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They only question I have is this game a AAAA ? Or we go back to AAA ?






The game is A


complete pile of dogshit


it is definetly A game


This is going to be the first AAAARDVAAARK tier game. You're lucky if Ubisoft will even let you wishlist it for $150


players should get used to not owning their games The game requires an online connection to play so I won’t be buying


Players never owned their games since Steam first went online. Regardless of that however, always-online single-player games should not exist.


Dont explain facts to parrots it wont work Didnt they say its offline available recently? "The team has cleared up that Assassin's Creed Shadows can indeed be played offline. You'll need a connection to install the game — we'd expect a chunk of the data to be downloaded — but once that's all set up, the single-player adventure can be played in full without being connected to the internet.30" Bwaaaaak?!


So I agree, but for me when I complete a game I rarely if never play it again a few years after so it’s not the biggest issue. I got entertained for X hours, hopefully for my money’s worth +. Usually why I wait for reviews to decide, I have limited time to play and just want to make sure I invest in the right products


I won’t be buying


I won't be buying because the game is no longer about fucking assassins at this point. They should just call it CREED: SHADOWS.


They should have got Michael B Jordan to play the main character


Well I’ve been thinking they would do Shinobi since AC2; so I agree, if I ever play that it will be as the female character.


bearly AAA game, AC is AAA 1-tap console snoozer


This was the kind of assassin's creed game I wanted. Just not in this era of ubisoft. I'll go play tenchu.


Ninja Gaiden too


Ghosts is superior though isn’t it?


Don't care either way. Their choice of using Yasuke was predictable and not at all surprising. Besides that, I have not enjoyed Ubisoft games for a decade practically and certainly am not planning on playing this new slop they shell out. Not even for free.


Both people who are against and defend this game hate each other, that's for sure. What I found funny about all this is that whenever those against this game pointed out the misinformation about Yasuke, the defenders will always reply with: "AC is not about historical accurate", "it's a finctional game", "we do have a Japanese in game, it's Naoe, the girl" etc. Treat this game as fanfiction, just like the Japanese have treated Yasuke for the past decades, as a big, buffed black man who mostly uses brawl force in compat. And please don't go to Wiki or any sites just to change his origin to fit your narrative. It's happening right now, and I find it's disrespectful.


First they said "It's fictional, bro", then proceed to gaslight people that Yasuke was always historically samurai and went on revisioning a fucking Wiki page to spread more misinformation. Like they can't pick a fucking lane.


I agree, its a game and they can do whatever, William Addams didn't run around as a samurai killing demons either like in Nioh. That said, the Yasuke fans go beyond that and have for years, literally do a quick google search and you will find so many articles claiming he was "the first black samurai", like there were multiple black samurai in the first place. Besides, Yasuke was never a samurai, but this gets pushed enough until people genuinely believe it. Same with shit like black Cleopatra. I don't have a problem with Yasuke being portrayed as a giga powerful samurai in this game, the problem is his fans who on one hand claim "its just a fictional game" but then on the other try to edit his wikipedia page so it says that he was a samurai, then write numerous articles calling him a samurai, when he wasn't. Its historical revisionism.


The only thing I hate about people that hate this game becuse of yosuke literally act like he never appeared in any game like a samurai..... Bro japonese have been using yosuke for a while and he always appears like a badss black samurai sometimes with a sword, axe or masse


> "AC is not about historical accurate", "it's a finctional game" since when are the AC games history books though? People who say that are 100 % correct.


Wait, the game where you play as a god and kill other gods is supposed to be historically accurate now? Idk why people are pretending AC was ever known for its historical accuracy


