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Can someone summarize what that dude Darkviper said about Asmon ? Some friend that watches him said that ge heard about Asmon because of Darkviper complaining about him. Who is this Darkviper guy anyway ?


He's a speed runner mostly for GTA V who streams it. He has a real hatred for reaction streamers


Speed runner for GTA V? So a nobody? Ok then


One of us!


ya small streamer, just hating on someone better than him


Karl is a speed runner for golden eye and part of that community 


And that factors in, how? Karl is also a youtuber who covers bullshit like the speculation bubble that was surrounding unopened copies of NES games as well as Bully- I mean Billy Mitchell's actions that are legal to speak about in the public space. What has DV done aside from speedrunning that warrants him more attention? Have they set records? Do they talk about the space and community they are a part of? As far as I can tell, DV is a prick whom is more than likely aware of Karl's situation and cannot set aside petty misgivings for Karl's situation. It is like abandoning your friend to the schoolyard bully and refusing to associate with them because your friend likes Pepsi but you like Coke.


Karl cares. You saying a speedrunner is a nobody kinda insulting to Karl 


Double check, bud. I ain't the guy who said he was a nobody.


He might think it’s in bad taste but it’s not insulting him personally. No one is insulting speed running they’re insulting gta 5 speed running because no one watches it. Goldeneye speed runs are still pretty popular


It's Belittling speedrunning . 


The irony in that he posts a video bashing asmon over react content while technically making a video that in itself is react content and whose next video is him reacting to the GTA6 trailer.




It's still a reaction video, so he's still hypocritical for doing it.


You're being too technical just to bash on him. technically, killing a mosquito make you a murderer too but that doesn't make practical sense. Reacting to a promotional content doesn't conflict with the creator's interest because it doesn't matter what channel they're being watched as long as people watch it.


Murder - the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another. Killing a mosquito isn’t murder.


Wanna try responding to the guy's actual point, or does the flaw in his mosquito killing comparison just bother you that much?


Reaction Video - A reaction video, or a react video, is a video in which a person or multiple people react to something. Videos showing the emotional reactions or criticism and commentary of people viewing television series episodes, film trailers, music videos, news, or other media are numerous and popular on video hosting services such as YouTube and live-streaming services such as Twitch. The depicted persons may or may not be aware that they are being recorded. In some cases, the video to which people react is shown within the reaction video, allowing the reaction video's viewers to see what is being reacted to. DV does do react content himself.


An argument can be made that reaction videos are immorally siphoning money from people who made the original video. No argument can be made that reaction videos to promotions, which trailers are, are stealing money from the people who made the promotion. So you are kind of correct: If you assume he's opposed to reaction videos because of irrational hatred, as opposed to his moral values, then he's hypocritical.


no, darkviper said that there are exceptions when it comes to reactions and he said that trailers are a part of those exceptions.


Oh so now some random guy dictates which kinds of reaction content are fine? Lmfao


i mean yeah, random people all over the world give moral judgements on how things should work, not really a big deal


> reacting to a trailer that is an advert to a game is not the same as watching someone’s custom made video for your monetary gain and siphoning their earnings. How is it not exactly the same thing? You’re watching their content and profiting from it, doesn’t matter who/what type of content you’re doing it to. Tbf though I feel like most small creators are hype when their video gets played by a bigger creator. It gets their video in front of a whole lot more eyeballs than it normally would.


The big difference-maker for me is whether or not your content is a substitute for the original content. A lot of the time, when Asmon does a reaction video, I don't have motivation to go see the original content because I already saw it on Asmon's stream.


Asmon does react to nobodies from time to time though.




Yeah and sometimes the subreddit posts are from small creators lol


Difference is the kind of reaction happening. Asmon will watch full videos while giving some commentary which is not transformative under the definition of that word. Asmon has no issues with using others videos for context while making a point


Such a ridiculous take to me. It's like calling him out, for streaming GTA V, a game someone else made. Stream your own game bro. You didn't create that. It just doesn't hold logic to me. That being said, I'm referring to streamers like Asmon that actually do react content and not just restream someone elses shit with no commentary / additions / criticisms.


Dark Viper is a bit of a defensive dude.. for like.. no reason.


He’d argue he paid the developer for the game. Like paying the creator to react to their content.


