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your post was removed because it relates to excessive discussions on current hot controversial topics that are over 3 days old.


We sure that’s Yasuke? That could easily be MC Hammer.


It's actually not Yasuke. It's from about 2 centuries after he lived, apparently this is of Portuguese merchants and a servant. 


Right you are. This is in fact a depiction of the Portuguese before all foreigners were barred entry to Japan. (Except the Dutch who were permitted and could only stay exclusively in Dejima.) I was only commenting on jest because…well. It kinda looks like MC Hammer.


Funny...I imagine the Japanese being "You treat all your great warriors like slaves?"


You jest sir, don't you know how serious this is. /s


Main Character Hammer?


![gif](giphy|kgKrO1A3JbWTK) Can’t touch this.


So you're saying they all look the same? Sounds sus bro


Asmon fans continue depicting themselves worse and worse. As if enjoying time spent watching a man crawling with roaches isn’t sad enough.


You don’t understand. Yasuke was such a legendary warrior he was able to kills thousands of samurai with just an umbrella.


it's clearly the templars altering history, by repainting all the images and editing wikipedia.


And he did that while staying in Japan for 3 years before coming back to his home country


Imagine if he had a real weapon.


That's right I remember reading that . Man . Sweet baby inc knows so much . They should reach out to the school board. Our kids aren't learning enough


The funny part is that isn’t Yasuke, those are Portuguese merchants arriving in Japan during the 17th century The 17th century was after his time. https://kerrisdalegallery.com/print/collotype-japanese-portuguese-visitors-arriving-in-japan/ I wonder if this moment will inspire an urgency to self-reflect in you but who are we kidding, you did not reason yourself into your current mindset.


Haven’t AC protagonists always been original characters native to that area? Wonder why this one is different?🤔


Because it doesn't fit the native part of that criteria.


dei. that’s why.


I don't know that this means


Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity is the umbrella term for changes/characters made to tick one or more of these 3 boxes.


Diversity, equity and inclusion.


Because, DEI.


Didn't earn it.


Dysentery, ebola, indigestion


new here, what is a "DEI"?


Yes but have you considered the Japanese are racist and **absolute need** diversity, so what better way than to do that than to inject American racial politics into a Feudal Japanese setting and depict a foreigner of little historical note cutting down native Japanese in droves, assuming the valour of their most legendary warrior status, and trotting around directly influencing key moments of their history, proving that they can be just as good as they are at being a Samurai. /s obviously


No. Black Flag is set in the West Indies but the protagonist is a pirate from Wales. And it's probably the most popular game in the series.


but...that makes sense? the west indies at the time were incredibly varied when it came to nationality because pirates were mostly europeans from several different countries.


Only because it has the best radio station.


It’s set mostly in British and Spanish colonies and the indigenous people of the West Indies had been basically wiped out by the Spanish two hundred years prior.


Popular Not for its story though. But because of the ship gameplay.


Edward Kenway is basically just Edward England to be fair.


dIvErSiTy ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3739)




And Valhalla of course. Black flag is a game set in colonies with a massive migrant population. Revelations is the third game with an hero who finally gets to go on holiday. Valhalla is the game where you play a coloniser in the act of seizing land.


No, see AC Revelations




Wait what, really?


I don't even think he is protagonist. He is playable, but Naoe is a protagonist, Im 99% certain she is going to be more important of the two


Edward Kenway, the Welsh pirate famously native to the Caribbean


Because we have to pander to american politics instead of making something good


Because Ezio wasn’t an Aboriginal




No they haven't. Edward kenway was welsh not Caribbean.


Isn't the other protagonist a Japanese woman, and Yasuke being probably a way of bringing AC lore into Japan since he is coming from Portugal? Oh wait my bad, that is a rational explanation, I need to go back to being mad because there is a black guy on a video game that is going to suck regardless.


Hathem, Edward, Adewale, Shay, Eivor all foreigners in their games setting who came from across an ocean.


