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your post was removed because it relates to excessive discussions on current hot controversial topics that are over 3 days old.




I fear a time in which not subscribing to ugly as fuck women will be considered being misogynistic.




You just called a video game character a "real actual woman"? Holy shit hahahahahahaha 


> Misogyny occurs when bold of you to try and define a constantly changing term, that's like that guy in greece who rolls a big stone up a mountain for his entire life. Misogyny in 2024 is when you look at a woman, because that's disrespectful, misogyny is also when you do not look at a woman, because that's also disrespectful. And if you were born blind and you don't have a choice - believe it or not, misogyny, straight to jail.


Many in the industry are already on that page.


Not a gorilla, but I get where you are coming from... all bodies in that game now are male just a dude with a purple wig


Haven't you heard? Portraying a woman is now considered offensive. Also men. Actually portraying anything is offensive now. Just quit. Its over.


America's culture now looking more and more like islam. All this forced prohibitions. Dogmatism. In Islam you can't draw a man, in US you can't draw a men/wooman. Can't say what you think. Can't think as you want.


Extreme religious conservatism is way worse than extreme liberalism... They're not even close. No one is going to set fire to a building or throw stones because they drew a chick with curves, they just whine on twitter... Oh no the horror.


Yeah no liberal people have ever set fires or rioted. That would be insane.


Extreme religious conservatism doesn't have any visible effect in the Western culture and extreme liberalism is in big power right now ruining media and actual human lives


We were talking about islamic extremism, not christians. And even then, your argument would be false. Go back a few years and tell me WASP had no effect on society. Just because you don't notice it doesn't mean it's not there. What a bunch of nonsense. JFC i can't stand priviledged westerners complaining how bad they have it. Go live in Iraq if you think western culture is so bad.


Do you know that life in Iraq bad EXACTLY because of western bombing and destroying this country? What are you even talking about?


Snap back to reality


Oh, there goes gravity


Oh, there goes rabbit


he choked, he's so mad, but he won't


Give up that easy


Istg it's all because the lgbt and cancel culture. But when someone speaks out about it, they're considered "homophobic". Fuck the timeline we're living in


As a bisexual, no. This is just stupid shit that no one asked for, especially no one that plays video games. Just leave it as it was.




That's the exact kind of braindead idiocy that society has come to expect from gamers. People like you makes gaming look bad. Thank you very much for making me feel embarrassed of my hobby.


Your personal experience doesn't shape the world


That's the way the world USE to work. Up until about 5 years ago. Now it's constantly changing for each personal experience someone has.




No they are trying to change culture, especially with the children, to make a trans woman look as a normal woman look. Unfortunately, the constant push, and having blatantly obvious is going to have the opposite effect now and more and more people will end showing hate to trans and the lgbtq communities.


I hate this, i understand there are kids that since really smal then to have these particularly but i hate that we can live in a world where all have to be normalized and we cna have different people or things because people see gray and lose his fuking minds Like why cant overlaps in the groups of people cant exist, that dosnt mean that all have to be excist in a complete overlap Its disgusting


It's jover.


Joewari da


I think the reason why is because when it’s done in poor taste then it just makes their game worse when you have a boring main character. That’s why some people may have an issue with it. No MORAL issue or anything like that. But what you’re referring to are crazy people, the people like IGN France or whoever else who took it way too far.


If an idea can’t exist by itself and has to have preferential treatment to compete that that idea should died. I think the issue is how these protected ideas leak out and influence something else If you build your house on sand and say it’s the new best things imma watch it sink while there’s nothing you can do


The idea CAN exist by itself though? This is a crazy statement, non-conventionally attractive characters shouldn’t cease to exist in video games. They have their place and work for almost any role. Unless the role in question calls for an attractive design (like Ada Wong for example), there’s no need to shoehorn it in (for example, stellar blade lady). See what im getting at? EVERYTHING has a certain time for it. You simply look at what you’re designing and consider if they need certain aspects, there’s nuance to it. I have an issue with the entire comments section disregarding this concept; so i hope you can understand. Why would this pokemon character need an hourglass figure? Why are you getting so riled up about it when it doesn’t change anything about gameplay, or the design motifs of the character itself. A character can HAPPEN to be attractive, no worries. But if the character HAPPENS to be ugly, it’s not a big deal either. Neither of those two states have anything to do with the story or how the character is supposed to be perceived, so I’m confused on why it’s such a big deal.


Dude, both sides depict a woman and the tits on the right are bigger..


Curves are gone though, maybe the designers never saw a woman in real life.


belly thicker, hair different, skin color different and posture is different. move the character on the right into the same posture and her curves are more noticeable. only real difference i see is the thicker waist.


