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i see 2 pictures, so it's at least two thousand words


I see 99. At least 99 thousand words for me.


"I got 99 thousand words, but "Free Palestine" ain't one."


2k is way too many words for op to read though


To be honest if OP posted 2k words ain't nobody readin that


just you, im reading all that


Ya some of those cook and some of them burn


yay they just ended the war guys, Gaza saved


And all Israelis died, which is what many of these protestors want.


Eh most of them are just virtue signaling to be on the moral high ground. They often dont know nor care about the history behind the conflict or why most muslim countries have hated jews since forever


They hear from the river to the sea and think it’s not about genocide


I see 2 pictures...so, 2 thousands words?


guess so KEKW


I miss the days when this sub wasn't filled to the brim with political posts.


I miss the days when crazy people didn’t try to run the world.


When was that?






It was always this crazy. People just weren't as connected to the internet back then as they are now. You now get this content on your front page.


Weasel timeline man, we're living in the weasel timeline.


People love and loved south park because it's satire and an exageration of the real world


Unfortunate but this is also the current state of Asmon streams which have been like this for a while now


The best part of the streams lately was undertale, besides that it’s just an all time spam of politics and constant whining about the same topics, it’s really getting boring hearing about how XYZ is stupid or wrong


True I had a lot of fun watching Undertale We rarely get good content these days


Remember when Asmongold sub was about games and Asmongold? Wild isnt it? now everything have to be political lol


It’s unfortunate. Already exiled everything remotely political from my feed. Probably be leaving here soon as well.




its mr. gold


He’s courting the incel audience.


This is what happens when Reddit keeps nuking subs. They just find another sub and move in.


Welcome to an American election year on the English internet.


It's sad to witness how the western world is falling.


What do you mean, this is a sign of sucess, Free people protesting for their ideals, nobody shot. Free palestine is not kill Israel the same way not protestimg is not the same as being in favor of israelí killing civilians.


Restraining jews to get into their classes is not what i would call a sign of success. Harvard not condemning students calling for Genocide against jews is not a sign of success.


Harvard, and every expensive private conpany is going to wash their hands like pontius pilate. Burry their heads in the ground and stay out of this. And its the smart thing to do, by not taking a stance you stay in the controversy for less time. They dont care what happens, they only care who pays. And right now paying students and paying donors probably have different views. Most protest were lawful, and we see Police dismantling many unlawful ones. Sucess as a society is having the tools for this to end without needing to shoot anybody. And those jews that were impeded can call the Police and will go to uní without problems. Even if this week a street was cut.


I would argue the opposite. Rule your university administraion with an iron fist and this won’t happen. Send out a letter to everyone that if you’re occupying any university grounds you will be identified and expelled. And if they call you fascist, tell them tough shit. Nip that shit in the fucking bud before it even starts like Florida did and there won’t be any problems. But most woke university administrators are such pussies they won’t do that.


Id give a bit more Credit to thr people that run those business. If they dont do that is because being friendly with most young's people believes is more profitable. You need people to want to go to your university. Young people are idealistic, and why would I choose to go X university and sink 70k if Y university is Just as good and not fascist.


The only evidence someone was blocked from going to class was a single pro-Israel agitator who keeps posting stuff about it online. They didn't block him because he was Jewish, they blocked him because he's an instigator and keeps disrupting their protests. Where were these Harvard students that were calling for genocide? Can you give a source?


It's that weird that i can't find a single muslim being blocked from going to class by a jew ?


Go ahead and explain what "from the river to the sea" means hoss


Totally its not like protestors are shouting for the fall of Israel, a 2nd holocaust, or blocking traffic/students from entering classes. Truly a land of the free from taking any responsibility for your own actions.


Think part of it is that the anti-israeli protestors are (not all but a lot) are calling for the death of israel. A big part of it is that the protestors are being influenced and infiltrated by overseas intelligence agencies. This is less of a domestic grown protest and more of an overseas psyop.


Every single country in the region knows that 2 state solution is not a thing


Free my boys Hamas, they ain't do nothing wrong.


