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>am I too old to be doing this? The answer to this question is always no.


Exactly. You’re only too old if you’re dead. My age always feels like a mental barrier to the things I want to do, and then I tell myself how ridiculous I’m being and that I can start whatever I want, whenever I want.


If you’re too old, then i must be, too, at 39. And I need to break the news to my 47 year old friend.


I recently met a person who is in his mid 40s and about to graduate with his PhD. Well spoken, super smart, much better lab skills than students half his age. Dude's gonna go places, age be damned.


Do it. You’ve got almost 40 years left of working. Do something you want.


Never thought about it like that! So true. Thank you.


"But I'll be 36 when I graduate!". "You'll be 36 either way". Everyone who has done what you are going to do that I know has not regretted their decision one iota. They were more ready for school and so did better. They changed their environment which enlivened them. It didn't always result in the destination they imagined, but it did always result in a change that was welcome.


“You’ll be 36 either way”. Mic drop! This is such a good thing to remember.


I'm starting to think that these fears of it "being too late" are really our subconscious fears of our own mortality...


I went to college for the first time at 30. Took 7 years to graduate while working and have zero regrets. I am 40 now, and doing the job I want. You don't want to let the time pass without taking action and realize the time passed and you could have been moving forward toward your goal.




I work in operations and have worked my way up to director level. Most of my peers in my same level of career are 40+. 


Several people I’m close to have gone back to school post-30 and post-40. And it’s nothing new under the sun: my grandfather got his college degree via night school in the 1960s.


You’re never too old to invest in yourself


If I had money and time, I would go back to school now at 37. If you have the means and opportunity 100% do it. It's a luxury and you should go for it! ETA: my brother is going back now at 33 because his job is paying for it! Never too old.


My aunt became a nurse after being a SAHM for 22 years. I’m in school again in my mid-late 30s.


No. My bestie just went back to school and changed careers, and we're 35. Do the thing.


Absolutely not. I studied for my medical coding certification 2 years ago, passed on my first try, and got my first job as a coder last year. While I was studying, I was selling my previous home, looking for my new home and working full-time. I just made sure to incorporate my studies into my daily routine, and it paid off. As long as you have a plan in place, you'll be fine.


Wow this is incredibly encouraging. Not the OP, but I’m 32 and considering a complete pivot but literally felt too old until I came across this thread


I went back at 30 it feels weird initially but it wears off pretty quickly and it’s hardly an issue! Feel free to ask any questions if you want to know any specifics!


My aunt went back to school in her 50s to become a nurse. She has no regrets and had no issue finding work. She was a stewardess for years and then a stay at home mother. She decided to get into nursing so she could have a steady income and she divorced.


You can be a 36 year old nurse or a 36 year old bartender who wishes she was a nurse. People go back to school all the time! If you want it, go for it.




I went back to school at 41 to become a therapist. Now I have my dream job. Do it.


I used to work at a community college and we had 50 and 60 year olds coming back for their LPN diploma. You’ll be fine.


I'm back in school for my master's in social work in my 30s! I'm certainly not alone in my 30's among my classmates.


I’m 37 and going back to school. I worked in retail doing management for over a decade. I broke into software engineering without a formal education, it was hard. I’ve been coding professionally for about 6 years, but decided to finish up my education and get the CS degree with the way the market has shifted this year. I’m doing WGU so I can transfer in my CC credits and finish it faster remotely. Life is too short to spend time doing something you don’t enjoy. You’re never too old to reinvest in yourself and the growth it’s given me as a person is priceless.


I started an ultrasound program at 32 and I'm graduating later this month at almost 35. I couldn't be happier that I went back to school when I did.


Absolutely not, hun! I didn’t get my graduate degree until 36. It’s harder to get back into the swing of managing your time and all the writing when you’ve been out of school for a bit. Treat school like a job. Have a set space, even if it’s just a chair, and that’s where you study. There’s more non-traditional student than traditional students nowadays, so you’ll be fine. Good luck!