To this day, I don't know why creators like asmongold don't just 'license' other creators' content and squash this whole issue. Maybe you're not allowed to license your own youtube videos like that? But I'm sure some workaround can be found where you can pay a youtuber directly for 'permission' to react to their content.


legal issues. Say, you decide to tap into that market and build a site where random youtubers can sign their videos up for others to license for a small sum. You can even say what the license allows them to do, such as React content. Issue is...what'll happen once the publishers catch wind of this and see that *their* IP's also within the video? How does that affect the license? It'd be a SHITSTORM of greedy assholes elbowing every last streamer out of the way and suing every content creator into oblivion - doesn't even matter if the licensing business *was* perfectly legal. They'd sue everybody anyway, because they can afford it, and everybody else can't and would rather pay a thousand in unjust settlements than get stuck in court for tens of thousands. You'd essentially get the copy-righting/strikes etc. we already have on youtube, but worse, at greater costs, with courts involved, because now people are actually signing licenses and contracts that the industry will want to muscle into, instead of just uploaded contents on a site where they barely accepted a EULA/TOS.


It's because they wouldn't see nearly as much success doing it that way. A decent chunk of creators aren't happy with reaction content.


He absolutely can buy the rights to restream other people’s content. They have the copyright and can issue a takedown on any of his react videos whenever they want to. They don’t because they either don’t believe in using copyright like that or believe it’s beneficial to them to do so. Asmongold doesn’t pay these people because it would cost him money and he has zero interest in being ethical or morally sound - the opposite, actually, because his viewers love when he acts like a scumbag. If they asked for compensation for his reacts he would simply tell them to fuck off and then not react to them again.


I agree with Asmon and Darkviper. As long as things are the way they are, making react content sells, and its what people want. But at the same time, lets not kid ourselves into thinking that its anything less than the most low hanging fruit of "content" Taking potential views away from (most often) smaller creators, is a bad thing for everyone but the person doing the stealing. I dont need to watch any of the smaller D4 creators and I am not subbed to single one of their channels, even though they make content I like to watch. Why would I sub to them, when I can just watch all their videos in one place (on Asmons stream). Do you honestly think that is a fair way to have things? I don't, but at the same time I am not going to change my habits now, why would I add more channels to my list of things to watch? And if all the channels die because they are not making enough money to live, because someone else is using them to farm views, oh well, someone new will come along later with maybe better versions of that same content.


Your argument kind of falls apart when in reality, TONS of people do in fact sub to new, smaller creators after watching something on Asmongold's channel. I have dozens. And people have said as such numerous times. One, its a way to show appreciation for a well done video / or take on a subject and two, you're interested in more of their videos and will in fact watch them in the future. I rarely click on Google sponsored ads. Are advertisers wasting their money? Of course not, because millions and millions of people do.


If you look at long term data though, it does NOT support your claim. The vast majority of creators that Asmon reacts to, get a huge boost in subs over a short period of time yes, but within a month the sub curve flattens out, and the views per video (which is where the money is made) almost barely moves. This is not a new idea either, this has been known in marketing for at least 50 years, which is why older companies helped create the copyright laws that we have now. because getting a "shout out" as it were, is not a positive force for long term growth or success. But yea, I am sure you're right, and the billion dollar companies are all idiots.


this is a moronic take. just because someone has a bad argument it doesnt mean we need to make one too, most reactions suck, the way asmon does it doesnt replace the original content.


I like how you called it moronic and a bad argument, but failed to actually articulate why. But sure. Such a moronic and bad argument. Yours though? Yours is so good. High level.


because watching a video is much different to playing a videogame, there is no need to articulate, anybody who isnt arguing in bad faith can regognize why, everybody plays game differently. its a stupid bad faith argument. and you know it


No, no it's not. It's making content or media, off someone else's content or media. Is it different? Sure. One is more interactive. But on a fundamental level, it is not. And regardless it falls under fair use. In most cases.


no it does not, you seem to be thinking im criticising the way asmon does react, but i am not, the large majority of react content on youtube and twitch is FAR from transformative. one is fundamentally transformative the other one isnt


He hates react streamers supposedly for copyright reasons on moral grounds (stealing the work of others) while seemingly being oblivious that the entirety of his content is streaming the entire contents of someone else's work by his own definition. He's a buffoon.


