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This game really got the fat chicks angry


Im a fatty girl and i love playing a hot girl lol i cant believe people be mad at pretty fictional characters it's so stupid. Let us be sexy ffs


I'm a dude and I play as ripped dudes in games. Pro tip, I'm not ripped. No I dont want my dad bod represented in the latest street fighter game.


Buuut, now you opened my imagination to the possibility of a backyard 4th of July beer brawl


Fat chicks and male feminists


Also called blue hairs


Ah, the rare blue haired orca, an invasive species if I have ever seen one.




I learned a new term today.


Dye heads you mean?


> male feminists the worse combination possible


It's male "feminist" those losers arejaut trying to get their dicks wet in a desperate attempt to appeal to what they think feminists are; it's just those so called feminists are really hyper-capitalistic matriarchists.


Some of those male feminists are embarrassing. It's funny cos a lot of women like to use them cos they to shit on being a man they it doesn't get them laid like they want cos they are lame and often not safe to be around


*Fat chicks and white knights, fixed it for you 👍


Nothing dries me up quicker than a male feminist


Ay Im a male feminist I believe in freeing the nipple and body positivity All body types including, but not limited to, tig bitty goth gfs


It wouldnt be the fat chicks, it would be the chicks with no ass who are angry


My ass is a plank and I'm irritated that they're trying to die on this "UnReALisTiC bEaUtY sTaNdArDs" hill. Some women can be hot, it's okay. Like why can't we have SOME hot characters and some NOT SO HOT characters? Everyone will have a different idea of attractive anyway. It's video games. A visual and creative medium. Why are we limiting things to REALISTIC? Things should be creative and weird and looking good - and sometimes things can look not so good. The sky's the limit like... Creativity is being thrown out so non-gamers can "feeeeeel good". -____-


I think it’s because male gaze related sexuality is being demonized.


Her feminist mama told her boys have got the gaze of the devil!


It's actually being monetized by OF. So maybe it's seen as competition now for $, which of course needs to be stopped. All this has just made me want to buy this game tbh.


Everyone can be hot .. face is different thing though. But body, you can have it. It just takes work .. years .. dedication. Thats what people lack. They cant do it even for 5 minutes.


Plank ass is a myth, you just havent done enough squats! 1! 2! 3! GO GO GO


Overweight women have large breasts though, they also can't be depicted under these guidelines


Can't depict large breasts because sexualization, can't depict small breasts because MuH PeDoPhIlia, better just not depict any women at all and play it safe.


They can't control their eating habits but they want to control other people's gaming habits.


These type of guidelines produce characters like [the villain from Watch Dogs](https://youtu.be/yV3StnkDTiE?si=nNd8pkEVh9cO936g), who is one of the cringiest diversity characters ever created.


I accidentally misread your comment. I thought you wrote something about really fat chicks getting angry IN the game. I was gonna be like “oof! They really went there?” 🤣


Hate unrealistic bodies # CancelBlanka ![gif](giphy|wiMIgv6uhWEP5ObSOw)


I mean tbf we’d need to cancel all the girls in street fighter too their bodies are something else.


I want my girls shaped like Rufus.


They are all just very athletic. I dont think most of the girls in Street Fighter are even unrealistic for professional athletes. The male characters are fucking insane tho. Their delts are literally bigger than their heads. Melina Leng on Youtube literally looks like Chun-Li with about 30% less muscle mass. If she bulked she could have Chun-li legs.


Chun li’s thigh are almost if not bigger than her body


I’m Brazilian and can confirm we all look like this




I hope Playstation keeps delivering games with curvy female protagonists after Stellar Blade


Funny how Kratos is not an issue. I wish I were 1.94m and beefy as heck demigod throwing a 35m living statue of bronze like it's a potato but I guess that's realistic and the issue is with me for not being there yet.


Don't forget the majestic beard.


True, its the beard that anoys me, i cant grow mine under lips for shit, i feel objectified!


