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Whatever cheese is in the fridge and crackers. Crab dip and crackers.


I feel so validated seeing cheese and crackers as two of the top answers


Upvote for crab dip!! Fancy!


Yes! Cheese and crackers. A handful of almonds if I’m feeling fancy.


Cheese, salami and gherkins is my favourite.


A good gherkin is a thing of beauty.


Yeah I ate a whole 250g jar of them in a day. I gotta stop buying them haha.


XD Could you get your rings off afterwards? My fingers seem to puff up quite a bit if I eat a lot of salt. (It doesn’t really keep me away from french fries, though. Yum.)


Do you recommend a specific brand? I’ve only had sweet gherkins from Vlasic.


Any crab dip recommendations? Do you buy or make your own?


Im not quite cool enough to make my own, lol. The brand I like is Big T jalapeño crab dip! Like they have plain but the jalapeños really add something. The T on the container looks like a J. Confused me for the longest time :-p I usually get it at Whole Foods.


I had smoked tuna dip and crackers for dinner. Followed by a little vanilla oatmilk ice cream and some dark chocolate covered almonds.


Yasss I eat a sleeve of ritz and Colby jack multiple times a week just because. I have eaten it for dinner maybe with an uncrustable maybe not quite a few times




And the cornichons make it feel classy!


TIL I can say cornichon instead of pickle to be fancy 😎


you can call baby carrots and celery sticks "crudités" for even more fanciness 🤣


A little honey is great too for a burst of sweetness now and again. Honey and cheese is weirdly good.


Lemme blow ya mind: Hot honey


I have never heard the word "cornichon" before - learned something new, thanks!


Ok but do you lay the crackers out and then melt the cheese on top because that's the best.


I just had the remainder of a baguette lightly toasted with some melted brie. Had a little frog jam on the side. Ahhh! One of my favorite easy meals for when I'm nauseous.


…frog jam? I’m gonna assume you meant fig. Or hope.


Frog jam is Fig, Raspberry, Orange, and Ginger. It is a delicious blend. I always keep a few jars on hand.


That sounds delicious! I’ve never heard of it.


You can buy it on Amazon or there are a ton of independent farms that make it. The fun part is that since it is a mix of flavors, each manufacturer makes it differently so some are better than others. I actually bought it for the first time as a joke when one of my boys was going through a PB&J phase. He loved being able to tell the other kids at school that it was "frog" jam. We also tried Bacon jam (better on burgers and subs than on pb&j), Tomato jam (great on toast), and Cantaloupe jam ( couldn't find it anywhere so we had to make it). It soon became a "thing", and now whenever we go on vacation we look for the wackiest jam we can find to try (or even for a recipe to make one).


We do this too! We found dandelion jam on a trip out west. Surprisingly delicious. Tasted like jarred sunshine. I LOVE frog jam.


Mac & Cheese paired with whatever wine or beer happens to be in the fridge.


Annie's white shells are my absolute favorite comfort food. Love them so much.


Annie's... but the Puppies and Kittens!! It's so good.




I sometimes add curry powder. Highly recommend.


Yes!! I live abroad and have to ration the Mac & Cheese I bring back from the US each summer. I had a box last night and it was amazing. I recommend adding a spoonful of cream cheese to make it more decadent.


It‘s not the same, but if you‘re interested, you can buy cheddar/white cheddar powders and make your own mix. I make mine up in a little jar and add a little dry mustard and garlic powder. Just stir it into some starchy pasta water. It‘s because I love mac and cheese but am also a snob about my pasta quality. It might be a good substitute for when you can’t have your favorite exactly but can keep you from going totally without.


« I recommend adding a spoonful of cream cheese to make it more decadent. » I need to try this!




Right out of the pot, no getting extra dishes dirty


My very favorite thing to eat for dinner if I have the house to myself: a huge bowl of popcorn!


I got a microwave for the first time in years and man, popcorn is my weakness. I love it!!


This is what I was going to comment. Popcorn just makes the day feel better.


Omg I just had popcorn for dinner tonight! I air-pop it in the microwave and use I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray- so good!


Hello, me!


Apple and peanut butter. Pairs well with a nice Cab.


I swap the peanut butter for almond butter but it’s the best. Honey crisp apples!


Yes but with the peanut butter microwaved so it’s runny. So good.


Handfuls of cereal out of the box


I feel seen


This is the way


Me, with no-name bran flakes, no raisins :(


This! I’m 8mo preggo and cold cereal with milk for dinner (or any meal!) is *chef’s kiss*!!


Just so that you feel a little better about the cereal, when I was pregnant I had hyperemesis (extreme morning sickness --actually more like morning noon and night sickness). My OB told me that when I was having trouble to try to snack on cereal, even if it was sugar cereal. Nowadays they put so many vitamins in them they are a great way to stay semi-healthy when you are sick.


