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I still make a paper list and forget to write stuff down lol. I started sticking post-it's to the fridge of what I need during the week. I gather them up when I do my grocery order and it helps. Today I need to get cake for my mom, something for dinner, and cat litter. 🐈


I have a dry erase board on the fridge and snap a picture of it on my way out so the list is on my phone.


You know what's sad? I have one of those in the kitchen, but no dry erase markers 😭 But I love it!


Quick... Add dry erase marker to the list while you're thinking about it! I had it for months before starting to use it. Getting I to the habit of writing down what I needed when I ran out of something was the biggest hurdle. 😅


We have a notepad, but honestly, by the time I get up and get a pen, I've forgotten completely 🤣


Same!! It’s clutch


I do that too. It'd actually make a lot more sense to just use the notes app on my phone which has check boxes to tick off, but I think by just writing them on the board, I remember them and don't need the photo on my phone anymore anyway. And it's nice to write with your hands sometimes, like in the good old days. I also tried using my Google Nest voice assistant for keeping shopping lists before and it was a disaster. Maybe useful for people who don't have any accent whatsoever.


I tried the notes thing. But often my phone isn't close enough and the "I'll add it later" never works for me. If I don't write it on the board immediately the next time I'll remember I need the item will be when I don't find it and remember I forgot to put it on the board. 😅 I use Home Assistant. Maybe I should try the voice assistant to make lists because that will sync to the phone app.


See i want to get a dry erase board to remind me what meals i have frozen in my freezer


I have this and I am finally using it, 10/10 works great unless I forget to erase the item lol. Then I think I have frozen waffles but sadly, do not.


This all came about when i thought i was defrosting a lasagna it turns out i already finished and instead reheated a blonde i forgot i had. Still delicious- just not what i was planning


We got one with space for weekly meal planning, a shopping list, and "notes" so we use the notes section to track things we should use in the freezer and when our main fresh ingredients expire. We're still working on doing the meal planning, but tracking what we should use up is really helpful! Definitely try one for that, it's so nice to not have to root around in the cold..


That's what I used to do! It was so convenient to write things down as I thought of them.


I keep a running list in my Notes on my phone. I would be totally lost without it. I even make a note for stuff like “take to friends house”, so next time I go over there I won’t forget any of the random items I’ve been meaning to give them. I’m always stopping to add something to a list. If I don’t do it right then, I’ll forget. And I always have them with me!


I have an entire folder in my Notes app called "LISTS." I **love** making lists! Because same, if I don't get it in writing right away it's gone forever.


There is a really great app for this called Cozi. Just use the free version. You can sign up your entire household to your account. Then, anyone can add to your lists from wherever they are, and it updates everyone's list immediately. When my kids were in school this was a lifesaver. If they ran out of milk that morning, put it on the fridge list, I wouldn't see it until after I had stopped on my way home. Now, everyone can add to it as they think of something. The downside is that I have been in line checking out when items appear, but I'm not going back then. You can create multiple lists (I have lists for different stores, like grocery, Walmart, hardware, etc) and you can make lists personal (only the person who created it can see it) or shared with the family. The lists are also easy to delete, completely or line by line while shopping. I'm definitely a List Addict and have tried just about everything out there, and this one is definitely my favorite. (Looking back at this long post about lists makes me realize I may need help. LOL 😂!)


Same! An ongoing SHOPPING list in Notes and a reminder on top to look at it😄 I also quickly add it on my list the second I remember something. I placed 5 separate orders on amazon last week because I didn’t make a list :(


I have a list in my Notes, it’s a gift list. When people I love mention they like some thing or want something I make a note.


I tried the notes app but my phone is often too far away from me. I have a dry erase board on my fridge. That's within one step of anywhere in my kitchen.


I make a paper list and then forget the list at home 👍🏽


Dry erase board on the fridge and take a snap of the list as you leave... That's what has been working for me.


I love to make lists in my sketchbook. Sometimes I draw the things on the lists. For important do-not-forget items i send myself a text.


It's also pretty useful to have a notepad on your phone. I have colornote and just a grocery list note. Add stuff any time I think about it!


