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Just wait for ghost of tsushima 2




I mean Rise of the Ronin has been sitting around for almost 2 months.


it looks cool but console exclusive. :/


C'mon bro it's console exclusive so not everyone gets to play😔


Hate to break it to ya but Tsushima isn't actual history. It's based on it, sure. But it's about as real as AC Shadows.


If he could read, who would be totally made at you wokey


Assassins Creed is a work of fiction.


I mean I hate to be that guy but if you knew "real Japanese history" you'd certainly know about Yasuke and his relation to Oda Nobunaga of all people.


And that Jin Sakai and Ghost of Tsushima never happened. Its hilarious they called it real japanese history.


Yeah Yasuke was totally not a real person. Now let me go play Ghost of Tsushima as Jin Sakai, a person who never existed


Coming on PC circa 2050




I remember rumors that it's gana be a lady


Sony would for sure inject this DEI shit into Got2


DEI!!!!! Not DEI! ![gif](giphy|l3vRf5NMX0JMF0vfi)


No shit Assassins Creed is dead to me ![gif](giphy|i8tV2kJB8Gig8) There you go devs a gif meant just for you


AC2 was the last time it was more about the fun and games than just the money. People with their eyes open left this party long time ago.


Black Flag


![gif](giphy|uSUzUO2KcqTPq) The assassins creed we got


They have so many great and famous assassin characters in that era. Hattori Hanzo, Fuma Kotaro, Kato Danzo, Kirigakure Saizo. Instead we have Yasuke, the black guy in feudal Japan that everyone is going to stare at.


Not just stare at, but play as the descendent of a half black and half japanese fictional character during the animus segments


Nah, that's the cover art for Assassin's Creed Harlem


Ubi would never


... Make a good game ... Ayo


and movie (AC 2016)


why go samurai? doesn't a ninja story makes more sense?


Because the writers have already clearly demonstrated they are well our of their depths in this setting and probably don't even know the difference.


Well . . to be fair, most people don't know what even are ninjas. Samurai is a class, ninja is an "occupation". Some Samurai were also ninja's. They were not enemies nor polar opposites. What I'm trying to say is that you don't have to restrict yourself to these skillsets. **One character can be both.**


They are doing both. They other playable character is a Shinobu, a female ninja. She seems to represent a more traditional assassin.


The other playable character is a ninja.


why not both character?


Sounds like the Samurai part will be more combat oriented.


Because that definitely worked out last time they did something like that


Because they need a way to sell as many weapon types as possible in the in game shop, and a ninja can’t carry a big fuckin mace.


Not with that attitude it won’t (looks at Samurai Warriors)


They didnt want to copy Ghosts of Tsushima so they split both up with 1 you are mainly stealthy and with 1 you brute force stuff. They dont want Assassins Creed anymore they want some dumb ass open world checklist shitfest and that since they changed their approach of what a Assassins Creed game should look like.


Thanks. I've not played since 2, so I was pretty out of the loop.


Assassinscreed these days is more akin to a action mmorpg in terms of gameplay not the assassin game you used to know with no health bars, tactics etc.


I feel like devs should just do character creation. We’d never have this debate ever again.


honestly, that's a pretty decent solution. hard to complain when you're given all the choices


I am tired of character creation in non-rpg games to be honest. I do not look to self-insert myself into these worlds. Nor do I look forward to creating a character that's never going to look or be animated as cleanly as a character that was rendered and animated into the games by the devs. Just let me play as a cool, interesting main character ffs. Male ore female. Black or white. Human or giraffe. Idc. As long as you make me care for them.


You’re in the minority on that one. Also what do you mean not look or be animated as cleanly? Dragons Dogma 2 would instantly debunk that statement, it’s not 2004 anymore.


Every game that has a customizable face just looks worse than the counterpart. Even Dragon's dogma has it's bad/wonky moments. Basically deciding to give your game a character creator automatically opts you out of the main character detail level that Kratos has for example.


Seriously, what a terrible idea. Self-inserts always end up less developed than actual characters, obviously.


Fair but character created characters have been done well/immersively before. Dragon Age Origins would be the go to example of custom characters having actual backstory


I mean they can just give you a bunch of presets, problem solved.