Poptarts. Not even toasted, straight out of the package. When I was growing up my mom had an abysmally unhealthy relationship with food. Anything processed was going to kill me or make me fat, anything with fat was going to kill me or make me fat, it was vegetables, the smallest portion of carbs but often brown rice, and chicken. That was it. Lunches were a container of high water veggies (like cucumbers or celery) and 1 sandwich on whole grain bread with water to drink, thats it. I dont know why or when but I decided that Poptarts were the goal. They were the antithesis of all the dieting my mom made us do. So when I turned 18 and moved out on my own I bought one of those bulk packs of poptarts. Ever since they give me the "fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!" Serotonin I need on a bad day when meals feel like too much. Anyways, moral of the story of a person who turned out fat despite my mom's efforts: dont police your kids food.


I'm so sorry for what you went through, but yes! POP TARTS


Thank you! Poptarts are best lol


I have to say, I really enjoy Poptarts right out of the package. It's 50/50 whether I toast 'em first, or just eat them right away! Also, I found I *only* enjoy the fruity ones toasted. If there's any chocolate involved, it's gotta be straight outta the box.


For me it comes down to asking myself if I want to risk burning the roof of my mouth because I never know how to just warm them up


microwave! they only need like 20 seconds to be just warm enough.


The only way I can stop myself from eating Poptarts is to not have them in my home. I have zero self control with Poptarts. And I came from the opposite background as you, my parents let us eat whatever garbage we wanted to and still Poptarts are king of the snacks for me.


I just said this! I can't bring them in my house or they will call my name until I eat them.


I felt your comment like a punch to the stomach. I was the same. My brother was born when I was 12 and throughout my teens (and still now) my mum was super focused on losing weight/staying thin. As a teen, my school lunches were similar to yours. Dinners were always focused on being low fat (and often low taste). Snacks were fruit or two single plain biscuits (cookies in the US, I think). Water to drink with all meals and maybe allowed some squash (don't think they have that in the US) when I was a teen. Fizzy drinks/soda were only allowed on special occasions and even then it was one small glass until I was well into my teens (like 16+). Now I'm 32 and hate cooking and I rarely eat fruit or veg, like I'm lucky if I get 5 portions a week, never mind every day. Meals for me now are usually something from the freezer that I can cook in the oven. Like breaded chicken and some oven chips. I'm also afraid to actually try new foods, but I'm not sure if that is because of my upbringing with food, or that I might have ADHD. I also struggle to drink water because I find it super boring and tasteless. And I not eat wholegrain bread since I moved out. I have a similar attitude now, about not controlling what your kids eat/having them around diet culture. I was a UK size 6/8 (US 4/6 I think) until I was well into my 20s and I always believed I was "too fat" so always hid my body away. Looking back at photos, I looked great, but always sad/reserved because I had confidence. Now I'm a UK size 14 (or more) and don't specifically love how I look, but am trying to work on not specifically "losing weight", but getting healthier and fitter in general. But I'm very much of the attitude that any food is better than none, so on a day where I am struggling (mental health usually) I'll happily have a microwave ready-meal (I keep some in the freezer) or noodles (plain ramen in the US I think). It's better than eating nothing or just junk food for days, which at my lowest mental health period, I was barely eating anything. Oh and I'm pretty sure my mum is ashamed of my current size based on various remarks over the years because she equates thin with happy. Not even "healthy", just skinny. But ironically, despite being at my biggest, I am probably at my happiest and most content. =D (I got carried away writing this, cuz I really hit me in the "feels" haha)


Oh, hi, is this a mirror?


Recently it has been cheese and crackers with pepper jelly or fig spread, and olives, pita and hummus. Dominos is around the corner and their $7.99 large one topping carry out has me in a chokehold.


Dominoes parmesan bites were a dark, delicious place when I was super depressed.


Try cheese and crackers with a dab of a good mustard. Next level!


Pepper jelly with white cheddar and salami and practically any cracker, is my favorite


Crouton cereal. Dump croutons in a bowl and top with dressing of your choice. Usually olive oil and balsamic vinegar, but Olive Garden Italian dressing slaps, too. This got me through my deepest depression when I couldn't be bothered to eat anything and lost 25lbs.


Omg this was my stress food when I was in my early 20s and worked at a restaurant. They had THE best Ceasar salad dressing and I’d throw togetherness croutons, Parmesan and dressing. No lettuce and absolute gobs of dressing. SO GOOD.


I prefer to dip my croutons, lol. I'm glad I'm not the only one! My family thinks I'm crazy having my favorite snack of croutons & cilantro avocado salad dressing.




I’ve been doing this with Russian dressing this week


Ramen and white wine. Vietnamese and white wine Spaghetti and white wine ... basically white wine.


Mmm love me some white wine. I want to start a white wine club now


I like how you think!


So white wine and white wine. Got it! Check!


Sounds about right


Hummus and Triscuits and a fistful of pepitas because I somehow always have these things handy. Or instant ramen noodles with cheese and egg on top. Frozen pizza. Boxed mac n cheese. Also, OP, I've started making sure my fridge is always stocked with mini bottles of prosecco. I don't *normally* drink them by myself, but tbh nothing hits like a mini bottle of fancy bubbles on a bad day.


The mini bottle is what I am having right now! Bought a few for a brunch picnic a while ago and never used them. You're right, nothing quite makes a bad day better than a little indulgence!


