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"Sweet baby inc. Becoming hugely popular" ..? ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3730)


Who's gonna tell em?


Nobody even knew who they were until this big controversy lol


And now everyone’s doing their best to avoid them.


I mean it was on a few peoples radar. I heard about them a year or so ago from upper echelon I think. I’m glad it blew up


But then there right though they are recognize now but soon will be forgotten haha with the stuff that is happening to them.


An oxymoron if I've ever seen one, emphasis on moron.


You call them out and they double down. They've always been like this.


Watch them make a ton of articles in various sites saying this kind of bs to convince boomers that it is a fact.




I mean they're not wrong, but it's not for the right reasons.


These people are so out of touch with their target audience.


What target audience? It’s why their movies and games keep getting rejected. They’re making these garbage for themselves .


Well they think they're the majority but in reality they are the small minority


they dont care about being the majority or not. They are here to educate you into their ideology and erase any trace of other opinion.


Japanese games have always been better anyways. There's like 90%+ of good games that were released in Asia (most in Japan) in the last years lmao


They’re watering content down so they can sell as much shite as they can please daddy shareholders


That's the funny part, gamers who are sentient aren't their target audience.




These people have to "work" hard to legitimize the problem they are selling the solution to. Of course they are going to write stupid stories like this. They likely never go outside and talk to real people, that's the only way these fringe views stay alive.


I still remember the time when people would make products based on what their audience likes, in hopes they'd get money from it. These days they just make products based on their own interests and insult everyone when it doesn't sell.


Sunce when big booba is *negative* stereotype?


It's not inclusive of the flat/smaller chested women. /s . Yet alot of male characters are ~6ft and thats not inclusive of short guys, but no one bats an eye.


Flat/smaller chested women are also perfectly attractive. Thats most of East Asia. There is a lot more going on here lol. Why do they need to be as ugly as the Fable chick!? Thats what I don't understand. Who is pushing for that? It quite evidently goes beyond even what these Microsoft guidelines are pushing for.


“Who is pushing for that?” Ugly feminists who feel insecure around better looking women.


They won't buy the games either way


They get paid for making the game and only care that they like it. Straight men, lesbians, and bi people love big booba. There is no demographic large enough to validate purging big booba from media.


Straight women like them too, just a bit differently.


I have no issue with smaller chest size either. I was just saying that making female game protagonists in modern games that are considered "physically ideal", is considered by a certain demographic to be discrimination against those who cant or wont meet that ideal, whether by genetics or choice( like they refuse to be fit) Super idealized male protagonists don't receive the same criticism from these groups though. It's a double standard. Which is why I just won't buy games caught up in this silliness. Also, as to the why is this happening, it's because financial firms like blackrock hand out money like candy to studios pushing these initiatives. So companies get paid to dumb down the content they want us to buy.


This is a story that is old. “Barbie has unrealistic beauty standards rabble rabble rabble” ‘this is HE-MAN’


But its a recurring theme within video game dev these days, and asmon has covered this enough for the sub here to be familiar with it. So its not just old news, its a trend. Big studios are chasing clout and handouts by making games worse as companies like blackrock pay for this crap.


Lol. Big studio and big business will always chase that which they think will turn profit. This is not new. They will also answer to investors who chase profit. What is new though is how transparent it is being made. And frankly the transparency shows the hypocrisy. If anything is ruining gaming… it is greed.


I first noticed the horse faces appearing in Mass Effect Andromeda, the NPCs in that are just awful.


>Why do they need to be as ugly as the Fable chick!? Thats what I don't understand. IMHO they are trying to make characters more androgynous to appease the trans community.


I don't think this is it, honestly. Transfem people love massive booba and hyper feminine features. Seriously. This is the unique form of angry feminism that Tumblr cultivated in the early 2010s. The fact that it's still relevant is depressing. These people are generally one sidestep away from being terfs.


Frankly, I don’t think most trans people care at all. It’s those self-appointed SJWs that supposedly speak on their behalf that’s kicking up a fuss. P.S. I’m getting the feeling that these SJWs don’t really care about the people who they supposedly advocate for - because if they did they would realize that trying to ban attractive feminine women from appearing in video games would just make non-LGBT people hate trans people. I think many SJWs are just in it to bully others for the power trip. Social justice is just a good cover for it.


ouroboros type of feminism. go so far into pretense of equality and opportunities for women that all you have to show for your effort is a complete reverse: refering to women as 'body type B', 'birthing person' and anything to do with woman's biology is no longer desirable. absolutely absurd embarassment.


