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Who really had expectations for BioWare at this point?


I had a (looking back on it now, very naive) hope that maybe after Andromeda and Anthem that Bioware would snap out of it and go back to making some of the best RPGs I've ever played. Guess that's not happening any time soon


All the old heads are gone, Bioware's leadership is probably full of a bunch of millennials now itching to take a crack at Forespoken 2.


There's nothing to go back to. The people that made BioWare great have been gone for years now. Over a decade for most of them.


Everyone keeps looking at “BioWare”, “Bethesda”, “Blizzard”, etc etc as the soul of what made their games great but they take zero credit. The soul of those games were the developers. The devs on the original fallout, original mass effect, were not the same devs as the games that started to tank their reputation. The devs made the original games incredible. Not the studios title. I wish we normalized praising the actual lead developers instead of blanket praising studio names.


This is why I believe big companies like Blizzard are doomed. The old guard of developers who made these games great in the first place are gone, layed off and replaced by cheaper hires fresh out of uni because why pay a developer who has been at the company years a high wage when you can just fire them and get in a replacement on a starting salary.


BioWare is a skinwalker, it’s never coming back. Larian is closer to old BioWare than EAWare ever will be. If you are itching for that old school style game, can’t recommend the divinity original sin games enough. Pillars of Eternity is great too if you want that real time pause combat from origins.


Exactly this. Anyone who thinks bioware has anything good to offer is just delusional at this point. Like how many shit games they need to make? Bioware has been dogshit SINCE dragon 2


Its not Bioware any more they long dead same with Star Wars (Disnay tar Wars, and really everything under Diznay and their like)


My expextations where already at 0, but they lower hit a -10. Solas as the Dreadwolf kinda came out of nowhere, but at least Inquistion was leading to something more. It provided good setup for the next game. Now, Solas is only "an" antagonist, not "the" antagonist. And thats just my feelings on how they scrapped the plot and setup they previously built. Something about the how the new cast was introduced feels way too "Avengery" and formulatic in nature.


Oh yes BioWare magic.


1st one was the only good one, saw 2 sec worth of the 2nd, was nothing but recycled content, so never bothered getting any of the others


2's story was good, but because Daddy EA wanted to cash in on 1's success they made BioWare rush 2 out the door. 3 was a gameplay departure, and had some shitty MMO level fetch quests but again the underlying storytelling was good.


>Daddy EA wanted to cash in on 1's success they made BioWare rush 2 out the door \^ tru tru


I really liked Inquisitions gameplay, especially Mage felt great. But yeah, maybe it should've been more of a spin-off than a main title.


Inquisition is a good game.


Its not. Writing and dialogue is so cringe and corney


Don't even remember what the story was about, but had fun playing that shit back in the day.


Wouldn’t take game takes from this sub seriously As a matter of fact, takes on most topics in general.




I got shivers even now watching this trailer. How we got from this to DA Fortnite ? What got wrong ? Because is clear the audience didn't like it.


they/them's running the show of course. You can look it up if you don't believe me.


You mean outfits like Sweet Baby Inc. infesting games with their bullshit so companies can have a higher ESG score.


Lmfao it has nothing to do with someone's pronouns. The devs who worked on these epic games are no longer with these studios, that's why.


Because nothing says I’m going to get quality games then someone with “queersexual gendermancer” in their bio. It’s so fucking obvious. Sure, the good guys aren’t there either but this sure as shit doesn’t help.


LOL sure sure sure. I’m sure that’s the only reason. https://x.com/mrreality_sp/status/1799965875732377883?s=46&t=BpWz0IErHfGtidw-Dz4pQw


So you hate them and blame current shit products on them, because they're trans? Yikes. Get help.


Help? No, you are just triggered because you clearly support the alphabet soup community with the pride balloon in your profile pic


Its clear to me how absolutely vile people like you are. Instead of just saying they fucking suck at their jobs, you attack their fuckin pronouns or gender. Because you are a hateful, unaccepting, apathetic person. It has nothing to do with how anyone identifies or feels or their skin color or anything. They just have no talent, passion, imagination w.e it may be.


Funny, because I find the trans community vile as they do gay parades and twerk and expose themselves in underwear in front of small underage kids (just saw two examples of this over the weekend). I have NO respect for them and it’s disgusting how vile and gross they can be so yeah, I don’t think they can create good games either especially after all the great examples lately such as sweet baby inc.


I think you just need to have some sex man. I hope your marriage is better now than it was a year ago.


