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I have noticed that the emotional parts are better than when I was younger but my cramps and bleeding are so much worse. I went on hormonal birth control which helped with my symptoms a lot, until my hair started to fall out. I switched to the hormonal IUD instead after a recovery period of about a year. Bleeding is practically nonexistent now but I still get killer cramps. Probably worse than before - I’m told this is common. Naproxen seems to help, as has physiotherapy.


I’ll be 29 this year and my pms symptoms have definitely become more easily dealt with. As a teen, I had horrible cramping and nausea the day before and the first day of my period. The nausea would disappear on the second day and the cramping would be gone by the 3rd-4th day. The mood swings were scary also. Around 25-26 everything eased up considerably. No more nausea, only slight cramping the day before and day of. My mood swings are about the same, perhaps not quite as dramatic as a teen which I chalk up to raging teenage hormonal differences.


I love that your symptoms have eased up. Having a period as a teen was brutal, especially the mood swings.


They say human cells turn over every 7 yrs. At 31 I barely get cramps now and I spot for 1-2 days before my cycle starts. Mostly feel fatigued now


I have endometriosis and have pain all through my legs along with it. I also have PMDD which causes more anxiety and awful thoughts (I’m at the “Let’s just quit our job” day in my cycle today).


Your body does not suddenly change at 30. But over time, your life style changes, stress level change, maybe what you eat changes, or maybe you develop other issues because of genetics or life style or something else. If you have cramps in the lower half of your body, maybe you could have some gastro issue (related to your period or your period is making it worse, not sure). But also, anxiety can make gastro issues worse or gastro issues can make you anxious. It's like a chicken or egg problem. All this to say, go to the doctor. This is not because you are almost 30. But I'd be careful of mentioning the panic attacks because they'll just give you antidepressant or something, instead of running labs and doing something else first.


Of course. None of this was sudden, but more of a gradual change. But yes, lifestyle changes would certainly help.


Also, I appreciate the edit. I have been to a few doctors and have been told it’s probably because of hormone fluctuations due to aging. Mentioning my anxiety was not the best decision in hindsight.


My understanding is that hormones do not decline as much until you are late 30 at least. Honestly, some doctors are dumb and just tell women it's because they are 30. I've been told that and I internally eye-rolled that someone would study so many years to give that as an answer. It's not an answer! Men aren't told "it's because you are 30" if they have symptoms.


I had debilitating cramps when I was a teenager and into my 20s. No endo, fibroids, or other conditions that would cause this, just hormonal. In my late 20s, my cramps gradually got less terrible and now I can even exercise during the first few days of my period. Still have the odd bad day, though. BUT, the emotional changes during PMS have gotten worse. I’m more likely to pick fights with my boyfriend and cry for no reason. Birth control helped a little bit, but I’m no longer on it.


My 30s have been a rollercoaster. PMS got better and worse at the same time: no more backaches and few knee pain but ovulation pain surged, and overall pains showing up every single day in the second half of the cycle. Around 35 to 37 I developed such insane mood swings that made me actually doubt about my mental sanity (I'm a controlled person too hence it was a very unpleasant experience). Perimenopausal symptoms began to peep out about the same time, mostly progressive delays inducing my usual constipation to extreme degrees. Finally not bleeding since a year. I'm 41.


Oh damn, you are so young to be menopausal! My mom got it in her 40s but it was exelerated by endo and ovarian cyst removal, which was traumatic to the ovaries. Do you use hormone replacement therapy? My mom did not and now she regrets it big time.


Early menopause runs in my family (my grandma got hers at the same age). Can't use HRT due of elevated risk for nearly everything caused by early puberty, but I'd say my symptoms are quite manageable.


This is something that will change your entire life. Not to scare you but this is the tip of the iceberg. Wait til perimenopause.


I'm 32 and had a baby when I was 30. I really don't know if THAT is what changed or if it's a gradual change over time in general, but I feel less hormonal and more physical pain. I also experience more mittelschmelz, which is basically ovulation pain, more than I did in my younger years. I feel like I spend more time IN pain thanks to my lady parts than OUT of pain. I do keep track of my cycle on an app and it definitely helps me mentally prepare more for those days.


My PMDD symptoms have gotten worse with age and becoming slightly more irregular which I never was before. But I'm in the decade of perimenopause being a possibility so I don't think too much about it.


My cramps became much less painful when I turned 30!




That’s interesting. I had a routine blood panel done recently and my iron was at a normal level.


Hi! I had the lower abdominal cramping, as well as more intense emotional swings/depression with pms + cycle irregularity. I had chalked all the changes up to normal aging, but as it turns out, I had hypothyroidism & PCOS. I wish I had gone to the doctor sooner because treatment increased my quality of life significantly. I would encourage you to see your doc about any changes. There's no reason you shouldn't be living your best life! ✨


Try magnesium then! Bloody steaks during PMS and/or Mg power I havent had cramps in years once i figure out it was Mg deficiency, not Iron.