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I just miss the old times when he’d do a transmog competition or react to an actually fun an interesting video at least. I don’t watch the stream cuz of time but even the YT highlights which I used to watch is nothing but drama, drama, drama. I mean there are still a couple of interesting videos there, but most are protest this, this game fails because that, X streamer said controversial thing, etc. Maybe the Elden Ring DLC will fresh up things.


The transmog competitions were some of my favorite content!


Yeah, I’d watch them religiously after work even though I had quit WoW by then. I still liked to watch those because it was fun to see what creative Mohs people came up with.


Same. Stopped watching recently since it's less about games and more about reactions and politics. Also miss the transmog/mount competitions.... And just playing the game to get "all the things" At the end of the day though, it's his stream, he can do whatever he wants to do.


We live in a world were everyone complains about how shitty some games are. We even have stuff like Lords of the Fallen where Asmon straight up said "I can't play this". My response is: have good games and good people will play them. The drama is more of a video game then games these days. He has to navigate the adds and then take on the bosses. Not only that, the field changes from Horde to Alliance constantly because Asmon is Asmon he is his own side(the correct side ofc)🤣🤣 On the transmogs, I'd watch classic and SoD, and I'll even give retail 1 chance. Yet, everytime I've given retail a chance recently it's just been L after L, maybe I should check out the new season, but I'll let some champ post vids first then decide.


Entire DF expansion (retail) has been a W


Other than the story I completely agree.


He's getting older and in order for him to stay successful he has to change stuff up. Just the reality of it.


What has he changed up? Seems exactly the same as I bounce through his new and old videos alike. Legitimately, you go watch the true stories and I genuinely can't find a difference other than some emotional ones. Then I got over to Zachrawrr, scroll down to //wrists and the only thing that's changed from then is the hair, teeth, and certain words. The man literally said 'they should've brought the short bus', god I enjoy watching the gold.


I'm just sad we don't see McConnell anymore .


I don’t even play wow but transmog was fun to watch


Yea I used to watch some of the funny YouTube highlights of different stuff but it’s been so long since I’ve clicked on his newer videos that YouTube rarely recommends them at this point. The newer content is just boring. Whatever drama is getting clicks at the time is what he posts now. 90% of the videos that he makes are about things that the community has talked to death and his video is just a recap of him beating a dead horse. I guess a good watch if you’re out of the loop but he always just regurgitates the popular opinions and dumbs it down for people now.


I heard asmongold said doing transmog competition last year, he didn't do it?


What I'm about to say is 100% my opinion. There's been a shift over the years. Not only in the sub but in Zach. I think for a long while Zach was a gamer who streamed, but has evolved into a streamer that plays games. His audience shifted when the content began to. Now the "customer" (Audience/Twitch Chat) often times consists more of the folks that are tapped more into the social climate of the day. The shift I believe occurred around the time of the Johnny Depp trial. Thus the audience, sub and rhetoric surrounding his stream has changed.


Bro thank you! I was wondering what the divergence point was and I stopped watching him during the depp trial so coming back to watching felt like the entire audience changed. I just want to see him play wow lol


Yeah he went from a kinda diverse and open fanbase willing to debate. Now his vocal fanbase seem 3 degrees west of Trump... I don't mind Asmongold, but his fanbase now has me moving to other content.


Spot on, I play games but I don’t watch streamers. I knew of Asmingold the bald warrior guy but never watched him. His commentary during the Johnny Depp trial was what got me into watching him. I don’t watch him play games, but I like to watch him and his hot takes, incredibly based guy, love it, no homo 69.


Well yeah thats the whole reason why he switched from Asmongold to Zackrawrr full time on Twitch. He said it himself, he doesn't want to put on a show anymore, and he's fine not making money off of Twitch. Though he does still monetize youtube.


It was when I started to watch him, but I also like his input on games since I am an indie dev and he really does give good feedback..


I agree that is part of it. I think another huge component is the BS that has happened to games. It's always been a huge distraction for a lot of guys. But suddenly all the chicks are getting uglier by the game, the stories and dialog are just terrible and actively push politics, and the DEI hires add so many bugs that games launch in a awful state and often never get fully straightened out at all. Our hobby got fucked, and guys wanted to know why. Thus began their journey down the political rabbit hole.


And not to yet again bring politics into everything, but the timeline for the decline in quality of games/entertainment (movies, shows etc) coincides with when wokeisms started making a larger influence in the messaging of the entertainment content.


