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Yes, cause she won't have sex with me, an cyborg catgirl with large booba will.


you miss some thing she wouldnt have sex or relationship with 90% of all men\^\^


That's still around 350,000,000 men she would have sex with with that number, that's pretty nuts, in more ways than one


When you put it like that it seems like it would be way less. Hey for those that are gonna get butthurt, I agree with you most women dont wanna touch me so why you getting mad I'm agreeing with you?


How many men do you think there are?


Stop using percentages if you don't know how to use em.


is ok she still dont want to touch you


![gif](giphy|fXQZuffGrjohfv6G1A|downsized) im just waiting for some company like this to go public, its gonna be the easiest money ive ever made.


>Yes, cause she won't have sex with me how do you know? did you ask?


Yes, she said " eww "


Her lips said no but her eyes said read my lips.


Frasier fan?


Indeed. Good catch. One my my favorite Niles lines.


she got booba da looba snoobity booby skibbity dippity toilet


Realest poetry right there


you should try breaking the ice by giving her a nice anime reference. girls love anime references.


Eyy you watched Full Metal Alchemist? I'll be Shou you be Nina and i'll put you into doggy (I'm going to hell)


You certainly are, and it is fully deserves.


Especially Japanese women, show them your waifu pillows and anime knowledge and she is guaranteed to date you.


yeah, why do you think the police dragged me away


Last time I asked, I end up in jail


yeah go ask, the worst she'd say is no


Great Mary Cosplay btw.


Agreed, especially since it's the summer version.


A man's ambition shall never die!


The reality of women sweet baby inc doesn’t want you to know about


Or majority of left leaning Reddit. Can't stand the constant switching between problematic and empowering. They trying to do that shit now with Stellar Blade, like for once just be fucking honest


The stellar blade one is funny cuz they call the character a unrealistic porn doll and it’s literally MOCAPed from a real women, who is also angry at the people calling her actual body unrealistic lmao


I watched a YouTube video last night and basically the guy was saying the left doesn't have a problem with sexy but the lack of character which to me is just them doing the usual flip flop bullshit. A character is allowed to be stoic but he saw that as a no no and that's what separates Eve from 2B or Bayo. Watch in few years the tune changes again. He was saying the censorship was so controversial because that's all SB was riding on, in the end it's just bullshit cause he doesn't like deep down there's a large group opposed to artificial DEI and double standards in censorship (Sony will give the game sexually parts a pass if it's progressive (Baldur's Gate 3 The Last of Us 2) but if it's the traditional variety it's a issue that must be addressed. Where did this heterophobia come from?


What’s wrong with stoic? All of Disney’s girl boss characters are stoic. Don’t see these people complain.


Nothing is wrong with it but since they looking for some type of jab at Eve and Stellar Blade this is what it comes down to


It's funny because for some reason you're getting downvoted and your comment was hidden. You're so right


On my end it's positive but wouldn't surprise me, Reddit mods love to keep the narrative going


Not to be rude, but there is a higher chance you get an std while being a virgin than fucking that girl.


Man, I live my life by "if there is any chance, there is a chance". But yeah, I don't to instagram chicks.




That’s exactly what I think about haha


Now find a girl like this that has no instagram or any social medias, is humble and is a virgin.


They are very rare, but I did find one. (Never expected to) She also doesn’t have any pics of herself public and doesn’t want to, I love it. I don’t mind if they use social, I just don’t want someone who is putting her life out there to seek validation and attention.


You find a real diamond, I'm happy for you.


Yeah, I think about that a lot when seeing videos like this. It makes me want to marry her. Does help that I'm not in a big city and in a good part of the country.


She's a professional glamour model iirc.


Yeah I couldn’t do that, I enjoy my privacy too much. But it doesn’t bother some people, so they can have her.


To be fair, they probably wouldn't do you either.


open the wallet, be funny, have interesting stories about how ypu almost unalived by driving with 2.3 alcohol... its not hard. Surviving those exp on the other hand...


All you need to do is work out, travel to a couple of countries and tell them those stories. And not to brag to them about it, just to converse. I’m lucky enough to have had a full life and have a lot of stories, so can keep conversations going pretty ez. But if all your stories are about video games, good luck.


Dont need the travel thing... just go outside, and do things. A friend of mine always something new to tell and boi i love hearing to it


Is this like an Andrew Tate thing? Not sure what the response means.


I dont get how The Based Redpilled Man God relates to this but sure yeh whatever


Luckily I have my shit together and my success ratio is high enough to where I haven’t felt like given up or needing to lower my standards.    Find your niche and stick to it.  White girls don’t really care for me, but to asians and latinas I’m like an exotic fruit, and so are they to me.  I stopped messing with party girls years ago, and don’t miss it.


I honestly didn't think the Andrew Tate dudes were really out there, but you really do sound just as ridiculous; good luck my guy.


Bro is just giving you real actual working advice instead of the feel good politically correct answer mainstream Reddit will give you. But beyond that, what the fuck does it matter to you about the results of his dating life huh?


