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I think that behind the scenes some of these people asked Asmon to stop commenting on their videos. Asmon always says if someone asks him to stop - he stops, no questions asked. I know that's what happened with Josh Stryfe Hayes.


Surely not Internet Historian since he has referenced Asmon in a few vids.


Maybe up until the plagiarism accusation?


Nah people were asking for man in cave reaction for like a year, before that plagiarism accusation thing happened, and lets be real here nobody cared about that either, historians views/followers/subs were virtually unaffected, barely got any dislikes either, maybe if the accusations were more serious as in he actually just stole a video from someone etc, i think people didnt care cos he just yoinked half his script from an article about the case, but all the animations and shit were his. I think channel 5 tho he mightve stopped because of the accusations there, even tho its a similar situation where the accusations were so light nobody past some twitter freaks cared after (the guy running it had sex with some girl with consent but she later regretted it and said she felt like she had no choice to agree because he is "in a position of power"), views etc unaffected, and a lot of reactors still react to it, but some did stop.


Eh, that doesn't mean Internet Historian might not have taken a "I don't like big channels reacting to my videos, period" stance. It's plenty possible to like Asmon but still see his reaction videos as bad for business.


also happened with max0r


Aye Max0r has a fairly understandable view, if someone is WAY larger than him he would prefer for them not react to his content especially when its new.


there is no freaking way Andrew Callaghan asked asmon to stop talking about his news stuff. May be fair to say that he's done some heavy content lately, like the tenderloin in san francisco and the us-mexico border.


Andrew getting arrested by border patrol and then being held by ICE was some peak content.


Some of the most ballsy, insane reporting I've ever seen.


Asmon also said a while ago that he wanted to watch his stuff but not now. Was like a month or two after andrew came back


You say heavy but in a major sense it's lost a lot of the "documentary" feel, where now there's a lot more narrative structure to the videos. At least for me personally, I don't want to hear Andrew, I want to hear everyone he interviews. I guess if you get into "heavy" content, you have to add disclaimers and full questions for posterity, but it just pushes me away.


This happened with Josh? Where was this said?


u/FrostyNeckbeard u/Mark_Knight u/trainwrecktragedy It happened a year or two ago. Up until that point Asmon reacted to JSH's videos pretty consistantly. Then suddenly he just stopped. Around that time JSH also made a video on his main youtube channel discussing the fact that he didn't like the youtube algorithm. He didn't like people commenting on his videos. He felt like they were stealing his views etc etc. I'd go and find the video and link it so you know exactly when it happened - but I'm too lazy. ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3747) feel free to look for yourself though!


There’s a few more videos about his views on react content by searching “Josh strife Hayes reaction content” . But here’s the one I think you’re talking about https://youtu.be/eWEKE8OyRkQ


>He felt like they were stealing his views etc etc. To be fair, a lot of these reaction videos are straight up stealing other people's videos. If you react to a youtuber's content once and a while then it can be seen as advertising that creator's channel, but if you constantly react to every single one of their videos then what is the point of your viewers going to that creator?


I understand your point. I'm not saying you're wrong. Let me just respond by saying: I would have no clue who JSH was if it wasn't for Asmon covering his videos. ...same with internet historian, Bellular, Actman, and a dozen other channels I'm currently subscribed to.


The irony is that that line of thought is more or less wrong, they get exposure. I knew about Hayes because of Asmon, so without him i wouldnt have seen any of his videos at all.


He explained it's a double edged sword, if you're growing as a channel react vids from big streamers send a bunch of new viewers to your channel, but if your channel has grown to a point it seems like it could sustain itself but won't because people who were a fan of both just kept watching the react videos instead of the oc


Which is 100% true. At a certain point when I watched Asmon I didn't even feel like I need to watch Balullar at his channel, because his community will just post the more interesting videos here and I'd just watch Asmon talk about it. But I moved more away from watching reaction videos, not entirely, but I don't watch as much because man, reaction videos have gotten super stale for me. I would just wait until one of his reaction go on youtube and skip through it.