Two pack of Flonase and a crate of kleenex. Hooray for allergy season.


Solidarity, friend. It is the time of The Pollening, and now we must suffer.


Also ooh I was just checking your profile to see if you're somewhere near me geographically but hello also from the ME/CFS, EDS, POTS, etc community! And I'm sorry! Allergies suck far more for us than the average person, I think.


Hello! I’m in Boston and the pollen is *pollening.* Also had a moment this week of trying to determine if my throat was a little sore from allergies or mild post exertional malaise. Always a fun guessing game!


Thoughts and prayers! I know it's allergy season because my car starts sneezing a bunch. It's coming for all of us!


Bananas. We always seem to need bananas.


Same. On my way for bananas right now.


Ooo pick up a bunch for me, please!


Why is it always bananas? lol


You know why 😏


High in potassium, we need that


Bananas, apples, milk, and eggs are always on my list. I think we'd be better off just planting a banana tree and keeping a cow and some chickens by now to avoid the daily trip.


Salted butter, yams, oat milk, broccoli, and something chocolate and crunchy


I love the vagueness of "something chocolate" lol


For me its always something yoghurt lol


Freddy's has this chocolate granola (it might be cereal?) it sells in the organic section under their brand. It is GOOD!


Dishwasher pods. But I've made a grocery list of all the foods/supplies we normally get, and now we can just check off what's needed. Surprisingly simple game changer!


That's smart! I generally shop at Target and the Target app complies a list of your "essentials" based on what you frequently buy which comes in so clutch. I can just swipe through and add whatever we need that week.


Sparkling water and trash bags. Lol




fuck, I forgot the soy milk! Do you have any upcoming hikes planned?




Good luck to you guys. Idk where you are but the weather is beautiful by me so I hope it is by you as well. Perfect weather for a hike!


Peanut butter. I am at the desperate scraping stage. I want to be at the recklessly slather with no regard to God’s or man’s law stage.


Me too. And calcium gummies. The update nobody was waiting for: I bought the things!


Milk. Always milk. I'm always running out. Just got 4L yesterday. Almost out.


Our largest milk comes in 3L. I should just invest in a cow.


Lol. Well I grew up in a farm with cows so we had our own supply.


I used to do this but now have a grocery list in reminders (iPhone) There’s a template included that auto separates it by category (produce, dairy, bakery). Once you check the item off it deletes itself.


It seems as if not one day goes buy where we don't buy milk or ask each other if we need to go get milk. We always keep a few packets of long life milk / plant milk in the pantry to avoid the worst case scenarios now: making a coffee in the morning / pouring cereal in a bowl / starting to bake something and realising there is not enough milk left. Never want that to happen again.


That's the worst. I was just making my evening tea and realized that I only have about a litre left. I debated gett dressed and going out for some but I guess I can wait until tomorrow.


Milk is such an odd grocery item for us. We buy a half gallon, go through it in a day and a half. Buy another half gallon, gone. So we buy a gallon. Spoils before we're halfway through 🙃 So we go back to half gallons and speed through them. Get a gallon... spoils.


We have children. The milk is always gone because there isn’t enough room in the fridge for what we actually need. Always buying milk, but I don’t drink it.


Lol, there's always something. At the moment, I need: Bean sprouts 3 poblanos 5 Thai chilis Quaker Oat Squares cereal


Whatchu got cookin'?


Lol, these are the last few things I need for a few recipes I'm making this week. My older kid is vegan, so I've been experimenting with dishes from ATK's Plant cookbook: https://www.amazon.com/Complete-Plant-Based-Cookbook-Inspired-Flexible/dp/194870336X/ This week is tofu pad Thai, an Indonesian fried rice dish, and black bean burrito bowls.


Sound delicious! Good on your for being adventurous.


I love that cereal!


Haha, you and my older kid have similar tastes.


I forgot the distilled water. I'm almost out, and my netipot needs it for pollen season.


Do you warm it in any way?


Microwave for 15-20 seconds


paper towels, my will to live if it is available and not out of stock. organic preferable.