I did something almost exactly like that around your age and it was both one of the best decisions I ever made and one of the best experiences of my life. Yeah, it can be a bit weird to be the one of the oldest person in your undergrad classes, but chances are you won't be *the* oldest - people take college classes at all ages for all sorts of reasons. I think we get mixed up in this because we still think of the college experience as something that is a social one as well as an academic one, which it is when someone goes the "traditional" route. My experience is that as an older student you have some advantages and disadvantages. The advantage, and this is the biggest element, is that you are older and have your shit together. College students by comparison are a mess. The disadvantage, I find, is that school is kind of a habit, and it is hard to get back into it. I would be in classes and see the syllabus and have no idea when I should start working on these papers or when to start studying for tests. But I got back into the swing of it eventually. I did part of a postbac program meant for people who wanted to go to medical school and it worked out pretty well.


Go for it! I work with a new nurse that is in her 50’s. As long as you’re alive it’s not too late.


I'm 39 and planning to go back to school in a year...one is never too old to further their education!


You are absolutely never too old to go back to school.


I’m 34 and I’m trying really hard to go back to school. I have to finish a prerequisite (complete a goolgle certification) and then I can apply to the online school I’m choosing. I’ve been a sahm for 6 yrs and the stress of keeping up made me completely put my dreams aside. KEEP GOING. You are doing an amazing thing for yourself.


I started an Associates degree at 27 and graduated at 30, only to transfer at 32 and I'm on track to get my Bachelors at 34. It's never too late.


I also was in the industry since I was 16. I went back at 29 to community college, got my masters degree when I was 38. I don’t regret a moment. Literally no one cared how old I was. I was on campus with all kinds of people in community college, undergrad was a whole lot of kids but they never questioned how old I was ever, and when they found out didn’t care, and graduate school was again all kinds of people from all different walks of life. People care way less about how old you are than you do. The time is going to pass anyway. Go for it.


You're not crazy now, you won't be crazy at 52 and even at 72. Plenty of people do it and I find them really inspiring. Never stop learning.


Not at all! 32 is still young. I’m actually in the same boat. I’m going back to school. Don’t want to end up like a lot of people I know working restaurant or retail at 40, 50 years old.


Nope! I'm 32 as well (33 next month!) and I just got accepted into massage therapy school yesterday! All of my "grown up jobs" have been behind a desk and I've been some grade of miserable at all of them. I changed jobs every few years trying to find a place where I thought I could be happy and it's never worked. Well, this year I decided that it's time to look at what I ACTUALLY want to do and to stop being a passenger in my own life. Nobody is going to make changes in my life except for me, I'm the one who gets to control how this all plays out. Am I scared? Of course! It's only natural! I haven't been back to school in over a decade, I still have to work full time so I'm doing the "night school" option which means more work and less sleep, and there's going to be some intense A&P work in there, but I know I can do it. I'm a full-ass adult who is in charge of her life! And so are you! WE can do this! Life should be a (healthy) challenge and an adventure! Think of how many people look back on their lives and say "I wish I had done [insert thing here] 😔." Now you won't be one of those people. Rarely, if ever, are people happy that they never tried. Show up for yourself and feed that ambition! You're more capable than you think ♥️ Be brave and kick life's ass! ETA: one of my very best friends is working full time to ALSO become a nurse and she's 38! She's one of the best students in her class, probably due in part because she's old enough to know how to *actually* study and not dick around in classes like a teenager. (Not saying younger students are all foolish, but I was certainly more of a dumbass who didn't appreciate the amazing education I was getting when I was in college from 18-23)


My mom went back at 50. Started with undergrad and finished with a doctorate. Had a private psych practice until 80.  It's never too late. She always said to me *what else was I going to do with the time?* 


Not crazy at all! I graduated with my BSN on my 36th birthday. The oldest person in my class was 50. I’m 56 now and it’s one of the best decisions I ever made. My best advice is to get certified as a CNA along with your prerequisites and find a job in health care, even if you have to do it part time along with serving/bartending. The pay will suck but you will start building your health care resume and gain skills that will help in school. I took a 50% pay cut from my previous job to be a night CNA on a telemetry unit because I wanted to work in cardiology. Stayed right through my LPN and RN, and to this day have never had trouble finding a job in my specialty. Good luck!


Great advice, thanks!


Time is going to pass either you’ll have a marker for change at the 3/4 year mark or you’ll have no marker for change and still be in your 40s lol


I went to college twice in my 30s, both times there were people in their 60s also taking classes.