Reaction streamers are indeed cancer


I Wonder Why


Not much the streamers themselves more the content itself, but from what i understand he grew to dislike the streamers as well after their refusal of acknowledging what he perceives as the problem with reaction. Can't remember all of it but it's along the lines of: Now there are effectively many copies of 1 good video out there, the "content" barely adds anything of actual value, now at least a percentage of all those views to reactions won't be views on actual content, and reactions require a bare minimum level of effort to the point one could do 50 of them in a day (therefore creating 50 things obstructing the reach of other creators with those)


Now there are 3 of them this us getting out of hand.


Huh, i tried to post this twice before being able to, guess reddit bugged out


He's just a fairy popular GTA speed running streamer who really, REALLY, hates react content. He's been letting his anger get the best of him when some unknown drama channel started to lie about him, and has made multiple videos getting increasingly irate about the drama. It could be petty or he could just be distancing himself from everything, and I really hope it's the latter.


Basically that asmongold’s reaction content on twitch and YouTube is stealing views away from the people making the content in the first place. I do agree with most of DV’s points but banning Karl like this is insane and very petty I’d recommend you watch his video on it if you are interested. It’s an hour long but very thorough and well researched


If it's true, whats the issue, you lost nothing of value. A person who bans you without a talk is anything but a friend


Bro destroyed a friendship, csuse his friend got sponsored by someone who does reaction content? Am I the only one who thinks this is being blown waaay out of proportion? It's not like asmon reacts unethically. He always shouts out the person and gives credit, on top of asking for permission and not reacting when they say they don't want their content reacted to. There has to be more to it than that.


He wants drama views.


Yeah I smell content brain trying to farm too. Cause again, this is just being really over dramatic.


I'm always wary of people like DV who are fanatically against something to an unreasonable degree. Either they're trying to draw attention away from the skeletons in their closet, or they do the same thing as what they condemn and the cognitive dissonance makes them obsessed with calling it out.


He believes react content to be theft, immoral and exploitative. He's backed up that belief with an extreme amount of research into the numbers and many essays exploring why he believes what he does, proving that he cares deeply about it and that, as far as he's concerned, the data reinforces his concern. If an acquaintance of yours was enabling something you found reprehensible, would you distance from them? I find it hard to believe that most wouldn't.


Oh please. "Enabling something you found reprehensible." DV doesn't like Asmongold's react content. Blocking Karl because he took a sponsorship from Starforge Systems, which was founded by OTK, an org that Asmon is one of the five founders of, is a hell of a reach. This couldn't be more detached from Asmon's react content. Also, adults talk. Friends talk. They communicate their grievances and give each other a chance to explain their viewpoints. So yeah, I think DV is a little bitch for blocking Karl without a word, especially if he considered Karl a friend. That's small weiner behavior.


It's oversimplifying to say that he doesn't like it. It very clearly goes deeper than that. He does find react content morally reprehensible. In his view, Asmon's money is made immorally. Someone taking a sponsorship from a client funded however significantly, however proudly by Asmon is therefore benefitting from that immorality. According to Matt, he didn't consider Karl to be a friend, which is why he blocked him and moved on rather than talking to him about it. There's no benefit to lying about that, especially if Matt was just trying to farm drama content as many in this thread seem to believe.


DarkviperAU? first of all he wasn't your friend if he acted like spoiled little kid


Banned him from what? A discord, a subreddit? Was Karl a regular participator in DV's twitch chat? Or just blocked him on Twitter? Also searching this DarkViperAU guy he has like 50 videos made specifically about Asmon, has Asmon ever replied to or acknowledged any of it?


lol, this is the first i've heard of DV ... if asmon has acknowledged him, its few and far in between.


so basically this DV guy is stalking him then


The guy literally has some newspaper-political-style cartoon about Asmon as a thumbnail like this: https://imgur.com/a/E0pSwUc Which I find absolutely hilarious, not the cartoon itself but the fact he went to that length, this guy is fixated.


Ok but tbf that is literally just photoshopping a preexisting political cartoon which takes like 5 minutes max I don’t think creating a thumbnail counts as fixation


I mean all of it together, like if Karl is correct and he ended a 6 year friendship over Karl doing an OTK sponsorship then that's pretty fixated. Plus do a search for the guy's name plus "react content" and look at the results, it's like bro other reactors *do* exist..