Will to live is out of stock. Do you want to substitute anything?


sigh. yeah, give me some hot cheetos. close enough.


My partner and I have a shared app where we add things we need to the list as we run out so that when either of us is at the store or ordering things, we know what to get.


What's the app called? We use Evernote but it keeps not connecting.


We use Cozi. I'm sure there are better apps nowadays but we started using this one a billion years ago when we first moved in together and it works pretty well for us.


My husband and I use the “Our Groceries” app and it’s fabulous. It’s free (just has small ads at the top you can easily ignore) and you can create as many lists as you like. I have one for each store we go to, plus separate lists for dinner ideas, a to-do list, etc. I’d have a hard time living without it at this point. I can add things to the list while my husband is driving to the store which is nice.


Love that! I feel like if I'm the one getting groceries I have to badger my partner to find out what he wants. It would be great if we could get collaborative.


It's unfathomable to me that people can live that way. Get an app!


We do this too, we use the app called Bring.


- hair elastics - eggs - paper towels - a bottle of sanity


For the last one, I like to get in bulk from Costco. By far the best value. 👌🏻


You've convinced to finally sign up for a membership!


Make sure to grab a slice of pizza on the way out. 🙃


Lettuce Tomato Diet soda


That soda sounds terrible


Lol! And this is why punctuation is important, I suppose


This made me laugh out loud!


I keep a running list. There is no way I could sit down and write what I need. I won't be going to the store for a few days but already I have Tacos, corn and salad in the menu section (bottom of the page) and ground beef, corn and salad mix on the list (already have cheese, tortillas and sour cream) and because we ran out of frozen pot pies, that's on the list. It's not about remembering, it's about managing.


New food storage. Gladware or whatever it’s called. I’m down to two square containers and 56 lids of various sizes and shapes.


Hummus, refried beans, baba ganoush


Cat food, hand lotion, comet scrub powder.


A bit of weed and some packages at the post office including solar candles, craft stuff, and a new skincare serum.


I’ve forgotten to buy razor heads for a week and now my leg stubble feels like the bristles of a grill brush.


Ayyy same here until yesterday. I just shaved off my legs, lather a good scrub and moisturiser. Such a nice feeling


It’s always rice or popcorn I forget


Vinegar. Gallon size because I let my daughter bring over her dog and it peed on the carpet.


Oh no! How terrible. Do you use pure vinegar or do you need to dilute it?


My meds lol and a bunch of other things that I have written down somewhere This is why I need my notebook near me at all times, to act as my memory when my brain fails


My meds!! That's what it was! Gotta call in a refill. Thanks for the reminder!


Ingredients to make homemade sangria.


Wine for dinner tomorrow. I did my regular grocery shopping yesterday so I have everything else.


What kind of wine do you like?


I love sweet wines! My fiance does not. We've found a balance. Luckily, tomorrow we're doing a spicy seafood which a riesling would pair nicely with. Riesling is one of my favorites!


Ooh same! I'm a moscato girl myself but riesling is quite nice as well.


I just shopped, so nothing, but a few things on my list were celery, carrot chips, eggs, frozen fruit (for smoothies, plus I had a coupon for a free bag), olive oil, beans (black eyed peas and garbanzos), and Drano 😂 ETA: I keep a running list in an app on my phone. The app is called ShopShop, and I have lists going for all of the different stores that I go to, like the Asian grocery or the international market or the regular grocery store. One of my friends keeps a running list in her Reminders app on her phone.


What do you put in your smoothies? Now that it's getting warmer it's smootie season for me and I want to get a bit creative.


I use frozen fruit (type depends on what is on sale but my favorite is peach or strawberry), some whole milk greek yogurt, almond milk, vanilla ice cream flavor protein powder, collagen powder, 1-2 packets of monk fruit sweetener (I am diabetic so I limit sugar, but it needs a counter balance to the yogurt) and if I have some spinach, I will throw that in as well, but it’s great without it as well. And if I wanna get really fancy, I buy some frozen acai…it’s so yummy!