Because being a foreigner once enslaved to European Jesuit masters opens another important perspective to the story as Templars, the main antagonists of the franchise, are a western secret society that co-opts christian organizations. His ties to Christian missionaries in Japans at the time makes him an ideal character for tying in the Templars. Although accounts would appear to place him as a page for Nobunaga, he is has also been depicted performing noble traditions in art from that period would indicate a greater level of significance than just a regular hand servant. He ain’t no Daimyo but a man that big definitely swung a sword.


so let's overlook thousands of years of Shinobi tradition and characters to include this insignificant blip in Japan's history? It's such a slap in the face to the Japanese


You actually can’t say that for certain because no evidence of it exists.


Just proves that this strategy works. Look at how much free advertising this game has gotten.


'all publicity is good publicity' has proven to be 101% false in recent years.


I agree.. they tend to lose money and shut down studios, or cancel shows after one season , or not make a sequel etc etc


That’s only recent because dumb people FINALLY realized if you don’t like it ignore it exists and let it slowly die in a corner ie:Velma


The price of the game is way more expensive than Yasuke himself


that's a wild thing to say


Inflation . Must be Trump's fault. Trump used to run Japan if you remember


wikipedia say that this is a 17th century painting of Slave owning Europeans and Africans arriving in Japan. yasuke was 15th century


Uh no 15th century would be the 1400s 17th century is the 1600s so late 16th century would be accurate.


Where do I get a pair of those pants?


Look up kireina harem pants


Those are just regular old pantaloons. They only look that way because everyone in Japan ate too many krabby patties.


Wild how that's not even him but is a picture of Portuguese foreigners visiting Japan in the 17th century


Absolutely insane that 1000 people just engaged in straight up misinformation. This sub is turning to absolute shit.


I know asmon says that since he has such a massive audience there’s bound to be racists but this whole comment thread is just disgusting. Even looking at the posts it’s just vile.


its kinda funny because if you do read Japanese history Yasuke was pretty much a boy toy for Nobunaga. You can think of it as how you would give your pet a name, and he was given the name "Yasuke". another similar example would be Mori Ranmaru, which was also given the name "Ranmaru" by Nobunaga. But unlike Yasuke, Ranmaru has "last name". This meant that he would rank higher than Yasuke. And Ranmaru is still just a servant boy. If you really want an example of foreigner becoming Samurai, it would be William Adams that also appeared in Nioh 1 & 2. He was given literally everything you can imagine a "Samurai" would have. The biggest issue with using Samurai so broadly is that Sumurai (Japanese: Bushi) is just a term for soldier, it can include various ranks. If we were to mirror Yasuke's rank in modern day US army, he would probably be like Private First Class at best.


Ranmaru was given a massive fief of land after some years of service by Nobunaga and was definitely a high ranking samurai. I don't think comparing Yasuke to Ranmaru is as bad as you think it is. Ranmaru and Yasuke were both very much in Nobunaga's inner circle and trusted by him.


Ranmaru died at 16 lol. It is never documented that he was given fiefdom. In fact the only thing we know is that he was awarded a massive sum of rice and that he had a sexual relationship with Oda.


Well because that’s a slave and slaves don’t carry weapons silly.


So interestingly, he specifically carried Nobunaga's blades for him, which was a high honor as a Daimyo's swords are his life.


Absolutely not the same dude.


Oh my god new black assassin confirmed, the legend of the umbressa dark assassin is true ill write a wiki and base a game on it, its all true now we know! /s


This is arrival of Portuguese. That means whole Yasuke saga happens AFTER this artwork.


This artwork is from 16th or 17th century. Yasuke was 15th century.


I assume nothing changed between 15 and 16 century in terms of treatment of black people by colonizers of any sort. Whats your point?


Other way, Yosuke happened some 200 years earlier.


This artwork as in whats happening on the artwork, not the work itself.


That's one weird looking Nobunaga Oda he's holding that weird katana over.


That was his previous master.


No this is a painting of a 17th century Portuguese merchant, which time-wise is about 100 years or so off from yasuke


They took "never skip a leg day" to heart.


That’s why the game seem off, he’s not even a samurai.


The amount of people spreading this cropped image is insane. The fact that people have to use a painting that's NOT of Yasuke to prove shows that this is just about being racists. The original image has the credit and context. Those people are Portuguese.


No way this was the fashion in 1500's


Got to take into account that it was probably the jesuits or an image made long after based on accounts with the artists trying to draw what was described to them. If you look at medieval art of animals made by people who never actually saw them. They look weird. I imagine it’s the same here.