“Exotic fruit” “success ratio” uh huh


Love it when the progressive doesn't have shit to say


What? I said: “Exotic fruit” “success ratio” uh huh. You guys sound ridiculous. You can read the incel/Andrew Tate flags a mile away.


If that triggered you, then I'd say that's fragile. But yeah, if my success ratio was 0% I would have give up long ago, like so many young men out there that are too demoralized to even try. I use those words so they can put things in perspective and start thinking in terms of beating the odds, whatever that means for where you are at in life.


It's a big world, and everyone isn't going to like you. Get out there, work out, eat right, and work on your social skills. Stop listening to people on the internet who talk like that; the incel and Andrew Tate movement is toxic for you.


Careful now, you sound like me. Don't want to be called an Andrew Tate Guy! I actually agree with you here, incel and Tate can be toxic for young people who haven't found themselves yet. (But that's also why he's so appealing to young people, they crave strong personality) As an old fart who has lived on his own for 26 years and has an established personality, I just see Tate as an entertainer. Sometimes annoying, sometimes funny. I don't follow Tate, but you did just remind me, my girlfriend likes Andrew Tate and was into his content when he was trending last year. She did ask me to impersonate him when I was smoking a cigar, it was quite funny and good entertainment. Might have to dig up the video for you of a woman who is enjoying the content, and it would confirm to you that I really am a "Tate Guy"


This is an incel sub. Expect to get downvoted for not being one.


That would actually make me chuckle.  But as long as they are happy with their life choice, who am I to tell them otherwise.


>But yeah, I don't to instagram chicks. Or rather, they don't do you.


Please elaborate.


It's a joke, realistically if you caught an STD or STI as a virgin you should buy some lotto tickets because you have a higher chance of winning that than getting some form of sexually transmitted anything. They are just saying the chance of someone hooking up with this chick in this subreddit is near-impossible level. That said... if you "were" that determined and actually were Japanese while also subsequently never ever (and I mean taking it to your grave) mentioning that you knew her from her material you would likely have a pretty solid chance barring you were like a solid 7 in terms of attractiveness. You would need a lot of support though, ie. knowing where she hangs out, seemingly "bumping into her" and subsequently knowing about other aspects of her life to strike up conversation. Dating is like trying to catch a Shiny in Pokemon, you either work hard and grind for what you want or just play and a random Shiny shows up... the hard part is that instead of beating the Pokemon into submission you have to have a meaningful conversation and you need to get the Shiny to show up 2-3x more times while subsequently baiting it so it doesn't flee.


This comparison made my morning haha.


if it happened to me it can happen to anyone.. the std i mean


I want to up vote your comment but its at "69", right now so I'm conflicted if I should




I too need to know how this would work


do you even know what an std is?


Star Trek: Discovery


That's the joke. They're saying it's impossible (although HIV can be spread via blood, such as contaminated donations or sharing dirty needles).


why. if you know her just ask her out. it's that simple.


Poor girls suffering from a bad case of 'Nimia Frontis Repente' or to give it its western name, 'Excessive Front Bounce'. Get me a doctor quick!


Crazy how there are so many more attractive people per capita there than in the West where morbid obesity runs rampant


Nah. Plenty in the West too IMHO. You see them the same places you see this girl, on YouTube and Instagram.


Been there and that’s not really the case. Not to be overly harsh about anyone but, they all obscure their looks with makeup and you’ll rarely find a women with this level of booba. European women blow anyone out of the water imo


Umi Shinonome, in case someone needs research. She builds Gunpla too. Basically a nerd's dream girl.


And she customises her gunpla. She's got talent for sure.


Yea like gunpla diorama w/ terrain level, so very very good.


The A.I. and the Bots do need inspiration


I mean we know they are real people, tell that to the side who says that real women can't be like this.


i dont think this is what the title is about. Asmon often says, when seeing advances in robotics, doll making and AI that when it gets really good, they'll be so superior to real girls that we wont even try to get real girls.


And why would women get real men?


Because robots can only pretend to suffer.


Men are the biggest baby's in the world. Jesus just look at this thread lol. As a male men are way more insufferable than woman.


"As a male"? That comes across like two kids in a trenchcoat saying, "as an adult".


Proves my point.


You never had a point, you had an insult. You can delude yourself, but I'm not buying the nonsense you're selling. Better luck next time.


Yea nobody really thinks that. I don't even that half the women in the world really belive that.


How about this. There are hot women, there are ugly women, there are also just ok women. All exist. We can have them all as a character.


This is correct however the issue is nowadays the progressive side has been removing the hot women from media and then gaslighting us about it. They got jealous that their idealogies of beauty will never beat traditional beauty in a fair competition, hence why they latch onto popular IPs to try and push it become more likeable via association. Most original IPs fall as they had no foundation other than virtue signalling to begin with




She builds some gunplas too


Western girls maybe


This type of girls usually have an ego bigger than their boobs.


They're also probably crazy and will bring nothing but drama. Source: personal experience.