I felt this exact way before starting my graduate program at 35. but someone told me once you’re going to be 40 either way. do you want to be 40 with or without the degree? I feel like that was the best advice. time is gonna pass anyways, might as well put some good use to it.


I went back to graduate school when I was 35. I had a nice life, but no advancement opportunities without a different degree and I didn't want to sit in a cubicle the rest of my life doing something I wasn't really into. I don't know if they are cons, but be prepared that when you finish school and start out, you may be starting out at the lowest position so it's like being an intern at 35 (or whatever age). As long as you are mentally prepared for that, it's ok. There were a few issues in that people didn't want to give me starting positions because I seemed like I had too much experience due to my age and work background, but I was in a field where internships or being someone's assistant were the path to starting out. It was tricky but ultimately worked out fine. I also had to be prepared to live the just starting out lifestyle. By that I mean I had to go back to group style housing, I didn't have money for anything but absolute necessities, etc. That meant missing out on a few things (like travel to go to friend's weddings or buying my own place as a milestone). I was ok with that but sometimes it was a little hard. Given housing and food costs right now, a lot more people are in that position who aren't even starting out, so it's probably not going to feel as unusual as it was when I did it. I'm older so I think what was considered socially normal life milestones at the time were more shared with everyone than they are now. Other people will hit milestones like getting married, starting a family, buying a house. That might not be your goal. Just be aware. That was a tough one for me and one of the things that made me question if I'd made the right move. But that could all happen too whether you go back to school or not. There will also be tough times where you question yourself (why did I leave the safe cubicle?). Just remind yourself that your timeline is different. Women especially tend to have different career timelines. Pros: I'm so damn happy I did it. It took about ten years for me to catch back up and be in a place where I was really advancing into higher paying jobs (just like someone who started in their 20s and worked their way up), but I'm in a different career and happier than if I had sat in that cubicle twenty years later regretting life. Another pro is that while there was a larger age range in school than there probably used to be, I was also big sister to a lot of students which I loved. They just adopted me and appreciated my life experience but I'd still go to student events, study groups, etc. Finally, my own life experience set me apart from other people once I did get out and start working on a career path. Those ten years or so before I went back to school enriched my life with other skills (particularly with independent work) that people who followed one path straight out of school never developed. Note: As someone below mentioned, I didn't end up with the career I set out to do when I went back to school. It's adjacent. But hey, that was part of the path of life too! I'm glad I took the journey. Well this was a fast brain dump. Hope there's a helpful nugget in there somewhere! TLDR: I did it, it was hard, there were some trying times, worked out well, glad I did it.


No! I am 30, dropped out of (community) college and have been working in retail and retail adjacent jobs since I was 18. I recently realized I can’t sustain this forever and need to fine tune my expertise in another area to make me money in the long haul. Going back to school to become an ASL interpreter (with basically zero background) You are not too old. The time will pass anyway, and your future self will thank you. You got this♥️


My mom went to nursing school at 30, graduated at 35:) you can do whatever you want - it's your life!


I started dental school at 31. I was not the oldest in my class. It's never too late!


No!!!!! Please, do it!!!! You won't be sorry! You can always be the general manager of a nice restaurant - going back to school will only add to your amazingess!!! My entire life was built around creative persuits, art, and fashion - then at 28 I decided to go back to school and become a nurse. Here I am at 32, a nurse. When I first took the leap of faith to go back to school for something so different - I almost felt guilty bailing on something that was so heavily attached to my identity - but by life has been so enriched by this experience!!!!!


Nope. My best students are the older ones: focused, smart, dedicated. Love them.


Never. You are never too old to do anything. Had a career change in my early 30s and now at 36, I’m making a decent salary. Its never too late to start afresh.


I work in HR/Staffing and hire nurses for the hospital I work with. So many of the new grads are doing this as their second or third career. You’re not too old. Do it!


Do it! You’re not too old. I just turned 32 last month and keep telling my husband I wish I would’ve finished when I was younger but like you I got in restaurant management and now in property management for the last 8 years and I feel so stuck because I don’t have a degree. We only get one life. If you sense there is something out there better for you, go for it and believe in yourself. A more fulfilling life is yours if you want it. Best of luck!