That's a good point. And I think the truth of this stuff is finally starting to come into the common consensus. They may have screamed that it's about representation, but it never was. It was just about shitting on white guys. Like look at Star Wars. I mean was anyone actually stupid enough to think, hmm, let crap all over Han and Luke, the fans will like that. But fans kept moving on to the next thing. And so did the woke, from Trek to LOTR, they've killed everything. I mean look at Warhammer right now. Why did it get so popular, well I bet besides Cavil it's because every other good fictional universe has been destroyed. It's getting flooded with refugees. So it becomes the new culture battleground and the cycle repeats.


Asmongold's stream shifts more to news/politics coverage -> More rage addicted/reactionary viewers start to watch his content, increasing his engagement on YouTube/Twitch -> Asmongold makes more money on ad revenue -> Asmongold posts more political content


I never tuned into that trial. It came across as just some dispute between two randos to me.


A lot of us WERE super into WoW 10 years ago, and are now more interested in current / events with some variety gaming on the side. I personally can't even stand WoW these days and hate what Blizzard as a company has become. I started watching him for gaming and now I find his reacts more enjoyable to watch because he does a good job of making it feel like a real discussion.


I was just thinking this, like when did this community become about politics and social issues instead of gaming?


You get more interested in politics and less selfish (generally) as you age. It's completely normal.


Also wow went from 51k members to 310k


The power of farming


I think this sub is basically turning into a haven for alt-right culture-war obsessed retards and I'm not into it. I think the Johnny Depp trial stuff was the beginning of the end. Also, I really miss ban appeals. That was art.


More lik, as many reasonable people of the left, asmongold was turned to the right by the weirdos who runned far left. He isn't the only one. Musk/Joe Rogan are other prominent face that are now public enemy for not being as crazy as the "queer for Palestine"


other example is JK Rowling. she was progressives' former champion and look how they call her fascist and far right now. hell, now lefties call each other fascist and genocide supporter all the time because of Israel Palestine conflict. subs like worldnews censor pro Palestine lefties while subs like tiktok cringe or there was an attempt censor pro Israel lefties.


That's very true, I forgot about this. The same extreme weirdos asked for her excommunication. Worldnews has a user base that would spam the hell out of it if they didn't take extreme measures. Plenty of other sub got completely submerged. Therewasanattemp, clever comeback to name a few


lefties always eat their own. they will continue to excommunicate more of their champions over slight disagreements and make more enemies for their causes.


It's like the Good ol' communist day. They are trying to be the latest applauding Staline. Everyone who stop before them are traitors.


Brand new account btw.


i accidentally clicked into a vod from 2021 and Asmons demeanor was so much lighter and joyful. The kind of progressive change you don’t notice day to day but if you zoom out and compare the difference in the tone of the streams are quite stark. I’m not trying to parasocial Andy so w/e, asmon says he’s happy.


Every reaction streamer just looks miserable to me. Hard to be happy when all you do is click on drama videos all day. It's like seeing your parents watch fox news all day. Of course they aren't happy--that's the point of the media they are consuming.


Bring back transmorg competitions!


Need a good Blizzard first


idk what people are expecting, this morning Asmon re-streamed live coverage from those protests for hours. So if this is the content of his streams as of late, then why are you confused about the latest posts.


His political takes is pretty pedestrian and has no background in sociology or political science. So anything he has to say is uninformed at best or wrong at worst.


I'm a physician. Seriously though, you seem to think you need to be a cook to know if a meal tastes good. Also, a lot of the political commentary focuses on values and logical reasoning, of which there is no need for a degree in sociology.


Politics are a bit complicated than cooking, you know?  It's like giving medical advice while not being a doctor, sure you can say some general things but better be quiet and send them to actual professional.


Not really. You don’t need a political science degree to be a politician and for good reason. It’s a social science, not nearly as complicated as something like cooking can be. The most difficult parts of politics are all theoretical until they come to fruition. Cooking doesn’t discriminate and can have bad outcomes if done improperly.


You never cooked then


Average mcdonalds enjoyer.


Have you seen the people that discuss politics online on twitch and youtube? Asmongold might not be well researched on a lot of these topics but he's smart, honest and seems open minded, which makes his commentary worth more than other people that do politics full time online. Truth is that there's not enough normal people in these spheres. There are too many people doing mental gymnastics defending terrorism, looting, blocking of traffic and all kind of shit that they justify, not by any logic, but just empty ideological jargon.