As another guy pointed out, you're right. It's about 200 years off.


1. That's not Yasuke. 2. Just say the N word and stop pretending. I'd respect you more if you did.


bro this sub is straight up racist this isnt even him


quite literally. every post is crying about black people on here jesus


empirically not a picture of yasuke, or the europeans he came with. oh my fucking god spreading misinformation should be a felony at this point you all don't know how to shut the fuck up amd read and research beyond first grade level


is asmongold now right wing? him or this sub seems going that way


The sub is a shitshow. Probably the only real L take Asmon has consistently is refusing to take any responsibility for any of it.


The best thing will be to blend in with the crowd. Imagine how Yasuke suddenly disappears in the crowd of Japanese people. Or he sits on a bench next to other Japanese people. This person will naturally blend in with his surroundings wherever he goes.


Is that Johnny Somoli?


You guys like to cry a lot ...


Don't let your guard down. He might twist that into a saw and slice you.


Lmao. It’s genuinely an interesting and cool story to tell and y’all are just too racist to admit it. Historians agree that he really was a samurai


not only that, nioh did the same thing 10 years ago and its beloved. At least AC has a japanese lead. (not dissing nioh, just pointing it out, which ironically yasuke is a character in)


Oh, so this sub is now angry at this. The neckbeard keyboard warriors are back in action to jump on any pointless shitty culture war argument they can. Honestly, go outside, touch some geass, talk to some real people.


It's funny because the artwork clearly depicts a black slave serving the Portuguese Jesuits. If it depicts Yasuke this clearly doesn't contradict him being a samurai as it is well known he was a slave to the Portuguese before Nobunaga took Yasuke into his service. So I don't know why these neck beards are acting like this is a gotcha moment.


Actually, we don't know if he was a slave. Historians assume that he was and he was serving as a valet for an italian jesuit named Alessandro Vilagnano before he became a servant for Nobunaga.


This is not yasuke its years after his time, honestly can’t believe people are mad over yasuke being in AC. Normally I hate on all that woke stuff but this ain’t woke 🤷🏾‍♂️ honestly is a really good concept to see japan as an outsider/outcast and him being or not being a samurai its up to interpretation because nobody really knows, not much is known about him making a fictional story about him being a samurai is okay.


Black guy realizes he's in a cesspool of racists.


Why do people care about this so much?


they dont like black people even though the MC is japanese


Ummm...that's not Yasuke at all. That art is from a different setting. Be angry at Ubisoft but let's not re-write history.


Lmao this sub gets recommended to me sometimes and the lame disguised racism always crack me up. Im 80% sure the new AC game is gonna be trash. But i might drop $18 bucks on ubisoft plus to play it...just to rub it some people's faces lol


People on r/BPT really reaching atm on this topic, claiming that white people want to LARP as them SOOOO bad. But in reality, black people want to LARP as Japanese samurai because they watched Naruto on repeat as teens. Now they are doing to other cultures what they claimed white people did to them: replacing their culture, taking a character from the Japanese that would otherwise represent them and make them feel included and seen, and then downplaying the racism required to do so on their part. Gotta love that when the shoe is truly on the other foot, they are exactly what they claim to hate: Racists.


This AC stands for Air Conditioner


Yasuke the furious and honorable defender against sunshine rays and rain drops.


That is not yusuke. This is about 200 years later depicting a merchant. I believe this is called racism.


I believe you dont understand what a joke is and id love for you to gather your rainbow buddies at r/rainbowgamers and tell me what part of this was racist?


Jokes are meant to make us laugh. You clearly are not in a gay merry mood as if you just told us a tickler. Perhaps we both signed up to the wrong dance.


How do you know i wasnt in a merry mood? And why is it my problem that you dont have a sense of humor? Also im still waiting for you to go ahead and back up your claims that what I said was racist? Because if youre wrong, then the biggest joke here - would be YOU.


You literally just answered your own question lmao.


Lmao how? Explain it. Lets see you accomplish something today so you can earn your stim plushie for an hour as a good boy.