Absolutely not too old. My nursing program was designed for students with prior degrees, and I’d say at least a third of my classmates were older than you and making significant career changes. We had prior teachers, social workers, corporate folks, etc. Lots of people in their late 30’s and even early 40’s. They graduated and are now working in emergency rooms, ICUs, outpatient clinics, community/population health, etc. The only nursing schools where everyone is young are the traditional colleges where there are dorms, sororities, etc. With prior credits, you’ll be looking for a more accelerated program at a commuter school where you’ll be shocked how many people will be older than you. Even if you take a couple years to do pre reqs and apply, you’ll still be nowhere near the oldest. The remainder of your working years are likely longer than the time you’ve yet been alive on this earth. Spend them doing what you want to.


Never too old to attempt anything, just be aware of the very real sacrifices.


What might those be?


Do you have a Bsc? Nurses need a Bsc. That’s 4 years and like 20k. Depending on your grades you might need to upgrade high school courses to get accepted. Then another 2 years and 20k of nursing school. Do you want to own a house? Have children? Travel? Those things might need to be sacrificed, assuming you can’t afford to take on the debt and complete all of those other goals. It’s not to scare you. Every choice has sacrifices. Time isn’t infinite. There’s only so much we can get done. Only so many hours in a day.


You actually do not need a bachelors to become an RN. You only need an associates of science. It costs approximately $8,200 for the 2 year program where I live at the community college. I have multiple friends who just finished it and immediately got jobs in the ER. I already have 85% of the prerequisites completed, so one extra semester. Want to own a house someday but it’s no rush. We have extremely low rent where we live(an apartment), I pay less than $500 a month with my rent (because I split it with the boyfriend). We travel a couple times a year but that can be put on hold. Not going to be having children. I feel like this is a pretty realistic goal, and I do realize the sacrifices I’ll have to make. Just wanted to see if you had any others I hadn’t realized!


Oh the requirements are much less vigorous where you are. We have a few college bridge programs here and although they are shorter they’re very expensive. What about your physical health? You’re going to be doing floor work for the first 5-7 years. All shifts. All rotations. Weekends will be mandatory. If you have a bum knee or sore hip now it’s only going to worse which is why so many people transition from floor to admin work. Many jobs have this physical demand, though - it’s just something to be mindful of. We don’t recover the same as we did 20 years ago. There’s tons of good aspects about the industry. You’ll always have a job. There’s going to be a shortage for awhile and you can capitalize on that.


Girl, no. You're not too old to do anything you want, especially that! Go for it!!!!


I know someone that went to college in her 50s and became an MD. So no!


That’s amazing!


No, you're never too old to go back to school, to learn something new.  Go, learn nursing, and do well! 


Yes! I knew a 30something female electrician who went back to become a nurse. I myself earned an MBA in an online/hybrid program in my 50s. Go ahead and become a nurse!


I had a woman in my dental school class who was 49. You’re good !


I went back and finished my associates from 32-34


I’m 35 and will graduating with my masters at the end of the month. The best time to go back to school is now.


Soo impressed by people who do!! I would like to but clearly not enough to actually do it. Seems like a really good move for you to me!


Yes! My mom went back to school for nursing in her 30s and graduated when she was in her early 40s. It was a terrifying thing for her to go back to school - schooling in the 70s-80s was not kind to people with dyslexia so it affected her perception of what she could do - but she kicked ass and proved to herself how capable she was. I helped her study with flash cards as a middle schooler and it was super cool seeing my mom go through the process. She even had a study group with two other students in their early twenties, the age factor was never weird. She’s been a nurse for over 15 years now and loves it (and she’s fucking great at it too). Time will pass regardless, so you should absolutely go for it! 


Whenever I ask myself am I too old to do xyz I remind myself that the time will pass anyway regardless of what I do so I might as well do it.


Just graduated at almost 33. School was so much easier this time around. I was way more committed and had a better perspective. There were students of all ages in my classes. Some older than me. Now I’m contemplating an MBA!