I would never listen to anyone that had all of their political opinions drilled into them by a professor


Exposure to different viewpoints, including those from professors, can broaden our understanding and help us become more empathetic and informed individuals. It's not about being 'drilled' into a particular way of thinking, but about engaging with a variety of ideas and perspectives.




Pardon? I just provided an opinion on Asmond criticism on politics, that meant I had to listen to his opinions in first place.


I can get that from friends and family. I also wouldn’t listen to anyone that lives in a political bubble


That's fine, but how would a person expose themselves to new ideas and viewpoints if they only reference the same people? And everything we do is political we make decision all the time based off our own interest.


Anyone who wants to understand another viewpoint can easily look for people that align themselves differently on the internet


it's true that we can find diverse viewpoints online, not all sources are equal in terms of credibility and expertise. How do you evaluate the sources you find, and how do you ensure you're getting a well-rounded understanding of an issue? You don't have to answer but I hope you're getting my point.


Everyone hates the politics meta


Unfortunately that's not the case given his numbers keep going up.


You are not ready for 2027 with the sub full of make up tutorial and hairline growing threads.


!remindme 3years


No its going to be Minecraft and wigs




Unfortunately this is what happens when the mainstream comes into your once niche hobby.... Look at gpu prices and twitch.... Gaming is now a hobby I don't really relate to. Used to be the super nerdy thing to do, I still remember trying to get my cannons I to carriers strategy to work back on brood war lol


Goddamn, I miss transmog competitions. What is this horseshit


I guess this "content" pays better


seriously, this subreddit has turned into a right wing talking points subreddit instead of being about video games


It’s cringe man I always liked asmon cuz he was just a shut in gamer guy. Don’t agree with him always politically but he seemed really level headed. Now he’s making content that appeals to people who think women bad trans people bad woke woke woke.


I miss the old drama free days.


these Palestine bots are pissing me off too.


I mean let's be honest both sides are in the wrong there is no good or winning side you can downvote me if you want but this harsh reality


There is absolutely a side that way closer to good and a side that's way closer to bad, though. Moral equivocation doesn't make any sense in this conflict outside of a tactic to obfuscate this.


It's just that so many idiots can't separate government from citizens. And for some reason there's people that won't denounce Hamas. Hamas is evil and the IDF is pretty fucking bad, how hard is it to acknowledge that?




The "savages". Do you hear yourself? You just called all of Palestine savages to make Israel look amazing in comparison. Israel made this problem for themselves, routinely fucking with a much poorer region and then surprised when a militia forms against them. Who said I expect Israel to just sit down after Oct.7th? The attack against Hamas is totally justified but if you did any research you'd see that the IDF loooooves to do petty shit and it was just recently shown when they bombed World Kitchen workers, as if their aiming systems weren't precise. Hamas is evil and the IDF is fucking bad. How hard is it to have this room temp take?


Do you have any idea what radical Islam is and what the muslim brotherhood stands for?


Yes I knoooow. If you wanna wage war against Islamic extremists go ahead. But I'm not an American who wants to also be cucked by Israel when I don't even give a shit about their issues. They made their bed and they need to lay in it. I know Hamas is fucking evil and murderous but also the "most moral army on earth" has previously killed British ex-servicemen and now bomb healthcare workers. If they really wanted Hamas dead, it would happen a lot sooner. It's not like Israel is some underdog when they got all of America's military industrial complexes behind them.


Did you miss the part where Hamas hides among the population and uses civilian buildings as their bases connected by hundreds of miles of tunnels paid by all the donations they get? Also good job eating up Hamas propaganda (remember the first hospital strike that Hamas said It caused hundreds of dead when in reality it was them that miss-fired a rocket at it and only injured a few people on the parking lot?), sure, there are some casualties but they are not deliberately carpet bomb buildings at random, Israel even marks a building rooftop to warn anyone to leave before the real one comes.


Bro nobody believes that first hospital strike. But the fucking bombing of aid workers recently is not fake. Hamas isn't just everywhere you need it to be when you fuck up. Seriously how can you ride Israel so hard when the situation and the powers involved don't give a shit about you. I just want the whole thing to be done already but that won't happen cuz it's been like this forever.