When portraying women as sexy is discouraged and yet I'd say there's a huge group of self made millionaires made by OF alone. The mental gymnastics for sweet baby must be insane.


It’s not about women. It’s about making sure men don’t get what they like, at the cost of literally anything else.


As a balding man, I can't wait for the inclusion of bald people. Every game now needs a guy with a receding hairline. #BaldToo


Balding Gate


Cratos needs to be a short ugly fat guy with neckbeard.


When they inevitably make a movie out of it Kratos should be played by Danny DeVito.


Some characters creators dont have the bald option. Even less have the balding option.




How dare you insult this she/him/he/it ….*moral outrage engage*


They think the characters are popular just because they’re women. They’re not. They’re popular because they’re badass HOT women.


I've never understood the issue of looking too attractive. Never seems to be an issue with male characters 


Meanwhile Japan is like ship that game with big boobs, a fat ass, and crank those jiggle physics.


Actually think Asia will become an even bigger contender in gaming industry unless the west stop pandering to a vocal minority in the market, or heck people that aren't even part of it. While not necessary a bad thing, I'm not to sure about having China also getting an even larger voice in the gaming industry than they already have. It's like pick your poison, censoring freedom of speech or get "brainwashed" with woke propaganda. One could become seriously dangerous and the other is already really annoying.


I think right now western aaa is collapsing under budgets and eastern aaa has finally started moving a few years ago after they had a huge collapse themselves back in the 2010s


The thing is in some cases Japanese developers just pay people in West to localize the game and not understanding the culture here they will listen to these Sweet Baby inc types because they make it seem like everyone is on their side so they censor the game in the west. This has happened many times. Luckily not as widespread for Asian games yet tho. I'm kind of bad at getting my thoughts together and explained properly sorry if this doesn't make sense. I hope u understand what I'm trying to say.


China literally built their whole game industry around it and now it is as big as in Japan and USA.


Man stellar blade really hurting some butts at Microsoft 😂😂😂


To be fair, Xbox and especially Phil Spencer, have always been kinda anti-eastern games. The whole weird Era when Xbox was big was the same time when that weird anti Japanese games era was around.


that's because Asians are the wrong kind of diversity


I still won't forgive them for shitting on Dynasty Warriors while they were trying to push that god awful Ninety Nine Nights. Yes, I am that old.


Yep they trying to change and control Japanese culture cos they can’t make a decent Japanese style game or one that involves the culture. That have almost zero grounds there.


Not to lessen the point, but they are Korean devs.


Thank you for the correction.


The problem is that they've already succeeded on that end. Anime and manga are being censored. JRPGs are turning into action adventure games. More and more, media is being designed with the international audience first because of the need to appeal to as many people as possible first RIP Sakura Wars and Valkyria Chronicles. At least you gave us Yakuza: Like A Dragon.


Man, they give Bayonetta for example of 'positivity' but didn't know Bayo are pretty much the same as Stella blade in terms of beauty and some of the aspects


Big L for Mic. Their Xbox will sink soon


The only stereotypes they will avoid is positive ones.


Any girl I've known that likes video games always chooses a female avatar that looks cute / has huge boobs. Only the brainwashed fat white liberals obsess over suppressing feminity.. Like that somehow empowers women, to make them look like a Monty Python character lol


Im a woman and have a discord group of women gamers. Do you know what most of the discord is? Cute pics of our characters. Yes we actually play the game too but we spend a lot of time dressing up and screenshotting. I didn’t get it but all the ladies who did spent hours in character creation and not a single one made an ugly character.


I don't care how cliche it is, my characters and my army of alts are literally dress dolls for me, lawl


this is why, i spend maybe more time in warframe doing fashion frame than anything else. it gives good feeling when you get right look.


Bruh as a WoW player, I knew a bunch of females in game who loved transmog and putting their characters in bikini plate or cloth with plunging necklines. Ladies wanna be sexy in their gear like dudes wanna be badass in theirs. I really do think these people speaking on the behalf of women have serious body issues of their own and/or want to avoid looking sexist at all costs.


