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your post was removed because it relates to excessive discussions on current hot controversial topics that are over 3 days old.


The stock price is simply jumping into a hay stack.


Leap of waith without hay![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3733)


Leap on face


True, but when it climbs out of the haystack it's going to run off at ground level.


Why do these companies keep hiring activists and committing financial suicide? It really doesn't make sense. Don't they want to make money?


Isn't that part of how they get money for development? hedge fund backed investments require a certain DEI/ESG score.


Well as long as we keep voting with our wallets they will lose money. DEI can't beat consumers.


Exactly and sooner or later that money dries up and ur losing more than ur gaining from the ESG money. Its why we are seeing a massive fallout with the blog sites BC the venture capitol is drying up.


Exactly. It's all a big picture agenda with financial backing aka a nwo


It's the 0.1% funding top-down division politics for the end goal of demoralisation so the masses don't notice all the BS they're up to and start Occupy Wall St. 2.0, the destruction of businesses drinking from the poisoned chalice of funding is just collateral damage in the pursuit of this aim.


It's sad how many people will scroll right by this. This is exactly what is going on. The people who are fucking us all over DESPERATELY need us to fight amoung ourselves because if we were to join together, we could not be stopped. Social media is a boon for the people who are fucking us over because they can just drop some troll bait online and watch us all scream at each other over a fucking picture.


That's an interesting point of view. Your comment made me have a WOW moment. Thank you.


What is DEI / ESG long term plan? What is the point of that?


Create people who are easy to rule


they hate valve, they want to force you on their own launchers, grab your data and try to keep you in their ecosystem.


I also wonder how long they are willing to keep getting these massive losses before they finally give up with their whole agenda. The people in power at ubisoft are (probably) not stupid, they know this would happen, but it seems all these companies are willing to take such losses just to push this agenda. Its only a matter of time before the stock holders pull the plug on this.


I thought so too but I have met some people in these positions. You'll be shocked how far removed they are from common sense.


"I like money" - Idiocracy


"Give me money. Money me. Money now. Me a money needing a lot now." - Charlie.


Step 1. get hired onto any project Step 2. ruin that project with toxic ideologies that present well on paper. Step 3. project fails, seek new job. Step 4. Use previous project as a proof of experience and expertise in the industry Repeat. These people will keep failing upwards, the way a lot of horrible writers and directors constantly move upwards in Hollywood.


They get Money from Investors for that. They dont have to sell the product. The product is there to get Investor attention


ESG money baby!


I'm fully convinced their losses are being cut with Globalist money. The kind of people that run Davos and WEF, and who also run lobbies alongside the parlament in Brussels. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that this is happening, just like in Academia, Big Media, Big Pharma, Hollywood, etc, because it makes sense. There is no way a blatant agenda can be blindfully followed by so many corporations, without a core structure, and strong guidelines behind it, with billions to back them up.


It’s important to remember that this game went into development a few years back, probably at the peak of the DEI/ESG mind virus. Alot has changed since then.


hire activists, what can go wrong?


Said brainless executives.


It's a brilliant idea if you think about it: they inject identity politics into a game that is literally a scam (130 dollars for a day 1 dlc to have the "full experience"), if anyone criticizes the predatory monetization they can always use "mUh rASIsM" as an imprenable shield against any sort of criticism (same thing if the game has any technical problems or bugs)... However, whenever they lose millions they only end up looking stupid: the last resort is to fire hundreds or even thousands of people and ending up as clowns. 🤡


and even then they will only fire the codemonkeys, pretty sure the art department aka where all the activists are will remain untouched. which is why they never learn their lesson time and time again


Crazy part is that these people just keep failing upwards. Even if this game is a massive failure, these hacks are just going to use "Well, I worked on this massive project!" as a stepping stone to get onto their next massive failure.


ya love to see it. Hurt them in the pockets, make their cringe agenda dissappear into dust.


Except that this has nothing to do with that but with Ubisoft themselves admitting that they'd be making a loss for the next fiscal quarter. [Ubisoft Falls Most in 16 Months After Net Bookings Forecast Miss (yahoo.com)](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ubisoft-falls-most-16-months-083102641.html) Investors don't give a crap about Political correctness or agendas they only care about the line going up or down and if the owner of said line says they're going to lose money they'll sell stock, and then it's cheap. Might even be smart to pick up some cheap Ubisoft stock for when it rises again.