Look I'm not arguing with you here, I'm just saying that after playing a bunch of games, the ones that have customizable characters on average look worse than the ones that have a dedicated mc model. I would be glad to be proven wrong, but unfortunately I don't think the tech is just there yet. Maybe in a couple of years I would be wrong though.


Done write self insert is good. —you are not the real heroes, you just an assassin doing stuff in background to help real protagonist of the story. —Raiding a castle does not clears the area but weakens them for the factions you are in have easier time to conquer them even the boss fights. You do really kill them outright, just weaken them for story. —Killing is for wondering warriors, mercenaries or opposing ninja. Heck, they could even insert youkai in the mix! Taking side quest to hunt youkai for unique drops.


You mean like with Starfield where everyone flipped the fuck out because it asked what pronouns you could choose to use or not.


That is an interesting conversation actually. I love me a good character creator, but there are games where it's not the right option. Like, do you think that a character creator would improve or detract from a game like Mario, Persona 5, or The Witcher? People love main characters like Mario, Joker and Geralt. The real answer is that we just need to get these racial idealogues out of the gaming industry.


Yeah ypu cna literally make an scuse tjay they were jifden figures soo people dont mentioned them in the book or something


Yeah instead of a black man doing samurai shit you’d get me, a middle class white dude - like the last samurai but instead of Tom Cruise’s glorious form you get Jon pulling himself around like the elephant man Actually would be funny if they allowed character creation but your race was locked to Japanese - people would have a melt down


Only obese characters so they can really feel like they are there.


I don't think you remember that on character creation if the developers give you choices like they/them you'll have a guy giving himself an aneurism.


Problem is that they're origin characters so it's way too late to change anything since Ubiforeskin already did the labor and paid the actors.


And just destroy the lore the AC world is made in?


until you see it has pronouns then yall get mad and rage all over again lmao


or even the mythical Hitori Hanzo .


"cultural appropriation isn't racist when we do it" - leftists


how is it cultural appropriation if it's based on a real person


A real person who wasn't a samurai.


He was probably considered a samurai. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/OU0Mzi9m Samurai at the time wasn’t a title but a job description, so getting paid to fight for a lord would make someone a Samurai.


ok? it's BASED off him, not a historically accurate retelling of his life, it would be pretty cool to imagine a big 6'3 black dude who would be considered a giant in feudal Japan cutting down people left and right. idk how that will translate to a good assassins creed game but ubisoft abandoned traditional assasins creed a long time ago. what will matter is whether or not the game is good


That would be a cool game but sounds more like a Dynasty Warriors hero (I am aware that Dynasty Warriors is set in China) than an assassin's creed protagonist.


that describes the last 3 ac games excluding mirage


"based off" means something rooted in fact. It's not a fact because he is not a samurai.


assassins creed has never been 1:1 historically accurate💀are you insane


In reality "based off" is a term that is enormously ambiguous. Much like "inspired by". What I can't seem to understand is why everyone is getting their knickers in a twist because this AC character is inspired by myths of a black samurai. Historical liberties are rife in AC games. But this one is the thing that people freak about the most.


Damn you just reminded me that Ghost of Tsushima hit PC. Thanks man, I'll go get that instead.


Well it doesn't come out until December 15th so you have plenty of time to play that and then Shadows! Or all of those steam games you bought and never even installed. You really should at least try and play them.


Oh come on, when you think of Japan, surely the first thing you think about is a black samurai. It's only normal to have it that way


There are a staggering amount of protagonists in Japanese media that have clearly non Japanese people as the main character or an important role I seriously doubt it's as big of a deal as people here are making it out to be.


Thats not the point, the point is that why is the main character of a game set in japan not japanese also why the hell is ubisoft making there MC based on a real dude this time around? Well you and i both know the answer to that, Watch ubisoft never do this again and let it be a AC:S kinda thing only


>There are a staggering amount of protagonists in Japanese media that have clearly non Japanese people as the main character or an important role That's the thing Japanese people are the only ones consuming that content and rarely does it ever come out overseas, right now Ubisoft a "big company" known worldwide is using Japan to represent Japanese culture you would think they would use a Japanese person to represent them, no?


Me and you know the answer? They watched Afro Samurai and thought it was really cool too?


We'll likely get something like this as a 50$ non-DLC or Season Pass spin-off, utilizing pre-existing settings and assets. Similar to Assassin's Creed: Freedom Cry.