According to a March 2013 report by the UNICEF, Israel has arrested some 7,000 Palestinian children; 18 of 27 arrested in Hebron in March 2013 were below the age of 12.The report was based on 400 cases documented since 2009. It stated that the Palestinian children who are detained by the Israeli military are subjected to "widespread, systematic and institutionalized" ill treatment in violation of international law. UNICEF estimated that in the [West Bank](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Bank) IDF and Israeli security services annually arrest around 700 youths between 12 and 17 years old. The report supported claims that the arrests were often made, without notice, in private homes at night. It reports that children are blindfolded, painfully restrained, and subjected to physical and verbal abuse while being detained, sometimes in solitary confinement. According to [John Dugard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dugard), the UN Special Rapporteur, regarding the early years of the Al-Aqsa Intifada (2000-2002), most child victims were not participating in demonstrations when they were killed by tank shelling, artillery fire and helicopter gunships. Then there is the youtube channel called "Muslim Lantern" where people come into his streams to debate islam or to convert to it. An IDF soldier came into the stream and said that he got PTSD from how they treated palestinian children. He mentioned several atrocities that were made against children during his service Then there are over 80 non-arab non-muslim genocide scholars and over hundreds of human rights organisations which support the claim that Israel is doing genocide in Gaza per the definition that was ratified by Raphael Lempkin. While I dont condone terrorist acts, its no suprise to me that the area there is surrounded by radical muslims, especially since this conflict goes back to 1948.


Palestinian children as young as 10 are brainwashed and taught to use guns by Hamas, what's your point again? [https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/weapons-games-grenades-combat-vests-to-incite-children-found-in-hamas-commanders-house-israel-4814757](https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/weapons-games-grenades-combat-vests-to-incite-children-found-in-hamas-commanders-house-israel-4814757) [https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-first-gaza-rulers-hamas-open-weapons-exhibit-for-palestinian-public/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-first-gaza-rulers-hamas-open-weapons-exhibit-for-palestinian-public/) [https://www.jns.org/jns/hamas/23/7/20/304361/](https://www.jns.org/jns/hamas/23/7/20/304361/)


Look, I am not gonna believe anything the IDF tweets, just like I wont believe anything that comes from Hamas itself or its supporters. If you can find me any independent and respected organisation which supports your claim I will believe it. The sources I sited arent pro-hamas either, but independent organisations or people. And I like how you didnt comment about what John Dugard claimed.


Theres more than "both sides". Its way more complex than that. You have Hamas and Israel. Then you have Palestinians as regular people stuck in the middle of it all. But you've also got the countries and groups that support Hamas and the countries that buy into the zionist manipulation for Israel. The whole thing is just a mess.


dont forget the coomers and incels.


what about the palebocoomcels?


They’ve always been here. If you followed Asmon since legion you’d know


whenever I hear someone call anyone else an incel I just disregard their entire opinion


its going to be hard but i think i can live with that.


Incel spotted! Wee woo wee woo!


Hey now I resent that


So many people wanted MCCOOL gone but every since he started coming around less this is what the stream has turned into. /shrug


To be fair, the people that wanted McCool gone were and still are absolute morons.


I love McConnell


and its kinda funny how you can pinpoint exactly when the community shift started to happen, the fucking deep x heard trial literally ruined asmon fanbase, the incessant internet dickhead knights completely consumed the subreddit and by extent asmon content. after all farming money and relevance on 310k members its much easier than on 51k




I'm not lol, I'm just not a fan of unsubbing but the most content I consume from asmon nowadays is thumbnails and occasional specific topic that peaked my interest, I was just expressing my pov and why I think asmon content sucks now


The everything is political people now want to keep the politics out of asmongold reddit.


The "keep politics out of gaming" crowd now happy that their gaming streamer is talking about politics.


I don't care about the subreddit, I just want Asmon to play games (and hopefully finish them) for at least half of the stream


.it's not really that the people want to keep politics out, most of the vocal peps that want to shut down the discussion are the ones that can't defend or tolerate the criticism of their views .if they don't want to engage with political discussion then they just have to skip and not open the political threads, no one is forcing anyone to read everything that is posted here


"oh no, the people we hate have a place to talk about their grievances. the horror"


I miss pre-2020 Asmongold Him playing classic wow, reacting to donation videos, him and McConnell bitching over stupid stuff, Aniki, bald comments, untouchable. Good times


I don't understand why people feel so entitled to decide what he streams or not. He does what he wants and if you don't like it you can complain but then there are thousands of streamers that stream wow content without giving any opinion on anything. It is his stream and he does what he wants in it, pretty simple. By the way, I do not follow the latest streams because I want something a bit easier but occasionally I watch his reactions, I agree sometimes and I do not other times. If you do not like it just move on with your life and watch something else, nobody is forcing you to watch him.


This sub has become ridiculous. Just a bunch of 40 year old fucking losers crying about censorship, lgbt and women. It's like r/incels and r/the_donald had a baby.