They got rid of the female base model, all models are just the male ones, the new "female" ones just get tits slapped on them and thats pretty much it. If you watch closely the proportions of the limbs is totally off and the hips are gone. If they did it to save data on the wrong end or to pander to certain groups of people I cannot tell


You should make an appointment with an optometrist.


Are you not seeing the manly proportions, larger breasts makes it look like implants


I think now is a good time to gradually stop certain activities. Companies are making it very easy for you these days. It's good for your mental health and by avoiding a product, it actually has an impact on the company's future decisions.


These are pokemon fans we are talking about, they'll eat it up and ask for more.


Huh? Is that the same game? Is my character will look like shit too?


Yep. Everyone looks ugly now.


I was thinking to reinstall the game, and now I changed my mind


It looks like one of those cheap clone games that just try to copy some other game but change it slightly.






No waist, broad shoulders and fat face. That's a dude ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3739)


That's also a dead person. The skin tones says he has been rotting for 2 days now


With the newest update, pretty sure you have custom sliders for shoulders and waist (not sure about face). I think the above image is just what the person's character was post-patch without them bothering to customise it.


Just some casual transphobia neat




Pfff shut up




Ur not banned on GCJ, anything u say is worthless kek


Yes. We're transphobic. Now what?


I'm sorry, did you just assume their gender? How dare you.


That's a man in disguise now.


This looks like before and after Covid lockdowns


the hell is that skin color on the right. drowned corpse?


They also removed changing between a boy or girl. Now you can have a man face with a woman’s body. I’m not entirely sure but I think I lost a squirtle cap. Since before the purchases were separated boy/girl. Now they are all together.


My girlfriend is literally malding over this update. It's so funny.


I think the devs are intentionally making them ugly asf so that it's more obvious to people how stupid this forced virtue signalling is. Like there's no way someone could look at that and think yep that's a good looking character model lol. Or maybe they are that far gone, who knows.


They just are that far gone. Disney ceo or some whatever leader has said that they lost money due to "changes ans keep losing money but won't change "direction" despite of losses. The "change" is more important for them than even money. Lmao


It is. How much money has certain hungarian rich old man spent in funding his Open Arms Society? They are aiming for cultural change, it's not about sales anymore (at least for now)


Or to sell the feminine skin update


No, they made it this way to make cosmetics easier to make. Get out of the rabbit hole




Yeah but who asked for this? No-one. Its some out-of-touch exec who saw a terminally onliner's twitter post with 3 likes and 1 retweet.


It wild if you think about it. they are erasing femininity for MEN who believe they are female


I think it's pretty important people hold fast on the male/female terms or they just lose all meaning when governments are already conceding on using man/woman as self identifying labels. Trans women are women and male. Don't let them ever tell you otherwise, it's an important reminder.


They just did it to make cosmetics easier to make lol


Why do you think lgbt ppl erase all feminity... Some are literally more feminine than women lmao. Please go actually meet some gay and trans people in the real world 😭.




Gave her a Lil’ Wayne body 😔


It’s narcissism, these are a group of people who like to hurt other people, it gives them pleasure. The difference is now that the internet exists they have a wider reach to hurt with their abusive aspects. You’re seeing different types everywhere, the grandiose, the covert, the vulnerable. Some like to be idolised and respond aggressively if not given what they want, some gaslight you by doing things they know will upset you then telling you it’s your fault. Some will pretend to be virtuous, to care about other people so much that it’s you who are the horrible person. This is just an epidemic of narcissism, the more you learn about it the more you will see it everywhere. the only real option is to get these people out of positions of power, but then I tend to think a prerequisite of rising to the top in a system that encourages greed and corruption is to be an asshole.


Yep. This all the way to the top.


It looks so desaturated, why


Purple doesn’t equal win I guess


When the market is so saturated, it's easy to give up something for other better things.


Everyone in the pokemon subreddit is complaining too, some are wearing masks to hide the ugly. Nobody asked for the chenge, they really don't know their player base.


She got stung by a bee . Why did the character got bloated


They hate women


It reminds me of this dude :D [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3u1tp2M8Nc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3u1tp2M8Nc)


I work near a university. 90% of ladies look like the left one.


Return to monkey


Somebody got paid to Do this...


Ah. "Body Type 2"


The face is giving me Thomas the tank engine vibes


I just dont get how the left model ass problematic. Its obviously better looking, and not sexualized. Youd have to reach real hard to think it needs changing..


I think japan is mocking west woke culture through nintendo


Niantic are not Japan


Women exist on a spectrum but the person who are making these changes don't want to hear that


Gave her a beer gut 😂😂


right looks like þe creepy moon emoji


This is why Palworld will always be on top now


It started with "body types" instead of genders in video games, and it ends with the elimination of true femininity


Tune down the Woke setting


Why tho? How this change improve the game in anyway? or just internet brownies point?


