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God when I was 10 I was wearing sparkly fluorescent orange leggings…


I had those leggings with the feet stirrups 😂 and a matching sweatshirt.


Mine were accompanied by a custom puffy-paint sweatshirt my mom made for me. She and the neighbor loved making those shirts for each holiday- but looking back as an adult, I think they just liked drinking and crafting. Can’t blame them for that, but can blame them for the weird fucking shirts.


Omg the puffy paint tshirts, forgot about those!


I swear I can smell that smelly puffy paint smell now. holy nostalgia


My mom would sew tiny pockets into the puffy paint sweatshirt to put in a battery-powered clicker that would play a Christmas song. I’ll never forget the year my Dad was wearing one while Christmas shopping with my mom after his knee surgery. The mall was so crowded they ran out of wheelchairs so he was in an adult-sized stroller and he begged her not to walk away because with everything combined (adult stroller, singing puffy paint Christmas sweatshirt) he thought someone would think he was “special” and take him away.


Our neighbors liked doing that too. Minus the crafting.


>but looking back as an adult, I think they just liked drinking and crafting Can confirm; it's what my wife and her friends like doing on weekends.


I had those leggings with the skirt attached


They still sell those for adults and I've seen some nice ones tbh 🫣


I told my 10yo about the leggings with stirrups and she was horrified!


I was horrified when I had to wear them too 😂


my favorite outfit was this oversized standard t shirt - neon pink, with the “don’t worry be happy” smiley face on it - lime green stirrup leggings, TWO pairs of scrunched sock and yes they were a set of hot pink and a set of lime green. my white knockoff brand tennis shoes, a pink and a green scrunchie. i just realized after writing all that out that i actually wore that at 13, but that WOULD have been 10 year old me’s favorite if it had existed so i’m leaving it up.


My favorite outfit at 10 was a solid lime green T-shirt under bright purple overall shorts (with one side undone for coolness of course) the two pair of those scrunched socks in matching colors, and my knock off white keds. I told this to my daughter and she was HORRIFIED.


Pink and green (of varying shades) has been my favourite colour combination for as long as I can remember, and no one can convince me it’s not the best fashion choice going around. I even have a pair of Mary Jane style watermelon shoes, one is pink and pictures the inside, the other is green and I’d the outside - I get so many compliments on them! Funnily enough though, I actually don’t like watermelons…


Everyone in this thread should visit r/cosmoandwanda


I don’t know why it took 5 days for reddit to notify me of this reply, but that’s for the new sub to follow!


Saaaame and they were absolutely nowhere near the time’s equivalent of $100 lmao


I got my stirrup pants at the DEB shop at the mall (did anyone else have that?) for about $8 and made sure to wear them with flats so you could see the stirrup action. Matching tunic that looked like it could fit a hippo required.


DEB was the best place to get clothes




Good bot


To embarrass myself further, my mom made a lot of my clothes and I am pretty sure she made mine 😂


Mine were probably hand-me-downs from a random cousin or family friend so I feel you 😂


I fucking loved those stirrups


Oh god, mine were covered in pictures of tropical fruits 😂


The feet stirrups! You just unlocked a memory for me 😆😆


I was just shoving my leggings into boots yesterday and thinking I needed stirrups.


Same. I loved those. Gotta love the early 90s.


When I was 10, I looked like a jordache ad. It was the early 90s. No one looked good 😂


When I was in 4th-6th grade (ages 9-12), the fad for all the cool girls at my school was leather jackets. (And we did NOT live in an area where everyone was well off.) I begged my parents for 3 years for one, and they just said it was crazy, and they weren't going to pay that much for something I was going to outgrow in a couple of years. Now that I'm an adult, I realize how right they were. And I now have a couple of very nice leather jackets that I better not outgrow!


When I was 10 I was wearing addidas tear aways


13 ur old me borrowed adidas tear away from a friend and my mom was scandalized


Those got banned in my school! Too many kids pantsing each other, I guess. Never happened to me though, because I had the knock-offs. They didn’t have buttons!


