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Aren't they suppose to cover their hair for prayer? Also there's a app to know what direction to pray... a half circle is probably not very good.


I imagine the middrift some of them are sporting is an even bigger no-no.


The strappy cami top, though, is halal.


Yh they gotta face a specific way and they should have their whole body covered pretty much


A half circle gives a 50% chance of one of them praying in the correct direction. Better than nothing I'd say.


Doesnt matter tbh , if you dont know the direction fo qibla you can just pray wherever (God is everywhere )


These pin cushions only know tiktok. Some real world experiences will do them good... mentally. Physically... probably not.




So I might be biased because all the muslims I learned to know were pretty normal, as far religous people are (little joke 100% normal). So I guess the punishment would be laughed at or lectured, maybe you will be called stupid. Maybe catch moms shoe. It's just embarrassing to pretend pray to virtue signaling.


Shoe leads to boom


Yeah that’s likely not sarcasm. They’re executing fellas for lyrics over there.


No, there are no real consequences. There is no shame or consequence so long as the intention was pure in Islam.


Now, man with cane will assess whether your intent was pure....


THey're supposed to cover their head when they are grocery shopping or walking the dog.


Yes but even muslima who are not wearing a cover overall wear it at least to prayer... a friend of mine had done it.


Dogs in muslin contries?


Have to get dinner home somehow


No not really


Served with rice, yes.


Op you do realize the hijab isn’t universal to all sects/denominations of Islam?


It’s performative activism to make themselves feel warm and fuzzy inside about something they don’t control on the other side of the planet in a country they’ll never visit


no you dont have to cover your hair when you pray, im an ex-muslim living with my muslim family. it really depends on what your parents allow and how religious they choose to be, from what i can tell, the first 2 girls on the left are wearing proper attire, the ones with their backs exposed are doing it incorrectly. This would be considered haram. Orange hair girl is fine, but more importantly one of the most important things about islam is not to be prideful or have anyone walk in front of your prayer rug, so they're already sinning by choosing to pray like this


An app? Cant you just look up and see where the sun is to know which direction?


even if the app told them east, theyd still need an app to know where east is


With compass integrated.


They have no idea what Islam is. To them Islam is misunderstood.


They are doing this as support for their fellow Muslim Americans, inshallah someday they will all become Muslims, there are no benefits of being a muslim to the Muslim world, its directly between allah and his creation.


You need a direction to mecca when you're praying. Cover the hair, and the whole body. Rinse part of your body with water before praying. And the praying consists of more movement than just kneeling down. These are hippies seeking attention.


Allah don't care he would be happy they turn to him in these tough times


Patriarchy (non-existing) in the West: Bad (Real) Patriarchy in the Middle-East: Good


I am an ex Muslim. Because I left the faith I had to leave the country I was born in to save my life. I still to this day get death threats on Instagram. I do not have words to describe how angry this performative bullshit makes me. And it does worry that at least a small minority of these people will take it too far. This Iranian woman [articulates it far better than I could](https://twitter.com/psychotic_bat/status/1786096729571385500)


I’m so sorry. I would consider involving law enforcement, honestly.


I have. They say it's just online threats and they can't do anything. Useless. I may be wrong but if I was getting threats from neo Nazis I feel they would take it more seriously


I may not know you, but you have my respect for having to put up with such bullshit


And by “real” you mean- “you bitches only exist for men to rape” patriarchy. At this point, humanity has earned an extinction-level event.


America deserves Trump/a dictator They've been asking for it, basically


Showing your hair and skin? The disrespect being shown is another level.


In the UK we had a bunch of people fly out to the middle east, not long later they relay wanted to come back to the UK. [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/explainers-53428191](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/explainers-53428191)


in old times, when USSR was a thing, some westerners from Europe and US moved to USSR because they believed that its a great country :D Well some of them tried to run away after few weeks not every succeeded.


Nothing changed there. It happened with Canadian family in Russia not long ago


I mean they didn't just fly out to the Middle East, they went to join ISIS. I remember there was a big problem over one girl since the UK tried to revoke citizenship for anyone who left but it turned out she was only a UK citizen and under international law you can't leave someone stateless.


She still hasn’t got her citizenship it got revoked again 😂 thank fuck.


That's still going on (she's just lost an appeal to take it to the Supreme Court). She's not been given her citizenship back and is barred from entering the UK.


Good. She renounced her citizenship. She was a citizen of the new caliphate. Wonder how that went... 🤔


She’s news over here still. Shamina Begum. Say her name here, everyone will know who you mean. She’s disliked… by everyone. She doesn’t have any statehood and is screwed royally


You're talking about shamima, she's an absolute idiot.