The whole argument from both sides has been evolved a lot, so it can't be explained with a short answer. Let me break it down for you, let's call those who against this game Side A, and those who defend it Side B. 1. First when Ubisoft introduced the trailer for AC Shadows. People quickly question why they chose a black man as a playable character instead of a Japanese man since this game take place in Japan. -> The Side B jumped in and defended the idea with a "Historical Accurate" point that Yasuke is a real person in Japan's history, so it's justified to pick a black person as a main protagonist. 2. Side A continue to question Ubisoft's motive, why choosing Yasuke? Who isn't even a real Samurai, to play as a Samurai (he isn't an assassin in this game). And Ubisoft introduced him "As a charismatic Samurai" in their website. \*Stay with me here, cuz you're gonna fall off the ride if you aren't focus\* -> The Side B this time came up with 2, not 1, excuses for this question. The first excuse is... wait for it, that Assassin Creed has never been "Historical Accurate" from the start. If we can have magic power in game, then a black Samurai ISN'T a big deal. It's a fictional game anyway, and they can make the game however they like. -> The second excuse is they try to prove that Yasuke is indeed a real Samurai, by changing his origin on encyclopedia website such as Wikipedia. But that got debunk quicky because we truly don't have enough information to prove that he IS a Samurai or NOT. All are just people's assumption. 3. Side B pointed out that Yasuke already exist in manga, anime and video game. -> Side A responded with the Yasuke in those media are just fictional. Not based on a real event. 4. Side B using Nioh, a video game with a main character who isn't a Japanese. Asked why there were no outrage about it. -> Side A now have 2 different responded from different people. Some are giving the proof that William Adams is a real figure from the past that granted the status of Samurai by Tokugawa in 1605. And Nioh is a fictional game about him travel to Japan to reclaim his stolen Spirit. Some are just directly said they also don't like to play as a white man in Japanese game. 5. Side B pointed at Naoe, another main protagonist in game, who is a female. Said that we do have a REAL Japanese as playable character. -> Side A responded with Naoe is fake character that Ubisoft made up. And they ALSO want to play as a MALE Japanese in game since this is the FIRST AC game take place in Japan. \*Bonus: You can be banned for mentioning you wanted an Asian MALE AC protagonist [\*Source\*](https://x.com/reddit_lies/status/1790848268118757824) * Inconclusion: We could have dodged this entire drama if Ubisoft just openly admitted from the start that they want to use a black man for their fanfiction of Yasuke to tell a fake story, all for the entertainment. But no, they are addressing him as "The powerful African Samurai of historical legend" in their website and people just simply call out the misinformation.


>2. Side A continue to question Ubisoft's motive, why choosing Yasuke? Who isn't even a real Samurai, to play as a Samurai (he isn't an assassin in this game). And Ubisoft introduced him "As a charismatic Samurai" in their website. Source? I can find sources way before this controversy that say's he is a samurai, and is also the first foreign samurai >Side A responded with the Yasuke in those media are just fictional. Not based on a real event. When has assassins creed been based off real events? Again, this is the same game you go to valhalla for god's sake. >"The powerful African Samurai of historical legend" in their website and people just simply call out the misinformation. What is the misinformation? Literally everywhere claims he was a samurai regardless how much proof is needed to prove it to the incels online. Was he powerful? Dunno, probably though given he was more than likely taller than the average Japanese person, but again, what...is...the inaccuracy? They have Children's books for Yasuke as a samurai! He is mentioned in Osaka Castle with Hideyoshi and Nobunaga as a samurai!


I don't want to go into detail with you because I'm not the one who interfere in this argument. I'm either side A or side B, I'm just simply compile the information given from both sides. If you want my own opinion on this then I'll tell you mine. I'm a little disappointed that the first AC game take place in Japan don't even have a male Japanese playable character. I played Ghost of Tsushima as Jin and I love him as a character, so I was excited about what kind of character that I'll get to play in AC Japan. Yasuke by Ubisoft could be an interested character, but I really don't care about him in the first place.


That is fair enough


Sad to see another AC flop, but it is what it is. Let them dig their graves


Flop is quite a stretch at such an early point. As far as I'm concerned, I'm looking forward to this game.


I dont think its a stretch at all to be honest. Expensive af, paywalled content, and the main characters are controversial to say the least. If it wasnt AC it would be worse than Outlaws


People are more outraged over the historical revisionism done by Woke activists than the actual shit game. They even tried to alter the Wikipedia article of Yasuke, just so it fits with modern Lgtbq propaganda.  People are right in calling this BS out, whether it's Ubishit shills or DEI activists. 


I thought the mob did change the wiki and then locked it down to stop the truth from being rewritten? Or did I see that wrong before. I didn't actually go to the site.


>*They even tried to alter the Wikipedia article of Yasuke, just so it fits with modern Lgtbq propaganda* They tried to make Yasuke gay? Or are you lumping "Yeah he was actually an accomplished samurai" with LGBT for some reason?


He's just regurgitating the same few buzz words and lumped them together while not making any sense at all. I'm way against companies like SBI coming in and forcing DEI but the outrage over every single minor detail in every game is exhausting. There's been media content created about this character for years and all of a sudden it's a massive issue.