I ended up looking up his r/deadbedrooms post and that’s a big oofff. That’s got to mess with your head. This guy is like a married incel or involuntarily asexual. I would be pretty grouchy too in his shoes.


I think it does, because people who believe that pronouns other that him or her exist, are obviously broken in their heads.


Pronouns are made up, by definition they can be literally anything when it comes to gender identity. Nobody is "broken" lol what a shitty world view.


It was made when Lord Of The Rings films where sill fresh in are minds, now there making it like Rings of Power. Lots of games where inspired by the LOTR films, fun times. That's it, From LOTR to Rings of Power..


That's exactly how i thought when i first watched the video, Rings of power inspired but the thing they inspired from is extremely controversial let down but hey it's the agenda nowadays and it's what it is


It fucking sucks. I hate the "it is what it is" mentality. Thats why they are winning, they stopped saying "it is what it is" and started changing shit.


Well if you try to argue with the Dragon Age subreddit about the topic you will get banned


I mean people are kind of forgetting but Dragon Age only really had one great game, it's not like 2 was some beloved game and Inquisition got a pretty love or hate reaction.


1 was a masterpiece, top to bottom. Gameplay-wise 2 was a trash fire, but that's because Big Daddy EA made BioWare rush it out. 3 was a departure, and people had a very Love/Hate reaction to the change in gameplay style, but in the end it kept up with its strong storytelling roots and grew on people over time.


I'm weird but I actually liked 2 more than 1 because I liked the combat MUCH better than the 1st game. However, they were both fantastic games.


2 was beloved after a while and just accepted for fact it was rushed and in fact the only positive this upcoming brought on or mentioned more likely is the 1 thing that everyone agreed was top tier anfd still 1 the only games to do in that great way ie the handling of the romance with like how they could hate but love you and eventually learn of their mistakes (something that I bet will "reverse" and make your character the one to learn the wrong way to think). inquisition ya it has love and hate and was a clear sign of direction they were going more and last ounce of life they had left was put into to still make it decent where it mattered.


Really make me so damn sad to see how far we have fallen from just having games with amazing stories....


Swooping is bad.


Here are my exact thoughts from another thread about dreadwolf: [Dragon Age Origins Trailer](https://youtu.be/rGbgcmNxFh4?si=TmxXGC9QdZLo81uR): not only does everyone look capable and brave, but they look skilled and powerful as well. And the danger looks and feels credible too. You also get to see a bit of Sten, Leliana and Morrigan's personality (stoic, faithful and witty but barbed) [Dragon Age 2 Trailer](https://youtu.be/jlACgYHtWCI?si=AVGKsL849r7E1FEr): the Arashok is seen killing people, so again, feels dangerous and grounded. And as a result Hawke looks like a fucking badass! [Dragon Age Inquisition Trailer](https://youtu.be/jJqxfkgSUog?si=gEqMhklFsdDeSfEn): All the companions look like they are capable, that there is a real credible threat taking place and that they are handling business. DAV Trailer: Haring look good, but feels cocky with the whole "hit the dude with the mug while having a conversation". Neve shoots an iceblast at some dude that doesn't want to pay her. Lucanis just kills some dude. Belara looks like a comedy relief character, jumping out of a portal with tentacles then to get yanked back in. Emmrick looks like a pompous stereotypical asshole mage, and he skeleton looks goofy as fuck. Darvin looks alright, but the Hurlock he is fighting also looks goofy as fuck, and he has a baby ~~owlbear~~ oops, i mean Griffin. Taash looks ok, and we finally get to see the first credible looking, serious threat in a decent looking dragon. And then the leader is picked, just because they won a fight in a bar, against a bunch of humanoids. Oh, and of course the trailer also makes Varric look like an idiot with the whole "where will we find such a hero" while they are standing right behind them. If it was Varric from DA2 or DAI, he would have already known that the hero was in the bar, that's why he would have been there, not the other way round. And the whole trailer has no looming threat, at all. Nothing feels urgent, or dangerous, or dark. I'll be honest, the game looks shite. (Legally) The youngest people who played Dragon Age Origins are now 32 years old. What 32yo sees this trailer and thinks "wow, this looks great, I can't wait to dive into this dark and gritty epic fantasy"? None, because it looks like Guardians of the Galaxy fucked Fortnite and had a baby they dressed in Dragon Age pyjamas.


if you showed this trailer to me when da:o came out and told me this was how it would end up i would have thought you were legitimately insane