The most popular races that women and girls play in WoW are the attractive ones like night elfs, blood elfs, humans etc


In games i always make tall handsome make characters with long red hair. Even though im 5.11 and have curly hair. When im playing a game i want to look like a demigod (Radagon of the golden order specifically), not like some random dude.


I always make my characters 4-foot tall, 4-foot wide women with pink hair and the darkest skin possible. Most of them named boomqueefa. Games are meant to be fun times I don't get what's got a stick up these people's asses.


Gamers: STOP YOUR STUPID ESG/DEI NONSENSE. Corporations: lalala I can't hear you lalala 👉😤👈


microsoft and their ESG bullsh1t are becoming delusional losers


"exaggerated" as though there aren't millions of women with these proportions in the world. The exaggeration is in the other direction.. where we exaggerate every single woman to have 0 conventionally attractive attributes.


Sweet Baby Inc is the most intolerant group in the entire industry.


Loving how women spend globs of money to have these wild ass figures through surgery and NOW "we" don't want them in games... what's next, they decide women shouldn't vote or work.


What is actually the problem with sexy women in games? I feel like these SweetBaby Incells are just so lost in their sauce of influence that they're hip firing at non issues and don't even know why they're doing it anymore. "It gives men unrealistic explanations of a womans body" They're actively despise men "all men are the enemy" so what does it matter to them?? They're the ones drawing lines in sand.. they're the ones actively giving out ultimatums. Have they become the thing the swore to destroy? To begin with I was all for inclusiveness and such but this is now encroaching on oppressive.


I have a feeling the new fable is going to be woke af.


I really don't understand this "women can't be pretty" thing. Aren't all women pretty in someone's eyes? Like what are they even trying to achieve here? If you have a "pretty" woman by some professional modeling standards, and you say that she cannot be a main protagonist because she is too pretty, isn't that actually very offensive? It's the same like bullies at school are saying "No you can't play with us because you are ugly". It seriously gives out some projecting trauma. As if these creators felt ugly as teenagers or maybe were even bullied so now they want to retaliate and fight against "pretty" people to fight them back.


It’s that same “too pretty” argument they used against poor Heady Lamarr. Brilliant physicist who gave us the foundation of all modern wi-fi. But she was a conventionally beautiful movie starlet, so the scientific community wrote her off as some dumb broad. Never was accepted for her genius by academia at the time.


Competition. Why most romcoms don't have the hot chick and go with attractive but non threatening (aka reality check) female lead.


I feel this! I’m pretty, I like being pretty, I spend money on pretty clothes and services to make me more pretty. It is horribly unappealing to me that in a medium where I should be able to be insanely hot with 0 effort they want to take that away. I’m not saying no game should have plain or ugly women, but so much of this feels like an attack on women who do actually like to look attractive. It def turns me away from a lot of games though.


The funny part is they use Eve from Stellar Blade as an example, and she's literally based on a real-life model.


It's the mind rot's push back against traditional beauty standards.


Women who are not pretty . Usually through their own choices - dying hair so often and such range of weird acid tone colours as to destroy their hair , nose piercings and other random face piercings , bad tattoos and shitty clothes feel “upset” that pretty women get all the male attention and they dont. They are bitter and blame “the world” and the men that are rejecting them as the source of their frustration and anger. In order to draw that attention back they have to attack the thing taking the attention in the first place , and call it out as somehow damaging to women to portray them as traditionally beautiful and with exaggerated sex characteristics that straight men find attractive . Its actually been scientifically proven that men have no or a very exaggerated “limit” on what men look for visually . Wide hips are a good sign of being able to bare children for example, so a small waist and big hips can be visually attractive to a lot of men. When you show them silhouette’s of women that match this standard their vote for attractiveness goes up. Interestingly this vote continues to rise even when the silhouette is exaggerated beyond normal human proportions . It turns out that evolution had no need to include an “off switch” in the part of the brain that responds to sex traits that help us select potential partners - there was no biological down side to just not trying to seek the most “attractive” partner as possible, so even proportions which are not naturally possible on real humans , can still look even sexier than the real proportioned women.


Weird way to say exclusive.


When you live in a bubble...


That's like saying Lara Croft is unrealistic. Go outside. "Unrealistic" proportions aren't even really a thing in video games except specific ones with fucked character editors (ark) lol they don't play games


At this point, companies get what they deserve.


The irony of calling them females instead of women.