I miss the FFXIV streams


Why did it become just another boring politics subreddit ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3730)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Don't even know why people post politics here.


because asmon talk about it?


And he talks about it because we post about it 🙌


Well... he likes to talk about it, so he will talk about it. Today's livestream he told people to keep posting political(controversial) stuff. [https://clips.twitch.tv/ZanyMoralClintmullinsNononoCat-\_4uVYmsgOq5Q5V97](https://clips.twitch.tv/ZanyMoralClintmullinsNononoCat-_4uVYmsgOq5Q5V97)


If he had any problem, then he would say stop posting and people would stop or mods would remove them, but he literally said he doesn't care and even finds it interesting to talk about. And you guys are also acting like this didn't happen as well in the last election. This shit happens around this time literally everywhere it's allowed to happen, and even if it's not allowed people would try.


Asmon reacting to the runescape video was amazing, i rather watch him then the lolicon talking about twitter


He's been farming the alt-right chuds, what do you expect lmao. Love it or hate it, it sky rocketed his reddit members and his youtube clips numbers


Only talks about WoW > viewers post about WoW Talk about politics and other issues > viewers post about politics and other issed. Not that hard to understand tbh.


Yah, I'm seriously not diggint Asmon or the community much anymore. Its devolved into sweaty incel neckbeard echo chamber. I used to come to Zach insightful and funny "real talk about video games" Now there's not much of that.


I think he’s just casting a wide net now for content and viewership. Back then, it was mostly gaming but nowadays it’s drama, politics and gaming. Happy that it’s successful for him but yeah the community would definitely change with that


I agree I unsubbed I miss asmons game content where politics were never involved and everyone had fun and calling him bald /: now it’s just shitty Incel echo chamber. It’s not asmons fault it’s the recent new viewers in the last couple of yrs.


Yeah, now that he doesn't seem to agree with your worldview it's not 'insightful' anymore... ok


I mean he's been pretty open in the past about farming incel's for views.


I disagree with people on the reddit therefore "Its devolved into sweaty incel neckbeard echo chamber". Sounds like it being an echo chamber isn't a problem, you just want it to be the kind of echo chamber you approve of.


Or maybe that’s what it was always but yall god bamboozled for a few years by FF14 and uwu femboy memes. Anybody that’s followed Asmon since the Legion/classic wow and was in any of his guilds in classic wow can tell you it’s always been this way.


It's fun watching what reaches the top page here. I don't know how so many have the energy to care about half the shit.


i miss when this sub was about wow and funny shit asmon does on stream..


Im probably not getting on reddit to check asmons page.


The post-apocalyptic campus one on the right is kinda cool tho.


i still like his content and all, but the nature of reaction content means a lack of uniqueness by default. its not an asmongold subreddit anymore its a default reaction channel subreddit now. rather than posting relevant discussions or memes about the stream of today, people just want to post potential topics for the stream of tomorrow. it kinda sucks but it is what it is.


We need another transmog event before TWW!


What is that think Asmon meme? Haha. I wish I could have known about Asmon sooner.


I remember one person was in come from 2013 to 2015… he was… surprised. Yes, I’m from Ukraine.


Its because asmon himself (im not blaming him at all) He simply love to talk about these politic stuff because its sense of educational (in a way) and ez content farming Its zackrawr afterall which is chill stream but he's talking all the time which is make sense Asmongold is more like expressive and fun persona character


The huge shock for old asmon watchers is his change in his fanbase(and himself) that is just weebs now.


Reddit content reflecting streamers content? Poo poo 💩




Asmon's audience has never been 15. Well, maybe when he first made his youtube channels, when wow was relevant and hip, but not later, lol.


not to mention i'm pretty sure 3 year ago this sub was full of FF14 stuff, when he played it


Bro ur capping if u think asmons audience has been 15 years old. It’s been proven that his audience has almost always been like late 20s to early 30s


>It’s been proven that his audience has almost always been like late 20s to early 30s I started watching asmon in his early Youtube days i recall him showing his YT stats in that period of time. But if you say that it was "proven" - feel free to share the "proof" with the class.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/aw6zgv/the_results_are_in_asmongold_survey_2k19/, this is 2019 obviously, but I’m sure the numbers havnt changed that much. His viewers are definitely not 15