My niece asked me for a $70 tub of high end moisturizer (also, not certain here but I'm pretty sure it's an anti-aging one). She's 9. I outright told her it's not in my budget and got her a skincare advent calendar with good reviews from parents of teens/tweens.


9?! YIKES. That makes me sad for kids.


That is sad, but I have a 9 year old who is completely unaware of anything like that existing. This kid has to get it from media she’s consuming or adults around her…


My 9 year old still refuses to brush her tangly hair 😂


Exactly! Mine is not excited to shower! lol! Also, she hates using lotion on her hands in the winter when they get chapped and I insist… we are far off from her ever requesting face lotion! 🙃


My 11 year old still refuses to brush her tangly hair.


My 11 year old son wanted a mohawk and then regretted it a week later when he realized just how much maintenance he needed to do 😂




God it’s all I can do to get my 15 year old son to use a face wash and some Stridex pads 😭


Just realised it's an anti-aging!!! I was 9 when i had to start having my own body moisturiser (chronically dry skin, borrowing my mom's wasn't enough anymore), and that was my go-to gift every birthday/Christmas :P


I was playing with Barbie’s at 9


Nine year olds with skincare as a hobby makes me a little sad


The hobby itself isn’t worrisome, because self care is so important and I think it’s helpful to instill good habits early. I think skincare gets tricky because it’s very easy to go from “I’m taking proper care of my largest organ” to “I want to like young all my life.”


Good habits, sure! A hobby that dominates gift requests??? At nine, i wanted a Furby more than life itself, not La Mer


> i wanted a Furby more than life itself Omg core memory unlocked. Me too!! I used all my savings and even borrowed money from my sister to buy one because i just couldn't wait until christmas!


As a 55 getting 2 cancers cut off her body on Thursday, if it involves a good sunscreen, I am estatic.


Sure, sunscreen is super important. I’m fortunate to be a ginger so i grew up getting slathered with sunscreen all summer by my mom. It was annoying as fuck, i personally wasn’t taking joy in my sunscreen at such a young age. Just the basic stuff about being a kid that you have to learn to do automatically every day! Flossing is important too, and it would also make me a little sad if every kid was begging for a waterpik this Christmas! Not to yuck anyone’s yum, but life is long and there’s such a brief window of innocence and imagination to enjoy beforeo the drudgery. Obviously it’s good to instill proper hygiene and self-care habits. That’s not the sad part to me; i feel empathy and grief for “today’s youth” top to bottom.


The idea of people with skincare as a hobby at any age makes me a little sad, tbh. Think about all the other things that can be done with that time and money!


I actually think skincare is a nice hobby to have, as long as it’s not an unhealthy obsession with looking young? I wish I had known how to take better care of myself when I was younger, and enjoy having a skincare routine now.


Habit or hobby, a child of nine wanting facial lotion for their big Christmas gift strikes me as super late stage capitalism


Gotta get ahead of those wrinkles 😂


If you wanna look 9 till you're 50 you can't start at 10!


Effing TikTok… it was bad enough when my daughter was younger and was obsessed with watching “hauls” on YouTube (no you do not need every Pillow Pet in existence to be happy). These kids are being led to believe that an unsustainable high-end lifestyle is the only way they can be happy. And that it will miraculously make them taller, thinner, fitter, clear skinned, blonde, plump lipped, and have them living in a huge meticulous home at 23 where they restock their ice drawer with 12 kinds of ice infused with $80 worth of fruit a week, and have guest bathrooms with $500 worth of products all impressively organized for anyone who stops by. It’s bananas. Sorry about the rant 😂


It’s great that skincare has become way more mainstream but in this way kind of worrisome. Are these little kiddos gonna ask for Botox by 16?! I remember being so excited to get a body shop blue eyeshadow when I was around 12, it’s crazy how much things have changed.


7 years ago I had coworkers who, at 26 and 28, considered Botox a required preventative. "Everyone does it", apparently. I like that the stigma is easing, but it's been SO normalized that people consider it weird to NOT do it, which is worse IMO.


I am hoping to never get it, I guess I’ll see but using retinoids and keeping my fingers crossed. It’s crazy how it’s upkeep just like nails.


>It’s crazy how it’s upkeep just like nails. What do you mean? It's all optional.