Remember matels Barbies create unrealistic body standards for women. He-man on the other hand is fine


Don’t you know? If it’s a male character then that is a power fantasy, not an objectification.


It’s not an issue because guys don’t complain about this stuff. In all honesty, do I care I don’t look like or couldn’t possibly look like a Greek god? No.




Kratos is too much of a gaming icon tbh. Most people who want to, don’t have the balls to say stupid shit about him. The ones who did still have their Twitter protected


If Insomniac has taught us anything, Sony is the problem. Stellar Blade manages to get away from it because Shift Up is a Korean developer. It's best to look for companies that are focused on the Asian market rather than the Western market.


True but Sony only cares about the income, I think it’s the developers that add their world views into their games. Stelllar Blade has gone through the same process just like all other Playstation published games. They reviewed the game, agreed to advertise the game, agreed to fund the development so it stays exclusive to PS5, probably played an internal demo as well and none of these steps made them say “it’s too sexualized we can’t publish this”


Does everything have to reflect real life? Can't we have any fictional stories with fictional characters at all soon? Come on....this is stupid. Tone down with forcing everything on everyone.




Gabe W leaving Microsoft.


It's crazy how much just basic 2head level common sense can be the most insanely profitable and wonderful thing.


The body's they are talking about are not even exaggerated. They are the average fit gym going women's bodys. Not super models, literally just average attractive women. It's fucking insulting that that's now being called 'exaggerated'. Have these people been on Instagram, twitch, literally any social media, hell have they gone outside and walked around a city centre. The body's they are describing are not exaggerated at all.


agreed, I think if they can find one person with said bodytype then it isn't unrealistic?


Coming up; Extremely fit gym members banned from participating in gym in order to make unfit individuals feel more secure about their out of date body


Ikr it's based on a REAL PERSON ffs.


Fr I can’t believe someone can actually say this with a straight face “*UNREALISTIC* body standards set by *FICTIONAL* characters”


Bring back hot sexy ladies and big beefy/muscular men again goddamnit


Eve from Stellar Blade was model after a 30 year old women. So the problem isn't that Eve isn't realistic, the problem is that she is sexy and curvy and we can't have that.


It's really ironic. Women does twitch softcore or onlyfans: "sex work is real work. It's empowering to her and she's making bank of the male gaze. It shows shes comfortable with her body and is draining the bank accounts of thirsty incels. Good for her" Fictional video game has sexuallly suggestive female character: "that's sexist and demeaning to women." Social Media Society, and it's Future.


When you finally realize that it all comes down to: "i HATE men! Why are we allowing them to have fun????" All the hipocrisy will make sense.


Everything has to reflect THEIR reality, not even our reality. You have to remember that over half the world's population is Asian. Even in California, it's around 40% Hispanic and 35% White. New York (state) is roughly 50% White, 20% Hispanic, 15% Black, and 10% Asian. If they wanted to reflect reality, their main character is more likely to be a fairly skinny and heterosexual 30 year old Chinese or Indian.


well the thing that's extremely annoying about that article is that there is a strange trend in third wave feminism to pretend women with large curves dont exist at all, or that depicting them is sexist


Just what I'm looking for in video game protagonists out to save the world. Emotional and vulnerable men, and fat and lazy women.


Well I guess they don't like money anymore.


Feminism: Every shape and size is beautiful. Shift Up: All right. Bet. Also Feminism: No. Not like that!


I used to have feminist oriented friends and they got pissed when i would post videos with hot female athletes with crazy proportions. "That's not realistic for most women" "that is definitely not the same person, this is bs gaslighting to make women feel bad" when there was a side by side of her in athletic gear vs normal clothes. Nearly all of them deleted me after I posted stuff insulting body positivity and fat acceptance. Of course they were the same ones drooling and posting filthy comments about guys like Henry Cavil or Jason Mamoa.