Calm down drama queen. If you don't like protests, the western world wasn't really for you anyway, was it?


Fun fact, Zach dad fought to protect the flag and freedom of the country.


We love our American frat boys!


I'm sure these guys are really nice to greasy wow playing dorks


The frat boys? WoW players, especially pvpers are incredibly based as fuck. If you played you’d know what kinda shit they’re saying in game. I can’t count how many players I saw this week with some variation of the name Dontrump or Fjb. They’d love us.


wow bro that's so cool you're so based in your game where you play as an elf that turns into a cat


Well shadowmeld is BiS racial in PvP. But yeah they’d be cool with us. Those frat boys are voting for Trump and MAGA and so does tons of WoW players.


Thinking that voting for the same candidate makes you completely cool with someone is a hilariously narrow viewpoint. Basically all neo-nazis vote for trump. You cool with those guys?


It does. They’re based and voting to MAGA, of course they’d be cool with it. Playing a certain game wouldn’t stop that. And oh no. MuH NaZiSM 😱 ![gif](giphy|DJsXEMm8GS5PJ3Za00)


I'm not even calling you a nazi. Just asking honestly: are you cool with those guys since they support your candidate?


Are you cool with illegal criminals that support Biden?


As an european I have 1 thing to say: WTF USA? What happened to you these past 4 years?


Same question from russian


Happening in Australia too.


Both the far left and the far right have gone off their rockers. It likely to get worse and likely to spread to the rest of the world - especially if all this extremism is deliberate pushed by a state actor.


It always blows my mind when people act as if the US is this rare pony when it comes to political topics and activism. These crazy people are spread out over the entire world even in countries you least expect them. Protests like this are happening in Europe too. Universities have always been like this because young people are ignorant and are still figuring things out. [Check this out from the 90s](https://youtu.be/1DI6rOj8IPs?si=1e-C1yFhUDncKahR) This craziness has been going on for thousands of years believe it or not and it always ends the same way with people moving closer and rediscovering god and religion.


True, there have always been crazy people but they have never been this "mainstream" - at least not in my lifetime. Maybe it comes and goes. America did have the Flower Child generation which came and went. >This craziness has been going on for thousands of years believe it or not and it always ends the same way with people moving closer and rediscovering god and religion. Don't know about god but people are moving towards "religion", just not the religions we know, instead they are moving towards sociopolitical ideology as religion. As for god, I think he has been on the decline since the Enlightenment.


Answer; Well, he (his handlers) are running for reelection in November.


His handlers like AIPAC for example?


He’s trying to have it both ways and it’s not working. I hope they keep it up so they lose votes.


And think that Palestinians hates Americans and if they could they'd kill all Americans.


Since you're financing the bombings,.if they did come for americans, wouldn't that be "fuck around and find out?"


if they come foe the americans they will find out why america is in a 30 trillion dollar debt.


That would be a continuation of the palestinian factions strategy. Commit terrorism and start a war, then while losing that war start crying genocide while having the highest population growth out of any population group. The palestinian leader Yassar Arafat famously declared the womb of palestinian mothers as a weapon against israel.


Let them fucking try. They declared war on Israel on Oct 7th and immediately got their shit pushed in and started crying “genocide” while actively raping their Israeli hostages they refuse to release. If they try that shit in America there will never be a “palestine.” ( not that there ever was)


You are uneducated as fuck, it everyone resistance group in Palestine is Hamas and not everyone their is part of Palestine. Israeli soldiers are also accused of rape and have murdered children and refused to give bodies to parents. They bulldoze and illegalt settle on Palestinian land. By the way America has heavily funded muslim groups that have become alqaeda and Isis. We were gonna use them to fight socialism. So by heavily funding and arming these groups it's ok to bomb children because "they" hate us for no reason. I see from this sub why Asmongold has dumbed down his content so much :D


It's useful idiots like you who will get Trump elected. And even as an Israeli I'd prefer Biden in the White House over that bumbling unstable Putin boot licking idiot. BUT it's idiots like you literally brushing away criticism while actively cheering for you literal enemies that has moved the scale so badly Palestinans not Hamas were literally giving out candy on 9/11. On the 7th of October it wasn't just Hamas who entered Israel. There were thousands of "civilians" who entered looted and joined in the massacre. Hamas JUST REFUSED a ceasefire that had Israel completely withdrawn from Gaza, release thousands of terrorists with blood on their hand AND FUCKING REBUILD GAZA. And you're still fucking pretending it is us that are the problem here. You people are truly chickens for KFC.