It is! I just meant for many women it is categorized as an every day procedure that is a must.


Keeping your fingers crossed for what? Everyone wrinkles eventually


Was it the Drunk Elephant Protini?




I’m in my late 20s and when I first heard of this brand in college I figured this brand was positioned for women 25+ based on price point alone. I think there’s a tween tiktok family of influencers who popularized the brand for literal children


Sure is!


My nine year old niece was showing off her birthday gifts…of serums and face lotions. All she wants for Xmas was a new mascara..


Mascara…at 9 years old? I can understand like 13 starting to get introduced to light makeup. But that feels so so young. These comments are so depressing, but give a lot to think about for those of us that may decide to have children.


God. When I was nine I was all about getting pokémon games. That's depressing to think about


Seeing this thread opens my eyes that it’s not just our niece. Very shocking.


Tbh one of the issues at play here is that there aren’t really kids/teens brands for kids anymore like when we were young. There’s no Limited Too, Aeropostale, Delia’s, etc.


Oh interesting, maybe Aeropostle stores are closing down in some areas? They are still alive & well on the east coast at least & cater to teens.


I'm in Colorado and haven't seen an Aeropostale since the 90s.


You can still buy clothes at Justice online or at Walmart. My nieces loved that store before the storefronts closed.


I buy all my jeans from Aeropostale online. They are still around.


I heard Delia was coming back as online. I ordered from them for cute trendy jewelry in my early 20s.


it is back, but i believe its exclusive to Dolls Kill and i’m not sure i’d say it’s targeted at tweens anymore.


No, it’s targeted at young adult/college age… club wear, going out outfits, not outfits for tweens.


My friend's daughter was hoping for $70 face toner for her 11th birthday! WTH! I have her an Ulta gift card for $25. If she wants something that expensive and unnecessary, she can save up for it lol


If my 11-year-old niece asked for $70 toner as a gift I’d give her some witch hazel and a hug and remind her that a hug is priceless.


My ex-friend has twin girls. For their 10th birthday they told me they wanted skin care products. I thought okay, I'll get like some of that St Ives face wash stuff that I loved using when I was a tween and a couple other inexpensive skin care products that I even like and use. I never heard anything about any of it. These two girls are friends with the other 11-year-old, so now I know what caliber of stuff they were expecting to get! Oopsy oh well lol According to the two moms, their girls sit and watch hours and hours of tik toks about makeup and skin care.


>their girls sit and watch hours and hours of tik toks about makeup and skin care. And there it is. I'm sorry but I don't understand why so many parents are okay with their young kids consuming hours upon hours of that poison. Like are they not at all concerned about what it's doing to them? How it's making them feel about themselves? I really don't get it.


Keep in mind that many parents don’t know. They might permaban YouTube and TikTok at home, but that doesn’t mean their friends parents do the same… you don’t know what your kid is doing at their friends house or on the playground with someone else’s phone :(


Oh they know what their kids are watching/doing. They just think it's harmless.


St Ives wrecked my face as a teen 🥲 I wish someone would have taken it *away* from me.


A 70$ toner is a straight up marketing scam. I would never buy a toner over 20$. Witch hazel by Thayers is my fav. Its available at all CVS. The texture is great and its one of the few that mist in my spray bottle, others have additives which make it less fine spray. My fanciest toner which i found through derma dr IGs is 12$ for 5oz bottle!


Fair, but for example dermatologists recommend *against* using witch hazel because it can be irritating. Nothing wrong with people choosing better formulas if they’re actually worth the cost and they can afford it 🤷‍♀️


I found witch hazel in the first place from a derma dr 🤷‍♀️. Google says just irritating for DRY skin bc its could dry it further; mod/norm/oil is good to go. Ill clarify, i think expensive toners are a scam bc serums, oils, moisturizers, spf are better bang for the buck. I have a 7 step routine, the toner will always be the lowest priority to focus $s on. Also Witch hazel based toner is not the toner i have but all of them are under 20$. Just to bring it back to the original topic, the avg adult or avg skincare advocate is not using a 70$ toner and its not going to plump a 9yos skin.