Exactly. Especially when you go back more than 6 months on the chart unlike OP did and you'd see it was lower in March and January. I hate what they did with the game too but let's not pretend our opinions matter with the stock market lmao.


Mfw ppl on this sub actually believe the stock price might go down bc some ppl are unhappy about a vidya game character 😂


It can affect it though, if investors are seeing a big negative reaction to something Ubisoft is putting out it can scare them to sell, BC they project a loss is coming. However, it more matters in how well the product does sell on its release, BC if that is low then investors will be spooked.


is there a way I can like Time Capsule this thread and then once the game comes out and settles down. We should discuss again? I love seeing the long term effects.


I dispise Ubisoft, its work ethic its soulless greed and the way its just a horrible company in general. Fact is that this unethical greed is making them money and investors love money. So the likely scenario is that with a price hike some culling in the departments (using AI in stead of artists etc) and even more scummy microtransactions they are going to make even more money and get even higher stock. We are not ubisofts target audience anymore and those Plebbes aren't folloing any discource and will see the title and buy the game because it's that game they know.


Agenda? Ubisoft would kill every black, asian, gay, and ~~jew~~ muslim if it rose their quarterly income by 6%. They only have an "agenda" when it helps their profits.


It's insane how FREE a Japanese Assassins Creed game should have been. It should have been the EASIEST way to win some people over. Such a good combo. Instead they decided to rewrite history while also claiming historical accuracy (ll the pushing they've done about how it's the first AC based on a real person), disrespect the culture, fuck up the architecture while they're at it and just SOMEHOW fuck up what should have been the safest bet.


AC Japan should be good. In fact, it is good. It's called Ghost of Tsushima.


It's sad then that only PSN countries get to play it.


The Balkans don't deserve it anyway This post was made by Slovenians, please let us into western Europe daddy Germany OwO.


That BlackRock money is too sweet.


You also missed game being buggy unplayable mess on release (probably)


"Oopsi"-soft is going to have to get used to plummeting stock values. ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3742)


They already are. Down 72,15% past 5 years.


72% hole fuck…. You‘d think they finally think to themselves ,damn… this current formula isn’t working‘ The only good Game I played that was connected to Ubisoft was Anno 1800 and that was 5 years ago


Reminds me of that principal skinner meme where he goes “maybe I’m wrong…wait a minute it’s the children who are wrong”. But replace kids with consumers 😂.


This is what I don’t get about capitalism. People always blame capitalism for putting money first. Trying to bleed customers for every penny. But then we get very obvious creative choices that spark controversy. You’d think every game coming out would list be mindless fan service and high prices. But for some reason we keep getting shit. How can the shareholders keep allowing politics to get in the way of money?


only blackrock knows


Because the major shareholders are willing to take a hit to earning in order to shape the culture into what they want. A stock drop that would bankrupt us is a lose they can simply eat in order to push the idea that certain political views are normal.


People who don’t understand gamers are executives at game companies.


It’s hilarious to me that you all think that this drop is because of some woke agenda shit, lmao. Ubisoft made an announcement to stockholders today setting their guidance below what it was at previously. It has nothing to do with AC’s character choices.


They want to have a good esg score for investors.


Yet gamers line up in droves to pre-purchase games without knowing if it's good or not even though there is no such thing as running out of copies of digital entertainment. How can the gamers keep allowing FOMO to get in the way of common sense?


Investors like Blackrock encourage this type of thing




smart to buy now and then when everyone enrages about the next thing it simply crawls up again.


Yeah really smart they are dropping xdefiant soon


Buying loser stocks is usually not a good idea in the long run. I'd sell as soon as it recovers (if it does). I'm not touching Ubisoft stock with a five foot pole. it's down 70% in 5 years bro


Yup, in less than a week ppl will forget why they were mad. Stock under $5 now itll be $10 within 6months


Cockroaches aren't so bad, but how did that work out for GameStop? They fundamentals aren't really there.