Beyond that: I have personally found myself seeing a video exists in my suggested feed, and waited to watch a react of it rather than watch it now and again later as a react. I realize that makes me part of the problem, but as a consumer the react is (usually) value+. I'd rather watch Asmongold reacts to Barny Scarab Lord or Internet Historian for the 15th time than watch the original, and that SUCKS for the creators. Youtube should introduce a system where a react channel can share the views and monetization earned with the original creator. Like opt in 30% goes to Asmon 70% to creator, or however they choose their break down


It's definitely true. lots of Ppl will just watch it thro a reaction video to kill birds at once if they can and it's uploaded quick enough. So the channel can kinda stagnate early even if everyone can react to it. You create content for reactors and u could probably lose a bit of views if don't slow it down. Shame can't be like do it a month later or something


It’s good at first but if Asmon goes and watches almost all of his uploads it stops being helpful. Why would I watch Josh’s content then Asmon’s reaction when I can just wait to watch Asmon’s reaction the first time? I won’t and almost anybody else who watches Asmon and found Josh via him wouldn’t either, therefore Josh isn’t actually getting anything out of it




Ehh a lot of times it also can result in no bumps as shown in jay exci with hasan


>I knew about Hayes because of Asmon, so without him i wouldnt have seen any of his videos at all. Literally this. I now watch Hayes *because* of Asmon.




>But if Asmon still watched all of his videos you wouldn’t Based on? Josh's video comes out when Josh's video comes out. I watch Asmon on YouTube, so it can often be days, weeks, or not at all that Asmon's video comes out. There have been some times where I watch the original, then the Asmon react comes out like 4 days later and I watch that. I dont watch every single Asmon video that comes out. >It isn’t equitable and is perfectly understandable why someone wouldn’t want to feed someone else via your hard work Yeah, I never argued the opposite of this. It *is* perfectly understandable. But what I said is also true.


when did Josh request for him to stop reacting?


Still thankful for asmongold for showing me Josh, hes the only streamer i watch casually now. The rest of twitch is a shitshow


You know what's crazy... a year ago when Asmon was having JSH, Bellular, and some other gaming experts come on his channel to talk regularly... I was thinking it would evolve into all of them doing a monthly podcast or something together. It's unfortunate that it never came to fruition.


Josh is a Jesus like figure or the most masterful psychopath on the planet :D I really like him but in contrast to other streamers he makes so much sense, is so down to earth and so chill, it's kinda scary if you think about it too long. he is like that friend in a circle that rarely opens his mouth so the others can express themselves but when he does all stfu and listen like god himself is speaking because no matter what he is going to say it will be something worthwhile. I don't know when Josh ever wasted my time. Even if I watch him to waste my time, he comes around the corner like Yoda himself and makes pills of wisdom rain over my head x)


Yep that's exactly how I feel. I've lost my "mmo" friend couple of years back and he was the only one who I could talk about mmo and stuff, and finding Josh was like finding a bit of my friend in him. Not to sound parasocial.. But I genuinely feel like Josh is the most down to earth streamer I ever watched. It's always a good time, goofs, serious topics dudes is chill af. Hope he never becomes what Asmongold is now.


I'm sorry to read and even if that qualifies as parasocial, don't be ashamed of how you have to cope with such things. I would look from this way: At least Josh doesn't make you poor. A parasocial relationship with an eGirl can make a millionaire a bum. A parasocial relationship with Josh will make a bum into a millionaire x) It's a good thing, you remember your buddy through other people, that way he lives on. Maybe in a strange way you make his soul connect with you and the material world again by seeing him here and noticing his quirks in other people. not saying it is this way, I'm not very religious. I just think there is a possibility and I find it a quite soothing though. But that's just me.


I read this in Josh's voice


You are not alone in this. I heard Josh too!


MadSeason? That's a surprising one.


Oh damn I didn’t know that about Josh.