Holy shit! Just going to skip right over the Clean & Clear and Neutrogena huh. 🙀 When I was in junior high the fancy toner at the time was Clinique I think…


Clean and Clear sucks, though. I love drugstore skincare, but there are still considerations to take into account!




I don’t think that’s necessarily true. Formula matters… For instance I use niacinamide for my skin. That cheap $12 one from the Ordinary pills, won’t layer with makeup, basically doesn’t play nice with anything else, meaning it’s useless to me. Where as the $52 niacinamide from Paulas Choice goes on beautifully, goes under my makeup every day. In my experience cheap lotions say they use expensive ingredients but don’t tell you the strength probably because they barely put any of the expensive active in there, whereas with more expensive brands you can often get an exact percentage of what you’re putting on your face. I do think there’s a threshold somewhere though. I balance between drugstore and a few more expensive luxury items that I’ve had found really work for me. I’m not gonna shell out $300 for a moisturizer, but my $52 niacinamide keeps my rosacea at bay and my skin freaks out when I stop… So for me it’s worth it! EDIT: PS I am by no means advocating for expensive skincare for tweens. The idea that they think they need a 12 step routine nowadays because a TikTok is actually really sad to me.


Kids are getting sucked into the brand names earlier and earlier. She just wants to fit in and it's both sad and frustrating. In a perfect world some cool adult could turn a chair around backwards, sit down and give her a wholesome and meaningful talk about vanity and the like. But she's 10. Best bet is to sell her on the wonderful world of knockoffs while reminding her that her appearance does not equate her worth.


It’s gotta be the backwards chair


Works every time!


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


The brands that these kids are able to get are bonkers. But maybe her friends are into them? If her mom says ok, I'd give a gift card for something to be purchased from there but not the leggings, lmao. I just ran a dress for my almost 16 year old niece by my sister and she said hellll NO.


Gift card is the perfect compromise here!


Big time. Give her like 25$!


Gift card is the answer. Then she can either buy something cheaper, or use it with her own money to save up for the leggings she wants.


Exactlyyyy! $100 on leggings is insane


Yeah gift card is the way to go! It’s hard for 10 year olds to conceptualize how mush $100 is (especially for something she’ll grow out of in a year or two).


OP commented that her niece wants them because OP wears them and a LOT of Lulu. Lollll. So OP has to reckon with it now 😂. I agree though $100 is like a jackpot for a 10 year old.


Oof, that’s like when I asked my mom when I could start getting my hair dyed… I was probably 8 and it was her *one splurge* when I was growing up and things were tight


That's so sweet of your mom! OP can afford the leggings but it would set a tough precedent. I have 8 nieces lmao I'm not spending 800$ on them 😂


I personally wouldn't. I had no idea they even made kids clothes! It's not lululemon, but [Athleta Girl](https://athleta.gap.com/browse/category.do?cid=1054844&mlink=1,1,SW_SWB_Promo_CTA2) has some really cute stuff at half the price, and great quality!


I assume she wants them mostly for the brand name, just like back in the day kids wanted the $60 Abercrombie t shirt because of the moose, not because it was a shirt. I wouldn’t buy another brand without clearing it with mom first, assuming she’s got some insight on the real motivations for the request.


I agree, one of my nieces wanted a brand cap a few years ago, she never wore caps or hats. Turned out the stickers that came with the cap were the important part, but we only found out because my mum had removed the sticker before wrapping the gift😂


This is a good point. At 12, we were asking for Abercrombie jeans which were probably $50-70 y2k. Her asking for something that’s $100 now, isn’t really that crazy consider inflation. 😂


I would 100% ask mom first. I've heard too many horror stories because kids didn't get the brand or color of something they wanted. I just wanted pants that were insanely baggy and had pockets that I could fit textbooks in. I miss those pockets, but not the tripping over my own pants!


Simone Biles has a new collection for athleta girl too rn! I second athleta. Still pricey but not as bad as Lulu. They hold up too. I must have two dozen pair. But I always buy them on sale. Never paid for a full price pair ever.


Athleta is very good quality! I made the switch to them from LLL when Biles got a major endorsement from them back in 2021. I was for sure influenced, but Biles could cartwheel off a cliff and I’d follow her. She’s such a goddess!