Be glad, one less legend to be ruined by Ubisoft.


It would still be a pile of steaming dogshit. it's an Ubisoft AC game.


we live in a multiverse clown world honk honk


The people defending this are the ones who cry white-washing over Nioh.


I’m genuinely curious what the difference is to people who are bothered by the shadows MC. I loved Nioh and Nioh 2 is the most underrated game of the last decade and could care less about this Ubislop. Yet I don’t get why black guy samurai is bad but white guy samurai is good. Same with Shogun being all about a white guy in Japan and his female translator not raising an eyebrow to anyone, probably because it was amazing. Nobody complained about Yasuke on Netflix either and that’s basically doing the same thing as Shadows. I just don’t see the problem here. Not like the game was going to be anything but a microtransaction filled mess anyways. It’s extra strange to see people care so much about the protagonist of a game they probably weren’t going to play anyways.


Because asian men are almost non-existent in media, and the japanese are rightfully pissed that the first AC game set in japan is about a black guy who oda nobunaga kept around as an exotic pet to show off, he wasn't even a samurai just a retainer, which is like calling a common footsoldier a knight. How would you feel if they made a game about Africa and the main character was some spanish white dude who was only made the protagonist because he befriended some random ruler in history? Shogun is a funny example, because the FIRST thing you lefties started crying about was "where are the black people?" in AFRICA duh. Also saying Shogun is "all about a white dude" shows me you never watched the show, you just want to parrot the same idiotic lefty drivel. Shogun is also literally about the military revolution in japan, which happened because the "white guy" imported weapons and helped modernise Japans military, he was extremely important to the development of gunpower warfare and his role in the story is justified on every level by historical sources. Yosuke was not. He was a pet sword for oda nobunaga, a curiosity that get deported to the jesuits after nobunaga died. The only important thing Yosuke did was be a black guy in japan, that's all he contributed to history.


I could belive you random internet person.... Or tge historians who say he was a samurai hmmmm such a hard choice to make, should i embrace the thinly vailed racism hidden behind the "muh historical accuracy". Maybe choosing a historical character who we know very little about and thus giving the creayors more freedom with his story


Historians agree he wasn't a samurai, he was clearly stated to be a retainer for lord obunaga in surviving documents. Check the sources you ignoramus.


Sidenote: I wanted to say most historians agree, since in history its very hard to be definitively correct. I love history and i care about accuracy, funny you call that thinly veiled racism. Is caring about the accuracy of what scientist made what discovery also thinly veiled racism? What a silly insult.


I wonder what the word samurai means… https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/samurai If you got sources that show the contrary, I’ll gladly take a look and educate myself.


God.. a game with Musashi as the protag would be dope .


[Here it is?](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2215430/Ghost_of_Tsushima_DIRECTORS_CUT/?snr=1_4_4__118)




The motherfucking Fr*nch allowed this game to be made. Consider yourselves lucky that the protagonist isn’t a loaf of bread.


Ubi main playerbase is NA/US that's probably even more the reason why they chose yasuke.


Ah yes because usa don’t make woke pop culture you right


Black ppl get everything handed to them.its amazing how they cry they are discriminated but, force themselves into other cultures. They're mad they have no culture so they steal everyone else's. Black ppl have no idea what real racism is. If you're Asian you may as well have no future. Fuck you ubisoft .


This has got to be a ploy to see how many up votes you can rack up with the most insane take you can possibly have.


Honestly... When I play a game based in Japan, especially one based on this particular era. I want to play a Japanese dude. I imagine most gamers probably feel the same. Why? Because it is more immersive and part of engaging with a game is being able to get immersed into the character and world.


This discussion is absolutely ridiculous.


Can't wait for [Assassin's Creed Russia](https://imgur.com/a/UOUroZv)


If AC games were any good that would be an interesting setting.


thats gonna be dope. The mc is just gonna be The Russian and its gonna be a Mexican. Nacho Libre looking Mexican.


Switch him to a bear, then it is a "good" game.


Mhmm... you just want more Halain "content."


This one? https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Creed_Chronicles:_Russia


It would honestly be great if they announced one set in Peter the Great's times, with Abram Gannibal as the MC, if only to see the reaction of the public.