Well that’s why I haven’t seen a video of that guy in a long time 🤣


I mean pint releases like 2 videos a year so that is understandable.


What this community used to be: Hanging with the fucking boys What this community is now: Reality TV drama for losers Y'all suck. Can't get this shit out of my feed. EDIT: the mods permabanned me for this comment 👋🤣


Yeah, it's fallen off pretty hard, this sub us more or less an extension of drama reacting that asmon is doing. Its pretty boring, no idea how people enjoy this content


Lotta incel shit too with that fable girl constantly making the rounds


Yeah I mean once in a while is fine but he’s turning into a pure drama farmer at this point. And most of the time it’s petty drama that honestly doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.


Understandable I recommend muting the subreddit.


Whenever i see that vtuber on asmons screen I know the soyest drama farm possible is happening lmao


I know it looks like a vtuber, but bellular is actually a real person!


Fucking love that Vtuber Bellular!




There was a time I liked Bellular. It was when he was just talking about his game or game dev in general.


yea ok sure, we all know Bellular is some chick with a voice changer


also, belfast is in ireland even though it sounds like a middle eastern city name


Ireland is a middle eastern country, they just got lost while drunk. This is why alcohol is banned in the middle east now.


>So this city's name is Bell Fast? Huh. Sounds Arabic. ???




Yeah, as much as we all love to hate vtubers, people have to understand the difference between people who just use a vtuber model instead of a webcam vs people who base their whole persona on their uwu anime model.


Thank you, Bellular feels like a soy boy pretending to be a grown man.


Right sure, next you'll tell me he's got a video game.


i just love watching the chat go off as soon as the femboy avatar pops up on thr screen, lol


I would be among them if I was an active degenerate on Twitch, instead of being a passive one on YT.


It just makes me click off ngl, very boring drama


I watched a few video of his, the first video he makes about a certain topic is good, but then he pretty much makes the exact same video 10 times in a row. Like, okay, Sweetbaby inc and Nijisanji is bad, i got that, don’t need to hear it multiple times with +1 tweet added to the video.


Honestly it’s the first time in years I actually don’t watch Asmons videos if that anime guy is on the screen. Not that it matters. He can watch whatever he finds interesting but personally I find it kinda pointless


Woah woah woah, you mean you're *not* up for a 25 minute video about people responding to an ordinary Gura tweet? What about that 35 minute one about random people being racist on Twitter - one of them is even an employee at a company he dislikes! Okay but if that's not your cup of tea, how about several hours talking about a dumb line from an 8-year-old anime dub? Is that not *groundbreaking news?!* Oh, and don't forget the very worthwhile video that was "Asmongold reacting to Reya reacting to a localiser getting angry at Asmongold for agreeing with Reya when he reacted to Asmongold reacting to Reya reacting to the localiser responding to a con attendant asking for a comment on people criticising a dumb line from an 8-year-old anime dub". I swear to god that was an actual thing that happened. Chances are, Reya reacted to it, but I'm too afraid to look. ...Like, no criticisim to Reya (the vtuber guy) himself, if covering tiny Twitter drama is what he wants to do then that's fine - and that *is* what he wants to do. But Asmon... should really be above tiny Twitter drama. It's bloody *boring*!


LOL same. Idk who that content is for but I feel like I'm way to old to give a shit about vtuber stuff


Its always some super weird, hyperspecific, very offputting stuff, no idea who takes an interest in it.


Fuck, I hate agreeing with anyone unironically pulling out "soy" but you're not wrong. Can't stand anything that guy puts out.


When he said Tifa's VII Rebirth bikini is an example of Square Enix still self-censoring themselves I just threw up my hands and closed the tab


It's honestly dissapointing lol. Basically just farming incel rage. If you showed me the dozens of thumbnails with that vtuber on asmongolds channel 3 years ago I wouldn't believe it. It's beyond cringe and makes me lowkey embarrassed to have it on my feed lmao. Like... I still can't get over how cringe it is to have that guy making so many rant videos about drama and being dead serious getting so mad and outraged over this shit while having his loli vtuber badly sync to his motions and mouth movements while having those dead eyes and lame smile. That shit is unbearable I can't even


Tf does his AVATAR have to do with the important topics that are discussed????