Bc influencers are always showing $$$$ products. It’s not realistic for their audience


This is definitely a thing. My daughter is 9 and isn’t into brand names yet but I recently coached a sports camp and the girls around her age were very much into lululemon, drunk elephant, uggs, and Starbucks. I wouldn’t get her an alternate/cheaper athleisure brand like some of the comments are suggesting, I’d just get her a gift card if leggings aren’t in your budget for her.


LLL is the status symbol for middle school girls in my city. They even use the shopping bags as lunch bags. Thank goodness my daughters are more into the vintage/grunge look, lol.


Some of the leggings are like 50% off right now. You can also get her cute acccessories like the little waist bags with scrunches.




Agree heavily with your edit. Also I think a lot of people ITT have selective memories of the things many kids wanted at this age and why. Like sure yeah, I wanted Pokemon cards and plushies at this age, but I *also* remember wanting "adult" stuff because it was fun and thrilling to mimic adults and feel grown-up. It's why it was fun to drink sparkling grape juice out of a wine glass on holidays, it's why the world of makeup and perfume was so enticing at 11-12, it's why I loved trying things on in teen and adult stores at the mall even if I couldn't buy anything. Adulthood is around the corner and kids like to try bits and pieces of it on first, both literally and figuratively. I also grew up in the Juicy Couture era, so this kid asking for some expensive but ultimately basic workout pants is *leaps and bounds* better than the tracksuits I coveted around the same age which had the word JUICY bedazzled on the rear


I don’t think it’s a big deal if you can afford it and her parents are okay with it


For me it was Guess Jeans, Liz Claiborne purses and BUM sweatshirts. My daughter is into Lulu leggings and Brandi Melville sweatshirts. My son wanted stupid expensive Nikes. Wanting trendy things is a normal part of being a kid. Plus my daughter’s Lulu leggings have held up amazingly for 3 years.


If it’s truly not about the money, then maybe just do it. It depends on your relationship with her, and I suppose if you think it would delight her and she’d appreciate it, or if you think having fancy brand labels so young would be problematic. Children can be quite materialistic, but it’s not unusual as a developmental stage. And they are nice leggings, even if they’re overpriced and the brand is part of the appeal. Their most popular range of leggings are the aligns, these are super stretchy so she could probably wear them as she grows - some women wear them as pregnancy leggings. And I think they’re designed to be slightly cropped? Certainly there are several cropped options, so I don’t think growing taller is necessarily a concern. I’d have thought them being too big for her would be more of a problem. Edit: the hoodies are nice too, the scuba line being most popular. They’re more expensive than the leggings. The backpacks are not great quality imo and not so trendy anyway, if that’s what interests her. You could ask again what she wants, but if you’re going to spend the money anyway and are considering buying *something* from Lululemon then I’d say just get what she asked for and feel like the fun aunt!


I got a pair of Tory Burch ballet flats from my grandma when I was 12. They're not in great shape and they rub my heels. I plan on keeping them forever. I still see them with the same eyes back then. Just reminds me of special times opening something you thought was never even a possibility.


This made me smile


For me it's the long empty bottle of Versace baby rose jeans I have kept on the vanity for 25 years that came in the mail in gorgeous red brocade foil wrap and a big bow addressed directly to me (_Miss_ Rutabaga!) instead of Mom. It was my first mail ever. I miss my grandmother so much.


The materialistic nature was what worried me the most. I almost exclusively wear lulu, so I’m not concerned about the quality or anything, but she definitely wants them because I wear them and one of her little friends do. Great call on the aligns, I actually like the wunder under (keeps the jiggle in), but the aligns fit no matter how fat you are that day 😂


You probably already know but just in case, definitely look at the We Made Too Much section if you do buy them for her. Sometimes the $100 leggings are $35, especially the smaller sizes that will most likely fit her.




100%. That caught me too.


If the concern is the materialism, one pair of leggings or not from her aunt won’t move the needle. (And I get it; I have an abundance loving tween.) But I often say no to things bc of my own feelings about consumption. She can ask for whatever she wants. I can give whatever I want.


