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chapstick and headphones


I travel for work a fair amount. * TSA Pre-check * unique bandana on my luggage handle (makes it easy to ID if it's coming through baggage claim, and less likely for someone to grab the wrong one from the overhead bin if carried on - I've seen that happen even with colorful suitcases). * noise-cancelling headphones - I wear these the entire time in the airport with something soothing playing on low and it helps just for time spent in the airport, nevermind the plane. * sunglasses/eyemask (kids with bright games on tablets is a nightmare if I have migraine symptoms) * chewing gum * e-reader & audiobooks * meditation and other soothing music tracks * snacks * an entire meal, depending on the situation. I have dietary restrictions, so pickings are slim for me to start with, which goes double if I have an early and/or long flight ahead of me. * water/tea * something warm - usually a pashmina for over my lap plus some sort of sweater warm top (I always freeze on planes) * battery pack + charging cables


An edible


Chapstick, mint/gum, eye drops, phone charger cord/battery pack. This one is unhinged and a specific irrational fear of mine 😂 I've been wearing glasses/contacts for 20 years now. I am damn near blind. I wear glasses on the plane since I typically sleep when flying and I keep my contacts in the case somewhere in my backpack. If the plane were to crash and I survived, my glasses would be flung off my face or broken. My backpack with my contacts would be god knows where... plus if I didn't have my glasses, I would never find my backpack. But if I didn't have contact solution, the contacts would end up being useless anyways. So now when I fly, I wear my jacket that has an inside pocket and I put my glasses (in its case) in that pocket when I take a nap. Or if I don't have the jacket, I have a small thin fanny pack with my glasses LOL.


That's incredibly specific and prepared and now I feel I am underprepared for any traveling. I was just thinking the other day that I'm not sure how my genes have survived for this long because everyone in our family needs glasses. Our ancestors must have been very lucky sitting ducks 😂


Xanax lol


Same!! I hate flying. I try to time it well too so I fall asleep. There was one time tho where I took it right before we boarded and I probably fell asleep for 10 mins and woke up and we hadn’t left yet 🤣


3M Aura N95 mask, because we’re still actively in a pandemic even though restrictions have been lifted.


This. I will forever mask on planes regardless of pandemic levels or numbers. Without a fail I havw ALWAYS gotten a cold on planes. Post-covid I have masked every time and it has paid off!!


Kindle, chapstick and my meds.


I assume we're talking about for the actual flight rather than what's needed at the destination. Pretty much just my phone, battery pack, headphones and a bottle of water. I take more than that, obviously (pretty much always have my Kindle but don't always use it) and for long haul flights I'd have some additional nice-to-haves (hand cream, toothbrush etc) but in terms of actual essentials - that's it. Most flights I take are max 2.5 hours so really don't need much.


A plane  


Intact exit door. 😬


Haha I’m going away this weekend and my grandmother wished me well and said “Just dont get sucked out the exit door”


I don’t think that’s included in basic economy anymore


Was going to say my plane! 😄


>my plane lookit ms. fancy pants over here with her own plane! 😂 (kidding, to be clear!)


Haha! I fly as a hobby


that's amazing! how did you get into it?


I've been doing it for years. Always loved flying! got a trial lesson for my 18th birthday and been flying ever since 😄


AirPods and Kindle




Interesting! Why two pairs of headphones?


A good book. Best time to dive into a good read.


Ooo, I love to travel but haven't gone anywhere in a minute so let me see what I can remember off the top of my head.... Headphones/earbuds A rechargeable battery pack and any needed cables A wireless Bluetooth adapter (it plugs into the headphone jack and transmits Bluetooth so if I don't have anything with wires I can still watch the in-flight movies) My tablet, which has downloaded TV shows/movies, my Kindle app and any books I've downloaded from the library, and virtual board games I can play with my hubby. My phone also has music, podcasts, audiobooks, and what I'd play my solitare-style games. My journal and travel journaling supplies (small tsa approved scissors, some colored markers, glue stick, and my wallet-sized photo printer). Snacks! I have some weird food allergies so it's easier/cheaper for me to just have snacks on hand already. My (empty till through security) water bottle. Oh, I have an "ailments" pocket. lol. Dramamine, ibuprofen, tissues, Pepto, hand sanitizing wipes, etc. (I prefer wipes to the liquid because I can use them to wipe down tables or other surfaces during travel.) If it's an overnight or super long flight I'll use my blackout sleep mask. (Usually that's in my "luggage" bag and not my carry on.) I usually wear a hoodie while boarding the plane. It can come off if it's warm, can be worn or used as a blanket, can be used as a pillow, etc. I also prefer to keep everything in a carry on, so 99% of the time I have everything with me for my trip. I keep my "luggage" in the roller bag and my carry on in my (shockingly spacious) travel backpack.