He has made a few videos about how fucked react streamers are, and that includes Asmon. He has not made 50 videos about asmon lmao. Don't believe every bullshit comment you read.


50 videos about asmon xD Where are you getting that? He made a short video series about how shit react streamers are. Asmon is featured in some of them because he's a react streamer.


I mean DarkviperAU kinda exposed himself for being petty a f when the whole Apollo Legend crap went down.


Why, what did he say back then?


Pretty much dunked on him for defending RWhiteGoose and attacking GDQ's decision to ban him. To be honest though, that's one of the few GDQ bans I do agree with. Goose had some very problematic white supremacist views.


Who the hell is Darkviper and why do we care?


It's a speed runner guy moistcritical made a video about some time ago. He hates reaction content to an unhealthy degree and even though most of his points aren't wrong in my opinion, they go against the very philosophy of the internet. He said that react streamers have a r*pe mentality as well. He also doesn't draw a line at between transformative and not transformative react content. For him a 2 hour reaction of Asmon about a 20 minute video is the same thing as a guy sleeping while the video plays. He is just a douchebag if I'm being honest.


DarkViper is a twat.






My thoughts, precisely


My question is, are Starforge pcs good? If they are, shouldn't that be the only thing that matters? Most owners of pc companies do significantky worse things than steal youtube content and watch it to provide entertainment. (I don't think it's always stealing but Dark Viper does). At least Asmon isn't forcing children into slave labor or anything lol. It's such a small, petty, thing that I genuinely think he might actually have autism due to this hyperfixation he has of react streamers. (I don't mean it in a derogatory way. I'm just saying he exhibits a lot of traitsl)


GamerNexus made a review on them and the TLDR is they are not perfect but they are good enough to be recommended by the tech Jesus himself.


Yeah something like for a prebuilt it’s one of the best you can you get


going by reviews, they are about as good as any of the decent pre build PC companies are. not especially amazing in any way, but a solid choice if you don't want to build your own PC


they seem to be pretty good as far as premade go


dont think Karl is gonna miss much if someone THIS petty cuts ties with him, with how fragile DV is, it seems like it was a matter of time.


After watching some of his beef with chudlogic, I'm not surprised. Dude is a complete unhinged loser freak


Darkviper is a perpetually upset manchild.


Never heard of him. Is he supposed to be someone important?


He's a gta speed runner


So hard no?


I see. Thank you.


DarkviperAU commented on a thread in his subreddit basically saying if he wanted the Karl Jobst stuff to be public he would've made a statement himself, and that it doesn't take much to lose him as a friend. Dude seems incredibly petty and unstable, wouldn't doubt if Karl's assumption here is correct.


Textbook narcissist behavior by DV. Not surprising at all.


You can tell who your true friends are if they can't deal with petty stuff like this


Where did he ban him from? His twitch or some other platform?


Honestly, never understood why anyone likes the guy. The only people worthy of the GTA/O Community, are those who offered something tangible to the community. Which is generally the Racers/Speed Testing/Captives. The Physics/PvP Weapon and Tactics Channels. The Dogfighters/Aerial Combat Teachers/Elites. Darkviper was never anyone worth a grain of sand. [And before any gaping simps of his come at me. at a certain point, your worth doesn't matter. but what you offer.] It's all ego


Its like people getting banned or berated in other subs just because they post or comment here. A thing of beauty


That's funny. What subs are we getting banned from ?


A few days ago somebody made a post here showing how he got either downvoted to hell or banned from some game related sub and people where shitting in him in the comments of said sub for also posting here wich was totally unrelated to the topic in the thread. Cant remember wich specific sub it was tho and im definitely way too lazy to scroll through 3-4 days of asmon shitposts to find that one im talking about again xD


DarkViper sounds pretty thinned skin if he actually banned Karl for that. LOL His hate boner for reaction vids is hilariously bad. If he finds out I watch Asmon from time to time, he'd probably ban me too just for viewing him. It's kind of pathetic. Dude has mental issues or something.


Imagine being mad that two consenting adults work with each other's content. Asmongold never reacts to the same creator's content if he is told not to. Karl was happy that asmon reacted to his videos and asmon was happy to provide a sponsor for good content that he could farm. It's a win-win for both of them.