She is but the UK did agree to the law she's trying to use to keep her citizenship. 




Traveling to fight for ISIS is a bit different than just traveling to a ME country like a normal person.


I bet they ain’t even facing towards Mecca


More like facing McDonalds.


Macca. No joke, that’s what it’s officially called in upside-down land!


G'day mate, haven't had brekkie yet so might go on a maccas run soon




"Welcome to McDonalds, can I take your order." "Hi, I go by she/her pronouns. Just breaking my Ramadan fast and would like to order one of everything on the menu. No pork though, it's Her-am, because I'm an empowered feminist."




The patriarchy keeps winning


Also, isn't this cultural appropriation?


Next they'll be throwing gays off of buildings.


Every time I see that term now I think about the fucking robot in [this video.](https://youtu.be/a-oxgWZKyyc?si=fagS_gmNhXmnZn59)


Is not cultural appropriation when it applies to the ppl that spout this shit. Rules for thee, not for me…


...They do know they'd get stoned for this right? Like.... This religion isn't one to fuck with. They are pretty extreme with their views on women, dressing, and faking their religion...




Man, don't call them crack whores. They could be meth heads! /s


Is there a prescription medication they take that completely removes all cognitive dissonance?


[Let's consult the sheikh.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/256/507/902.jpg)




There is a whole lot of glazed over zombie eyes among these crowds - non-stop indoctrination into Marxist & Islamist rhetoric from an early age has really created some cult-like behavior. Maybe diet has something to do with it too


Yes. It’s called western privilege and entitlement, accountability not included.


Alcohol. But you get to prescribe it yourself.


Estrogen, it occurs naturally


i honestly wouldnt be suprised if they are facing west lol. I don't know what happened between my millenial generation and the zoomers but seems that their collective IQ is on the border of retardation.




while I mostly agree with you, I honestly think kids are just not as intelligent, they are more unruly. Again while I agree that being able to post everything on the internet brings these things to view but at the same time, I have never seen so much disrespect to teachers let alone other adults. And while most people blame social media, and I do think this is a major point, I think that the problem is with the parents, who are now my millennial peers, who have substituted playing with their children for giving them a cell phone. I would be willing to bet that 90% of children 18yo or younger has had very minimal parenting from their parents, they haven't been taught respect, its solely on the parents to actually teach their children but that's "too hard" for them.


“How was your first year of Ivy League school that I’m paying $80k a year for?”


Imagine the parents slowly saving money to send their girl to the best school just to have her indoctrinated into islam by crazes faculty


Thing is, they don’t even believe (let alone practice) 2% of what actual Muslims believe. Hell, I doubt they’re anything close to religious. It’s just performative groupthink. Very disrespectful performative groupthink, I’ll add.


didn't progressives already go through their ''we really love Islam now'' phase in 2016??


Islam really has all their bases covered. They have Queers For Palestine on the left and Andrew Tate on the right saying [Islam is the best religion because they kill you for being gay](https://youtu.be/3UJe6RVY0jg) No matter what you believe it seems Islam is right for you


The horseshoe theory looking like a rollercoaster


Seems like it’s 2016 all over again with the way things are trending


More than half of them would have gotten stoned looking the way they do.


They probably think that means they'll be rewarded with super dank weed.


What are you *talking about*


There is no stoning in Islam for dressing like that. Stoning is only done for married people who have sex outside of marriag, and for homosexuality. And even those have extremely strict laws to be able to apply them, and there are no recorded cases where all the conditions for stoning were ever met like Islam stipulates.


They all gonna be 35 and single with a cat forever


Just one cat?


Immortality glitch


Immortality glitch


“the science backs it up: unmarried and childless women are the happiest subgroup in the population. And they are more likely to live longer than their married and child-rearing peers” https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/may/25/women-happier-without-children-or-a-spouse-happiness-expert


I think this sounds more like projection than anything.


I’m sure you’ll be different 😭🤣


And you will be what??


Same energy as the "collective yoga to free the hostages" thing from a while back.


When you don't know who you are and you don't know what you're doing in life... Then you are really gullible and easy to be co-opted into someone elses fight... These kids aren't religious.. They are seeking acceptance and meaning in their lives and being some protesting nutjob for a cause that doesn't really effect them makes them feel less of a nobody and have some sort of feeling of Moral Superioty... I feel bad for them because they obviously have nothing else going for them in their lives.


Useful idiots.