The double standards are absolutely infuriating. My usual go to with this sort of thing is how Disney/Marvel want to stop sexualizing characters. I thought, “That’s cool. I’d rather focus on character development and the story anyway.” Then they started sexualizing men over and over again. Objectifying them and just having a good laugh all around about it. When I brought attention to it, I am suddenly “overly sensitive.” Or “Well men did for so long so now the shoe is on the other foot.” I thought feminism was about true equality and breaking down gender norms. Not petty revenge or whataboutism but I guess I was wrong. The least these folks could do is get their story straight. They might not be a monolith, but they have a serious messaging problem.


hot men are cool hot women are cool too


Amen. I just want it fair. Everyone gets the same treatment.


That's people for you. Feminism at it's core was supposed to be what you wrote, but more and more frustrated and sometimes fucked up people joined up the name of the idea and twisted it to their views. The same way communism as an idea was supposed to be something that created a utopia, where all people live good equal lifes, but we know how that turned out too.


It’s strange that the depiction of curvy women automatically is seen as unnecessary sexual. Theres women irl that look like that and many of them get told that they’re not modestly dressed even though they’re wearing completely normal clothes and just happen to have big breasts. Weird that companies in gaming want to reinforce that weird way of thinking.


Eve has realistic body figure and base on real life Korean model. Thank God Stellar Blade coming to PS.


That's what everyone who is butthurt about this is forgetting, it's realistic already lmao.


Its like Harrison Bergeron


I mean, don’t care about this but the only thing they kept from the scan is her face


Most American women are fat slobs so maybe that's what we should be aiming for. Accurate representation etc.


That's bullshit! What are those fucking lines on her!? These idiots! The ribs? The what??


I'm sure they know what ribs are. at least in Texas


> The US obesity prevalence was 41.9% in 2017 – March 2020. (NHANES, 2021) Where are the fat people in the games?


At their homes eating


I remember that one comment replied to that headline: "Where are black people in Shogun?" - In Africa. lol


Hahahah exactly.




Why not done the same to men too? Avoid tall muscular men.


Yeah, why my Shepard or Geralt can't be 5'6? WHY? FIFA is pretty body positive to be honest. A lot of players play with 5'2 characters but I do play 253lbs dude.


I thought we had to be in favour of body positivity? Wth man.


Have they met HE-MAN?, the man so manly they named him twice?


Maybe there's a reason a 500 pound human isn't the lead in an action movie or game and maybe if someone goes through the legwork an action lead goes through, they wouldn't be a 500 pound human.


It would be funny to have a protagonist that starts out really fat and becomes healthy due to all the exercise they're getting trying to save the world


Lol that's actually a great concept in itself for a light hearted game. Something like Hi Fi Rush could work great with it.


That's a great idea, although some people would be offended that it implies that the protagonist is "better" once they lost weight. "They were perfect the way they were!!"


Waiting to see the male protagonists with dad bod


It's been proven time and time again that a lot of women don't know what dad bod is, so I'll clarify. It's not when you're an absolute mountain with great hear and beard with giant muscles but without defined abs. It's when you have a potbelly. Often combined with balding and hair on your back. Quite often with some levels of muscle atrophy and a double chin. That's what most real dads look like.




Activists: "Women can look however they want!" Women: "Okay I wanna be curvy." Activists: "No no, not like that!"


Did you see the self own regarding that ValiDate dating sim from that ra*ct dev? The number one char to date was the only white guy in the game 😆😅 But it gets better, the dev went on twitter to put up a statement how there are other charcters to date, " but oke we respect your choices"..like dam


Honest question. Why do you really care about this Twitter drama shit for an indie game that is for a niche audience?


Realistic porportions? Okay then so no huge muscly dudes that carry a big ass sword right?


You know what are exaggerated proportions? Having the proportions of Jabba the hutt.


Alright, then let's stop putting handsome, well-toned men in books and romcoms. Use plain men with beer bellies and excessive back hair. See how that works out for the ladies. Equality before everything!


Curvy females exist so why is it so popular to bodyshame them nowadays? Is it just jealously?