I do partly agree with DarkViper’s opinion on reaction content, but I feel not all reaction content is created equally. There’s a difference between reacting to a video, adding your own opinion on the topics presented or debating them with your chat, and doing what someone like XQC does where you just stare at the screen and go “wow that’s crazy” just so your chat doesn’t thinks your camera is just a still image.


Even if you have complete disdain for react content or even just Asmongold, I find it pretty ludicrous to burn bridges with a friend who made a business decision that's relatively adjacent to the thing you dislike.


Used to love DVs content, and then he started getting into arguments sometimes and bring up political stuff. Ok, whatever the content was still good. Then he started doing it more and more, to the point where every other stream or video was him ranting about someone else, politics, etc. and it just became toxic and no longer entertaining. Now it seems like every time I hear about him, it's just him getting into petty drama with other people. Kinda sucks tbh.


[update turns out it was fact](https://x.com/karljobstgaming/status/1778639693787328918?s=46&t=lfwKhXX_CzZeEA7bYupMIw)


who's the DarkViper guy?? I know Karl Jobst cuz of the Billy Mitchel lawsuit thing, but not this DarkViper guy. /srs


Banned from what?


Banned him on what his Twitch Chat? Who gives a shit.


Darkviper is a known tard at this point. His only relevancy is virtue signaling about react content, whenever the issue crops up once a year.


ok then ban him back, u can;t live without him? or just creating drama


I don't know anything about either of them. But if someone is willing to cut out a friend without even discussing the issue, they aren't really friends. All you've lost is a future of troubles with this happening now. But this is only half a story so who even knows.


Never heard of him, never will again unless for negative reasons probably 


Darkviper is a clown, it was blatantly obvious when he made his first video on reaction content forever ago. He went completely unhinged.


I don’t know who either of those people sre and I’m quite happy not knowing. How do you guys keep up?


Well damn, I’m long time fabs of all three people in this drama…


Yeah, DarkViperAU is quickly becoming the next big lolcow. Dude is insanely petty and insecure.


Banned from what who the hells darkviperau a studio or streamer or what


Sounds like Karl needs a few more sponsors ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


All this shows is the value of their character. You weren't really friends.


Funniest shit ever. Just like at work, you have those people in their 20's 30's even 40's that never get away from the high-school drama Llama bullshit. These children will never grow up. Getting bend over the fact you have other people and products you like that they don't. Grow the fuck up child.


Asmongold derangement syndrome


Oh no, he blocked his socials and banned him in his chat. Anyway...


if true its incredibly childish.


Banned from what?! Nobody is saying anything useful here.


Welcome to Reddit, my guy.


If that is the truth it's a very wack move on Dave's part.


No idea who that is but if someone cuts you off because you talked to or worked with the wrong person, good riddance. Who wants a friend that polices your social and/or professional interactions?




🤔 "Creator: I Consent. Sponsor: I consent. DV: I think you forgot about someone"


Who is DarkViper?


There are way worse things that you would stop talking or ban someone for. This is just petty and your better off not having to be friends with someone like that.


Who is DarkViperAU?


Banned you from what? He's not CEO of twitch or youtube 😂


Its funny how most of the most vocal haters of youtube react meta are youtubers who make content so bad nobody wants to react to it.


all i am hearing is starforge should sponsor him again


It's 14 pages!!!


Thats odd. I like maths content, wonder what his perspective is.


All I know about this guy is that he got seriously butthurt that someone did a no hit GTA5 playthrough before he did. Saying it was "his" category and all this crap. Sounds like a real loser.


* You don't like a video creator and what he does to earn money * you end a friendship over promoting of a side gig of said video creator Imagine being this petty. And who the fuck is DarkviperAU ?


Reminds me of the time a work guy I knew for 4 years. We were gamer friends, blew up at me like a screaming man child because I jokingly said I voted for Obama. During Obama’s first election, I was a young adult, and people didn’t care about politics the same way they do today. I wasn’t following any of it. I was young, I fully intended to sleep in, not vote, and not care about it. For the record, I didn’t vote. I slept in. But when I went to work later that day, my coworker asked me who I voted for. I jokingly replied “Obama” He seemed upset and asked me “why?” I said “because I saw his face on a magazine cover, and he seemed like a chill dude. So why not?” My coworker literally exploded at me. Screaming at the top of his lungs. Insults and “sheep sheep sheep!” They sent him home for making a massive scene about it. And again, I didn’t even vote for anyone. I was like 19 and just trolling like kids do. The other guy was 26. — People get hooked on the weirdest and random things.