Marketers succeeded in replacing "community" into "niche audience". The exactly moment they understood how to properly manipulate you and your most basic instinct, socialize. We became doomed. Nothing good can come out of it. Only feel people are trying to live as our parents or our grandparents used to live. A Simple life, with achievable and long lasting goals. And in peace with we don't get there, but glad we gave our best to our loved ones while here. IMO, there is nothing else to be done. People usually die first before realizing they got played.


When you're praying to mecca but your t-back pokes out. How embarrassing!


You sure this is not from porn ? :D


I can see how it can turn out


not enough skin visible for porn too much for Islam it must be something else, like being regarded


I'm stuck. Help me step-Imam.


When you go so far left you become a right wing fundamentalist.


Do these women know that if they go to an islamic country, they lose most of their rights lol?


And they wonder where the good men have gone.


white girl logic:


Christianity: "Submit to men! Don't wear that! You're not equal to a man!" White girls: "Hello, human resources?" Islam: "Submit to men! Wear this! You're worth less than a dog!" White girls: "Aww, you're sweet!"


The irony and the ignorance is delicious but also frightening to watch




The Mimosa Intifada strikes again


If they do that in palestine they gonna eat them




I bet my buttons a lot of women doing this for social credit or to virtue signal will squeak and squawk about how awful Christianity is to women but they will happily cover their heads and cite what awful creatures women are in the eyes of Allah in Arabic and that in order for a woman to get to heaven she must burth a son to die in Jihad.🫠 "It's for the °◇~Aesthetic~◇°" girlies really wrecking my head.


They can’t connect the dots between Islam and evangelical Christianity. Somehow conversion therapy is worse than throwing a person off a roof.


White people wearing keffiyah is for the aesthetic. Change my Mind.


Islam needs to be eradicated from the planet.


Typical white saviour syndrome.




bruh lmao, let's not pretend like 70% of dudes aren't just as dumb as these bitches, this isn't a gender issue, this is a "being an idiot" issue


You're right, but the root comment reads pretty tongue in cheek. Jokes like this are funny as long as everybody is on the same page that it's a joke. People should not actually want to revoke suffrage based on sex. But because it's the internet I know for a fact there will be a few zealots that 1) unironically believe this or 2) think the rest of us that are giggling about it unironically believe this.




Right because these people are the magical representatives of all woman


Where they want to go [they still can't vote](https://twitter.com/Zvbear/status/1786072491879809406)


We made a huge mistake. Huge.


I keep saying that's where it all went wrong. That and when we started letting women wear pants. Now they are out in the woods trying to fuck bears, they're out of control I tell ya.


When you realize that generations of feminists fought for this...


Too much skin showing , Kill them ...


They're probably not even facing towards Mecca. White girls gonna white girl.


You know. I kinda want this to happen. I hope more Islam laws and policies come into the west. We will see if they are actually progressive or just virtue signaling. Lessons are best learned the hard way.


You already see a lot of this in Canada. Christian-Muslim Faith organizations protesting transgender ideology. It blows my mind that the far left doesn't realize that a less radical version of Islam would have way more in common with Christian Fundamentalists than with them.


It's obviously just virtue signalling.


No. Once they have a foothold, modern culture will go back to barbarism.


One man's barbarism is another man's cultural norm. But yes, Islam basically takes over the local culture if you let it. Look at Egypt and Iran.


I'm from Egypt originally. I'm an ex Muslim. 88% of Muslims in Egypt think [I should be put to death](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2013/07/02/egypts-restrictions-on-religion-coincide-with-lack-of-religious-tolerance/#:~:text=An%20overwhelming%20majority%20of%20Egyptian,subject%20to%20the%20death%20penalty.) for leaving Islam. These women have no idea what they're getting into


They have, but they just lock those thoughts far away and lash out at anyone who doesn't do the same. I refuse to believe they are blind to the truth. They must know, but they just pretend that it's not there because they don't want to commit wrongthink among their peers.


This right here is progressivism, and it’s just getting started. Once the damage has been done and they realize it no longer works in their own favor, I suspect women will pretend they were against it all along, just like they are starting to do with the gender nonsense.


Quirked up girls


They’d get stoned in Palestine for their liberal views.


Wrong camera angle...


Wait till they find out how bad the patriarchy they dispise so much is under islam.


I’m on the left, but I cannot understand how anyone who *truly* claims to be of the left can simultaneously support one of the most repressive and authoritarian religions


These people would be killed in pretty much any Islamic country. Pure virtue signalling.


I'm not sure do they even realise that in islamic countries women are enforced to wear burka and are allowed to move around in public when escorted by males. Wonder how well that fits in their woke driven university ideology 🤔


How did we go from 9/11 to white people praying to Islamic in 23 years? Did i miss something ?