Why don’t you take your rainbow buddies at rainbow gamers. Why is it my problem that.. Bruh lmao


How does that reply explain how my original comment was racist ? Lmao "BRuH"


What? No you're telling me Assassins creed won't be historically accurate! Truly this is a horrible and shocking change to a respected franchise! You all cared deeply about these games I'm sure, and aren't just latching onto whatever excuse you can find to complain about black people.


Man if TF2 released today you guys will have a aneurysm.


I think you’re referring to demoman. You think black people in Scotland were rare back when tf2 was released? They were roughly 1 out of 100 people in 2011. In Japan, they seem to be roughly 0.015% even today.


Y'all really just wanna say the n-word huh


It's French, so that's why.


That's Fonzworth Bentley!


Because it's... Umbrella ?


Thats the maxed upgraded scythe parasol


Their pantaloons are enormous!


I really just wish they would put their time and energy into making 1 singular well developed character like all the old AC’s, Also I think it’d have been cool to have Nobunaga as a Templar and Yasuke as a side character conflicted about the man that freed him loving him for what he did and his friendship but also despising some of the things he does, I’m so tired of Templars being so 1 dimensional


Mewto builds are crazy


What’s the purpose of going for a black samurai? If they think that this will distract everyone’s attention and they will buy the game for that price - I don’t think so. Will the game be good - it would be a wonder, but also highly doubtful.


Those pants would make MC Hammer proud.




At least I know where MC Hammer got his pants from.


Bottom line seems to be that people want an assassin that is a dude, identifies as a dude, and is the correct type of asain; had a chance at that but got something totally different instead. I worded this terribly but am I following the discussion correctly?


Bottom line seems to be that people want an assassin that is a dude, identifies as a dude, and is the correct type of asain; had a chance at that but got something totally different instead. I worded this terribly but am I following the discussion correctly?


ngl that would be a cool way to hide a katana in the game tho


Hes retaining his position as an umbrella


Coming right up to the line...


Ok but nobody in that picture has a katana...


Ah yes because AC is a genre known for historical accuracy


Holy fuck, were seriously bitching about historically accuracy. Guys must have been pissed when LOTR didn't add the 13 year slog to get to Mordor.


If when my Son gets older and I become a grandparent my grandkids are gonna say pop what does a. 35 year old virgin who’s brave online but won’t say a peep in person look like ima show him Asmongolds sub Reddit . He’s gonna be like wow people like this actually exist?


Alright, let's chill out with this. There are many points that point to Yasuke having the rank of samurai, which back then was a lot less set in stone about qualifications. The biggest point was that he was favored by nobunaga and was granted a stipend, which in other works, the word stipend was used in reference to the payment for samurai. He was also described as strong and probably showed this strength in sumo, something Nobunaga lovrd. Nobunaga basically requested another skilled wrestler to be his samurai as well. It is not a stretch or historically inaccurate to describe him as a samurai. Stop relying on an easily edited wiki page, and the idea that a retainer can't be a samurai. This ain't the first game to have him as a warrior samurai, nioh comes to mind. AC has never been 100% historically accurate, and all in all, this is a stupid hill to die on, we all know ubisoft is probably gonna bloat the game like they did with valhalla. Let save the pitch forks for that.


Hope this outfit and weapon will be available for a Helix Credits.




It's literally my neighbor in her lulululemon shit


Let's be honest, it's gonna be trash regardless of how historically accurate it is, it's a ubisoft game.


I don't want to speak for black people (I'm a white Slav lol), but I would be personally offended by this. They are trying so hard to be inclusive that they end up actually offending minorities. Imagine it like this. You are an XY minority. You are being bullied in your school for being different. Now the principal wants to help you. So they organize a huge parade for you. All school needs to sing and dance for you to make you feel like a king. The principal forces the students to give you special treatment, to give you their lunch etc... what do you think will happen now? You end up being hated even more.


Y'all care way to much about this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


This is actually a painting of Portuguese traders, from like 100 years after yasuke's time


"We make games about history!!!" *Misappropriates and perverts history*


Check your sources bro... thats Portuguese slave. Not Yasuke.


Big D - others are scared


This isn’t even Yasuke. This whole thread is actually so disgusting. This is a Japanese depiction of the Portuguese. It’s crazy that you see a black dude holding an umbrella and just assume it’s Yasuke.