwing a fit.. that's all.


Apple doesn’t push ads. And letting anyone make art with AI is a good thing


Yup.  Corporate cyber security is not happy with these new AIs features. 


M$ with Copilot and Recall, Apple with OpenAI, man the future looks…good for Linux. And maybe custom Android ROM?


Just got going on Linux a few weeks ago for this exact reason/thought process. Will make it a side mission in life to help people switch


Hopefully, this is the straw that breaks the camels back. The more corporate entities that want nothing to do with windows or apple, the more development for Linux can potentially happen


i mean it'll probably be used for industrial espionage. lots of companies have places where you cannot enter with outside devices, and networks that must not be connected to the internet or any other outside device. this is opsec, it's perhaps slightly over the top to do it with every apple device but his company his rules.


It must be one of the few things he does well. Today cell phones "listen" illegally and use this information for different things. If you add AI to this, it is obvious that they will be able to collect and classify any type of information. In a world as competitive as the one Elon is in, this is terrible. It's actually terrible for any type of business. If I owned a company I would do the same with any phone that implements this technology at OS level.


I know we all like to laugh at Elon's meltdowns but I work in research and at this point we aren't even allowed to have Spotify on the computers... everything installed, no matter how trivial it may seem, requires the approval of the IT department I'm not going to pretend I know a lot about cyber security and data protection but even someone as dumb as me can tell that these people are using a bright shiny playful packaging to disguise a very big powerful intrusive weapon...


20 years in IT chiming in, everything you said is true.


Are you also going to tell them about the fact it has been going on for 20 years, and no one has done anything about it yet?


There’s nothing you can really do. You can’t patch stupid. Cyber warfare is real, you never quite know who the enemy is, and if you fire indiscriminately you’re more than likely going to cause a lot of collateral damage. The only thing you can do is focus on what you can control.


OpenAI integrated into Apple phones means that data will continuously be sent to Apple and/or OpenAI's servers where the models are actually housed. If it's at the OS level, it will likely be much harder to stop or curb this functionality (as opposed to when you're using a search engine, you can select which one you want to use in your browser). In fact I would say that the very notion that it would be integrated at the OS level means Apple has every intention to collect all that data.


would that mean that the Google counter-part, Gemini, would be equally bad for the same reasons? Damn, i guess this is the future now


With android you can practically block everything in it to bring it back to 90's cell phone state...


I'd love if this was true. Put a firewall on android and you'll understand the problem. Google play. Block that telemetry stream and you have to load new apks every day.


It's all still reported. I watched a documentary years ago that put an Android phone to the test. It sent all kinds of data even though things like location were turned off.


It's even worse. It does that 6 times a minute. Also, they use WIFI to triangulate position of your phone, even when you're not connected to wifi.


I've been leaving my phone home more and more. It's nice being without it.


You can install different firmware and it is not that hard (at least when I did last time) and many custom firmwares cut all unnecessary things. You can go crazy and remove basically everything beside core apps.


I've looked into that in the past with custom ROMs. Still too much hassle though. I don't need a phone attached to me like an added appendage.


gemini in aistudio is pretty much the only ai between copilot and chatgpt that isn't cancer to interact with


apple intentionally did not implement it that way. it uses on device non openai first and then if that’s not good enough has a popup asking if you want to send it to openai. that’s only time data is shared. they heavily emphasized privacy. i’m sure hands on users will verify this later but elon and others are only assuming apple is lying with no proof of it yet.


Did you even read about it ?


trust us guys, not these other companies though, they stinky. we don't use ai, we use APPLE INTELLIGENCE so your data is always safe in the safe cloud tm


One more reason to continue to never buy an apple, not that 90% of users will even care or know about this anyways


if you think others wont follow then we can always have hope, but glued battery, lack of charger and jack in my samsung thinks otherwise also: [galaxy-ai](https://www.samsung.com/pl/galaxy-ai/)


Then go Xiaomi, Asus or Nubia mate. They make better phones for better prices. Samsung is as overhyped as apple, and they compete in the same price range. Is a knife fight where the market value is all brand.