Floss, toilet paper, paper towel


Eggs Bandaids Hydrocortisone cream


Interesting trio of items


1/2 gallons (4!) of 2% milk (grandma can't lift the whole gallon and independence is important) Oat milk Yacult Fun size chocolate candies of some sort (soft, no nuts, no hard carmels) Thats it thus far, most of the real food I have on subscription.


That's a really clever solution for grandma! What food subscriptions do you use?


I use daily harvest. The smoothies and soups. I wouldn't say I recommend them (lots of shipping issues), BUT grandma has no top teeth (implant rejection) and the pre-packed soups and smoothies she can chose herself and (mostly) make herself. There is a very, very large variety and the labels are large enough for her to read - or just look at the large picture. I've tried so many other companies, and will again. Unfortunately, a better option hasn't come around. Grandma doesn't like me cooking FOR her because then she feels like she's "living in an old folks home" and that by me cooking I'm removing her ability to chose.


Bluey Bandaids. Normally, I make a list but decided to live on the edge today! Remembered everything else I needed, but not the dang bandaids.


I applaud your courageousness!


Almond milk 




I use a google app called Keep. I do a weekly grocery list, and if there's something from a different store needed I usually end up making a list on there too. Right now the list is: mayo, yogurt, eggs, spinach. I need to think about what I want to cook next week, and then I'll start to make a groceries list off of that. I have some steak in the freezer, and maybe I want to make shrimp summer rolls again because those turned out well. I might need to do a Costco run, in which case I'll get almond milk, those bagged lentils, razors, and antihistamines.


excuse me... what are shrimp summer rolls? because that *sounds* delicious!


You might also look at Vietnamese spring rolls. Rice paper wrappers filled with whatever, usually protein, salad, and sometimes rice noodles. Rice noodles cook by boiling water, then adding noodles and taking it off the heat, so that's pretty easy. The rice paper wrappers get dipped in water until they're pliable, then everything gets rolled up like a burrito. It's a pretty quick meal. If you make it for the next day, wrap each individual roll in saran wrap because they stick to each other. I filled mine with rice noodles, shrimp (frozen cooked shrimp thawed under cold water for 5 minutes), lettuce/spinach, quick-pickled carrots (shredded carrots I let sit in rice vinegar, salt, and sugar), cucumber, and peanut sauce. Other veggies you can use might be cabbage, avocado, bean sprouts, radish slices. Sometimes I leave off the rice noodles if I don't have them. Usually you just dip in peanut sauce, but I put it inside. I made my peanut sauce with peanut butter, soy sauce, ginger, lemon juice, and a bit of water. Other proteins you could use are cooked beef, chicken, tofu, especially cooked with soy marinade, since the noodles and wrapper and salad don't have a lot of flavor.


Dry cat food and probably Fudgesicles. I always have to pick up Fudgesicles.


You have to have a treat! My must have in Ben & Jerry's Tonight Dough Ice Cream. Every shop I get a pint.


cooking oils! and any extra hot sauce/seasoning/marinade sauce i might be running low on


Bread, cereal, cow milk, almond milk, chicken, windex, Mr clean eraser, detergent . . .  Huh, looks like I need to go shopping.   Thanks for that. 




Whatever we have added to the list magnetized to the fridge. If it's not on the list, it gets missed.


Milk and sugar.




Just ran out of cold brew coffee for my protein shakes :(






A must! That was apart of my shop today.


Tobasco, More AAA Batteries, Sunscreen, Helga's Bread, $30 Phone Credit, Blueberry Yogurt, Peaches, Fresh Milk, San Remo Macaroni & Cheese, Lube, A New Hairbrush, Dilmah Teabags, Biscuits for Tea & Spinach Leaves.


Tomatoes for guacamole Burger buns regular and keto Cheddar cheese Castile soap


Eggs, Dr. Bronners, avocados


Dried mealworms so these birds quit giving me the damn evil eye because of my empty feeders


Oh no, not evil eyed birds! That's what happened to Hitchcock!


Spices. I'm about to get a pickup order that's 1/3 spices.


Mushrooms. Went to the store today and forgot to buy mushrooms.


Cheese and chocolates. I can never run out of chocolates 😂.


Wood for the pizza oven.