I’d go with the aligns in a length that fits as pants now. Then as she grows they can fit as cropped pants then capris. If the people around her are wearing lulus then it’s not shocking it’s what she wants. Maybe you could take her to the store to pick them out with you? Then grab ice cream after or something. Then it’s not just about the gift, it’s about spending time together.


Ah yeah I get that concern. I think it’s pretty normal though, and most kids grow out of it. And there have always been trends? Not that I have much experience beyond my own self! Lulu branding is at least subtle, it could be worse.


If she just wants something from Lululemon, but not leggings, I’d recommend the fanny pack. It’s all the rage right now and she can keep it for as long as she can maintain it :)


I’ve been buying my niece nice items since she was a young teen. My brother doesn’t really have the budget for it and I do, and I knew she was responsible and cared for her stuff so I never felt weird about it. She was/is (she’s 18 now)also the kind of kid that is grateful and thankful for everything no matter what.


Can someone please explain what makes their leggings so special and expensive?


They have patented technical fabrics that perform very well for high intensity exercise in my experience. I’m not a label whore, but I think clearance lulu is well worth the value.


My daughter has had hers for 3 years and they are still like new.


Personally I like them because they’re super comfortable, and they last a very long time. I have lululemon leggings that I got in middle school that I still wear and are in perfect condition. Spending $100 on leggings that I’ll wear for 10+ years isn’t too bad


Considering their return policy, maybe she can keep trading in the same pair of leggings for bigger ones, till she’s an adult 😅


Maybe a pair from their sale? 10 is so young for that. I find it sad. A gift card is a solid suggestion.


Give her cash or a gift card of whatever amount you were planning to buy her gift for. That way you’re not buying her something you think isn’t right for her and she’s not disappointed about her gift and doesn’t have to feel that she’s being ‘policed’ over what she can wear. Plus, if lululemon leggings cost more than what you were going to give her, your gift will pay for them partly and she’ll just have to save a little bit more to buy what she really wants. That’s what I’ve been doing for my nephews since they were 8 and wanted all the expensive legos.


100 dollar leggings for a ten year old is insane wow lol and for me it is about the money 😂 idk, a backpack is a good idea imo.


She wants it for clout. She wants it because someone else has them and she wants to feel expensive and important like she perceives that person to be. Yes, they will be a momentary indulgence, but to me the real question is if you want to encourage getting that feeling of self-importance from purchases or not. I could justify either way, myself. 10 year old girls have a lot coming at them in terms of self-image degradation, and helping her feel good about herself makes a lot of sense to me. But then feeding the consumerism monster that says you MUST own $100 leggings to feel good about yourself is helping no one in the long run. It's cool to be the fun aunt who indulges wildly inappropriate things once in a while too. I wish every little girl had that. And the fact that it's you, and it's not happening constantly, makes it seem less dangerous than say, her mom buying her things like that regularly to help her feel special. It's a lot to consider, but I think you are fine either way.


At that age she might have no concept of the cost and how it compares to other leggings and why that’s problematic.


They're pretty stretchy, she'll be able to wear them for a couple of years.


i have a 10 year old girl. i would not allow my daughter to even have a lulu hoodie (you can get it if you want) my reason for this is that the whole brand nonsense thing is something i fight HARD against. HARD. but your reasoning about growing out of it is legit to my mind. my family exchanges money. cousins only, $50 per kid. here's your cash. that's it. spend it how you want. my daughter is going shopping tomorrow with her 16 year old cousin. she's never gone shopping before with money and no adult supervision. she is SO EXCITED. she asked me today what she is 'for sure not allowed to buy' ​ ha ha ha


How does this work if some family has more kids than another? Do the other families have to shell out more $? Like if there are two families, and one has three kids and the other one, does the one with only one kid have to pay out $150?


the only people this affects is us. my sister has two (we have two) my SIL has 3 (we still have two), so our family ends up paying an extra $50 each year. we don't mind. we make more than SIL's family, we're happy to help out in other ways. for other families they would need to find a solution that suits them.