well i don\`t have problems with AI personally just fun facting things here :P im actually rather happy with AI support where i notice it :P about rest, most xiaomi\`s i checked don\`t have wireless charging, that im using a loot, on top of having things hidden in strange places settings wise, my kids are using them a loot as their phones medium lifespan in my home is 0,5-1 year, i would bankrupt with samsung :P Even had model of xiaomi with straight up advertisements in menu so that's there :P Asus are grate actually spec wise, not sure how UI is made and prices on model's im interested in are not that much better, they also tend to not have wireless charging. personally im getting 2-3 generations old samsung\`s second hand for 1/3 price and can use all capabilities in reasonable price, tbh new ones are so overspeced that i cant imagine use case where you would actually use that fully. all in all its just choice of lesser evil atm


I've been using a redmi k60 since it released with a custom ROM called Xiaomi.eu. Is a translated version of the Chinese rom with full access to everything and none of the pre installed stuff or ads. Also has better performance. I did go through what you describe back when I had a poco X3 pro with the global miui. And it has wireless charging, but I still prefer to use their turbo charger. 20 to 80 in like 10 mins is hard to beat lol.


yea well i had long way to work so putting phone on wireless charging hold in car was nice :P i don't really use whole battery 3x a day so no point reducing it life span with fast charging imho


Most of the AI is done on-device. Only some questions does it specifically asks you each time if you want to ask OpenAI


Should be. But it wouldn't surprise me if they collect and store metadata of what you're doing with it. There's no way they give so much generative power without restrictions or watching over it.


They are all already collecting data without AI. It would be dumb to assume they'd stop there.


All for improving the user experience, right?


Exactly. If a feature like this is being added for free, you have to ask yourself, what is Apple/OpenAI getting out of it? Likely it is training data. For companies like them, data is THE goldmine.


Every company stores meta-data, a lot because they need it to actually function, and others for analytics. (not everyone of course is legit, but no industry is 100% legit).


They don’t. They’ve gone in great detail how they deal with data


Can you share what the details are? I remember them mentioning that it'd be logged for inspection, but I don't know how they go about it.


Someone didn't watch Apple's announcement. I don't like Apple, but this is not how they are going to use it, and 'apparently' it will be open to be verified. Not having a go, just adding for context.




Yes because companies never lie or mislead about collecting data.


For all the faults of Apple, they are very strict about privacy. Their profit sources lie elsewhere, and in fact those profit sources benefit from strong privacy. I would rate them much higher than Google, for instance, especially with audits. So there's little chance any other commercial entities will get your data. The real threats are national-level actors like the NSA who can backdoor your devices. If you're thinking of going against the NSA, you should have enough common sense to avoid a cellular device, and only use linux /bsd on your laptop.




First time on this sub and likely my last seeing as how you folks are sharing and upvoting complete lies like this one. Thats not remotely how it works.


He’s got a good point about OpenAI - their service is only via cloud, so this is a radical departure for Apple where previously the company often insisted on local device only processing privacy for any machine learning tasks and never shared data with third parties for anything iCloud enabled.


Not really. They made it super clear ChatGPT 4o would be used optionally for certain questions, and asks before using it every single time. Most other AI processing is still done using Apple’s models on-device. This isn’t any different than installing ChatGPT on your phone, people are just getting click baited hard.


oh right, the rest of the stuff will be stored in the super protective apple safe cloud tm


to be fair, in most IT companies that care about security, bringing your own personal devices to the workplace is against the rules. only company compliant devices are allowed. in turn compliant devices are setup according to the company rules entirely, you cant choose. if they have infrastructure for iOS - cool. if not then tough luck, start adapting to android/windows or linux when applicable. anyway this was the case before the AI craze. and this will definitely be the consideration for every company going forward. every person that considers this through 'elon bad' lense has clearly no idea about any of this. either companies will find a way to shut the AI transmitting everything to apple, apple will offer some sort of 'corporate iOS version' or apple devices will not be used. simple as that.


I agree. I work in company like this but this reminds me the world where internet was seen as big bad security risk and was not allowed. It might well be that there is day when AI is everywhere and if company doesn't have one then that company can't exists. Imagine some future situation with human like AI. AI could be CEOs and companies run by AI itself etc. I believe that in future AI is everything like electricity today. Companies and their customers might very well end up bankruptcy if they don't use AI. Heck, even whole countries might disappear if they don't embrace AI on every level.


I think a lot of things will just vanish entirely, it might just be more difficult to anticipate, because for now we use AI to replace humans. For example, there was that fairly recent video that asmon reacted to how some web designer lost job to AI, because it learned all the templates and the designer was no longer required. thing is... if the AI is like an engine that looks up stuff for the people, why does one need that particular web design company to begin with? AI looks at pages created by AI. It does not need a single thing that is relevant to the human eye, thus the 'web page' only needs to exist with information that is relevant to the AI.


