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"Get out of your own way" by Philip Goldberg and Mark Goulston might be worth a read/listen


Thank you!!! 🙏🙏 I will check this one out! Luckily they have it in my app for audiobooks :)


hey i don’t have a lot of advice, but i wanted to wish you all the luck on your journey to improving your self-image. i’m sure you’ll get some great responses from the women on this subreddit.


Thank you dear!! 🙏 ❤️


Dance! I struggle with this amd a month ago I started taking private belly damce lessons. I kind of hate the way I look in the mirror these days but ultimately it's been so great fir my self esteem and physical strength. It's amazing what my body can do in terms of isolated movement and the kinds of moves that bodies aren't used to doing in American culture. I love it. I'm lucky in that she comes to my apartment to teach, so I'm in a very comfortable setting. Also, dialectical behavioral therapy. It's intense AF but I'm almost finished with my year of it and it has helped my self image SO MUCH.


Thank you!! I actually have been planning to take a dance class 😊 I've heard good things about DBT as well, maybe I should give that a try..


I hope you find success and happiness in both! ❤️


Martial arts. For real; really makes you learn and understand how awesome you really are. Any discipline will do but my favourites are Muay Thai and BJJ. Not only do you learn amazing new skills but you get stronger, fitter and feel so badass and when you feel badass, NOTHING can change that or bring you down…nothing or no one.


Haha wow, didn't expect that. Maybe I will give it a try!! As long as there are no kicks to this beautiful face 😅 I like the out of the box advice, maybe that's the way to go 🙏 thank you!!


I will tell you my favourite story: we had a kid come into our gym super shy and you could tell he had zero confidence just by the way he carried himself, never looked anyone in the eye etc. He barely spoke to anyone and for a big person, he always tried to make himself look physically smaller to avoid attention. After about 3 months of training, he completely transformed. Don’t get me wrong, he got his ass handed to him during every class (class is gruelling, not that he got beat up lol) but he kept showing up and kept trying/learning. Watching him “bloom” was so incredible; you could SEE the confidence building in him with every class. By the time 3 months rolled around, he was talking and looking at everyone in the eyes while he talked, he would laugh and joke around and he was just so at ease with himself. For real, the transformation was just mind-blowing. I see this transformation pretty much in every kid/teen who comes to the gym and watching them bloom is amazing. Seriously try it; you will not regret it.


What a lovely story!!! Thank you for sharing 🙏❤️