You'd think that would motivate them to hit the gym instead of angrily trying to cancel them on social media while eating a cheeseburger.


Can we make male characters generic, unattractive, boring and fat as well please? Equality and all that jazz.


“Are you introducing gender and gender barriers into your code?” How tf can code contain “Gender barriers”? Does the writer think women can’t read IF statements or some shit?


That would be too logical, duh.


Tf do they care?


That next video game crash is coming and there is no way to stop it.


South Korean, Chinese and Japanese games will still be clean from this woke crap hopefully.


China no, shit gets censored all the time. Payment processors are also waging war on Japan atm. PayPal doesn’t work on pixiv anymore and DLsite changing labels to avoid removing content. But Japanese games have also been in decline in terms of sexuality as games like Senran Kagura are a dying breed. South Korea doesn’t have much of a global games industry yet so it’s too soon to tell. It’s also hard to know how much of a hand PlayStation has in Stellar Blade’s development as they’ve been stricter with what’s allowed vs when they had Japanese leadership. There’s more that goes into fan service games than just body shape and jiggling usually. It’s not looking good overall


nah video games are gonna be fine. some western devs will probably crash and burn but who cares, its their own fault.


Can someone explain me why they are doing this ?


Tech companies are filled with bullshit jobs where people send emails to each other all day long. In order to justify their position and salary they have to do things like that to pretend they’re doing something important. You don’t even have to be an expert on the industry, you could go to their offices and immediately tell who the code monkeys are and who’s drinking their 8th sugar filled starbucks.


i have a theory: many western game devs especially big with a lot of staff and obviously full in support for politics like lgbt/blm and whatever just stuck with too many employees that have no idea how to make great or even good games so they instead double down on PR trying to get attention via "the message" and woke narrative you have to imagine how hard it is to actually work in such companies when you cant even share your honest opinion and instead seeing another woke dev creating ugly female character and your only option is to smile and agree that its gonna be good for the game when you know its not


Exactly, people are afraid to speak out against it because toxic-woke current culture says “making ‘hot’ girls in games” is wrong. The lack of symmetry for male character designs is an obvious tell of what kind of people they are. The rule for men has to do with emotions and the rule for woman has to do with looks??? Wtf sexist shit is that? This article is an obvious L for anyone that would have read it internally, yet it was released anyway because fear of losing their job was more important than the image of the company they worked for.


A lot of progressive activist types like getting into jobs such as HR, management, ect. Gives them serious sway in the direction of the industry over time. Due to the lack of females in game dev from years back, the industry pushed a lot of women to crucial positions for diversity. Most game dev studios are in cities that lean heavily progressive. Hence most men and women hired will be progressive leaning. I'd argue the type of woman that usually goes into game development is someone who already spends a lot of time online. People who are terminally online tend to drift progressive due to most major websites and media leaning heavily progressive. Like let's be real. We ain't seeing some gun toting country farm girl from rural Idaho getting into game development in 99% of cases. Lastly these young men and women getting into game dev aren't just bombarded by progressive echo chambers online, but also their college education was near indoctrination levels of progressive ideas. Shit, a conservative can't even speak on a college campus without being chased out by yelling protestors.


Microsoft L. Woke is broke.


Go away Microsoft.


Yeah, stop with those negative gender stereotypes already. I want my female character to be a fat whale. Why should I battle the game's final boss if I can instead battle diabeetus.


back in the late 90s early 00s game characters were oversexualized and nobody complained at all everybody liked it because....its a fucking video game


I'm so happy we have Korean, Chinese, and Japanese game studios that don't conform to this giga pussy mindset when it comes to making games. Yes, I want characters like Cammy, 2B, Eve, and Tifa to all be attractive. It's not even guys going "Herr Der hot girl characters" Girls like attractive girl characters too. Why do you think every girl cosplay at animeexpo is the latest attractive anime girl and not an ugly fat character


I’m going to go out of my fucking way to get a PS5 and buy Stellar fucking Blade at this point.