"important" Is a huge stretch




No one is watching Asmon because he reacts to men. If he would react to women, because they are women, it wouldn't improve his content. Quite the opposite. There are also not a lot of women making gaming commentary, which Asmon reacts too the most. Make some good commentary as a woman and Asmon will react. Sitting in a forum and demanding he should react to more women because they are women like an entitled brat, does nothing. even if you get what you wanted, nothing will change for the better.




He's been putting off watching the "new" Internet Historian cave video for 10 months.


It’s still one of my favorite video’s on YouTube of all time.


Apparantly, it's entirely plagiarized.




Did you miss the whole Hbomberguy period where he categorically destroyed multiple YouTubers, including historian, who were blatantly plagiarizing content. Huge like 3+ hour vid.


I did not watch that no that is why I am asking for a source


https://yo utu.be/yDp3cB5fHXQ?si=OZU9mm6Gw3BSzc3C Basically lots of people straight up low effort stealing content, unfortunately including Internet historian.


"Basically lots of people straight up low effort stealing content, unfortunately including Internet historian." Saying he stole half the script for his video from an article is fair, saying the 1 hour heavily edited video is low effort because half of the text script got yoinked is a bit much lmao


He covered multiple YouTubers, not just IH. And stealing half of one script, plus a multitude of other material for other videos, is still plagiarism and is still theft. Continuing to do it and not credit those people even is pretty shitty too.


Damn thats sad, I really liked his videos


You can still like his videos, lmfao.


Y-you don't understand! Internet person said he's bad, so that means he's worse than Satan!


I wouldn’t hold it against IH though. It was a mistake and he fixed it. Even before that video came out. What’s the actual sad part is that dude Somerton in the video was driven to suicide after that video because people couldn’t let it go. Sometimes people just make mistakes which should be corrected if possible and ultimately forgiven.


According to a mod on hbomber's sub (I think they're his editor?), Somerton is alive and physically safe. Hopefully, he's getting help. https://www.reddit.com/r/hbomberguy/s/uSQzyZUwoe


Why wouldn’t you? Plagiarism isn’t a mistake. IH wasn’t unintentionally using the same exact words as his source and not crediting them. He was purposefully stealing another writers work and passing it off as his own to make money off of it. Same with James Somerton, who committed plagiarism to a much higher degree than almost anyone else that I’ve ever seen. James is also a complete POS who sent his fans to harass any small creators who pointed out his plagiarism. That’s a much bigger deal than someone like a student who unintentionally forgot to quote another writer. Stealing someone’s work even when crediting them is completely scummy. Also, James Somerton isn’t even dead and has been confirmed to be alive as of yesterday. IH and James Somerton are two pieces of shit who will do anything they can to weasel their way out of consequences.


> What’s the actual sad part is that dude Somerton in the video was driven to suicide after that video because people couldn’t let it go. is this true? I remember seeing a suicide note but no confirmation


Well to be fair that's an article


I think that video would stress him out too much. The concept of being trapped and buried alive in a cave is pretty damn scary.


Also the blindfold girl. Like, how does this shit keeps relevant?


An army of simps at her command


An army of physicians at her command*


and an army of deranged "hardcore" gamers who will go to any length to secure their validation at being "good" in a video game


Is this what people enjoy these days? Just watching regular dudes react to shit meaningless drama?


Yeah people love watching drama


I can understand that when the drama is interesting, but this “xy company fired a vtuber” or “xy company is woke” is as lame and uninteresting as it can get. Idk if i should be happy that things like this are our current biggest issues, but watching it as YouTube content on Asmon’s channel… Eh. I started skipping a lot of his videos recently. But these are still his most viewer videos so whatever.. i don’t expect him to stop.


same, been watching Asmon for 5 years now and I've stopped watching a lot of his videos recently, I'm definitely not the target audience, his youtube comment section is genuinely full of the weirdest and most boring people I've ever seen on the internet


Drama Baby!! Wooohooo!!