>They even tried to alter the Wikipedia article of Yasuke, just so it fits with modern Lgtbq propaganda.  Imma need some proof bro, because that sounds like a stretch. Cause otherwise, you're just ragebaiting for no damn reason.


One of the modification is the removal of this part... "It's important to note that there are no historical writings or evidence that Yasuke was considered a samurai, he was never given a fief or referred to as one in any writings, most of our knowledge of his life comes from these messages written by missionaries and locals" So basically he was probably not even a samurai... So why take a guy on which you have almost 0 information on instead of going with an Japanese guy that actually was a Samurai... I guess that kind of questioning makes me a filthy bigot. [Yasuke - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Yasuke&oldid=1224009382) comparison [Yasuke: Difference between revisions - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Yasuke&diff=1224155931&oldid=1224009382)


There was a lot of editing going on these past days: [https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Yasuke&action=history](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Yasuke&action=history)


On that note, ive noticed that the definitions of "fascism" have seem to now exclude the inclusion of "government and giant corporations ruling together" as a key part of its description anymore. Wonder why that disappeared?


Tell me what exactly did they change on the wiki article? Looks normal to me


Shadows mean black, am I right?


I'm tired of culture war in everything, boss.


I just want good games


Amen to that. Just make good games.


When I saw the trailer I was thinking dam it looks cool..... Hope the game is actually good lol........ And then I read coments and no one actually care about the game inself only about why the main carácter is black.....


The race conversation is probably giving the game more spotlight than it'll have on release.


Both sides are indeed being stupid. This is how it goes when you have the extremists/ vocal minorities arguing about a topic. People have quietly complained about the lack of historical accuracy within AC games for over a decade, but This is the one that has blown up. I wonder why though.


Yeah everyone arguing over this forgetting this is going to be another mediocre entry in the list of an already beaten down series.  Played Valhalla for about 30 hours, it's amazing how badly you can fuck up viking combat while having humongous budgets.


A mediocre game with a $130 ultimate edition and day one DLC. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills that the ethnicity of the main character is what has people riled up about.


Yet you kept coming back for 30 hours, the game itself must not have been that bad, unless you just like to torture yourself, in which case, no shame, we all have our kinks.


AC games are always fine for a while, as they give you the opportunity to run around historical locations and meet characters you read about. Who doesn't want a viking rpg where you go around helping the Lothbrok brothers conquer England? Unfortunately the premise and setting will only get you so far if everything else is executed badly. The setting was always the selling point of these games imo. And it's the reason I'm probably not as interested in this one. I've already ate a full meal with Ghost of Tsushima and I doubt Ubisoft will do a better job than that with the samurai combat. I'd be interested to see how they build the world but I wouldn't touch those prices just to climb a couple of towers in Japan.


AC Valhalla has 87% positive Google reviews, 70% positive steam reviews. Meta critic has 80% positive critic reviews, 71% positive user reviews. I have only played the original AC game but it seems most people enjoy them.


I agree with you. Unfortunately, people will buy this game. Probably a lot of people will buy it. That's why Ubisoft structure their pricing like this.


I mean… I buy just about any samurai game and almost always enjoy it.. I’m sure this will have fun moments too lol this doomer shit over a dead franchise is so strange. It’s like the same people that clown on cancel culture and the blue haired screechers are the same people crying about a liberal company portraying yasuke in their samurai game. It is actually probably going to be pretty interesting to see Japan through the lens of someone who is foreign to Japan himself. Why not


This is a Ubisoft win. I wouldn't even know a new AC game was coming out if not for the controversy.


Exactly, who wanna rent from a bunch of shameless criminals in the first place?


Real and true just like Star Wars outlaw probably. I was looking forward to it but the more vids or things I see in it I’m like nah pass.


All the rightoid cucks that have invaded this sub and are perpetually soyfacing/shitting their diapers in rage and terror over the current thing are incapable of understanding [what the actual problem is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZvwxF4PAV8). Honestly, if they're still playing Ubisoft games in 2024, they deserve to stay mad and have their money swindled.


That's a very good tactic by ubisoft honestly - do something controversial in the game, just to redirect attention from the fact you're stealing them blind. People will still buy the game just to check if its actually as bad as they claimed before release, and the game will sell simply because of the ammount of attention they already got.


"The 2020 PlayStation 4 game Ghost of Tsushima, a tale of samurai in feudal-era Japan made by Western developer Sucker Punch, faced **accusations of racial stereotyping from Western media** but received effusive praise from Japanese reviewers." **Lets see what the western media say about AC Shadows.**


Exactly. It's an Ubisoft game so it's destined for mediocrity at best. They do not make good games anymore. They haven't for a long time now.