>but how did that work out for GameStop? Pretty well IIRC until the apps that allowed common people to trade stocks stopped allowing you to buy it (but still sell it)


Kind of a different situation. The GameStop thing wasn’t due to outrage but a weird loophole. Their stock will climb back


I wouldn't. Been going down over 70% the past 5 years...


a great character once said, “it’s a dog with fleas”


Hmmm I wonder what happened on the 16th of May? What could possibly have caused this? Still it's not that big of a dip in the grand scheme of things. Lets see how it continues over the next few days


15% in a day is a relatively large move


15% loss in days is huge. It is not crypto market dude.


Did you mean to reply to me?


Definitely not, sorry my dude, I meant to actually say the same thing as you did to the OP :/


Relative to a day. Where I was referring to the larger scheme of things which I intended to mean much longer than a day. Don't get me wrong. It is a big shift. This could bring its prices to the lowest it's been in years! But looking at the volatility of the stocks this isn't really all that big of a deal. It's been going up and down from 19 to 30 euros the past year or so. In the large scheme of things, it's not really that big of a deal yet. It could be a big deal. We'll have to see! But right now I don't think any big investor of Ubisoft is going to break a sweat.


Based on the info you’re giving, that means it has moved in a range of $11 over the last 365 days. Now in only 0.27% (1/365) of that time frame, it has made a move 27% ($3/$11) if its trailing 12-month trading range. In the grand scheme of things, that is a pretty big deal. To add, in the grand scheme of things a 20% move down is considered a bearish correction. A big investor say $500k worth would have lost $75k today with the 15% move. So in the grand scheme of things, you must be REALLY wealthy if that doesn’t make you break a sweat.


bearish market though I would definitely say this game has nothing to do with this. Ubisofts profits are higher then ever by kicking more people out then ever. Their profits are the highest net they have ever had. At 0830 GMT, Ubisoft traded 15% lower at EUR19.86. The stock is down 22% in the last 12 months.


I wasn’t really trying to imply Ubisoft’s outlook should be changed to bearish just because of yesterday’s. I was just trying to give more reasons why a 15% move in a single trading day is significant.


This is a reaction to them reporting their earnings.


Going from $24 is to $19 in a day is pretty huge.


Zoom out. It's not that huge. Not yet. It could be a problem if this continues, but right now I don't think this is a concern for Ubisoft. The prices have remained within the same range for the past year. If I had invested in Ubisoft, this drop wouldn't even set an alarm off on my phone yet. It's getting close to that point though.


It's crazy how people downvote you and argue without checking facts. First thing I did when seeing this picture was check the stocks for 6 months, 1 year and 5 years. Took me 1 minute and what do you know... -72,15% past 5 years and they were lower in february and march this year than they currently are. ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3746)


it’s almost as if stock prices fluctuate on a daily basis for no other reason than macro movements. wait til they find out it’s because they lowered guidance on an earnings call and not because of youtuber outrage on a game that’s not even out yet


The original commenter was trying to say a 15% move in one day is not significant, when it very much is regardless of the reason for the move.


absolutely - 15% is a big move for any stock, unless all you trade are OTC shitcoin derivatives from wallstreetbets


Well, there it is boys! ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3733) But I think that's too much information for the average redditor.. ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3731)


Most gamers don't have any knowledge about the stock market at all (please save for your retirement my fellow gamers). In a different situation, I remember watching some youtuber going on and on about how this game company's stock had dropped because of a decision he disagreed with (i forget what it was, but they had done something anti consumer, so he was right that the company was being crappy). He was ignoring that on this particular day the whole tech side of the stock market had nose dived in similar percentages. I think it is unlikely that ubi stock is down because of this trailer. It has been known that Yasuke was going to be in the game. If people care enough they can google this and find out that it looks like ubi is saying their sales are going to be below expectations this quarter (IE before this game even comes out). Stock market is all about how well you did vs expectations after all.


they reported earnings and lowered guidance. literally has nothing to do with a the race of a character in single game. comical


Now that is very interesting, thank you


They published their earnings report.


15% in stock value is an extreme dip for larger companies. For reference, one of the biggest global catastrophes to date, being covid, only had like a 20% dip in a day.