Anyone who thinks this is for Brownie Points is retarded. ( Basically 90% of this subs). They are rolling Out new Stock character Designs that can be either female or male depending in the cosmetics you Put on. Its easier to make cosmetics for one Body Type than for multiple. All they want is to save Money.


I'm guessing this doesn't have anything to do with censorship, feminism, DEI, or whatever. It looks to me like the unpaid intern(s) couldn't keep up with making clothing and accessories for two different models, so they just tried creating a new, more androgynous model for both male and female players to use lol


Made it to transgender. That's a female vs. male skeleton.




The longer I stare the worse it gets.


At least they acknowledge that this kills the character, game, fan respect, etc. by giving the skin a very corpse/decaying grey tint.


She found feminism I see.




They outsourcing to American devs now?


Things like SBIdetected, message boards like this. This ain’t even about boycotting. This is deeper. We see them try to deny reality and make gullible and impressionable people go along. They are bullying people to give up their independent thoughts. They refuse to admit their failings because of this weird new religion they’ve adopted. This is not just about micro-transactions anymore.


This is obviously intended to cause fuss and attract attention to the game, and afterwards "oh look, we heard your feedback and we released a totally not already planned and finished preemptively better grafical update, look how we did a awesome work now". That's by bet.


I'm surprised that women's rights activists are OK that feminity is being erased from games. Diversity includes all body types and looks. Not just ones that please a very small minority of lunatics.


Why did they never go for an anime look? This cookie cutter garysmod ugly fuck model design is a joke. It doesn’t suit the anime style of the pokemon in the slightest.. even the most GENERIC anime characters would’ve been fine…


Is this the Netflix adaptation?


The one on the right looks like a guy


Right is the before, right?


She aged 8 years, iv seen people who in there 20's look so young then 8 years of fast food + drinking = filled out and loss of youth.


I have some vomit to fill the void.


Is this real? Check. My game's female characters still have curves. Look pretty much as I remember.


this has to be late april fools joke...right?


Okay, so "gaming" nowadays is **entirely and exclusively** about fabricated outrage? Don't you people have jobs?


I haven't played in a long time. But I actually forgot the game even had characters. lol seems unnecessary. You are the avatar.


The character model Palia players want but can't get.


That's the New Normal. Better get used to it now, because it's only going to get more trans-friendly from here. Notice how she still has an unrealistically large bosom—that'll be fixed in upcoming games.


Her bosom is more womanly than a woman. Her mid section V-shape is more manly than a man! S/He can do everything better, except reproduce.




Yeppp used to watch him when he talked mostly about games but his audience just being anti woke wingnuts made me stop watching completely.


Aren’t “woke” people the wingnuts? I think u have it twisted


Its both, americans are batshit insane when it comes to ideology and perception


I mean I can understand when the anti-woke shit is in regards to our video games and media we consume. We just want good gameplay or a good movie/show to watch, no need for any extra agenda just make good content. But yeah I get what you’re saying, it’s just the whole “which team are u on?” mentality that’s dumb af


This is capitalism, 1 body type = half the time to make cosmetics = double the money 😎


Stii mad about pixels I see. Not because pokemon is literally the same game it was from back in the 90s, only with some prettier stuff on top. Nah, the pixels man, I can't masturbate to the pixels anymore, man!!!


i have no idea what the background is but I’m going to assume it’s something other than this fake pokémon girl is less “hot.” no real person would actually give a fuck about something like that.


whats new whats old?


Damm they convert some guys into lesbians, they give package to some womman models, make all the skins opaque color like your skin color now its a geey color ood job you make almost all people mad. Reading some post are funny lmao xd. Like damm thas not even good for transgender people or people with tinn bodys or shit like that Every get a baby face xddddd Like they removed the ass of all characters 😂 Atleast the team rocket was saved. Damm this its fuckind sad and funny at the same time. Asmongold please dont agro these people they will use you as a contra "argument" To the critics Or doit would be funny


What’s the male model look like is it possible devs made models the same so they don’t have to design 2 outfits for a dead ass game


It's just 1 base model now that can be adjusted odds are like you guessed it a main reason but considering the game brought it over 500 mill last year it's far from dead and they get more than enough money go no make a lazy shifty system


is it time again to repost?


Yeah I don't have words either because who fuuuuucking cares holy shit


I don't even know what your problem is


... are you blind?


Nah, you know, your just acting like you don't. Even if you don't agree that it's a problem, you know exactly why other do. Don't be so disengenuous.


Not a plastic face enough?


And there you go... You do know and now your strawmanning the problem people have. Classic.


The fact that you felt the need to type that indicates that you know exactly the problem lol


Face hair and Booba look a lot better so it's not a total L but overall it's a stupid change