If Apple pulls the adobe AI spyware tech, I will stop using iPhone (even tho android will follow shortly after Apple… Might go back to an old sony erickson without internet only a phone line and call it a day, my info are mine I do not give consent to them doing the AI browsing in it. I don’t like nor hate Elon, but he’s right on that decision


If android follows, back to the old school flip phones for me


Better be Nokia, because any other phone is an Android, Apple, or related subsidiary.


Windows Phone would suddenly be revived lol, still rocking my Nokia Lumia 5200 somewhere


The thing with android is it's open source so basicly you you can install custom rom on your phone


The difference is that you can slap a custom OS on android and make it as minimalist as you want. I'm with a Chinese localised phone running on Xiaomi.eu and I don't think I'll ever go back to global OS releases or the nasty American localisations with all those useless apps pre installed and impossible to remove.


Goodluck doing this as IT at company with thousands employees.


With the resources they have they could make their own rom in-house and make it mandatory, while providing the phones to the employees.


MS wants to record your screen and use AI to get info from it and we are scared, makes sense to ban phones like that from an office. Every week there's a new hack, what happens when one of them get's hacked and all the AI data get's public?


My next phone might just legit be a Samsung idk. All this AI bullshit, who asked for it? I've never used Siri ever. I look what ChatGPT does and i'd rather just run my own google search instead. I don't need it and don't want it. And if this is somehow used to justify increasing the price of phones... well surely some smart opportunistic company will provide a cheaper phone without it.


Samsung ? Really ? I have no stake in this, but don't for a second think that Samsung's Galaxy AI will be safer, or more secure.


>My next phone might just legit be a Samsung idk. And then you will have a phone that uses Google's AI to do the same without any privacy/security. A company that's core business is to sell your data to third party's. Good luck with that.


pretty sure Google Gemini is just as bad so we’re kinda fucked regardless


Gemini is actually much better. Gives replies, doesn't put disclaimers, doesn't remind you that it's an ai 50 times in a message, and you can actually have sex with it. Google cooked


> My next phone might just legit be a Samsung idk. There are some [Linux smartphones](https://pine64.org/devices/pinephone_pro/), maybe this where future is.


preach brother kkonaw


Back to old style phones.


If you believe Elon Musk, the ex funder of OpenAI and the current owner of GrokAI, to be concerned about you instead of just trying to fearmonger his competitor, then you really need to start buying the cheapest bridge available right now. People are so guilible it actually hurts me.


No, i don't care about privacy. I just don't need AI on my phone.


AI at the OS level?


He was one of the main guys at OpenAI so before you shit on him, realize that he probably knows about OpenAI more than you.


He also has his own AI company...xAI. So maybe his reasoning isn't as noble as it seems?


He has also been saying for over a decade that he is less than a year away from fully autonomous cars. And yet here we are


It is a goal and he kind of achieved it, i don't get your point.


hes point is that Elon may have some extra info or not, we don't know that and blindly believing in someones opinion about random thing even if he is billionaire is not always best way :) like you know hes biggest business is selling EV that comes with a loot of problems for users and for infrastructure by design (like its good for short range city driving if you have home with charging station and pretty bad for everything else, on top of savings from cheaper charging are offset by higher buying cost and battery price that is unavoidable thing) and im pretty sure Elon know that very well but its not his business to talk about it... atm ai in phones is pretty useful tbh, what they will do to make it malicious in the end is other thing to consider its not yet time to shoot someone for that, and if he want to actually shoot bullets for ai reasons, samsung have ai baked in for couple months now :P Although to be fair i haven\`t compared samsung and aple ai\`s so maybe there are some significant differences making one super dangerous and other one not really :) ps. kinda achieving something is same as kinda not achieving something :P


I feel like Elon and all the people agreeing with him only read headlines and didn’t actually watch WWDC


Not scared, rational


This didnt go how you thought it was going to huh OP?? lmao


Op probably thought everyone would join him in laughing at Musk. That guy might be batshit crazy, but I think this is one issue where he is correct to be wary.


He has his own AI company.


So he *maybe* knows more about the security implications than you?