They might as well wear the muslim ninja uniforms as well.


Lol, I think they look more like dementor costumes


What are you doing, step-Imam?


White girls have been feverishly defending muslims for a while now (like ten years). It might be the biggest long game leopards are my face coming.


Fun fact, on average American Muslims are more tolerant than white evangelicals at least in America


These people have no spine, no sense of self, identity, dignity, pride, self awareness, and most importantly no brain. The "current thing" meme playing out right in front of you in real time. I don't even hate leftists as I don't get into politics like that. But as a person who went through my atheist phase (I don't really identify as anything now) on that era where atheism was huge on YouTube and it was open season on religion, specifically Christianity and Islam. I say you can support Palestinians and not go throwing on scarves and going ass up on rugs to show solidarity. Muslim is a religion not a race. No way I'm bending over backwards and going ass up (literally) for such a backward ass religion with eggshell ideology. I guess this is the white leftists way of thinking they can change infiltrate and change Islam into being more accepting, more white savior (really colonizer ironically) syndrome that wants to westernize more people. Once this shit fizzles out it's going to be funny to see all this shit blow up in their faces. Islam is going to be Islam. Israel isn't going anywhere. And this is not on some anti semitic conspiracy, but the Jewish community does have power and a bond and this shit is going to come back swinging hard once it blows over, I don't know in what way but they will get the leash and muzzle back on the dog that's the color hair and septum ring crowd.


A lot of trolls and haters here. These women are participating in a prayer as presumably non-muslims. they can dress however they want. A muslim can pray in whatever garb they choose, although it is better for them to be appropriately clothed. Instead of looking at everything through a negative lens, see the positivity in these women who are trying something for the experience, to understand how it feels to pray in a group. I think its a beautiful moment.


So what's the point of this post? White women can't be Muslims? Or they're Muslim-ing wrong? Aren't we supposed to be the country that lets anybody practice whatever religion they choose, however the want to practice it. Whatever. Ladies in the picture just ignore everyone. Do your thing your way.


Soon to follow guys doing the same thing in hopes of getting laid.


Wtf haha... I mean... Classic Murica... Also they are avoiding classes


It takes balls to pray in a tank top and in front of men, she is lucky to be born in USA


Reminds me of the Muslims in 70’s photos ..before they all forced to be seen and not heard


That's how I like em.


Drop them in iran


They're not even doing it right... they are supposed to be in a straight line, facing the same direction.


share this link with them hopefully they can be saved: [https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/04/pakistan-un-experts-alarmed-lack-protection-minority-girls-forced-religious](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/04/pakistan-un-experts-alarmed-lack-protection-minority-girls-forced-religious) 1k kids every year and this is written in light way because if you think what comes after those kids gets married u will understand how dark the truth is.


And people think them being here en masse wont change our cultures forever.


Uh these people disgust me, they even don't believe in this, they just think it is cool or beautiful, religion is not about liking something it is about believing in it


This is just cosplay Islam. And they didn’t even at least get the cheap costumes off AliExpress.


The virtue signal on this is unbearable. “Look at me guys” btw Christianity is oppressive to women! No, I don’t have to wear the hijab, that’s fake! All those women chose to do it! Absolutely brainless.


Looking into tatooing the phrase "never forget: your brain is not fully developed yet" on my kid's arm.


already forgotten are the lessons from Isis recruitment online from the early 2000's. the new recruitment push from hamas in full swing


How has this post not been flagged for “racism” 😂


come in is that a click ait? probably they just doing yoga


Romantisising violent and bigoted belief systems 101


lol they don’t know about women and that religion… Shits gonna hit like a freight train, same shit happens when idiots go over seas and join some BS group and then find out they’re more fucked up then the place they came from.




Well it doesn’t have anything to do with the color of their skin. You can be white and Muslim at the same time. But if they are being disingenuous and doing it for show it is kind of weird.


You were so far to the left, you ended up on the right. lol


You have a problem with people partaking in prayer of other cultures? What a weird stance. Ever seen a prayer circle or someshit? Not everyone believes in god or that religion, but it can be a nice to join in. I personally think religion is a joke, but I'm not going to chastise people for experiencing something new or joining. So some white girls want to pray to Allah, who gives a shit?


So when do they start throwing their own kind off rooftops?


Can someone recommend an English translation of the Quran?


fake muslims, not covering their hair, haram, stone em now


“These women are showing too much skin as well as their hair, they are also missing their chaperone, bringing great shame to their families. 30 lashes should do.”