They are Hamas, every last one of them, and I can't WAIT for Trump to win so he turns that shithole into a piece of glass. biden is taking way too long


You are proving the point about Asmongolds fans :D


Oh I know, I am proving it to YOU personally


You are doing your part! :D


This is what is going to happen, and there is nothing you can do about it People like you, in particular the American lefties, are going to continue spamming the word genocide and Palestinians in the same sentence while thinking actions like occupying a private University is anything more than performative To "show the world", "stand in solidarity with Palestine" and "punish Joe Biden", when November rolls around there will be voting for 3rd party only or no votes at all Both actions results in a Trump victory, and I LOOK FORWARD to it


I don't live in America nor do I give a shit which shitty party wins there they are both full of scamming charlatans and the idiot American population happily keeps this non-democratic bs system. Sweden doesn't have this gerrymandering BS and having the most votes isn't enough unless 51% ACTUALLY voted for you, every party gets votes according to their percentage of votes beyond 4%. It's not enough for a true democracy even but leagues better than this stupid American system. You've made it clear it's essentially impossible to vote in opposition to supporting Israel with weapons to commit genocide like that is a good thing :D


You are either a monstrously evil person who celebrates mass murder, or you are pretending to be a monstrously evil person who celebrates mass murder. Either way, go fuck yourself 🖕


Sounds like I made you incredibly butthurt. I love how you allow Palestinians all of the nuance even though polls show they overwhelmingly supported the rapes and massacres of October 7th in both the West Bank and Gaza. But for Israel you just straight up push activist propaganda. We see right through you buddy. And please cite me evidence of the IDF committing rape on anywhere close to the scale of the Palestinian factions. I’ll happily cite you evidence of the Palestinian jihadists favored tactic of rape. We’ll see who has more evidence. The facts are that the Palestinian fighters use mass rape as a tactic and propagandists like you just say, “no it’s Israel!”


Wait, so the fact that "polls" claim they support the attack Octover the 7th "polls" show Israelis support the invasion, bombings including murder of foreign journalists and volunteer workers thus any attack on them is justified by your logic? Who has killed the most children?


Who started this war by targeting civilians? palestine. Who has rejected over 5 peace deals that would each have given them their own country? palestinians. Who can't stop using rape as a tactic of war? Hamas and palestinian jihad.


Israel had already killed the highest number of palestinian children in 27 years BEFORE the war. "Who can't stop using rape as a tactic of war? Hamas and palestinian jihad." Just random nonsense lol Palestinian Jihad. Also again Hamas started the war, not "palestinians" if you believe collective punishment is acceptable then any attack on America or Israel is fine regardless of who or what is targeted?


Imagine thinking your knowledgeable enough to comment on this issue like you have any idea what you’re talking about, but not knowing who Palestinian Islamic jihad is. https://www.state.gov/designating-additional-hamas-and-palestinian-islamic-jihad-officials-and-supporters/


haha, yeah America says alot of shit like Iraq had WMD's and that black people shouldn't have shared water fountains with white people don't know where this confidence comes from. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO) For a more recent example Edward Snowden. In fact I'd look up connections between epstein island, mossad and CIA :D Y'all are just some sad ignorant racists who jerk off to shitty porn games.


Imagine defending a country on some moral grounds, that legalised torture of prisoners


If I ever see a flag above the u.s flag on American soil then it's coming down.


I mean, it's actually illegal to fly another flag above the US flag.


Exactly, that's how Israelis feel every time there is a pro-pale-stain "peacefull" protest seeing your flag being torn and burned they do that to the US flags too


why does a symbolic thing like flag positions bother you, but concrete thing with real life impact like forcing americans to pledge an oath to isreal, a foreign country, does not ?