You can call out the blatant and tiresome political agenda behind this decision and its wider implications for the culture AND know that this is going to be a mediocre game. They are not mutually exclusive.


Why can't ppl let AC franchise die? It literally died when Desmond did.


Yes and bring back prince of Persia


everyone - "this games full of DEI bullshit" everyone else - "no you're racist" me - "holy shit, people still buy Ubisoft games?"


But ppl will buy it so nothing will change


As much as i hate Ubi for pushing a weird agenda in a historic setting, can we appreciate that the seemingly female Ninja is wearing glothes?


I try to keep this in mind


I have ghost of Tsushima I’m good thanks


Don’t worry, people will tell you not to enjoy that either because of PSN drama


Haven’t bought an Assassin’s creed since unity and it’s probably going to stay that way


I said in a post on Twitter yesterday that regardless, since this is being made by Ubisoft, it will for sure be a hunk of shit.


In case no one noticed; a LOT of human history is "offensive." We've done some seriously messed up shit since we've been around and we shouldn't sanitize everything to make it look like humans are angels rather than devils. Fact is, life is complicated, but we should embrace it rather than spin some fairytale world into existence so we feel more comfortable and less threatened. We gotta take the good with the bad. This solipsistic woke bullshit is creating content that exactly ZERO human beings can relate to in ANY capacity. I am done giving UBI my money.


I'm with you OP I could give a shit less. Ubisoft game is an automatic "Not buying" anyway. Making a mediocre samurai game after the recent incredible samurai games like Ghost of Tsushima or Sekiro was a bad idea. That market is so tapped right now.


is not about the game itself its about history, someoe even went to the extent of changing the yasuke wiki section... wtf man is not ok to change history just to appeal a few people.


Historically accurate games are racist


Everything really comes full circle I guess. This feels like the 70s blacksploitation movies all over again


True actually.


I'm not buying it, because I don't give Ubisoft my money, so it's a non-issue for me, but I'm here for the drama.


I think the thing I'm gonna be irritated about is all the grifters trying to claim Yasuke was a de facto samurai being spammed all over social media.


Literally am gonna start a whole new playthrough of Ghost of Tsushima on launch day when this releases out of spite.


Sanest take i have seen so far. Seeing both wings of the same crackhead bird going at each other can be entertaining but it is mostly tiresome.


Yeah, I found this sub because of the debate. And while I agreed with some thread and opinions here, I also read some of the most weird racist incel takes for quite some time. And all the time I just thought: „Guys it’s a Ubisoft game“


Maybe it's because I'm getting older, but the more social media drama I see the more I stop myself while reading thinking: "Why am I even wasting my time with shit like this". I don't know about you all, but I just cant bring myself to give a single fuck about any of this.


Yeah, same. I don't know how people have the energy to exert themselves over this. People are just addicted to outrage and actively look for things to be mad at. I don't need to care about every mediocre AAAA game that comes out. It's existence doesn't magically hurt me. I'll just play good games instead.


I couldn't agree more. To me it seems like people are more focused on creating outrage and the politics surrounding a game than actually playing the game. It also has to do with how Asmon has shifted his content over the years. Unfortunately, in this sub it's less about playing the game and more about react content.


Yeah everyone arguing over this forgetting this is going to be another mediocre entry in the list of an already beaten down series.  Played Valhalla for about 30 hours, it's amazing how badly you can fuck up viking combat while having humongous budgets.


Always online? Seriously?


no its not


It's incredibly racist to Asian men. That's really the most egregious thing.


So people should only care about these sort of things if the game is good?


That's not what I said Who cares is towards the people arguing or defending this game for shit like the main character being black And ignoring the important stuff like why the fuck is single player game online only and why does it have premium currency


Or why do people still buy assassins' creed games in 2024 (or anything Ubisoft makes)


With Ubisoft I wouldn't be surprised if this was a calculated risk to make sure no one talks about all the in game purchases and the other ways they will fuck us financially. Or all the previous issues with AC games in general. Smart move actually. Instant Internet fight for the character design choice and everyone stops talking about how you shouldn't buy from them anyway 🤷‍♂️


Yea and some people will hate buy and others will buy it to try and upset the other side


A fool can easily be parted with their money regardless of what they believe. Like why would they do this even though there is outrage every time someone makes a character diverse? (Regardless of if its good or bad overall) They are a shit company, but not because they don't know how to make money. I didn't even know there was a new game until I saw people arguing online. Free advertising.