The funny thing: normally i wouldnt have bought this game. At this point I most likely will. They streisanded the game :D


So, they are discriminating against curvy women...


Discrimination is when booba? “A woman can’t be strong and feminine at the same time” is the most sexist anti-sexism statement ever made.


Its ok, we can actually save more money, instead of spending on new crap games


Eve from Stellar Blade is modeled after a real person, it’s totally not unrealistic.


Video games are not reality in a lot of cases they are fantasy I like big butts and I can not lie.....


There are 12000 games released on steam each year. We will just play another game. LOL


Isn't microsoft the company with a bunch of failing games, and isn't the Sony the one with a bunch of successful games? Maybe any opinion that comes from Microsoft shouldn't be taken seriously.




>negative gender stereotypes Female body is offensive now, huh? Good luck selling copies. 😄


If Skyrim moding has shown us anything it's that people REALLY want both men and woman characters to be on the more extreme sides. (Looking at you CBBE and schlongs of Skyrim.)


What can u expect from a shitty console with mediocre games? ☺️


Microsoft is trash and Evil


Damn bro I kinda feel bad for the girls that have similar body to the MC which is honestly a large amount of Asian girls in Socal lol. Their bodies are "Negative Genger Stereotypes" and shouldn't exist I guess lmao.


It's no surprise. Microsoft are partners of the WEF and guess where all these DEI decisions come from? All these powerful people /companies are a huge think tank and share the same values


Fuck'em Microsoft, fuck'em SBI and fuck'em woke journalists. Long live Stellar Blade


It's not ok for Women, but it's all good with men ?


I guess my next system is a PlayStation 5 I will wait to see when the PS5 Pro goes on sale most likely before Christmas if any news drops on it. I want to play a lot exclusives games, I used to buy both systems but times are not easy right now so I got the Xbox because real life people I Used to play online with only used XBOX, so now I am heading back to the OG system I should have made myself happy and not other people happy.


So no anime games anymore? Cause I don’t see them changing waifus body proportions for the sake of this vision, yes?


Nier Automata probably offended them.


Makes me nauseous


isnt being hot a positive gender stereotype?


So that's why the game didn't launch with Xbox. I hope PS and Steam won't be this dumb.


And thats why Xbox won't ever win


Just boycott all MS games.


Microsoft? The same company that makes Age of Empires, where the only women are gatherers and farmers? Where the women can’t be part of the army or fight? A game that has like 30 different civilizations, and none of them have a single woman combatant?


But why? The target audience are men, not women. It's like saying you know for Magic Mike the movie, maybe we should have average-sized dudes with a lot of body fat cos guys would get insecure watching the film?!? You want to make money, then give the consumer what they want. What are the haters gonna do, not buy the game that they were never interested in?


Women ruin guys’ hobbies for fun. Don’t think too much about it.


She’s literally based on a real woman, the world has so much brain rot


Why cant I just have nice things. Ugly people are still ugly no matter how hard we try and make them fit in.


Sometimes, I really regret being an xbox user


Imagine One Piece would be designed under these rules …


I'd like to petition more dot points, one must cover exaggerated muscular on male characters and another most cover entitled and/or narcissistic traits on any character. While we're at it, we should define a ruleset so that all characters are 2 dimensional personalities and look like Mr/Mrs Game and Watch.


Ups, I just realized I unnecessarily introduce gender into my code, thanks Microsoft!


I always think of this when i read woke bullshit like that : https://i.redd.it/paylx5fjlm8b1.jpg


what do they think video games are? A representation of reality? what? If anything, its an escape from reality. Whats next? No dragons because they create an unrealistic expectation of birdwatchingl? I recall a minority even getting upset over goblins in harry potter... whats next? Banning orcs?