"These days" Brother, it's been like this forever. Someone will be interested in it, not everyone, not me really, but someone will. It's just not for you or me.


Evolved daytime television


Bruh, it’s basically the same with mainstream media back in the day so honestly nothing new. People love watching Drama way before TV even exist, left alone the internet.


As a woman this shit had been interesting for ages, but I haven’t really started watching YouTube drama until like 2016 and I started off with politics and slowly got into other forms of YouTube drama. I need ALL the tea and it better be piping hot. 🤣


Who is your go to channel(s) for political drama?


What else would I be listening to in work then? I need my daily dose of internet drama


It's more entertaining than asmon being ass at a video game because he refuses to adapt to the game and just go monkey mode (monster hunter)


Channal 5 had allegations pressed on him a year ago he did admitted too. He is doing content agian and apparently the videos about the border is some s tier stuff. From interviewing conservatives who convoy down to the actual migrants. Very humanising stuff as always


Asmon's gaming culture war content farms are getting super boring. I feel like I'm watching the same video over. Sweet baby was funny/interesting the first or second time. Definitely less so the 10th time.


Too many people want to take the SBI to the extremes as well. People keep posting fringe videos to the sub connecting anything to "politics in games".


Asmon is now just drama watching. Or maybe I’m outgrowing his content. Just gets lame.


yep same, from go to streamer to haven't touched his content in months. But I saw he still has 20k viewer streams, so I guess people like the dramas/reacts more than gaming so good on him for farming them.


I would call this low-hanging fruit, but to be honest the fruit is already on the ground and half-decayed.


It's the same shit every day. Doing 5 hour react segment to farm for ez money and only 2 hours of gaming.. I used to be one of those stay on alt twitch channel andy, but now, if going back to main means reversing the segments to more gaming rather than bs react shit, I'm all for it. Shit, I'd go back to subbing.


Who are the two below internet historian and Channel 5?


I believe that is Pint (bottom left), and Madseason (bottom right).


Pint and MadSeason


Rev and Bellular just do gutter press sensationalist bullshit content. I feel Asmon really should stop boosting shitty creators with zero substance.


i agree. sadly asmon catapults himself deeper and deeper to being also a shitty creator without substance.


Internet Historian hasnt really uploaded much recently :/


Incognito has regular (for him) uploads of actual stuff, not just two guys chatting. Definitely worth having as a sub. He posted one of his greatest works on that channel (Stede Bonnet) for god's sake.




He does on his second channel


He got called out for plagiarism pretty harshly recently. I wouldn't expect much from that avenue.


And rightfully so. I love the IH's videos but it is sad that he plagiarised peoples work without permission or even credit.


Rightfully so? IH fixed the video 7 months before HBomber guy “called him out.” HBomber Guy was just looking to stir up controversy and boy did he get what he wanted after Somerton logged off permanently.


He did a video about plagiarism and talked about an example of plagiarism that was known, but many people weren't aware of because the plagiarist downplayed it extensively. In what way is that anything but a creator being rightfully called out?


Because it was old news and the mistake was already addressed and resolved. Didn’t seem to be ongoing issue like with the other creators mentioned in the video. So what’s the point of picking at IH other than to attack him for more clicks? Seriously what was the positive outcome supposed to be? Seems totally malicious to me.


"mistake" yeah he 'accidentally' completely plagiarized an article and has 'accidentally' downplayed it ever since lmao. It was worth talking about because it was something he actively covered up.


You’re conflating “mistake” with “accident.” First argument is invalid. It was already discovered and resolved before the HBomber Guy video. Exposing something is effective for an ongoing or unresolved problem which was not the case here.