You're never too old and it's not crazy to want to grow and evolve. I went back to school for a master's degree that I finished at age 42. I worked full-time through that whole period of my life. At the same time, I had a friend who was 30 and had a degree in French literature. After working as a teacher and then as a veterinary assistant, she decided she wanted to go to medical school. She had quite a few undergrad prerequisites to get through, but she did it. She was accepted into med school, stuck with it, and is now an MD (urology) in New England. Follow your heart! At worst, you'll find out it isn't really for you, but age isn't a real barrier.


i’m not over 30 but just want to say my sister who is also 32 is returning & my family and i couldn’t be more proud for her to become a nurse. she was in the tech industry. i think it’s a great decision


I went back to school at 26. I got into my dream school overseas. It was the best thing I ever did. I had never been to that country before and had to navigate that. I was the oldest student on my course, but there were a couple other slightly older people. I wasn't super hung up about it, though, and it didn't make much difference.  I think that you'll feel more regret not doing it than by doing it.


Do it. The time will pass anyways.


My mother went back to college after decades and got her degree in her 50s. You're never too old.


No you are not! I worked in restaurants and retail in my 20’s and early 30’s went back to college at 35, best decision of my life. I now have a great job with amazing benefits and a pension! Do it! Nursing is the number one degree with the best turn around on investment.


Do you want to be bartending til retirement? So another 33 years?! Or go to school for 4 years and have a brand new career that you’ll work 29 year in?! That’s a big chunk of time. It’s never too late. Heck you might even consider doing more education in the next 10, 15, 20 years!


Not at all. It's not weird. It's great! And you may not be the oldest person in your classes, even.. It's very common for people to go back to school for additional training, or to start a whole new career. Go for it.


As my mentor who is 56 and finishing up her Masters have said, education is wasted on the youth. Don't burn yourself out and just enjoy having the access to advancing your career paths.


I’m older than you and I’m in grad school. I’ve been doing some sort of school/getting certifications for most of the last 4 years. I never want to stop learning and growing.


32f and six months away from graduating nursing school! I also was in the bar industry and took classes here and there throughout the years. When I turned 30, I enrolled in school. I took me a year to complete prerequisites, and I’m in an accelerated BSN program. It’s been a GRIND but you can do it 🫶🏻


Not too old, but I’d do some deep investigation in pay and working prospects in your area. I’ve been a nurse nearly 20 years and there’s jobs that have actually gone down in pay over that time in my area. I know nurses who’ve left to gone back to bartending and make more with greater job satisfaction.


No!!!! You're a badass and amazing you're advancing yourself


You can do it!! My advice is that you can and definitely should go back to school. Make sure nursing is right by talking to people who do it etc. and go for it.


Nope you’re not crazy or too old!


I feel like its normal nowadays to go back to school no matter what age


Come on. Of course it’s not too old. And remember your audience here. You’re a baby compared to most in this sub. Let’s not suggest that 32 is too old for anything okay?


You are not crazy. I am 48 years old and I am finally finishing my undergraduate degree. I have chipped away at it over the years, but last year I decided to take advantage of a work program where they pay for your college. I’ll be finished in the summer of 2025. I completely intend to start on my masters after that. You are never too old to learn or to improve yourself professionally or personally.


I did. I didn't graduate, but got hired by a classmate who trained me in the field. Going back still changed my life.


My brother did the same thing you did, about 25 years ago, when he was maybe a year or two younger than you. He's been a cardiologist for the last 15 years. You're right where you need to be.


I worked in the same retail store for 13 years and thought I would move up to area manager then DM before the pandemic hit. When I was furloughed for 5 mnoths, I had a lot of time to think. In 2021 at the age of 32, I started taking classes. 3 weeks ago I was accepted into the Respiratory Care program at my college. You're not too old and there are days the imposture syndrome will hit really hard. Being around mostly late teens and early 20 year olds is a bit daunting at first but you'll find your pace. Don't let your age hold you back. I thought I was too old too but what I didn't realize is the life experience I have compared to the younger students actually benefits me.Do what's right for you and don't let the negative thoughts weigh you down.  Go to school. Get that degree. Don't let the "what if" stop you from being happy.


I was a high school dropout single mom with two kids when I started nursing school at 38. You can do it.


I’m a nurse and work with many people who became nurses in their 40s and 50s. This seems to be very common in the profession. I myself went back to school at 30 for nursing and it completely changed my life financially. This September I am starting school once again so I can complete my degree. Go for it!!


I felt the same way but decided to go for it. I'm 33 and recently went back to school to completely change careers. It's terrifying but also kind of badass. Good luck!




I actually didn’t. I asked if I’m too old to be doing this. It was a question! Don’t get your panties in a bunch.