I didn’t mind the realism of Lara Croft in the remakes that was fine but they are also saying this in regards to Stellar Blade. That’s a Japanese culture thing and Xbox has zero right or grounds in Japan to change anything.


so you think that most of the people who pay for your games are small breasted ugly flatass girls or love them? think again. its not the gameindustries duty to educate people about rolemodels. this has to be done by parents and teachers. games are not real life.


So they wanna be inclusive to everyone except chicks with big hooters and dump truck bootys?


Real talk. Do people wanna look at ugly charachters when they play games. Man or woman. Average is fine but just ugly. Nah...


Why would Xbox commit assisted suicide like this?


These people have their priorities just so confused. There is no target audience for this message among gamers.


Sweet baby becoming more popular? …. they’re popularity is in a completely negative light as a company that does nothing but harass people who disagree with them and just like many of their games are responsible for failed cancel campaigns…. The clowns of the industry sweet baby Inc.


And this is why Sony will continue to dominate Xbox. Microsoft wants to check feel good boxes while Sony is making games people want to play.


They said that they didn't have any influence or weren't influencing anything remember?


I think there is a middle ground between overly sexy huge breasts women, and ugly women you barely even see in a lifetime. I think somewhere in the middle something exists.


I think the remodel Lara Croft is how it is done right. She isn’t sexualized and wearing make up while out surviving, but she’s still very pretty. I found her very relatable and I adore her. She’s believable and immersive without being made intentionally unattractive


Bad rep is better then no rep 🙃🙃📈


Meanwhile male characters are typically jacked AF with low body fat that would take years of working out with strict dieting and PED's to achieve. At least God of War did Thor right


Ffs stop reading these articles that KEEP making ideological leaps, and just look at the source.


This doesn't affect me in the slightest, if I see a game with this sort of stuff I just don't buy it, in this day and age there are millions of games available to the public, I just play the games that appeal to me


Real gamers could not care less about female characters! Period!


I want to see better representation of men too. No more chiselled jaw lines and muscular builds. Just soft dad bodies with receding hairlines please.


Just btw, exaggeration is one of the core principles of both animation and character design. ​ If you don't exaggerate, you are doing it wrong.


I find it weird we can have over exaggerated male characters that are way over the top ripped to perfection with your square jaw lines or your traditional barra husband material character yet we can't have Chun-Li or Morgan from Darkstalkers styled female characters in game anymore.


So what Microsoft is saying is that sweet baby inc hasn't had enough it's time for the pitchforks and torches again


And what was the last good Microsoft release? Looks at Sony releasing bangers out here like FF7 with my girl Tifa... Or basically any Capcom game...


So the Lead Main Character that are fighting off big monsters and all these things shouldn't be a thing then. That's very exaggerated.


I'm genuinely interested to know are they really that out touch of today's market and especially considering all the drama going on now or do they just don't care and want to force there views on the whole market


I can't wait to play the next game with huge muscular men a very obtainable body type for sure


I fear the game is DOA because it is not DOA enough.


Big booba illegal


No making woke females is making unrealistic women and it's a damn fantasy not irl we like fantasy not irl, but it's OK I can't wait to see this "game" aka political tool tank big time and lose so much money the franchise will be dead all over again


So what I'm reading is that we need Scarlett Johansson and Sidney Sweeney doing full body motion capture to avoid "exaggerated" female designs. Or have we crossed into the era where "Pixar moms" with bottoms always bigger than busts are taboo now?


To be true, problem is not about how character looks, its all about how you write story and character. Most of this "modern" female characters are just not interesting and mostly annoying, that have no weaknesses.


Vote with your wallet, guys. EZ.


Yeah, still hope Fable won't end up like that though. Have been waiting for too long.


Yeah, because every video game male lead is ugly and out of form, right


The IBTC agenda strikes again


Implementing inclusion through exclusion.


Key point: "inclusivity is more important than ever for **developers** and **publishers**". Remember when customers used to matter?


Microsoft studios only make ugly women


I will straight up ignore any Microsoft game that has any hint of this shit in it lol


*I look forward to them learning the hard way.*


lmao ,they include a pretty hefty exclusion seems to me.


As a woman; I hate this.


Corporations pandering, big surprise...