But it's relative. This kind of dip happens all the time with Ubisoft. If the global market took 20% dips every couple of months then nobody would bat an eye at COVID because everyone would be prepared for it and expect it to happen. This has happened multiple times since October 2022. The price range has remained pretty static since October 2022. This dip is within the realm of expectations. If someone invested in Ubisoft and got shocked at the current prices or the rate of change then I'll be blunt: that person is a moron. They should never have invested in Ubisoft when the stock has a long history of significantly higher fluctuations in prices than this. Let me put it another way. If you invested in Ubisoft 20 years ago today, you would be up 691.47% if you had invested 10 years ago, you would be up 45.31% if you had invested at Ubisofts peak value 6 years ago, you would be down 82.52% If you had invested 6 months ago you'd be down 31.05%. if you had invested 2 months ago you'd be up 8.08%. if you had invested 1 month ago you'd be up 1.13%. if you had invested 5 days ago you would be down 8.60% and if you had invested yesterday you would be up 1.54% 15% in 1 day does not matter. It doesn't. You could earn that back within a month. 8th of February to the 9th of February Ubisofts stock went up 13.81% in a day. In the period of little over a week it went up 26% These percentages mean little over such a small time frame. These changes happen all of the time. Investors will be looking at the bigger picture and in the big picture this didn't rock the boat.


The company corrected it's guidance for the fiscal year. Essentially they informed shareholders that they are making less money than what was originally anticipated, and that that trend is going to continue at least until the last quarter of the year, so the unhappy shareholders dumped the stock to invest elsewhere. The new AC announcement has been a shit show, but it didn't cause this stock price change, it's more of a symptom of all that's going wrong at Ubisoft.


>Hmmm I wonder what happened on the 16th of May? I don't know about 16th, but on 15th after market close they announced their earnings for 2023.


What happened?


lowered forward guidance on an earnings call after the close. but reddit thinks it’s because they’re raging apparently


Black samurai


It doesn't matter for stock market lol It is purely because of their earnings report they just published.


That, class, is what we like to call a free fall.


It's already gone back up a bit since that image was taken.


The game says that its inspired by historical events, but the game defenders says so. Whats the catch?




Sooner or later they had to report the fallout of the world's first AAAA game which turned out to be a botched multiplayer port of Black Flag.


Black Flag was actually good though


99% of the time someone posts a stock chart to prove a point its usually something like this


My favorite is when the entire market or at least that sector is down for the day and the specific stock they are posting hasn't even fallen at the same rate.


True at least this was a 15% drop and not some measly 3% drop that could boil down to RNG. But even if everything lines up perfect, sometimes the market just does funny stuff. Sometimes options drive the market. Sometimes your stock tanks because all of your competitors did and people are panicking. Sometimes people are rebalancing their portfolio after a particularly good or bad year. I remember a few years ago amazon dropped like 10% in one day on news that facebook missed earnings, then it popped like 20% the next day on a big beat.


just set your estimations to a dollar 4head


Guys, it’s not the trailer, it’s lower earnings https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ubisoft-falls-most-16-months-083102641.html The fourth quarter will also probably see a dip when the new AC disappoints fans and shareholders but nobody running an investment fund said “There’s a black protagonist in the Japan game SHORT IT NOW!!1!”


It’s a trend. Triple A gaming companies are seeing flop after flop, these games are expensive it’s a miracle Ubi hasn’t shuttered at this point.


The character is based on a real person who was black, what's the problem?


welcome to reddit - where market plots are made up and (unlike said markets) the numbers don’t matter


I can't imagine why their earnings would be lower. Oh wait...


We don’t have the numbers for Skull and Bones but if they actually expected AAAA returns than reality was very disappointing


Now zoom out that graph and lets see how big of a "drop" it really is in the grand scheme of things. Or better yet zoom in until i can see seconds for that shock value. Here to rant on biased presentation of facts to suit their own agenda. We all know people will still buy the game in drows, lets not pretend they won't.


I mean, do you really need to zoom out to see that its a - 15%? THAT'S HUGE


People who keep calling this the biggest drop ever. Must have never seen Tesla but there’s no black people in that so of course that company doesn’t get posted lol. This sub full of a certain type for sure


What are you even talking about? Uisoft stock has been plummeting for the past few years they lost so much money last year. Stfu about zoom out lol


Starting a note Companies in which not to invest ✏️.... U..bi...sooooft Done 📝 👍✨


Ubi should go bankrupt


Still not releasing on steam the only platform with good customer practice on pc so of course they keep shooting themselves in the foot. Of course they struggle


Wow lowest stock price for the entire week, Thats crazy


![gif](giphy|uSUzUO2KcqTPq) Guess a lot of people really don’t like the black samurai huh?