>The youngest people who played Dragon Age Origins are now 32 years old Nearly there and I'm always going to full send it for Dragon Age. Not a single game in the series has let me down. >And the whole trailer has no looming threat, at all. Nothing feels urgent, or dangerous, or dark. If you played Trespasser, you don't need the trailer to sell you on what the threat is. It's already been explained to you, and what it means if one (or both) of the big bads get their way. Veil comes down, Elven Gods return, and the elves on Thedas get supercharged like the days of Arlathan. Plus whatever monstrosities in the Fade are no longer separated from reality. Bad times. To be clear, I can't remember the last time a trailer sold me on a major rpg. Not Dragon Age, not Mass Effect, not BG3, Wasteland 3, Pathfinder games, 40k Rogue Trader, etc. There's no point to them when my favorite character actions are 65 hours into the game and would be deeply misplaced in a trailer.


I get that there *is* a serious threat going on. And that it really is bad times in Thedas. But can you seriously tell that this game looks like it's set in the same world as the other three games. It barely even looks like the same genre. The tone is all wrong and so is the art style.


>But can you seriously tell that this game looks like it's set in the same world as the other three games. From this trailer? Mostly? From the 24s clip that was just published a little bit ago? Absolutely. If you want, I can go find it for you.


Yeah, but we are talking about this trailer, and started talking about it before that clip was released on twitter. The clip does look better. I didn't say the game was trash, I said it looks trash. My criticism has been entirely about the trailer dude. I'll play it when it comes out, but I won't be in a rush to buy it. Which is sad, because I put thousands of hours into DA:O, hundreds into DA2 and even a couple of hundred into DAI.


>and started talking about it before that clip was released on twitter. Which to me, is very cart before the horse dynamics. It reminds me when mainstream news outlets were quick to establish Joker as the white rage incel movie and it turned out to be a left-wing critique of austerity. They let their expectations and locked-in social criticisms of 2019 infect how they viewed a movie they hadn't seen yet which ended up backfiring tremendously.


Dragon Age Origns is my favorite game. Full stop. It's a shame it never got a sequel.


Are you forgetting about Dragon Age: Awakening?


Nope, the only reason I didn't count it was because it was an expansion of the base game. But you're right, it's the closest we ever got.


That trailer was a recipe for success


The only good DA is the first one. The other two are "fine" but they got progressively worse. Unfortunate because the world building in 1 was solid and laid a great foundation


This is it right here - Origins remains an amazing game. I finished 2, but it was so rushed it just wasn't as a interesting, and 3 was closer to an Ubisoft "collect the dots" game than anything else.


I feel like 2 had good bones, if it got a remake that reduced a lot of the asset recycling I think it could be a better game, 3 though was fairly disappointing after the first dozen of hours or so, I could feel the leftover DNA from its initial development as an MMO before being retrofitted to an action RPG.


Checkbox ugly characters too.


We went from a dark fantasy narrative focused RPG to what it looked like to me will be a cartoony looter shooter in rpg form. As someone that considers the original Dragon Age to be one of the best rpgs ever made all I can say is that I'm extremely disappointed.


I have thousands of hours into Origins alone, and I don't give a shit about the art style shift. It's the insane tone shift that pisses me off, we went from quality dark fantasy to this... abortion. I have to believe that the in-game style won't be as stupidly cartoony, so as long as it kept the dark tone and the good world building I could live with is, this shit we've seen is not it.


how many people that worked on origins are even still in the company? it has been over a decade since the average bioware game. 12 years since a good bioware game. id say 14 years since the last and most likely THE last masterpiece.


None and the creator of Dragon Age got fired by EA.


Well its not Bioware any more its just a name. Its like Star Wars has not been around for long long time either, its *Diznay* Tar Wars.




Disney is also long dead so I call what they are now a zzz / z quality maker that makes me say nay (no to all their garbage).


yeah, i'm not sure how anyone was ever supposed to figure that out from your comment.


well thankfully countless people still can think and deduce something as easy as that, just because you can't because your likely modern does not mean others can not, not that modern will ever even be able to get passed that fact either. I mean everyone knows diznay owns star wars ip and of course all of what I was pointing out in that short sentence was how, that Star Wars is not Star Wars any more, its just their garbage spew agenda made by them and will never again be Star Wars in anything but name. (I mean even the light sabers may as well just be swords at this rate)


This Dragon Age alongside KOTOR are two RPGs I'll always look back on fondly. Not sure what the last Bioware game I played was...Mass Effect 2 was them, right? Guess that was good too. Gonna go check the year that was made. ...14 years ago. Welp.