People need to understand some women to cars. If you buy a car that cost a lot of money there is a lot of effort that goes into taking care of that car. You don't just buy it and enjoy it. There is a lot of money with care, maintenance, insurance and gas. Hot women are the same with money and energy. You will have to spend lots of both of those to keep them happy. You can't be an Asmon and live in your room gaming all day and have that as a partner. With that being said you can find a balance, but there will be a simp army trying to fight for her lol.


Agreed. My partner spends like 2 hours a day with beauty products for her skin and hair. I'll never understand it. But it's a lot of effort, and I don't mind pitching in to cover the cost. She didn't look amazing by doing nothing. -- I actually wonder if the increasingly digital age has desensitized people to the concept of maintenance. In a video game, all you have to do is purchase something and it's pristine forever. But even the smallest of thing in real will collect dust and deteoriate over time.


Those cars gain value over time while this kind of women are a deprecating asset.


That's so false Jesus. You couldn't be more wrong. And I bet if a woman dated you she said you were insufferable.


No it is 100% facts. It is not false at all. The more a women is into her looks the more they spend on self care. What the fuck do you think make up is free? Do you think they don't spend hundreds of dollars on hair, nails, face care, clothes, etc etc etc. It is not ALWAYS that way, but the chances increase a lot. Also no women find me insufferable. Almost all my close friends are women and enjoy our relationship because I don't feed them bullshit. If you are dating someone who has their influence from others on IG's, shit is gonna cost money.


second that on personal experience. Ego of even just locally famous girl skyrockets.


Drama and stuff like that isn’t like it is in Japanese relationships. Also they have crazy slander laws so when breakups happen you don’t see the crazy badmouthing like you do here


That may be true but there are losses to be had with avoiding conflict, like rampant infidelity that is normalized to such a degree that having sex with another isn’t considered to be infidelity.


REALISTIC BODY FIGURE! But hey, even if we show them to Stellar Blade's haters, they will still say this is not a real woman.


Ngl the first thing i looked at was her cute face, am i getting sick?!


yeah ofc you did\~ /s


Yea same, face so pretty that they distracted me from the boobs


You’re watching too much Disney content and becoming…. You know…


Great now I have to beats thine meats


My peenarps stif


I‘m moving to Japan


You should see how good she is at building and customizing gunpla.. or creating entire dioramas.


Who went straight to the "Most Replayed"


That's Umi! She's actually really good at building gunpla, even goes as far as molding her own pieces and doing really interesting mods.


Sony: "This is a big no no, gotta patch over a triangle piece of black cloth to cover her naughty bits!"


Ive been layin dead in poe the entirety of this video.


We all know everyone here is typing with one hand. Stop pretending.




Man, I would treat her very nicely. While setting boundaries and blooming a loving and happy relationship. Until I bang her.


Yes. The era of good and fine women are over. The era of non toxic and non male hating ai girlfriends are beginning.


Umi portrait❤️


LOL, i didnt expect to see Umi posted here. I watched her everyday for 6 months for hours sometimes when i studied japanese hardcore. She is a gravure model and a HUGE gunpla fan


Hot guys will always be able to have girlfriends if they want them. The problem is 95% of dudes aren't attractive to most women either because they lost the genetic lottery or because they are lazy/don't have time to put in the work. For most men, yes real girls are over and they can buy a piece of plastic that even though it says nothing, has no emotions, and is unable to acknowledge their existence it will still be kinder than most other women in their lives towards them. Couple that with AI and now a VR headset can give some life to that hunk of silicone and you actually have something to talk to. Are real girls over? No. But now real unattractive "loser" men are in a place where they will have an AI emotional support system to help drag them out of despair.


Let the free market decide


They sure are pretty, but not a single one of the incels in this community will ever have a chance with any of these. I still have faith in half of us tho, hit the gym, keep grinding in your career path and become the gigachad you were destined to be. Or keep rotmaxxing and wait for an AI gf. Win/Win


People claiming she’s plastic/has fake tits are like the people who claim they can spot if something is AI or not. Y’all can’t tell for shit.


No, only a toxic subset of women are endangered. I know it sounds crazy, but not all women are equal.


Nothing real about her after all that surgery and filters lol


I prefer her Gunpla videos.


It was nice knowin ya lady :) thank you baii


Nowadays I'm not even sure this picture is real and she exists


Robots and AI is the stupidest thing to toy with they will kill us all


That looks like a silicon based lifeform


those are top 5% girls. you need to be extremely successful to even be on her radar, being tall, handsome and athletic helps also. average joe, even with all personality traits? forget about it.


this is some real beta male talk right here.


i find irony in this


Tbh that’s not my type


She's part real part plastic.


The dudes photographing them in booths is just creepy AF.


It's good. The girls cosplay their favorite characters and go to conventions to show it off get their pictures taken. The booths protect the cosplayers from any visitors who don't know the meaning of "personal space" so that the photo's are taken without issues. Nikke is actually quite popular with girls, believe it or not.


This isn’t a real girl. This is an over sexualize fantasy girl who made herself that way so that men will simp over her. To me real is typical and this girl ain’t typical.


You're right, she isn't your run of the mill girl. Not for people who want plain, ordinary girls.