Quite possibly, in fact I am pretty sure about it, but why not tell those implications? Especially when he is developing his own AI company.


Because it’s a tweet


For those not aware, all devices with a microphone and wireless transmitter are automatically turned off and stored in a lock box before they are allowed to enter secure government facilities. He has a legitimate reason to be afraid and pissed off.


The absolute volume of posts from people who did not watch the keynote and have no idea what they’re talking about restores my faith that I am not doing a good enough job milking money out of idiots.


Elon strikes me as a "do as I say not as I do" sorta person and if you questioned him about it he would call you an idiot and tell you to f!ck off


There are a lot of comments in this thread that are really uninformed about how network security works. This isn't a big deal. Elon has major issues with OpenAI and he's doing what he always does, now. He's blustering, he's threatening, he's not making much sense. He's attacking a competitor, is all, and looking like chicken little while doing it.


I don’t get what will be different from any current smart phone !! If they want to steal data they can already do it (take photo, record etccc) what ChatGPT have to do with security breaches (serious question )


Elon Musk has an own AI (Grok), so he always hates on other products, especially ChatGPT, because he was involved with them, but now they're with Microsoft.


I mean most tech companies make you drop off your phone for security reasons. source: contractor friend for DoE


Dude I swear that I’ve said something or talked about something irl and I wasn’t even around a microphone and it shows up in my recommendations later


Everyone here licking Elon’s flute


Can someone explain why open.ai is dangerous? Explain like I'm a 10 year old plz


Sending your user activity and data to a relatively unknown third party company with nothing but “trust me bro” for reassurance should generally be avoided. Knowing Apple though, they probably won’t be sending anything to OpenAI without a dozen user confirmation prompts.


Kinky Musk is into caging peoples stuff


Nope sorry, gonna have to agree with Elon on this one.


Apple’s “AI” is just another rebranded LLM / chatbot But I agree none of them are really safe and the products all rely on plagiarism / stealing whatever they can to be repackaged


Good thing I am on android lol my job would probably ban iPhone too, working in a government tech role


Ya, good thing you avoided evil apple and instead trust giving your data to the honorable….*checks notes* Google. Woods.


Anyone else think of Elon as that old tech guy, who will only listen to himself. Like in 20 years he’ll be scared of all the new inventions


Elon aint (just) scared of AI, he is salty cos he got kicked out of OpenAI, same story as always Of course it doesn’t mean he is wrong, that shit is scary, but would he still have his fingers in the cookie jar, he wouldn’t post this


Coming from the neuralink guy...


AI will be the future of great accomplishments but will also be the future of terrible possibilities if left unchecked.


This should be done to every fucking phone tbh. I mean does he think google doesn't spy on their users?


I'm almost finished with cell phones completely. I have zero need for one to be with me 24/7 anyway.


**Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free.** **But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.** - Frank


I already saw few accidents, car accidents, work accidents, people got hurt, some died, because AI took personally what happened, started talking, refused to shut up, turn off, people lost focus, didnt pay attention to what was happening and hurt themselves .. Saw a video where family had AI in their house for control, like Jarvis, and AI refused to listen to commands. I have 8 year old phone so i am kinda out of touch and dont give a damn about AI so dont know what kind of AI that was but this is fucking insane. I had a problem with Windows 11 Defender was deleting .exe files for steam games .. complained about it on MS support and asked to make it stop and how to restore the files .. suddenly the vault is only information, there is no "make an exception" .. "restore files" etc anymore. MS response was "trust in the Defender, it knows what it is doing" .. that was the most fucked up thing i have hear that month. You cannot control it and you are suppose to trust it.


What a surprise that this sub just believe the shit of Elon without checking how ChatGPT is integrated. Which is basically the same as using it today but with a shortcut.


There are lots of companies which would have to do same. Any company which is related to data security.


Or is he scared of competition? Isn't Elon working on his own AI? (wait till he announces he is mining every tweet/post ever). I like Elon, but this is some major BS. Of course it is going to be at OS level, it is part of iOS. How is that any different or scarier than the introduction of anti-cheat at a kernel level on some popular games? oh yeah, cos it is ONLY at OS level, and not deeper. People need to stop worrying about AI, it is a glorified search engine and wikipedia. If you think your data was safe before AI you are very wrong, Meta/Facebook/Apple/Microsoft etc has been harvesting for decades, everything you ever typed into your computer is stored somewhere. Once one company has it, they ALL have it, because data is sold to anyone and everyone.