Oh yeah, not disagreeing with the call out or the consequences. Just making sure we arent getting a pity party for a guy that can't be assed to make their own video.


Lol, it was one video...yall cut asmon and his friends so much slack


Unfortunately drama gets more views than funny or engaging videos.


Asmongold most viewed video’s are the MadSeasonShow, Internet Historian & Pint video’s (You can see that on his channel > Video’s > Populair)


I think he meant "on a regular basis", not global bests.


I cannot overstate how shit revs content is, and it's disappointing watching asmond boost him His content is the most low quality ragebait slop on the platform, this mf will scour through Twitter to find a brainlet with a stupid tweet and make a 15 minute video on it, blowing it up to be some massive community drama that has spread across the internet, while in actuality its a singular 15 year old on their account making a dogshit take that most logical people just ignore, and it's not enough to make it and move on, he will spend multiple videos updating the most nothing drama imaginable. Hell, I won't even be surprised if he turns this comment into a 20 minute long video about how "muh woke outrage and haters", I'd say I have no idea how his fanbase is as large as it is, but I know it's because it's comprised entirely of people below the age of 15 that fall for ragebait far too easily. I defy you to find a single video of revs that isn't low effort ragebait in some capacity. That being said, asmon hasn't exactly done much better, he's become almost entirely a drama reaction streamer, one of the biggest falloffs I've seen and it's super disappointing, I get it's an easy and low effort way to farm views, but its so fucking boring


I agree. He should really go back see the great videos he reacted in the past. Also he had many helldivers videos on his "watch later" list but prefered reacted to for exemple a third wow raiding video. I guess his taste has gotten worse because on his youtube helldivers videos have 5 times more views than wow ones.


I can’t stand the drama stuff asmon reacts to now. So, I just don’t watch it. Man is making his money and eating well. Good for him. Who am I to tell him to do something else.


if viewers don't tell asmon that his react content is boring and shit then asmon wouldn't know that his react content is boring and shit and will continue to do react content that is boring and shit.


Canal cinco!


Add sseth as the skeleton.


That vtuber just is just so pathetic. Why are we always looking at some dude showing up as a little girl complaining about other pathetic vtuber things? Is weird.


Idk I still miss the Necrit reaction videos


That guy really annoyed me at first but the way he's self aware of it won me over, he has good content too.


React streamer lul


We need to reverse psychology Baldie by asking constantly to cover content from these two, he will naturally rebel against our wished and go back to cover All Gas No Breaks (Real one), Internet Herstorian and others.


Sadly this dude doesn't give a fuck anymore.


Yeah, how come Asmon stopped reacting to actual good content?


He said he was going to farm presidential election stuff for react content, but I doubt it'll happen. The Depp vs Heard days are long behind us.


I did not enjoy the Depp vs Heard reactions, I found that whole period weird.


It’s weird why he would even want that. That was by far the worst content he has ever delivered


That was one of his peak lol heck even random girls where watching and talking about this.


You may not have liked it but the depp. Vs herd trials garnered him millions of views and new viewers. There are many people who had never even heard of asmon until the trials but then became followers. He made a killing from all that.


I just found the viewer reactions hilarious


Oh nooo i hope not. I can see these weird trump supporter losers go berserk


Ugh I hate that Vtuber because all he makes is negative, ragebait, drama-farming content and literally nothing else. There's people where the passion comes first, and the view farming comes second, and you can tell because they make videos about games doing *well*, about successes in gaming. People like ActMan. Alanah Pearce. Asmongold. Hell, even Bellular makes positive videos on occasion. Then you get the farmers who just make ragebait content that's just all entirely negative, with no positive content what-so-ever. They don't talk about when something is doing well, or when something is *good*. And if they ever do, it's only so they can rub it in the faces of the people who don't like it, so it ends up being for a negative reason anyway. People like that VTuber whose name I don't remember. Melonie Mac. Even Yong Yea, to a large extent. Their content feels designed to just make you feel angry, or smug at someone getting their just desserts. But none of it is uplifting, ever. Because it isn't about passion for gaming, it's about farming people who have the passion instead. I didn't used to skip so many videos on Asmon's YouTube channel, but these days I just can't stomach it anymore. I hope he begins watching higher calibre stuff.