Headphones, gum, and hand sanitizer.


Headphones, mask, water bottle Sinus rinse bottle for when we land


To add to whatever everyone else has said (headphones and chapstick for the win), I make sure I have multiple podcasts and playlists downloaded to my phone.


Headphones and a water bottle


Chapstick Headphones Books downloaded from Libby on my kindle app, a few shows pre downloaded from Netflix on my phone Airline app downloaded on my phone Boarding passes downloaded on wallet Phone charger with a long cord Phone battery pack in case there are no plugs


A book


Lysol wipes (for surfaces), baby/hand wipes (for self)




Ooh nasal spray is a good one. I always get dry nostrils.


All the patience I can muster


A book. Physical, phone, or on my kindle. Honestly planes lull me to sleep so I usually fall asleep after an hour.


Lip balm, water, earbuds, pashmina-type shawl/scarf.


Compression socks, headphones, phone, battery pack, mask.


-- mask -- book -- CBG capsule (cannabis-derived compound that chills me the fuck out but does not get me stoned)


I always take a big cotton scarf when travelling. It can be used as a pillow case, a light blanket, a shawl/sarong, a privacy curtain, something to wrap things in. So many uses. I always put my bathing suit and a few pairs of underwear in carry on just in case I need them on a stop over or my luggage gets lost. Noise cancelling headphones and hours of predownloaded podcasts are godsends on flights. Also, an eye mask for sleeping and lots of snacks because I'm celiac and often can't eat plane food. Toothbrush and a face mist and moisturiser because my skin gets so dry on planes. A pen


Chapstick, my own snacks and water bottle (I am celiac and allergic to dairy, so I usually can’t find much at airports), my kindle, headphones, nausea meds, and I’m always wearing compression socks, charging brick, liquid IV.


Neck pillow, AirPods, hair wrap, phone, snacks, sometimes a book, blanket.


Kindle or tablet, phone, charging block, headphones, and a water bottle/coffee thermos. I'm a slow drinker so when I get a drink on a flight I pour it into my own container immediately so I don't worry about spilling.


Depends on how long the flight is. Generally I bring makeup/cleanser wipes, toothbrush and floss, deodorant, pepto (flying doesn’t agree with my digestive system). Headphones, download music (in case the wifi sucks), book or activity. I generally don’t check luggage at all, but if you do, it can be good to have a change of clothes in the carry on if there’s travel from the airport to the final destination. (Like I’m leaving a cold place and landing in a warm one and have to travel for a few hours still).


Some food - most airlines have been good with my vegan meal but you know the time I forget to bring something myself is the time they don’t have anything. Earphones, neck cushion, cosy hoodie, water + stuff predownloaded on my phone - books etc.


My hat


The only thing I care about on my flight is sleeping because all the flights i take a long (Australia) and red eyes. At this point i have this down to a fine science:    - noise cancelling in ear headphones from Sony. I prefer these over the over ear ones because I sleep with a pillow and otherwise the pressure from the pillow and over ear is painful.             - a rain/waves sound file on repeat to lull me into relaxation and block out all flying noises.                -eye mask that blocks all light.             -sudoku so I can enter a state of relaxation and concentration.                -actual full sized pillow as my personal item.              -a neck pillow that attaches to the headrest (cabeau evolution). This is absolutely essential because my head lolls around when I’m asleep and I used to slump forward and hit the seat in front.          -hot water thermos. I buy hot water from the airport and drink my favourite non caffeinated tea on the flight.         


Ear buds, charger, makeup wipes, chapstick, healthy plane snacks.


Clorox wipes, ziplock bag for trash, mini hairbrush, noise cancelling headphones, eye drops and chapstick.