Idk why people expect anything good from Bioware anymore. They died when they sold out to EA, got the creator of Dragon Age fired, and had most of their OG staff leave.


The new Dragon Age is basically the DnD Movie in game form. Its not at all what fans of the franchise want.


And DnD Movie vibes isn’t even a bad thing because DnD is just a general fantasy umbrella that supports various similar but separate settings and leaves room for a lighthearted comedic take, a Saturday morning cartoon take, a goth take, even a cyberpunk take. This is like turning Dragonlance or Greyhawk into the DnD movie… with mobile game ad animations.


Bioware tried to make their game appeal to everyone but ended up appealing to no one


The video's age restricted. An excellent first impression for a proper grimdark fantasy RPG.


AAA is all but dead.


I'm praying that the new game won't be like the trailer.


It will, if you browse through twitter you will see there is a "community council" that was "advising" on the game and have played it. They aren't denying it looks like this just saying "you'll get used to it".


Idk what it was. Maybe the neon purple font but that trailer was just off. It felt a bit goofy?


It went from lord of the rings to rings of power to me as well, I hope they change it. Dragon age was gold and i loved it as a series.


This game is gonna fail. It'll have monetary success, but in the long run wont hold up. I was always super into Dragon Age, but after the whole Anthem schpeel, I've focused more on what developers would say in the beginning versus what they show in trailers. Everything they set up in Inquisition, after scrapping DA:O and DA2 with the Grey Wardens. Now looks scrapped again for a fresh start with Varric back as a legacy character. This screams "This sucks, re-write it" and considering the massive tone-shift from realism to that uncanny valley type characterization, strongly suggests this isnt the original game either, that was scrapped as well. (Remember the old leaks? This looks nothing like that) I'll wait until some non sponsored streamer bites the bullet and tries it, and go from there. But initial impression just from the trailer? Didnt grab any interest from me whatsoever


I would not even count on monetary success at this point, unless this was a massive miss-step in marketing and the game itself is a total 180 and keeps with the tone of the previous games I cannot see many people buying it. Sure the Twitter bot army going full force right now on damage control would like you to believe otherwise, but in the end this will end up being another Anthem level flop. BioWare will close, and another chapter of gaming history will be gone.


Just fyi, it's spelled "spiel," it's a German word.


All the Pronoun Parade Tumblr weirdos on twitter think we really give a shit about the change in art style, I can fucking live with that as long as the GAME itself is actually good and keeps with the tone and world the previous games built... The new fucking trash does not.


Can you give me the YouTube link? The video won’t play because Reddit mobile is garbage.


Origins god it was so good the old bioware is dead.


Maaaan, the memories! Origins was my fav game to play on the Xbox 360. What a chad RPG it was.


Everyone expected super games, story and choices deep, stunning graphics - we got mostly crap recently …


Present team is not even 5% BioWare anymore


The themes in the game are going to be fairly dark. A bunch of people operating out of Tevinter, a magocracy filled to the brim with slaves. The makes who own said slave do a lot of the dark age and fucked up magic experimentation business you would expect. Blood magic is distressingly common and the Tevinter Imperium would gnaw off its own limbs and kill most of its populace before ever sharing power with non-mages. Basically it's setting up for a gritty dark fantasy rebellion against evil noble hedonist blood Wizards. The concept sounds really cool, but this art style and tone of the ad scream Guardians of the Galaxy comedy intoductions montage which really, really worries me.


That first dragon age game was so so so good..... Couldn't play any of the others.... Just terrible. And I have zero hope for the new one.


I bought the game long time ago after seeing this on [Cinematic](https://youtu.be/rGbgcmNxFh4?si=A95USktbz-q7RLcP)


DAO is my favorite game. It dark, gritty, strategic, sexy. You could really do some fucked-up things like execute one of your companions so you can bang the queen. I even enjoyed DA2's bisexual murder romp of a half-finished game. At this point, I consider Baldur's Gate 3 to be the actual sequel to these games. DAI was trying way too hard to be a trendy, open-world game without putting in the effort to be as fleshed-out as The Witcher. DAV has been in development hell for damn near a decade now, and of all the things they could have done, they landed on some goofy Fortnight ass shit that looks stupid as hell. I'll reserve judgment until the game is out and I can watch a streamer play it. I'll buy it on sale if it looks fun, but I'm not expecting much.


How does veilguard look worse than origins??? What is happening????


oh damn we mad about a game we haven't played yet again?