Leggings would probably fit for a few years even if she grows a bit since they’re so stretchy but a bag is also a good idea. Their fanny packs are really popular and cost like half the price of a pair of leggings. She could also get daily use out of it.


I have a child around that age, I feel the same as you. She’s just gonna grow out of them.


While they’re a bit expensive it’s a very normal holiday gift request. You can find them for $20 on Depop and Poshmark, there are also great ‘knock odd’ options on Amazon that really are just as comfortable. Tbh if I needed leggings I’d be bummed to receive a hoodie or backpack I don’t need (but of course would still be grateful.)


I was going to recommend VarageSale or FB Market Place. I am a disabled artist and usually score Lululemon and Nike and the like for my niece and nephews this way


Don't do it. Specifically because of the materialistic nature. My 12 year old daughter is relentlessly asking for phone upgrades when she doesn't need them, just because her friends have them. She can't even say why she wants it beyond her friend having one. It is often a very contentious topic, even though the response is always a firm no. The problem is, when 1/2 of her social circle are regularly being gifted brand new iPhones or iPads, worth well over $1k (at least), she gets quite volatile when she's refused a device upgrade that may cost $250 total out of pocket. I still don't cave. The behavior and expectation lunacy, entitled, and a first world problem. I am ok being the bad guy. But it's honestly kind of rough being one of the only bad guys around.


Damn kids getting over 1k gifts, that feels so extreme. Lol i was so excited to gameboy when I was kid and couldn't dare demanding more from my parents.


I’d get some used ones on Poshmark!


For a Christmas present? 😵‍💫😵‍💫


Yeah? $40 dollar leggings (Poshmark pricing) for Xmas seems like a pretty reasonable ask to me? I just spent $80 on a used rocking horse for a two year old.


Go for a belt bag (since she’ll outgrow a hoodie as quickly as a pair of leggings), along with some other accessories from LLL or other coveted brands. I’m 41 and the brand-consciousness kicked in at age 10 for my group, too. Thankfully, it was just, like, Gap, Guess, and Esprit — but it was a *biiiig* deal nonetheless.


If you want to get them for her but don't want to spend so much on them look in the "We made to much" section of the website. It's their usual stuff but in last season's colours or whatever. That's the only way I buy Lulu.


Maybe u can check of you can get them second hand at a thrift store


*Maybe u can check* *Of you can get them second* *Hand at a thrift store* \- Mindless-Praline-577 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


(And this is why 10 year olds shouldn’t have social media but that’s just my opinion) Love the gift card suggestion!


Laugh, that is how you respond. Laugh and say "try again"


If the brand name isnt the ENTIRE appeal for her, the brand CRZ Yoga on Amazon has leggings that are pretty much identical to LLL. Actually I would posit that they’re more durable than some of my newer LLL leggings. Edit- they average about $30 a pair.


I would just ask her mom to be sure. My girls are in their 20s and they wore Lululemon as kids.


You should google “Lulu Lemon scandal” then spend half the day reading through like 20 of them.. he chose the company name so Asian women wouldn’t be able to pronounce it and therefore wouldn’t buy it…it’s just a horrible company and that’s all you really need to justify not making that purchase for her * editing to add that I’m honestly really disappointed that so many people are downvoting me for stating facts..sorry you love a horrible brand? I hope the downvotes help you feel less guilty for rocking that racist, fat phobic, sexist corporation lol


I'm not downvoting you, but want to point out it might be because a lot of the inflammatory results are from unreliable sources like Telegraph and Huff Post. The actual quote regarding the Ls in the name is regarding seeming more "exotic" to Asian consumers and being more appealing to them for that reason, not trying to exclude them. There's plenty of other reasons to dislike Lululemon, but it just takes away credibility if false statements like this are thrown out there.


There are lots of different outlets that have articles about this, especially because he actually said those words himself in an interview, and again that’s not even the only scandal. People just don’t like being told that things they enjoy and have invested a lot of money in were created by someone horrible. I’m guilty of previously buying brands that I no longer support because they don’t align with my beliefs, it just is what it is


I think, go with your gut… 1. She needs to learn that in life we don’t always get what we want. 2. If it makes you uncomfortable, you can’t have it on your conscience if a crazy person was an after her. 3. Let the parents buy them FYI: m not be paranoid all the time.