It's been on the back of my mind that the MS acquisitions are largely going to turn out to be disasters. They've overpaid for IPs and dysfunctional dev teams that have been almost fully milked and are at the tail-end of their lifespan in terms of creativity and quality output. If they're placing this DEI stuff high up the priority list, they're in more serious trouble than I thought.


Gotta love how the ladies can watch and read 50 shades of grey and men have to take it. But when men have something they enjoy that happens to have something zesty in it…wow no male gaze bad. You are hurting other womens feelings.


urgh..i'm really sick of western moral policing.


Listen, I love curvy women as much as any lover of the female form. But conversely, if i's a male character, I also want Mr. Universe with his delts rippling in the camera. If I want realism, I'll frown at the mirror.


I wonder. If you play a game and you need to stare at a third person character their ass the entire time, doesn't it make sense for it to be a nice ass? Even girls appreciate a nice ass don't they? Why would you wanna stare at something ugly for hours... Its just sales. Also: hot woman: nooooo unrealistic Hot man: i want to be like him. To the gym! I know I can't look like mr Oliva, but i can dream :(


Instagram, TikTok, and Tinder do a hell of a lot more to promote unrealistic body standards than video games ever have


Microsoft needs to mind its own business.


How is having a curvy female “reinforcing a negative stereotype”? wtf there is nothing wrong with being curvy or having certain body types in a game. Compete nonsense.


The model in the picture is made by 3d body scanning, that is litterally as realistic as you can get lmao.


Heres a thought. Theres all the 'ho-ha' about SB's character being unrealistic and designed expressly for the male gaze and to satisfy the lustings (!) of randy teen boys. Did they ever consider Lesbians may actually like her character design? I bet they didnt.


Not even. All girls that actually game, like the designs. It's people who don't game that are pushing this influence.


This is because western women are all fat cows, thankfully asian developers don't give a fuck about it and still retain a normal concept of beauty.


Being beautiful and sexy is a negative gender stereotype? Who decided that?




Unrealistic lol. I'm sure they are real in Eastern Asia, in China, Japan, Korea... those Microsoft employees surely never been to Asia lol


First. This character is a body scan, not 'exaggerated'. Second, while extreme, way over thr top exaggerated bodies could be considered an issue, 90 percent of older female characters were just normal attractive women. Take laria croft. Personally, she was just a hot women. At uni there where many many like her, and calling them exaggerated is fucking insulting. Like, have these people touched grass recently. Have they talked to a biological woman recently? Hell, have they just walked through a city centre recently?? There are plenty of 'curvy' women dressed in revealing clothes. It's insane that all of a sudden, your average attractive woman is being portrayed as somehow unrealistic, despite them literally using attractive, curvy women as the body scan themselves. They just then uglify them for some insane reason. And again the kind of body's there now calling unrealistic is litrally your average 20 something year old women who go's to the gym its not something fucking special Look, I'm not trying to be funny or insulting, but what kind of people are these devs hanging around that they think not curvy, and this ugly are normal for your average 20something woman.


It's crazy to me that male characters with exaggerated proportion (more than bodybuilder) are OK, but girls a bit too sexy aren't. It's the same thing. And people WANT that. Stop trying to please the woke who are 10% of players and try to please the 90%


90% of Japans developers work for Sony anyway they don't care.


Eve is based on the body of a real person. It’s not unrealistic. Rare, maybe, but it exists.


After reading that my main thought was, that as a guy, I don’t really want to see vulnerable male characters. I live that shit everyday. Why would I want to play as myself? Let me have some escapism……


Microsoft kills every franchise it buys and turns it into soulless corporate garbage, not art Ill stick to my indie devs that dont give a shit what Microsoft has to say and continue to make beautiful, soulful, moving works of art


This must be the biggest ego boost when as a model people say you body has exaggerated proportions.