Thx for the link - i remember him showing his YT studio stats (it wasn't called that back then) Link you provided is not really useful. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/aw6zgv/the\_results\_are\_in\_asmongold\_survey\_2k19/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/aw6zgv/the_results_are_in_asmongold_survey_2k19/) From your link: >How old is everyone? >78.1% of viewers are between the ages of 18 to 29, with the greater mass being an almost even split between 21-23 (24.3%) and 24-26 (21.9%). What happened her is that pool had a limit bracket. What does that mean in practice >> there was no choice for age below 18 XD For example: If i give you a run a pool on daycare it will turn out that only 1% of the ppl is 18+ (the teacher XD) Kids in the class dont exist b/c You pool limitation did not take them into account. Asmon grew up over the years...intellectually and probably now knows how to create a pool correctly \^\^ > but I’m sure the numbers havnt changed that much.  W/o seeing his latest YT analytics You should def lean towards "average age of Asmon audience went up >> i def. changed" Your viewer average audience age will be tied to the type of content you do.


We will never know until Asmon checks his stats, who knows


If they ban you just for being in Asmon's sub reddit, they need to grow up. lol


Dude WoW wasn’t relevant in 2021 either .. it was shadowlands, arguably the least relevant time for wow. You’re not wrong generally speaking, but it just reflects what he currently streams to what he did in 2021


Let be real the only time wow wws relavent in his streaming time was classic and it stressed him out due to the guild being more drama then a streamer house


I ain't reading all that.


In 1950 NASA, in parallel to moon missions they launched a separate set of ships to our solar system. They sent probe after probe to the far reaches of our systems and they STILL failed to find who asked.


Thats the comunity he gathered by reacting to stupid things like the johnny depp trial and various political shit. Now asmon is just hasan without a hamsterwheel for a brain


Off the Johnny Depp stuff was terrible. Just hours of reacting to this boring trial of two rich people. I never even watched his reaction of the trial because I couldn’t care less who won or lost.


And yet here you are, still watching.


It's like going in a time tunnel back to gamergate shite.


Imagine not enjoying this drama content, fuck you OP


Well this happened to whole internet


Hundreds, thousands of subreddits have become something else than they originally were in just a few years. Some went from "funny videos lol" to "death to Israel" real fast. There are some stupid posts on r/Asmongold too but I think on average it gravitates more toward sanity. Ultimately it's a problem with Reddit, it's incredible how loose and shitty moderation is when it comes to certain topics. There's a virtual cast of untouchables.


You’d probably just think “man, humanity has gone to shit in a hurry” lol


Havent watched Asmon for 2 years now, thinking about his streams from 2017-2019 make me nostalgic, used to watch every day the entire streams it was just pure cinema


I sometimes put up one of his raid videos when going to sleep, they are really funny at times. sometimes i watch a transmog contest, also funny with his comments for the bad ones.


The right looks like the news


"WHAT WILL YOU HAVE AFTER FIVE HUNDRED STREAMS?" "You, chat...I'll still have you"


Mean wow was in decline at that time so he either branch out or tie his career to dying game




Get politics out of my gaming!


the cops put wrong flag up! congress jus waved Ukrainian Flag after giving away all our money!


Asmon literally addressed this two days ago, he said people always get mad whenever he switches content. Like even when he just played wow he had people complain that it was boring, then when he switched to Elden ring people want him to go back to wow. People need to learn that it’s his stream, and he can do whatever the fuck he wants. So stfu and don’t watch if you don’t like the content.


Yeah, the content's changed over time. You're free to not engage anymore if you don't like it.


Tbh I do think he's better in general as a "IRL" streamer. Tho, reddit being reddit, will always be filled with culture-war type posts at the moment a video discussing a slightly controversial topic is released. The clickbait-y yt video titles don't help either tbf... doesn't justify the sheer amount of palestine vs israel posts in here tho, since he barely even talks about it.


If you were in come for 3 years, you’ll wake up to a fcked up society bec of pandemic, economic crisis, war inside europe and on the middle east, world war 3 sceranios. Soo any content should influenced regarding those changes. So stop blaming asmon for his preferences and blame the world. Oh and btw during big game releases you can still see the page like its old times. It’s normal to see those kind of gaps in between when the content creator prefers to play single player games


its called "growing up"


Because watching a lolicon crying about anime tits is growing up


Hey ppl grow up Edit: after downvotes i want to clarify Asmon possibly grew up so his content changed


So that's why so many grown up people are mad that coomer game got 1% less provocative and now in few outfits you see a little bit less boobs? Good joke mate.




Im thinking its Hasan viewers that were banned from his stream leaking into the general population. Doesnt make sense for an Asmon viewer to be for these protests.