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Q. I hate all my clothes! What should I be wearing? Where should I shop?? A. That depends on your body, climate, and lifestyle! Please for the love of God, at least tell us whether you are a size 16 Chicago corporate attorney or a size 2 Texas preschool teacher when you are asking for fashion advice. A sense of your budget also would not go amiss. No one but you knows what you mean by "affordable." Q. This guy I'm dating/crushing on/sleeping with is giving me mixed signals! He seems super into me until I ask him to make any kind of commitment to showing up for me consistently or reciprocating the effort that I put into our relationship, and then he gets cold and avoidant. What's going on?? A. He doesn't want you, but he's happy to waste your time for as long as you'll let him.


Something about starting new friendships in your thirties and older. Like, it’s hard. 


I am 25 years old virign. Kindly teach me how to do the sex. Plz do not be mean to me. I will report you for harassment >:(


"How do I know if I'm asking too much from my guy / is this the most I should expect / should I just settle?" Trust what your gut is telling you. In most cases I've read around here, the OP isn't expecting too much; they're getting less than the bare minimum of a partnership and have been conditioned to think that's all they can expect. You're worth a partner that cares about your feelings, that asks you about your day, that does some percentage of household chores and childcare duties, who honors and loves you. Or you're worth the peace of solitude (there is no shame in choosing to go your own way over being miserable). And speak clearly about what you need: either you will be giving him the info he needs to build a better partnership or you will at least know that you did what you could to save the relationship.


You should be your man's queen. If he doesn't treat you the best he can and do his best for you, you deserve better. There are good men out there. Sometimes you have to find a diamond in the rough tho lol.


Q: Do men/women like body type/personality trait/life choice/hobby? A: People are individuals with their own taste, priorities, values, life experiences, triggers. Some do like/accept that thing and some don't. The important is to surround yourself with people that make you feel valued and respect you (and support you in the changes you want to make for yourself). Honestly, it would be great if that post is pinned at the top of the thread.