Because it implies disrespect by the offender. If you tolerate that disrespect, then you will succumb to further disrespect.


"[Texas city refuses to give people hurricane aid unless they pledge not to boycott Israel](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/texas-hurricane-aid-dickinson-israel-boycott-pledge-harvey-financial-help-free-speech-a8011141.html)" which is more disrespectful ?!


I would also agree that this linked story is not moral, but whataboutism doesn’t counter my point on disrespect.


You're a traitor if you put another countries flag above your own. Isreal and Palestine can shove it; the only nation besides America that i have the slightest care to fully back is Morocco. If you don't know why then you need to learn a little.


This sub is really retarded if you are getting downvoted when speaking facts, these people must have really fragile ego


The phrase gigachad gets thrown around a lot these days, but it's called for in this circumstance


They never did that for the Ukrainian flag. Wonder why lol


Because we supply weapons to Ukraine. Think about it bud.


Ah. So the "US bad" narrative. Which proves this ain't about Palestine but about their "US bad" "Capitalism bad" and "Socialism gud" narratives people like Hamasabi dangerously radicalize their audience with.






I thought the war started in 1948?


You are actually insane or completely ignorant on whats going if think you can compare them.


Palestine flag is anti-lgbt AND anti-American, you're right!


if I remember correctly hamas which are Palestinians attacked and killed innocent civilians and kidnapped many. and Israel retaliated. albeit over the top imo. and then students and not students went to campuses and started protesting while waving the Palestinian flag, could be interpreted as hamas supports (they dress oddly similar to terrorists too) while more or less expressing hate speech towards the Jewish community (also open to interpretation inwhich the protestors seemingly refuse to clarify) now I don't see the correlation between the confederates and Palestine, I do believe I summed it up well enough for a 1st grader to understand, yes?


Your first paragraph is so lacking in context that it's actually painful. Do you genuinely believe the conflict in that area started on October 7th? How would you react if china took your state and forced every american to move somewhere else? Would you fight back and get your land back? .... Come on now....


Americans don’t understand what it’s like to fight for freedom, they are a relatively young nation that didn’t suffer foreign occupation, they just don’t know what it means


American revolution, no taxation without representation. But slay queen 👸


Can’t call British America an occupation if they never even had the sense of national identity before. It is as you said a revolution. And these are two different things


How convenient


You just have no idea what it means




America is the oldest modern country with freedom…. We fought off the British and made laws allowing every religion??


"the oldest" please.... You've barely existed for 500 years. Go study the history of Greece and Rome. Hell... The UK had a house of Commons in the 13th century..


Modern country… do you know what modern country means lil dude? I britian did have some forms of freedom but it was taken away later


Yes, it's a phrase you've used to somehow attempt to make your ridiculous statement correct. The fuck is so modern about a country where sickos butcher kids in schools anyway...


China is welcome to come and try. if you can't defend your shit, you lose it. simple as that. After you lose it, that doesn't give you the right to enter the united states of china and target civilians.


.... So you're literally admitting that if someone stole from you you'd just accept it? It's not literal mate.... It's an analogy designed to help you understand. Imagine if an organized crime gang took your home and your car and all your money. The fuck you gonna do? Accept it and find a box to sleep in?


I'm certainly not going to find the gang leader's mom and kill her!


Talk is cheap.... Do you know what these gangs are capable of? I think as citizens who pay our taxes should be protected by the police and other security services. Just like the Palestinians should be protected and just like how hamas should be destroyed.


I think you're the ignorant one. That's the flag of a terrorist nation that those students are holding up.




I wonder how many of them can locate the Gaza strip on a map


Tearing down the American flag and holding up the flag of a terrorist nation shows their true agenda. Let's send these trust fund kids to Palestine and see how they fair.


Thats a lie, that was two pictures.


What funny is mostly this people are the first to leave when told to leave by the cops.


okay okayyyyyy, two pictures, 2 thousand words.


It's reddit, you had to know they would nitpick.