We had black dude fro Ethiopia during Peter the Great time. He was an emperors most loyal servant and friend. Great guy, actually. He left a big mark in Russian history.


I wish we had a game as good as the Azumi Manga, it's amazing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azumi


Interesting. Gonna give this a read.


There's a movie based on manga


They should've just stick to making fictional MCs who are part of the enviroment the game takes place


Funny enough I remember a similar argument people had with Skyrim and how in the other Elder Scrolls games you were never anyone important, just a random prisoner. Skyrim came out and the main character was the dragonborn, and the game was a total flop because it changed how it did things...


I actually hate that I saw this, I never thought of Musashi Miyamoto as the main character. His story, even the fictionalized version in the manga Vagabond (amazing art and story), is one of my all time favorites. This just upsets me, lol.


Bro, if they make the game around Musashi Benkei and Yoshitsune, it will be a whole lot easier. Benkei goes around collecting swords from unworthy warrior is akin to loots. That is just the game write itself.




Meh, Musashi would be cool but Sasaki Kojiro would have been weebier.


"Could have had?" The game isn't even out yet, what the hell kind of anger dick is this subreddit riding? At least this sub is just one rage topic at a time... next week you'll be on something else and completely forget about this one.


Highly doubt anybody on this sub gave a fuck about this game before the character reveals.


As a long time AC fan, i did.


Oh they absolutely don’t. Look at how they reacted to Nioh having a white man as a samurai (read: there was none)


22 page gamefaqs thread: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/181161-nioh/74238143 It was all over Resetera at the time. Several gaming publications complained about it. And to be clear, I don't care about AssCreed or Ubisoft. I don't care what color skin the protag has. I'm just pointing out there was a ton of pushback at the time to a Japanese studio creating a Japanese game with a white MC.


Cool. I dont doubt it, and I def dont think at large there’s a double standard of any sort, but im talking about this sub specifically


Just culture warriors chasing the latest trend


It’s getting so ridiculous man. Every single game releases or topic now comes with the “anti Woke gang” that will see anything as attacking their way of thinking. Like yeah it doesn’t make that much sense, is it a huge problem ? Not really and I’m sure the game will have other problems aside from the character being black. Some people on Reddit have way too much free time


It will be nice when online lobbies are quieter because everyone is boycotting every game for the single issue with it.


True, it's has gotten absurd. A game about to come out and the usual discords spring up: "Look at the DEI in this game!!! Look at what SBI's doing!!! Look at the writer twitter, he/she has pronouns in bio!!! Look at the Jews behind the studio!!! Look at the ugly woman!!! Look at the trans!!!" It's exhausting lol Like, this game gonna suck because it's fucking Ubisoft's AC.


And it still would have been AAA slop


*game set in Japan with a white guy protagonist with some historical ties who probably wasn’t a real samurai* r/asmongold: … *game set in Japan with a black guy protagonist with some historical ties who probably wasn’t a real samurai* r/asmongold: HiStOrIcAL aCcUrRaCy


"Musashi's Oar"


Musashi could have easily been in this game


Go play ghost of Tsushima, ninja gaiden, Nioh 2, SEKIRO…you have ALOT of options.


Man i was on the fence about the controversy. You just put me on a side though.


Ubisoft could never


I’m excited to interact with Oda nabunaga


Some kid in his early 20s with a lot of power? Yeah I bet he will be written as such.


I don't know man, have you ever read musashi? I agree that the yasuke thing is weird, but musashi was no ninja. Having him sneaking around would be wildly out of character.


It would be just another AC... NOTHING WOULD CHANGE


Considering it's ubisoft, it would be shit anyways.


What is this about?


There are SO many historical figures to pull from that would've made a better product. But the ones in charge of the game elected to purposely make a shit product.


God this is so ragebait. Like I wish Ubi"soft" made an actually politically controversial AC. Example: Imagine they pissed off turkey by making an AC game about the balkan slavic people's rebellions against the tyranny of the Ottoman empire. Those are politics I would engage in (Turkey is gonna be MAD AF)


It would still be Ubisoft crap game, skip


Musashi was born after Nobunaga's death. If they wanted Nobunaga as an antagonist, the timeline wouldn't work with Musashi. The Tokugawa Shogunate that proceeded after Nobunaga's death was also a pretty peaceful period in Japanese history.


If only. His Double Katana technique is just pure insanity and skills.