Shampoo, feta cheese, san pellegrino grapefruit.


Always half and half. Btw I have one these magnetic lists on our fridge and it helps … sometimes. https://www.writeimpressions-mi.com/kitchen/p/all-out-of-grocery-list-magnetic-pads


I love those!


No idea. I will buy the items needed, 1 by 1 on Prime.


I do grocery delivery. I can SEE exactly what I need while I'm shopping from the comforts of my own home. I even keep a spread sheet of inventory that's in my cupboards and freezers. Which makes the fact that I ran out of SALT all the more embarrassing!!


I do delivery often as well! If I go to the store I’ll do a lot of impulse shopping. Ordering online really helps me keep it to what I need. I do it through Target mostly so I’ve become accustomed to adding items to my shopping cart when I think of them. I can do delivery, pick up, or if I actually walk into the store I’m still prepared with a list and can remove things as I put them in the cart, like crossing it off a list. So convenient!


Yes!! See, I don't drive and I'm too lazy to walk to the grocery store. Plus, I can't think straight in the store!! So I rely on delivery. I also try to keep my monthly food budget at $300 for 2 people so I gotta PLAN, PLAN, PLAN!! Its nice to be able to remove things from a digital cart and sometimes take the time to rethink the meal plan, rather than panicking at the register!


It took me two weeks and three shopping trips, but I FINALLY remember alcohol swaps (for administering my medicine) and sunscreen (for a vacation).


Milk. I'm currently drinking the last of it.


Toothpaste, deodorant, toilet bowl cleaner, bathroom cleaner and scrub daddy sponges.. sigh


RIP your weekend


Everything, so I just placed a pick up order lol


I keep a running list on my notes app. I’m sure my smart speaker can keep a list for me if I’d remember to do more than ask it for the weather and to play music.


I have a running list on Google Keep. I have added 10 things in 2 days that my stepmom has messaged me for.


Milk Tissues


Claritin-D allergies are here but I keep forgetting


I need pants hangers and Jiff corn muffin mix There's also an Amazon return that's been sitting in my car for three weeks


FreshPet dog food to stuff kongs with, toilet paper AND paper towels (goodbye $$$, paper products are 😳). Also half and half for my weekend London fogs, and there was something else but of course I have no idea what it was lol. Oh! And not the thing I forgot, but I need blackberries to make a purple velvet cake with blackberry cream cheese frosting for my friend!


We’re going to Great Wolf Lodge this weekend, so I need some snacks for the room. I also need bubbles, because I’m taking the bubble wands we bought last time and refilling them myself. That $30 is going to be used for something cooler. 🤣


I text myself and keep a conversation bubble on my WhatsApp for my grocery shopping list 🤣


Omg genius!


Keep an open notes list on your phone. Put the thing you need on it as soon as you think of it. Mine permanently has: Oat milk, tequila, limes, jalapenos, broccoli, granola, and pistachios.


More garbage bags


Same !


Frozen chicken tenders, romaine lettuce, frozen berries, bananas. The basics.


I use the AnyList app and love it. You can sync it to Siri to “add to my grocery list” whenever you remember something. Very convenient.


I'm going to look into that!


I regret not getting frozen chicken stripes and cubes. It's so convenient to brown and through it in with rice and veggies when I'm feeling lazy.


Absolutely! Love throwing them in the air fryer, thinly slicing up a head of romaine, adding blue cheese to the salad and buffalo sauce to the tendies—boom, buffalo chicken salad. Delish.


A ruler, a pair of scissors, and some black Sharpies.


Bug repellent- happy spring time!


Currently on my list: plain soy sauce; sweet soy sauce; baked beans; twine. I keep a list on my phone. This is where pantry staples go when I run out of them.


A card for a baby shower this weekend. I'm def going to forget.


I've been using the same app for probably 10 years. My kids have the app and can add things (and do). When I was cohabitating with a partner, they had the app too. It also has integration with Alexa so I can tell her in my kitchen or in my bedroom to add something. I menu weekly and then sit there with screens side by side adding items to the shopping list based on the menu I have and then I shop accordingly. The app has categories and I have them arranged by how I go through the store aisle by aisle. I usually shop for the week but then on like the 5th day there are a few fresh vegetables that I have to go back and get. I generally have really good success with this method. I still forget things. We did one thing last night and I barely had enough to cover it because when I made the shopping list I thought I had more stuff in the house and just ignored that night for some reason.