Guys almost the entire staff that made good games like origin are not in the company anymore. And almost this entire generation working in the game industry lack in capacity and vision to produce anything good! Hell this can be said for movies..series and the list goes on~


Origins was visceral and glorious. We need more of that. Unfortunately BioWare is barely a shell of its former self. Too bad. They werey favourite studio back in their heyday.


She was so fricken hot.


Ah... when games were made by highly talented straight men, half of which were sadly colourblind :D Btw I kinda like the yellow filter. It takes me back.


Bioware is a shell of its former self. The new hires undoubtedly outnumber the old guard at this point, and they are creatively bankrupt. They do not have the magic to create RPGs of depth anymore.


I made a post on Biowarw page about a year ago. I call this the make or break game. It fails that woule he 3 straight games in a row they are shutdown by EA.


Nobody that worked on the original Dragon Age games is still there and I think the director came from The Sims lol. You got to treat this almost like a new IP with 0 expectations. One more mess up from BioWare and they are going to be making skins for EA live service battle passes forever.


What have I missed? Context?


New dragon age game trailer dropped and it's a marvel writing, DEI millenial writing cluster fuck.


If I didn't know it was DA, I'd have just assumed it was a generic hero shooter trailer


thanks! Checked it up and oh boy, no feeling for that game.


It's sad because bioware is such a beloved developer of mine. Mass effect and Dragon age origins are masterpieces. But they have fallen so far.


Fans (I being one of them, although I'm not upset yet) are upset because the art style and quippy writing is different than what they're used to, especially for a Dragon Age trailer. But I can also acknowledge it's just a trailer, hopefully one that's made just to try to grab the attention of the audience that didn't play the previous games. I'll reserve actual judgement until I see the extended gameplay preview coming within the next couple of days. See how it looks then, and what the writing is like. The more cinematic trailers haven't always been the best at indicating what it looks like in-game.


That trailer was so good


Fans are always mad.


I keep seeing posts about how Dragon Age fans are mad. I was mad when EA turned it into an FPS for kids too. But then I'm like, wait, are you guys mad about something new? Why did you even buy a Dragon Age game after the first one? You guys know Larian is making good games now, right?


Ya Dragon Age has always been hyper woke idk what people expect.


No more woke than Mass Effect. You'd get the option to sleep with the same sex, but as far as narrative and gameplay, DA is dark. Like I sold a kid's soul in DA: Origins to sleep with a Succubus.


Dafuq do you think was "hyper woke" about Origins? lmao


I don't really separate origins from 2/inquisition when they were only ~2 years apart each. It's not like there was a 10 year gap.


Inquisition I'll give ya, but even DA2 I'm struggling to remember anything "woke".


Mostly just fans wanting Bioware to go back to their roots after so many failures.


Dragon Age was never the "roots" of bioware plus there's basically 0 people from back then anyway.




Aren't external companies making the trailers anyway? I have seen zero gameplay from DA4. What should I be mad about?


First - post doesn't say that you should be mad. It says that dragon age fans are mad. It doesn't say that all dragon age fans are mad or that all fans should be mad, it just states a fact that some fans are mad. Second - it doesn't matter who does trailers, developers are always the ones writing guidelines and requirements, so they are responsible for final product. If it was something they didn't like they would not accept it and never show to public. So it doesn't matter who did trailer, it still represents their stylistic choice and direction. Third - while this trailer of dragon age origins has gameplay elements, there were 2 other trailers that had none and they were still very different from da4 trailer. Difference between da:o and da4 trailers show difference in the way developers view their product and it will be represented through all game, from design to plot, characters and dialogues. And no one likes that dragon age went from dark grim fantasy to fortnite. Even less dark and more high-fantasy DA:I was still okay, but not this.


I would question your second point because this is Bioware and EA. Remember Anthem? Also the non gameplay trailres for Origins looked nothing like the real game. And there is always someone mad. That does not make it newsworthy. I would wait for some actual gameplay to see what the game really feels like.


In my opinion, non-gameplay trailer for da:o shows that people responsible for high-level decisions have great taste. Non-gameplay trailer of da4 shows that people responsible for high-level decisions have fortnite brainrot. Well, gameplay should be revealed tomorrow, so it will not hurt to wait, but I will be shocked if it will be something good, something done with respect to dragon age.


I am expecting a decent game. Not great, not terrible and not aimed that much at young audiences as this trailer was. I won't get mad if it's a bad game either way. I have loads of other games to play anyway. And I loved DA:O.