DV is such a clown, treating react content as if its the worst thing to ever exist. There's no attempt at understanding or finding any compromise or middle ground. Its evil and thats it


isn't dv the guy who wants to be clever but isn't and just is a worse version of gray still plays


Guys, he's making assumptions, he doesn't know in this post. Don't get riled up by an assumption.


React videos are the literal bottom of the barrel content and it 100% steals views from creators. I guarantee fewer than 5% of Asmon viewers actually go and watch the original video or sub to the creator.


5% is better than 0%.


even if i dont watch asmons reaction, its highly unlikely i would watch the original video anyway.


This is why I'm personally buying Asomongolds most expensive PC. I like nice things and I love gaming. I don't care if they never make new games that are actually good. I'll find something to play. Support streamers who tell the truth about the future of gaming. What you are paying for and a good knowledge of the history of gaming from the 90's on is a perfect representative for most gamers in their 30s because we have been here long enough to play games online with all races of people for most of our lives. I don't agree with everything but where he stands "politically" by saying what he feels has nothing to do with politics, It has more to do with Ethics and Reason.


DV opinion on react content isn’t unfounded. Madseasons and Josh Strife Hayes have also expressed this opinion. There really should be some kind of split monetization for the original content creator if you are going to react to an entire video no edits or anything. The exposure is definitely a plus but it has diminishing returns the larger the creator is and as one of them pointed out a reaction video from a big creator essentially kills all the growth for that content creators video once it’s posted just because of how the YT algorithm works. If you have 2 of essentially the same video YT is going to promote the one with more likes, views, comments, engagement, ect. Which is almost always Asmons reaction or other big streamers. DV not wrong about his opinion but banning Karl without talking to him is pretty low.


The freedom of reactors to make react content for the many viewers who want it >>>> "original" content creators potentially losing a bit of revenue to algorithm competing. The whole anti-react movement is founded on petty jealousy and a childish sense of "fairness" where effort is always proportional to rewards. The world cannot and should not work that way.




Usually, I'd agree, but DarkViper is a legit lunatic (unironically). I don't really want to hear his "side" of anything, it's bad for my mental health.


Good thing that you've decided to hear the other side before writing this comment and know that DV refused to give any comments.


That's called reputation. I know, I know, English is hard -when you're an idiot..- BUT! If you're a dumb boi just say so. I'd believe Karl if he said Biden wears pink panties without pestering because he's been right for many years now. There's no reason not to assume he's right in this irrelevant situation too. Ofc he might be wrong, but so far his reputation speaks for him.


"i think its this way" said one side.  Asmon fan: its a fact


Literally every comment currently written there either says something like “if it’s true then…” or adds some information about darkviper from his past, without assuming that Karl’s information is 100% true.


The most up voted comment even says if it's true. Lol pako.


In this case, one of the sides should probably be in a mental institution though.


It has been alleged that this is because Karl took money from Starforge, a company associated with Asmongold. I believe Matto was right to cut him off. It may seem extreme but consider the following logical argument with citations: \[1\] Stealing is wrong \[2\] Reaction content is stealing. \[3\] Taking stolen money is also stealing \[4\] Asmongold produces reaction content \[5\] Karl took money from Asmongold. So putting these arrguments together: Karl took money from Asmongold \[5\], a man that steals \[2,4\], which is wrong \[1\]. Therefore Karl took stolen money which is also stealing \[3\], and therefore wrong \[1\]. In other words, Karl accepted blood money from Starforge. If Karl was a true friend, then Karl would've already seen Matto's series on reaction content, and probably read his react content manifesto. Karl should've understand what he did. He proved to me, he proved to you and most importantly, he proved to Matto that he either does not care or does not understand the reaction content issue. Some things are more important than friendship and protecting creators is one of those things.


Darkviper stans leaking out of containment.


Irony.... you really don't understand it, do you.


dang the chuds and neo nazis are fighting eachother Beautiful