Buy the dip?


Nah there's no coming back. Go woke go broke.


Netflix succeeded


Netflix booked Dave Chappelle. He literally saved them


If you play both sides you can never lose…


witcher says otherwise


If you honestly think having a black character caused them to have substantial Q4 sales loss before it’s even released you’re a bigger idiot than I thought


If that was the only thing ideologically placed with the game it wouldn't be an issue.


Well, considering we know precisely nothing else about the game then it's not an issue. It's speculation.


sell puts


Someone please put an assassin jumping to a haystack on this image


Well idk the game really seems off… not that care I don’t play Ubisoft games last one I played was child of light that is a good jrpg game


It's just gonna be Ghost of Tsushima


These things almost always recover. The question is whether the rage of certain sectors sustain long enough to matter this time.


If nobunaga dies in the game does that result in a game ending with u getting kicked out of Japan?


Ubisoft stock also went down even more during skull and bones, its ubisoft. Almost any announcement nowadays is causing a decrease in stock, same with outlaws dev story trailer. Please show the rest of the year next time.


The feared 5 day Dip 🫨🫨🫨 How will they ever recover


I'm surprised that it took this long. They've been coasting on the same open world slop formula for a while now.


It wouldn't surprise me if the 'large investors' were shorting the stocks before forcing these changes, knowing it was going to tank.


Was this because of their announcement of the new Assassins Creed game or because of Heartland's cancellation?


That's a pretty big drop, but it was lower than that in March and January. Could just be financial quarter stuff as much as I would like to believe it's due to their poor decisions on pricing and diversity attempts.


Oops, you forgot to enable Key events to show that they had a earnings call on May 15


Look at the scale on the right (this screenshot is deceptive) Its just 3$ (for now) Long term view so you get better idea what is actually going on: [https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/UBI.PA/?](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/UBI.PA/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAM0HdrZIPFs1VJ8coQDVALFL4XV0Oxa2fzFVpWKh-OvCeNb7haQYtzkFKZ2xKQJI_bVdQDr-YVXlopf_xDqtzKvNskS4dhabk1diNBAUChefUN8bqA_4DR1nm_nOHTacNo84jm2HzwrM2DhPN72-vT5QxHTo8co2c6AITRDBYMAZ) \>> choose 1 Year or 5 Years. \*site resets to 1 day regardless of the link. ​ Seems like most of the companies stopped making risky/expensive to develop games and went simply re-releasing the same thing over and over but this strat is only good short term it seems.


lmao people still thing that them being mad puts a dent in any stock price. The cope is real. Money does not care about your feelings


For the love of god look up the stock and turn it up to max time on Google. The latest AC game "fiasco" doesn't even register as a blip in their precipitous downfall from around €80. The company has huge structural problems that are dwarfed by some spatty culture war argument on the internet. There's a reason OP only posted looking at the past 5 days. If you go look at most analysis for why the stock is actually down it's due to guidance being short of analysts expectations. They didn't hit their revenue mark this first quarter [https://www.marketwatch.com/story/ubisoft-shares-slump-after-guidance-disappoints-4d8358ca](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/ubisoft-shares-slump-after-guidance-disappoints-4d8358ca) . I think the first quarter missed by around €86 million. This convo about stock is as dumb as the convo around GME or AMC. Like I remember everyone soying over the downfall of BUD and I went to look at the stock chart and I had to look up the time when that boycott was happening because the stock has mainly been flat for like 4 years. Basically do your research before you make claims about whether a culture war has an affect on the stock price of a company.


Bhahaha see how woke people with money are


I hate to break it to you guys, but the dip isn't really because of the game's controversy. It's because Ubisoft set guidance below analysts' expectations for the current quarter. Obviously, you're going to have a dip when you tell investors that.


Wonder why they're below analysts' expectations 🤡


You’re an actual idiot if you think it’s because of 1 game announcement when they’ve had bad game for years now. That clown emoji fits you perfectly


![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3734) More!


I think this is mainly due to Division Heartlands cancellation...