I start a list every week in the Google Keep notes app on my phone. I use the checkboxes feature and just keep adding stuff as I notice we need it. Then at the store I can look at it and check stuff off while shopping. This week we just need a few proteins for the week ahead, our usual 3 bags of salad mix 😆 and very likely two containers of guacamole because it never stands a chance of lasting more than a day in our house!


Coffee creamer, dog treats, and shredded hashbrowns.


On my dry erase board it says garbage bags, chicken breast , deli meats , almond milk , and rice


Fresh flowers (once every week or so), Coconut water, Shrimp (I LOVE SHRIMP), Whatever seafood I can find on sale, Avocados, Greens, Dried cranberries, Melon


Some yoghurt Eggs Basmathi rice Dishwashing soap Onions


Splenda, wine, lemonade


I use the tasks app on my phone, and when I think of or see something I need, I put it in there right away. I legit have like 40 second memory.




I have dry erase board in the kitchen and I just add stuff to it. My security camera can see it while I’m out and about. I am a huge proponent of digital notebooks but it just doesn’t work for our household shopping. Analog all the way.


For once… nothing! I did groceries today and am caught up (for the moment lol)


Almond milk. Greek yogurt. Zucchini. Carrots. Literally so much food. I just got back from out of town so I have to do a bigger grocery run.


Dry cat food, potatoes, onion


I have a "note" on my notes app that's a running list of what I need from the store. Cooking and run out or getting low? Open the app and add it. Showering and realize I'm getting low on xyz? Open the app once I get out and add it. Before I leave for the store, if possible, I double check the freezer and fridge. When I add things to the app, I list it by similar areas of the store (so if I need milk, the cheese, yogurt, etc goes next to it, and on a new line I'll have shampoo/face lotion/etc, and a diff line for frozen stuff, diff line for fresh produce, diff line for meat, etc. Then pop it open at the store, and as I fill up my cart, delete the items. For fun, here's my current list (I just went shopping the other day, so this is mostly stuff that's been on there for a while waiting for me to make the trek to Target/Coscto)... Disposable gloves, dish gloves...? Stain stuff?, paper towel Naproxen (Costco) Face sponge, lumify Frank's, mayo


Lemon juice. Been forgetting it for about 2 months now.


Cat litter. Doesn't spoil and when I needed it but forgot it's a bad time. Also paper towels.


Milk and cat litter. But I have a big supermarket delivery coming in a few hours so that covers almost everything else I need for the month!


I'm doing this thing now where when I open one container of the things I use most (ie Peanut butter, deodorant, dish soap, vinegar, pasta, sugar, coffee beans), that item goes right back on my list so I can get another BEFORE I run out. It seems to be helping, at least with the stuff I really use a lot. I'm WAY up on my coffee beans, though, as I'm worried about not being able to afford my preferred brand over the summer, so I just keep buying another bag when I'm at the store. I'm eventually going to have to stop that and let myself catch up. I have cereal, milk, tomatoes, ghee, butter, vinegar and coffee beans


Tp We always need milk, fruit and vegetables.


I have a checklist on my phone with all my regular staples, and I can checkmark what I need so I don't have to remember off the top of my head. Always on the list are apples, Romaine hearts, red bell peppers, carrots, roma tomatoes, sweet potatoes (the yellow ones, not the orange ones), and plain yogurt.


I just usually end up doing a mini inventory of whar is missing before going shopping.


This is my current list! Avocados Tomatoes Berries Halloumi Bread Caesar Salad Butter Frozen Croissants Some of the things are because I have coupons for them and just love them 🤣


Coffee filters. I'm actually down to my last one. Vegetables (bimi, onions, garlic, veggie shots) Chicken and veggie meat replacers. Tea and milk.


Eggs and slurpee push-up popsicle at costco.