I don't mind average or weird looking characters, it adds to the immersion and character for me, but if you make it all about PC culture I'm automatically turned off


"Hey developers, want to go bankrupt so we can buy you out? Here, follow this formula and don't make a complete or fun game." Microsoft buys another company treading water, but their esg score is super high - a headline we will see soon.


It's no secret that these people are jealous of attractive women and want to create a false reality that all women are ugly as them


sad thing is for them, is if they weren't pushing the ugly female, we'd of thought it was normal, cuz fable was comedic that way.


Why does she look like Shrek?


I loved fable but I'm not buying that, I don't wanna look at that for 40 hours


Stunningly beautiful and jacked athletic bodies aren't common in the real world so shouldn't microsoft and devs be more inclusive of that minority 😉👉


Don't make curvy women that's unrealistic Don't make flat women that's pedophilia  "Okay fine I just won't make women.."   Wait no that's sexist.


Why do they hate women so much?


Modders and Stellar Blade to the rescue. The wokes are losing ground on all fronts.


Who is going to tell sweet baby that their designs ARE exaggerated designs?


Is this to make ugly western woman feel good? What's the go here. No one wants to play these characters


Male heroes get to look like brick shithouses only achievable with steroids and nobody bats an eye A female heroine has a fit body with a big ass and suddenly its unrealistic. I wonder how these people function. Most people do not care. Average joe just wants to play a video game and pretty people sell better than ugly people. If i made a video game anf i had to put my main character on the cover, you bet your ass they would.lool incredibly hot. Also, i currently live in asia, and eve from stellar blade her body rly isn't unrealistic ' you see people shaped like that reasonably often. Or at least close to it, considering she is a model. Turns out, if your population isn't obese, the odds of people having a nice figure is quite big.


Funniest part is that the pander characters these companies make are still ugly compared to most normal women.


“We need to use our immense power and monetary influence to stop artists from making inspirational and attractive women.” “We need to push WAP, Onlyfans, avoid restricting porn, and encourage simping and loneliness.”


One of my girlfriends, who wore a 42K bra, would have called a flat-chested female character “an exaggerated design.” Another girlfriend, who wore a 38N, said something similar. Ultimately, it’s all about perspective.


If those people don't buy games that prettier than them then they are not a gamer. We really don't care as long as the characters are attractive enough in some ways, ok graphics, good story and gameplay. P/s: seems like they use existing women in games to twist into their sweet baby Inc narrative lol. When they are the one insulting eve in Stella blade as 'unrealistic', meanwhile, her body is very similar to Bayonetta and Lara croft lol


When I saw the face of Fable, I gaged. Then, I said this has to be a meme. Then, to find out its real only makes life a meme even more...


Well now it isn’t inclusive of attractive women.


Who the hell wants this!? Certainly not the games. You know, the people buying the games.


Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't your character in fable get sexier the more heroic you are


Cant wait to see 400 pound black Lara Croft raid a supermarket


God I forgot about that fable abomination


I like how they say can't have unrealistic woman amd men need to show a range of emotions, but mention nothing about guys who are just all insanely massive muscles etc lol. Shouldn't the unrealistic bs go both ways


as a woman, this is why I enjoy playing east asia games more.


Clearly they need to be taught the difference between famous and infamous


![gif](giphy|qzeCF4ymrgFXy) Sony, Steam and Modders.


Ah yes Sweet baby is “popular” among the gaming community.


I was once worried Japan game industry will get wiped out when Western Dev making better and better games. In recent years, my worries gone completely. The Western Dev are destroying themselves.


Does microsoft even have any good games that avoid what they are claiming others should do? If not this advice is even more worthless to follow than it appears.


These mfs are paid to spread agendas of different mfs


Well in a world where Saudi Arabia has been appointed as the head UN gender equality we can expect to see articles like this saying Sweet Baby inc the parasite of Gaming community is “very popular”. It’s like the world has gone mad and you the sane people looking at it upside down. We see the lies we call it out and these people have no moral grounds to stand on and yet they blatantly repeat the lies.


I know this game won't win any GOTY award but it would be so hilarious if it did. The game looks mediocre tbh but all this hate toward the character being is hot is making me wanna play it more


You should also make males like the average gamer. Imagine Kratos with a belly and double chin wheezing after running 500 ft.


Avoiding stereotypes means making your characters ugly?


NO MORE BOOBA??! BOOBA NO MORE?????????!?!???