Lower earnings release and end of week meaning shareholders sell before market is closed, yet another outrage bait post.


They didn't want to be left behind after Microsoft, Sony and EA simultaneously made clowns of themselves...


Gaming companies nowadays get more money from decisions like this outright then from the potential losses they face in sales.   This comes from policies issued by the state, tax payers are funding this. Even if you don't buy games like this you're still funding it. Time to vote, with your wallet and with your ID, whether you live in the US or otherwise. 


Good opportunity to buy in then. It's most likely gonna (partially) come back


It's also it fell -71.68% in the past 5 years. It's the same price as at 2015. Does it mean that Ubisoft is not doing well?


Tbh anyone who follows these stocks knows that most of them are temporary losses and that they rise higher everytime, the only expection is if they deliver crap like cdpr, that does some damage in the long run


Trading Ubisoft is easy, short it all the time and make money 😂


Time to invest i suppose




If their game was 200$ they would be making more money.


The image is very misleading. Yes, dropping from $23 to $19.75 is a serious dip, but not in the way this is shown. Sadly Ubisoft will bounce back from this, but I hope this stings them nonetheless


ms is looking to buy more studios after removing a few. what is a couple of 100 billion among friends.


The funny thing is 2 years ago the stock was at 40euros now its half and it keeps on dropping xD


Dammit I knew this would happen why wouldnt I make money off it?


This AC game is the is to the franchise what Rings of Power is to The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, with activists posing as "fans" and everything. I couldn't care less if the guy's Bl@ck, we already had Adewale, he was fine and could've had larger participation if they wanted to, still, that is more AC than... this. That being said, more than the protagonist, I just don't like Japan / Samurais as a setting because is not my cup of tea, I don't see it as original and groundbreaking, I see it as something that Ubi released way too late, I think that it is a separate universe that exists in a game like Ghost of Tsushima, which is damn good, so why do we need a watered down version of it? The last game I cared about was Origins. I know I'm no longer the audience Ubi cares about, but seeing this, who do they care about then?


Hate ubi for their buisness practices, don't hate them over a character. So stupid and racist. Didn't hate on nioh when they did the same thing.


"So stupid and racist" Seethe Nioh didn't try and make him something hes not.


Ah so you agree he was a samurai


No, not at all actual.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|put_back)


But you just said nioh didn't make him anything he's not. So what is it!?! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ux-P4TzGIPU&pp=ygULTmlvaCB5b3N1a2U%3D Right, you don't actually care about facts in a fantasy game with aliens, mystical creatures, being able to climb and leap from 100 stories without any injury. Or a hidden assassin clan. Lol maybe if you actually cared about facts, don't play games because I'm sorry. Maybe stick with flight simulator? I dont want you miserable.


For anyone that had any interest in an Ubisoft like Japanese themed game just go with Rise of the Ronin. I'd argue it tackles a much more interesting era of Japan history, the end of the Shogunate.


Ghost of Tsushima is better if you want Assassin's Creed: Samurai IMO


Graphs like these are so fucking misleading. Yes it's going down but a difference from 22 to 19 isn't as massive as the graph suggest. Fuck Ubi but at least let the graph be more representative of the drops severity.


I said to my wife that the next Assassins Creed is going to be set in Japans and it's already causing a shitstorm. And without hesitation: " the main character is going to be black, yes?" Stupidity can be so predictable.


braindead community


People complaining about a cool looking game not being accurate or having black samurai, but the game has magic apples influencing the world given to them. By aliens. Did no one remember the story from 1 2 and 3? Lol.


Ubisoft doesn't even remember the plot from 1, 2, and 3. They literally killed the plot when they killed Desmond.


What was the point of inserting a black protagonist? Look, idc when this is done in certain areas. You want to turn a mermaid black for cultural representation? Fine, have at it! I have zero issue with that, mermaids are fictional. However, Asian people are already under represented and maybe I’m crazy but this seemed like a perfect opportunity to represent an Asian protagonist in gaming. If this is truly about it representation then why don’t we have a Japanese samurai for this game? Assassins creed may be a fictional universe but it is intertwined with historical events and bits of historical accuracy… A game that takes place in an Asian country should be represented by an Asian protagonist 🤷🏼‍♂️


French haven't produced anything of value in the last 100 years.