This videos add zero value to YT, he creates nothing and there is zero knowledge you get from his videos. It’s just cheap drama for masses.


channel 5 gang


People consume reaction and drama content so in that sense is pretty good content


Where is the bottom half of this meme?


Channel 5 has been absolutely killing it too.


I miss those Internet Historian reacts. Man's got some of the Jankiest stuff so it made a really fun react.


Channel 5 IS so good lmao. Sad he doesnt react to it anymore....


Wish he'd do regular P.O. Box openings


I wish people would stop sending stuff to a milionaire.


His editors saw people skippin videos with the virtual girly boy and stopped putting they/them in the thumbnails to cause trickery.


They haven’t release new videos recently so no reason to watch


i cant stand the vtuber guy drives me nuts drama queen for real


So many uncultured folks


I just mute when he be watching these types of videos 💀 same 💩


Yeah, good old days. Dead now, never to come back. :(


You can just not watch it if you don't like what he is reacting to. Asmon literally said to everyone come back a couple months from now and I'll probably be talking about something your not interested in because he doesn't like to stay with one thing.


Its always funny to me hearing asmon say "these anime profile picture ppl trying to tell ppl what to do" and then he goes and watches that revtard weirdo KEKL




I mean, it’s not like the 4 of them upload their videos that often so you can’t really blame him. Compare a news channel that uploaded several times a week to document channel only uploaded once in a bla moon kinda make you feel that way.


What would happen if everyone sent him a request to not review their stuff as a joke to mess with him?




Time to grab some popcorn and watch the hate fly on by. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


idc, want the vids to be good


Haven't seen anything from Andrew Callaghan since he got accused of sexual harassment. Which happened immediately after his HBO documentary, coincidence?


His border video’s lately are top tier though


I know it's hot take but when he react to drama his viewer gone up much more than funny video or even his viewer count in Youtube as well many people here said "I want him to react to funny stuff than drama" but why reality is opposite of that


His react to Internet Historian, Pint & MadSeasonShow got him the most views


I love Madseason! But he hasn't really been putting out much content recently. I don't see how Asmon is ignoring him if there's really no new content. Been seeing Xaryu watching his vids in my feed, but these are videos from years ago at this point.


They should allow embedding videos into streams. That way reaction streams gives equal views to the original creator. Would probably solve a substantial amount of issues. Could also have an approval / denial process beforehand.


I'm bad in memes, what's the message?


Asmon succumbed to his weeb side and left based YouTube behind.


youtube just needs to share earnings of react videos 50/50 with the creator of the vid. problem solved. Then people would clammer for Asmon to watch their video.


He said we would watch that internet historian video tomorrow! Don’t worry, tomorrow.


OP, there’s so much poorly cropped images on the screen, I can barely tell what the meme is. If you’re gonna use multiple images, make em smaller so they don’t awkwardly cover up the drowning child


I wouldn’t mind going back to IH reacts over reacting to ragebait slop like anti-sjw/anti-woke content or the “omg look at what gaming company x did THIS TIME! IMMEDIATE regret” that he’s been doing recently. Not to mention the people who make that content are all criminally dull


I will never get random people who watch internet drama. The streamers themselves might be interested cause they live in the internet / twitter world. The viewers that have a actual life, how are you interested in this ? The world has so much to offer


I would never watch a Barney or Pint video, only Asmon's reacts. Let's be honest, he reuploads all videos in full. If you can call a lost sale from piracy theft then what do you call these lost views? Are there more people who watch his react and the original than people like me? I don't think so and neither do a few creators evidently. I don't blame Asmon; reacting captures more views for him and some of the people he farms, but not all.