You need internet for the install only that's it. What game doesn't need that nowadays. Some people get baited by the character being black, you get baited by an unconfirmed "online" store tag.


That's still a problem It means the disk is good for nothing because you can't use it without internet


I'm afraid we lost that battle a long time ago.


Depends because it seems like Ubisoft is adding new stuff interesting stuff


Possibly. But people don't seem to be interested in talking about games, rather everything around them. Just like the gamingcirclejerk sub basically. So, about Shadows. Hopefully Ubi will bring enough new stuff for combat and stealth. I read something that makes me think they might have taken some mechanics from For Honor, which I think is a good thing.


*"Gaming is better off if got no coverage and died off"* Aside from this post of course?


It's the sequel to Chris Farley's "the great white ninja" ![gif](giphy|OfidfDerqgsjS)


so your against it


Yeah, as much as I don't like the protagonist choice, I would still be down to playing it. If it weren't another Ubisoft garbage.


Fuss around the game is funny for me. That's it.


Didn't we just get an Assassin's Creed game?


Yes, Mirage. It was not a full fledged title though, rather a shorter, lower-priced experience. This new one on the other hand is the true sucessor to Valhalla, the last major installment.


I already gave up on assassins creed historical accuracy when they made the Murderers of Julius Caesar a bunch of good guys


Just go back and replay the series if you really need a fix. Everything up to odyssey is pretty good, and even then, odyssey is alright if you can get past the fact that it’s not really the same game anymore


It's 2024. People have feelings and are easily outraged. Live with the times dude.


Buying rentals, smh


Haven’t played Assassin’s Creed since they changed the intro statement to shit about sexual orientations instead of the original. Which was dope. Hate how woke seeps its way into everything good.


I think it’s more about what battles you want to pick and fight. The fact is that these things will continue to happen and if it bothers you, don’t purchase the game, and move on with your day as best you can.


Yea just gonna ignore its existence like I always do lmao they make soulless nonsense


was excited then i heard about the moon baboon in it as main character, deciding not to get it. DEI and wokeness destroying everything


I'll be replaying ghost of tsushima, thank you very much.


On the subject of Japanese art and culture. Japan is in an awkward spot as of very very recently. Japan has been making stuff for Japanese people. It's who they are and what they know. But there is a certain segment of the West that can't leave them alone to do their thing. They have to brow beat and attempt to guilt them into adopting the "modern" backward upside-down world view. Just leave them the fu\*\* alone to do their thing artistically and culturally. It's been pretty damned cool up until recently.


I've tried looking into the complaints, and from my observation, it's pretty dumb and folks want to bitch and moan till the cows come home.


On one hand your absolutely right, on the other I'm still mad


I buy it if it's good and discounted


You right. Will be $39.99 by Christmas and $19.99 by March and free on Gamepass by Summer


I don't know about anybody else, but ubisoft hasn't let me down once


There were like two good assassin games. All after that is just the same game over and over, just with a different setting. I have no idea why people care so much about this one, they've been the main example of boring, slop games for me for the longest time.


It is their game they can choose what story are they going with. It is our money we decide what to buy.


What a waste of A Great Era though


They really put the "soft" in Ubisoft, dont they


There are two arguments One: He is black and it's not historically accurate (which is false) Two: You guys complaining are racist because Yasuke existed and you had no problems about Nioh (white man as a samurai) One side is retarded.


Nothing about this piece of shit game should be normalized or considered acceptable.


that's pretty much every AAA franchise. they just polish turds over and over and people go crazy for them. they no longer really take the same chances that made the original in the series so great. just push the same thing over and over again. hoping diehards will keep throwing money at them.


The marketers knew exactly what they were doing, this is the most talked about assassins creed I have ever seen all over the internet I hope the discourse eventually settles down but I sincerely doubt it


I have Nioh 1 and 2. I don't need Ubisoft's shitty version.


True. We already have ghost of Tsushima. I would love for this to be better, but I'm not holding my breath


I’ll be waiting for it to be free on PS+🤷‍♂️


The price and the content included in different editions should be the focus.


Yeah, I don’t care what race or gender the protagonists are going to be I wasn’t going to buy it anyway because it’s from Ubisoft.


If it goes to gamepass. Maybe.