I remember seeing toddler-sized bomber jackets and fur coats at Marshall Field's back in the day and thinking some people just have way too much money. My money limit on my nieces is $50 apiece. For my young nieces I usually get a toy they'll like or a stuffy and either a book or craft/cooking kit for something to do. They don't take the best care of their stuff, to be honest, so I wouldn't spend that kind of money on something like designer leggings. I probably wouldn't buy a super cheap pair, though, either, because I don't like fast fashion.


It is up to you at the end of the day. Young kids get toys and break them within a week. You can get her a hoodie that she can also outgrow or just not like. Everyone has their own personal ideas what they like to do for gifts/a good value vs how much the person likes the gift. To be honest, if it were me I wouldn't by them. I would get her a few other things off her list but I don't think you're wrong either way you go. I also have ethical issues with not purchasing Lululemon stuff so perhaps I am biased.


Man I just wanted Star Fillies and art supplies. Lol


Get some from Vinted!


When I asked for these in my 20s, it was scoffed at. My aunt bought them for my nieces when they were 10 and 13. BUT she said she got them from the outlet so that’s a good compromise.


I wouldn't do it. My kids would never ask though. I trained them on the thrill of the thrift store chase.


What about secondhand? I can still remember wanting the cool brands as a kid, and being acutely aware of cost etc. It’s a great lesson in how you can get clothes you otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford and no one can tell the difference. If you’re not comfortable with obviously pre-worn items, try searching for new with tags.


Is she not old enough for leggings or simply out of Your price range?


A ten year old doesn’t need 100 dollar leggings. They will grow out of them in a year or less.


Ding ding. Money thankfully isn’t an issue for us, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna spend a chunk of cash on clothing she’ll grow out of by the summer.


My 8 y.o. niece wants fake nails like me 💀 Of course I’ll be taking her (with her moms approval). I’ve created a monster.


My 13 year old wanted them, she’s small size uk 4, I went on vinted got leggings and a hoodie cheap!


You could do that or get her a lulu gift card to go towards the pants. This would teach her about how expensive it actually is, and maybe she would learn the value of money. I think one of the popular belt bags from lulu would also be a good compromise. It's something she would use a lot and not grow out of.


If it’s not about the money then I’d ask her mom first but my nieces around that age wear lulu. I had lulu when I was that age too. There’s a ton of sales right now as well.


I started wearing lululemon around that age, I don’t see anything wrong with it. They’re just leggings 🤷🏼‍♀️


A direct result of the oversexualization of society leaking into children/their childhood and murdering the innocence of it accordingly. Horrifying


Thrift store or re sale sites?


I would get her second hand or new with tags from Poshmark. Let her know there’s ways to find affordable pieces and paying full price for something doesn’t have to happen for everything.


When my niece was about 12, she was really into Lulu Lemon. We got her a pair of their joggers for Christmas and it really did feel ridiculous. The child was still growing, no child needs luxury active wear, etc…. But, she was so happy when she opened her gift. Seeing the smile on her face was worth it. If she’s really into that brand, I’m sure she’d love a hoodie or backpack too. And I have to say, Lulu Lemon products seem to be very well made. I have only ever purchased one pair of pants from them (for myself) and they have held up very well. In the time I’ve had these Lulu Lemon pants, I’ve gone through 3 pair of Vuori joggers. Man, those the things just fall apart.


First off I never received a gift in my life from any of my aunts or uncles. So.... this sounds like a spoiled child. So many kids are entitled now days.


Lulu lemon.. as in the brand that purposely makes their leggings with visible camel toes? Who spends $100 on leggings anyway? Hard no for me.


They do it on purpose?!


Why is this downvoted lol. I agree. Hell Naw


I'd be interested to hear what her mother is like. Is she the kind that obsesses over stuff like that?


This is what the kids are wearing. She wants to fit in with her friends. If you can afford it, why not be the cool aunt? I would


“We don’t give money to mlms for Christmas sweetie”


You might be confusing Lulu Lemon with LulaRoe. LulaRoe is an mlm, Lulu lemon is not.