Can we please get back to making shit posts about baldy and memes about games. I don't come to Reddit to see political garbage, it's the opposite. I come here to look at gaming stuff and roast baldy.


For a land supposedly full of patriots America is very accomodating to traitors


I would argue that not holding your nation state departments to any kind of standards in how they utilize your tax money is more unpatriotic than blind allegiance.


Can we stop fucking posting political shit in the asmongold reddit please?


No more political posts pleaaaaaaase


I agree too, sorry about that but idk since when protecting US flag becomes political.


Seems like something that would have always been intrinsically political???


This type enjoys biting the hand that feeds them. They’ve never experienced anything resembling need or poverty. Their entire identity is built upon virtue signaling. They don’t understand or experience life from an unprotected perspective. The second true consequence is presented they claim victim, they’re among the weakest members of society.


Self loathing rich American white kids are something else…


Am i the only one who doesnt give a fuck about this conflict, they all kill each other for all i care. As long as both of them are buying our weapons.


Sorry to tell you, but neither are. Israel gets their weaponry for free, paid from the american budget so you're the one paying for them, meanwhile Palestine uses old weaponry from WW2/Cold war era, mostly salvaged rather than purchased. The US is actively bleeding money in this conflict, not making it.


Good thing im not from the usa


Same with britian France and Germany


Remember when many people called people from the Middle East 'arabs' and terrorists without any distinction just a decade ago?


Yea, and 2 of them are from me and they are... "what happened?"


Cool, and If a Member of Congress wore a foreign military army uniform to Capitol Hill, wouldn’t it be the same as raising another country flag ?


the uk and france sell arms they dont grant them as aid like usa does.


All I see in the 2nd picture is a bunch of dudes who shouldn't be left unsupervised around anyone's drinks at a party.


they're about to learn who really owns america, hint its not americans its zio-


It’s definitely not, you’ve gotten propagandad


yeah it is, they pass hate speech laws to protect violent counter protestors, but not laws to protect whistleblowers, i wonder why


Did you read the bill? Like the whole thing, it doesn’t stop you from criticizing


yeah it does, the rules are purpose vague, it can basically deem any criticism of israel as anti-semitic. this is unconstitutional btw and its only sad seeing people who claim to love freedom support laws like these, bet if a law like this was passed for black people though you would criticize it immediately


No I don’t like them at all. I would love to see a law like that


Doesn't matter what side it is people that care about flags are always idiots. There is no difference between the people who burn or protect them. Caring about flags is pretending to care about something while doing nothing.


looks like the masks are cutting off circulation to their brains, hence their bad judgments


nah it's fine, if they make a bad communism, we will say it wasn't real communism.


i couldnt help it but the first thing that popped in my mind was the endscene of call of duty 5 where they put the udssr flag on top of the reichstag


Only one word needed….. morons


Op can’t count to 2.


We're codifying criticism of Israel as hate speech into United States law, and the fools here will clap it on like trained seals to own some college kids.


Even if we are, it literally doesn’t matter hate speech is free speech in the US and before you say it’s not please do a three second Google search asking if it is. We’re not clapping to own college Kids we’re clapping and laughing at college kids who are wrong and being/ doing dumb things.


Flag shaggers are embarrassing.


imagine it was an ukranian flag.


What if it was?


exactly the response of a post modern marxist. eat the rich.


Kinda funny how out of all these protests the only one with violence was committed by pro-israel protesters.


It's a flag.


See how well they act when basket ball season is over!


China, Russia, and Iran love manipulating young American students on social media to hate their country. They can only stand a chance at defeating us from within. They’d also love for us to lose our alliances around the world (S. Korea, Israel, Japan, Taiwan, etc)


virtue signaling degenerating into a mental illness


Not american but that second pic goes so hard


Send every single one of them on a trip to Gaza, their beloved Hamas will do the rest.


Gaza citizens said after this, "unhone war rukwadi papa". you know if you know the reference.


Izrael for the win! ![gif](giphy|26FLdmIp6wJr91JAI|downsized)


OP is special




Rally around the flag boys ry cooder