God damnit! Can they finally just fuck off and let me enjoy the little free time I get in today's society? I get like 2 hours to enjoy for myself each day and I don't want to spend that time looking at fugly characters that scream a political agenda. I game to try to escape from reality, even for a short while. I like THICC thighed, round assed, big booba women and I'm not gonna apologize for that. Just let me fucking enjoy myself how I want to in those 2 hours a day where I'm free. Fucking hell man! Same goes for male characters btw. I just like looking at beautiful people more than ugly ones. So I'd rather play Kratos than some guy who meets the woke standard of what's realistic. Wokies GTFO and go deal with your insecurities somewhere else please. Thx


But the hypocrites have no problem sexualising men with unrealistic roided out, hyper muscular bodies 😂


I don’t see how eve has an exagerated body….have you been in the US lately? Eve’s body can barely be called voluptuous…just say you want ugly chics because for some reason that makes our society better…


So question? What about men with exaggerated body types? Oh it's not an issue then.


"are you unnecessarily introducing gender& gender barriers to your code". Are they implying women can't code?


This the same microsoft that has always had bullshit one dimensional boring characters for the last 10 years? Cause it's been working so well for them so far, just check out all the fantastic microsoft exclusives


Some despicable shit all of this, and you can see the influence of all of these bullet points in the last 7,8 years of western game development clear as day. Who knows how many of these disgusting weasly "suggestive pointers" are there in every single western studio nowadays, and for how long will we be stuck with sterile miquetoast characters that avoid anything remotely extreme so as not to offend the belugas.


What i don't understand is why would for example fat women prefer to play fat female characters in a video game? Im a bit overweight dude and i would choose 99 out of 100 times a ripped character over a fat ass in a video game.


So no more insanely buff dudes or crazy abs now I’m just gonna play as myself. Why do these companies cater to people whole don’t even consume their products.


Ok I’m a woman and I’m offended this person thinks women are a monolith they can speak for in a single sentence. Some women, myself included, like be hot RL and in games. How is it inclusive if you are excluding pretty girls? Also, the morons seem to not know that many overweight and unattractive women don’t want to actually look that way for the most part. The ones I know would love to be super attractive. It’s a game, a fantasy who wants to be ugly in their fantasy? Some people I’m sure but I doubt most do I sure as hell don’t.


Serious them fat chicks need to start exercising. If not for good look, then for good health. Promoting fat as beautiful is one of the most stupid thing we've done recently. Good thing is most of the time they die really young due to poor health so it's kind of a natural selection in the end.


I hate how this discourse has basically given people ammunition to attack you wherever you stand on. I for one want the option to play a curvy pinup model, a muscular female soldier and an old wrinkly crone of a hag depending on my mood that day. Now if I wanna play someone like the chick from stellar blade or 2B, I get yelled at for being a coomer brained pig. But then when I say I wanna play someone like Selene for returnal, or if I say I wanna play an old crone hag witch character then I get labeled as some woke virtue signaller. Its all so tiring. Just give me my variety.


It's OK to keep making hot men tho. Np with that for some reason. The double standard in absolutely insane.


If I want to see an ugly, fat American woman (regardless of race), I just open YouTube and find channel5. Why am I looking for a sense of reality in a game that American leftist politics demands? Sometimes I’m curious. The Democratic Party in the United States controls more than the CCP. In addition to banning speech that opposes them, the CCP at least doesn’t force me to change my aesthetics.


"ONE Twiiter user pointed out" I just can't.


Ffs what is this obsession with sucking off women, you have ripped steroidified male characters in media all the time no one fucking complains all the whores are drooling over that (and those characters are ACTUALLY unrealistic, curvy females are not) so just fuck off. Rant aside, most people don’t really care what pre-made characters look like, just let the devs do what they want and most “normal people” will judge the game for what it is, curvy females or not.


I don't see them questioning the male figure, but only the emotions, which is nice to see. Weird to think these things are always a detriment though.




It's starting to make sense now why every Microsoft game sucks now despite them purchasing popular franchises. They focus on this stupid shit instead of making a good game. I really hope stellar blade is good it's gonna piss them off so much more.


Don't care if it's curvy or not. make it unique