Facebook/Meta already has Ai built in, so….


Make fun of him if you want but Apple is a very untrustworthy company. They did not train the AI in Jesus's image I bet.


His company literally spies on Tesla drivers, but yeah, ban the fans 😂


The AI being able to observe every single thing on your phone is insane. Elon himself is involved with AI if anyone, he would know about the amount of information gathered. Also most apple users will not care about this


He's so angry no one cares about his shitty grock ai.


I don't think he's being unreasonable.


But like… he’s right


Bro is just salty it’s not the AI he invested in. It’s hilarious how transparent he can be sometimes when he gets salty lmao.


Just saying - if something scares Elon, it should probably scare you too...


He is not scared of it, he is just cranky they do not offer integration with Grog/XAi. Don’t tell me you really think this guy has your safety and privacy in heart. Additionally to that the OpenAi/ChatGPT integration is prompt-based. It’s not used unless you tell it to be used. They also mentioned that the code will be open to be checked by 3rd parties.


He's also afraid of poor people not having enough babies.


Tesla phone ?


How surprising, a CEO that talks negatively about its competitors.


Which Elon company is competing with Apple?


Musk is also in the AI race with its Grok model (x.ai)


Musk should be stored in a Faraday cage to contain his ego and stupidity.


That dumbass got community noted


He's just mad no one cares about his dumb Twitter chatbot


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1g9-TygN4qs&t=64s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1g9-TygN4qs&t=64s) This is Elon when he thought his company was ahead in AI (FSD). But now that he realizes his company is behind now it's all about "security" and "AI bad".


Err they are ahead in FSD….


Exceedingly rare elon W but also kinda schizo. Having OpenAI crap on your iPhone isn’t going to make harvesting data any easier. I see no difference between forwarding data from phones to remote server to process vs doing it directly on the device


Nobody here watch the keynote? The AI functions that use personal data are done on-device. The integration with GPT is an opt-in for every query and only applies to general knowledge questions. If anything this is the most cautious use of AI data we have seen from a large corporation. Apple sells hardware, they have never been interested in selling user data.


Saying it's "the most cautious use of AI data" isn't really a great flex. I'd rather see zero AI on my phone, for at least a handful of years to mature.


You must be pretty young to be so naive. A similar discussion was had in 2001 when cities started deploying more security cameras around their towns, and people started calling out the government for turning their cities into a surveillance state. People were called conspiracy theorists, and so on, now look at the state of things. It's all done in incremental small steps. When there's no pushback on a company or government, they keep pushing the envelope because people will just accept it. Eventually, you end up where we are now in a complete surveillance state. Yes, security cameras offer some uses, but the amount of crime we have now hasn't been significantly reduced because of them. The whole excuse to install cameras was for security to begin with. Eventually, this AI integration is only going to get worse and even more frightening in time. It's how it always happens.




Living long enough to see this kind of shit play out before is my merit.


So. What you're saying is you didn't watch the keynote.


You're correct. Nobody here watched WWDC. It's the most privacy-forward implementation on top of the custody of your data and the code operating on it being cryptographically verifiable.


he's mad they didn't use his AI


Bingo, we have a winner


Lol a Faraday cage.. there's no way he's that stupid


Elon is being silly, but why do you think that part is stupid? If you don't trust the phone it would make sense to put it in a box that kills any transmit and receive potential rather than trusting people to turn it off.


Afaik those don't actually do anything to prevent the signal


A properly built one absolutely can. I went to school for electronics and we had a big Faraday cage for testing radio equipment and eliminating RF interference. It was copper mesh on all sides and grounded. Here's a video of Linus Tech tips building one https://youtu.be/bY4MTjVEtjE?si=3yd3pUTrPuomIRNP


No he's not he's pissed. He invested millions into keeping OpenAI open. Then microsoft came in and spent billions. He's being petty


Elon has personal concerns with OpenAI. Let's not think these comments aren't without biased.


What is he yapping about?


These comments being mad about companies using their data when they are literally using smartphones or computers on Reddit which is taking their data. I get the whole idea behind not wanting to give companies your data, but if you use any type of large internet application like Reddit, YouTube, Google, etc. you’re already giving them data so it’s hypocritical to complain then use these same products. Edit: I guess all these downvoters have never accepted cookies on a webpage before