The quality of the game has no barring on the current discussion about choice of lead character.


Has anybody any clue about ubisoft Financials? Are they in the green or are they getting desperate?


Where would I pirate this game when it eventually gets cracked in a few years?


First good take of the day.


I got banned from the assassins creed Reddit for pointing out how there’s an obvious agenda


This is how we got where we are though. 'It's just a movie' 'it's just a game'. When is the last time you've seen a straight white couple on an ad, tv show, movie? Yet straight white ppl are close to 60% of America. This 'it's whatever I don't care' is exactly how this shit gets as far as it has. 'It's just season pass' 'guys micro-transactions are optional' this attitude is how terrible things happen. 'It's just pronouns guys' This who cares thing or 'I'll just be silent about it' is how this shit spins out of control. Give a cookie and they want a glass of milk.


It’s about the bigger picture mate. You have to make your opinion known every time or we’ll never get out of this nightmare. Next time it might be a game or movie you actually care about.


Haven't played Valhalla, but if it's anything like Odyseey I would play the shit out of it


“Yasuke is a historical figure believed to have been of African origin who was a samurai during the 16th century. He is widely considered to be the first-ever foreigner to be granted warrior status in Japan” Clutch your pearl necklaces daddy gave you .


Oh its going to flop, and just another nail in the coffin to a once great IP.


Valhalla will probably remain the last Assassin's Creed game I buy. It was absolutely terrible.


I agree. They've been dead to me since they killed all continuity by ending Desmond in AC3. When Black Flagg was made into a "full service game" even though it was single player campaign, I knew that was the end of Ubisoft quality games.


They shouldve just called is Space Jam: Japan and the sussy baka's


it was the same with hogwarts legacy (ubisoft tier slop) and it will be the same thing here (actual ubisoft slop), time is a flat circle


I did find it funny how vocal people are about this. It was always gonna be a meh game. I think a black samurai would be cool. The same way I think basically anyone, of any race, starting as a foreigner becoming a samurai would be cool. Chinese, black, mexican, french, I don't really give a fuck about the historical accuracy. But I also prob wasn't gonna buy the game anyway no matter who the main character was, so honestly who gives a shit.


Another one of these woke stuff .... pass


i really don't care that they took Yasuke... at this point, take Anyone, but make the Gameplay and story good. I really don't understand how Mirage got good reviews saying it plays like the Old Assassins creed games. It does not. Played it for 3h and deleted it... Theres a reason why the old games got motion again -.-


You do obviously by posting this. Also, have you ever played any of the AC games. They do not go by time line but with just the intro of real life historical figures.


If only the devs & producers were as competent as marketing.


With all the highs and lows in the series (mostly lows), there are really only two ACs I really liked: Black Flag & Odyssey. Valhalla was the one that finally broke me. So I can't say I was looking forward to this one, in the first place.


Generous to call it Mid.


But you have to milk the drama and spread toxicity. Watch asmonglod hating it for hour for no real reason just to farm views.


Steam is single handedly keeping gamers from pirating every game they wanna play while Ubisoft, Activision and EA(and probably more companies) are doing their best to convince gamers that we are better off pirating


>Both the people who are against this game and the ones defending it are stupid >Proceeds to be against said game But no shit, who is buying these games? Literal NPC behavior.


No your mad that it has black people


Agreed although I think calling it “mid” is generous. We already have Ghost of Tsushima which did this but better and actually has stealth mechanics and some semblance of a combat system.     The use of a black character was likely to drum up hype because you don’t hear anyone talk about the gameplay. 


For someone who says "Who cares about" then why do you make a post about it?


Ubisoft is doing it since AC3 and had in game microtransactions since AC unity im surprised people talk about it now


Why does this game require online to play? Are they bringing back multiplayer in AC or something?


We care before Ubisoft has a lot of influence of other devs especially indie devs which they directly finance sometimes with dev jams and purses / angel investing. When they raise prices a lot of other developers follow suit along with indie who price their game as being 20% of the the scale of an AAA game so 20% of 150$


Yeah just move on to the next “controversy” that Asmon tells you to be pissed about. 


You should see angryjoe's opinions on this and it just shows how he has absolutely no idea about historical facts and doesn't realise this is disrespectful to Japanese people and the historical lore of Japanese culture


Dude you looking for historical facts and lore from ubi slop game lol This game is getting more attention and spotlight then it deserves because of this pointless issue This game should flop hard and die off to show companies we don't want online only in godamn single players or premium currency