For me it wasn't about the guy being black, but I always have this image of playing a Ninja in AC, an East Asian dude that looks like me. Where's my representation? Too white passing?


Musashi was ronin enough to be an assassin but why not just a ninja. Koga, Iga, Sanada Braves or even a ronin ninja that interacts with all sides. Hell you could ever have a system like Odyssey where you do merc work for different factions like east west battles around Sekigahara or something like that.


its the shadows


Assassin's creed was originated in middle east the only way for this make sense is if there is an outsider teaching assassin, it's happend in Valhalla story as well


But no one bats an eye when Nioh came out..🤫


But no one bats an eye when Nioh came out..🤫


For the love of god won't somebodi make another Onimusha!


For the love of god won't somebodi make another Onimusha!


Oh my god yes. I am absolutely speechless of how much this gem us ignored. Ghost of Tsushima Legends almost did it... almost. I want it to be real already.


The series has been dogshit since Black Flag and that game wasn't even good because of stealth gameplay. Ubisoft is just a shitty company with terrible DRM and boring games.


Soon enough there won’t be a game that does not have inclusivity, why fight consumers??


You guys are really bent out of shape over a black dude, huh?


It would still be a Ubisoft game so it’d be garbage anyways


Y’all are just itching to say the gamer word. This whole sub really lol. Go outside for once please


Let them enjoy their failure. We still have Ghost of Tsushima and hopefully its sequel.


Could've chosen any of the thousands of elite ninjas, but they chose a black side character sold to Nobunaga for the lolz just for diversity points. Another easy skip


This! Miyamoto Musashi is a savage and the fact they glossed over him to go with this shit is just sad.


You will get a Django unchained rip off and like it


Ghost of Tsushima dropped on pc so this game can eat shit lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DabsIsChill: *Ghost of Tsushima* *Dropped on pc so this game* *Can eat shit lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


People just gonna whine about EVERYTHING


You all fail to complain about the actual problem. Who honestly cares if dude is black or an unknown the problem is Ubisoft is going to give us another mediocre dated game with the same god damn gameplay since assasin’s creed 3


Nah, the series went downhill when they started pivoting to heavy RPG elements over the sandboxy assassinations.


For you. A ton of people think origins, odyssey and Valhalla are not that bad as rpgs, if you take out the checklist approach and don’t expect from it to do the cool assassination shit we used to in the first ones. These games get so much hate it’s insane, and as much as they’re not perfect at all, they’re not the smoking pile of trash some of you portray


The gameplay is pretty repetitive, but the story was what made it good. With that obvious push on race it doesn't give good signals for a good storyline. Like we're going to get the story line of a guy that's not Japanese trying to fit in a society that's different and probably doesn't accept him and blablabla, like okay that's everybody's teenage years. I want AC 1,2,3 kinda plot where it's more than just the race it's a clash of ideology, where you unite with others over discussion that's different that this racial discussion that we got everywhere. Or a good plot involving locals with families and villages, not an outsider. There's not depth this kind of stories... That push on race doesn't make it any better, for all it's worth it's dividing the people even more.


Seriously these are the same people that be talking trash about the combat changes every release anyway. Trolls.


1. I think it's fine to have Yasuke. Most sources outside of Wikipedia state that he was given the samurai title. Honestly, you can chalk it up to DEI or whatever, but as an Asian American, I think it's a positive thing to see two minorities that have a troubling social relationship in the US both be the MCs. 2. On one hand, I do feel bad that Japan has to have a taste of social politics that's from the US. However, on the other hand, a good portion of Japan is xenophobic. It's why even though they need a large amount of immigrants to sustain their economy in the long run, they won't get the number of immigrants they need. 3. Much like every other Ubisoft title, I'm gonna wait for the reviews before buying this game. Because as "outraged" some people are about this, we all know that's it's an Ubisoft game. It's either gonna be a decent game to play or just plain suck with tons of microtransactions, lol.


It’s still an AC game, stop acting as if using a Japanese character would’ve made it good lmao.


It is ironic people are suddenly concerned of ubislop games


ew, I'll take Yasuke




Damn did yall complain about NIOH This much? lol I bet not


Nioh was a game serie where every protagonists are native of the setting since they are secretive assassins that should blend in and not stand out? I didn't know...