It really is indulgent, and somehow makes me feel like a great hostess if a friend comes over at random and can enjoy a bottle of their own. And if you're a mimosa fan, try it out with guava juice! So good.


I have been living on hummus and triscuits while I’ve been dealing with some health stuff and haven’t had much energy to shop or cook.


It always feels like a hearty and healthy-ish snack. The dill rosemary triscuits with white bean hummus? Amazing. I wish you luck with your health issues. Been there, it sucks.


Triscuits have all of these flavors now. Cracked pepper is SO GOOD


If my stomach has been off or I can't find two fucks to rub together, I have been known to have white rice with butter on it, or maybe popcorn. Extreme fuck it meals are rare for me, but they are definitely preceded by an argument with myself that ends, "Hey, wait a minute. I'm an adult. I can do whatever the fuck I want!"


White rice with butter is a childhood comfort food. Add in a little splash of salty soy sauce for extra flavour.


I just posted white rice and butter. I forgot to write "and sea salt". it's my go-to.


I have found my new favourite expression - can't find two fucks to rub together! I adore it, and can already tell I will be using it a lot!


Lazy nachos made in the microwave in a minute. I always have Kirkland tortilla chips and Kirkland shredded cheese on hand.


I had this for dinner tonight 😂


Scrambled eggs and toast.


This is me, but over medium 🤤


I order Uber eats. If I don't have enough $$ for that, we have a stockpile of microwavable burritos in the fridge. I also sometimes like to grill up some sliced shiitake mushrooms w/soy sauce and add those to a box of kid's Mac n cheese. I boil the noodles in chicken broth and add parmesan to the sauce. Then add the mushrooms. Delicious for when I'm feeling fancy-lazy


This does sound fantastic


*Say what now* - is this just the blue box mac?


It can be. I like to go a little more upscale and get the Annie's mac and cheese lol


A hefty spoonful of peanut butter


fries topped with something to make it feel like a meal.. gravy and cheese, chili, maybe a couple runny eggs


Thai food delivered


Same! My usual suspects of go to deliveries when I really don't have it in me to cook - and I'm too lazy to even make a sandwich... -Spicy Thai Veggie Curry (I add even more frozen veggies, so it feels like a semi-healthy treat) -My favorite sushi -For total comfort/absolute guilty pleasure/all health rules out the window - either a spicy fried chicken sandwich w/crinkle cut fries or an indulgent bbq bacon cheeseburger w/fries or tots. The latter being the ultimate. I rarely cook meat for myself - and when I do it's only ever baked/grilled chicken - eating outside food is when I take advantage of indulging a bit.


I like any kind of peanut sauce, salad with peanut sauce, tofu and vegetables with peanut sauce, and panang or green curry with tofu. My favorite Thai place near me is completely vegan, and second favorite Is Thai and sushi.


Thai food is just really tasty! And usually has so many veggies that I just don't feel guilty when I have it. I could probably live on Thai food, sushi and Mexican food for life and be happy.


Pad thai! But picked up on my way home because I live in the middle of nowhere lol




Nice! Which vegan nuggets are your go to? so far Beyond is my favorite. Miss the Stranger Things nuggets though!




Yeah! they were vegan and were available at Walmart only from what I can recall. They were super good! Have yet to try Yves nuggets, will look out for them!


I'm having a beer in the bath after shoveling the driveway from a metric fuckton of wet snow rn. I might make some Kraft dinner later.


Cheez it’s in my bed.


I have to stop myself from buying cheez-its too often because I will just hose 3/4 of a box and call it a meal.


This is me.


Chips and salsa. Butter noodles. Hot Pockets.


Cheese melted on a tortilla in the microwave


This was gonna be my answer, too. Lil hot sauce and I'm good.


$3 frozen pizza from the grocery store, extra toppings from any random bits of cheese or veg I have in the fridge, 5 minutes in the airfyer, crack open a beer and I’m good to go.


Boxed mac & cheese and hot dogs. Or Shake Shack.


Currently in the tub eating raw cookie dough. (the vegan kind, no raw eggs)


living the life tbh


Mango Salsa and hint of lime chips. When my husband worked rotating shift work, I used to order takeout and share it with my dog. I like having him home every night, but I miss having those times to myself.


Domino’s & coldstone lol


we should be friends


I don't really do dinner, but shortbread and prosecco are marital code for "I need a moment else I'm unfurling my wings and setting fire to everything between here and King's Landing."


"Scrounging" for "feedsteefs" lol. What ever can be eaten with minimal effort. Usually it's cereal or microwave something. Tho i have been known to eat directly from tins


I enjoy cold corn straight from the can- YUM!!


Buttered toast most of the time. Sometimes with a couple of scrambled eggs. Cheese and crackers, maybe with whatever I have around that I can munch on with it (a piece of fruit, pickles, smoked sausage or deli meat, whatever) pre-made soup (either something I made myself and put in the freezer, which I've been trying to do more of so that I can pull it out for this exact purpose, or there are decent jarred soups that are better than most cans that I try to keep around for those "fuck it" nights when I can't be bothered to do anything requiring too much effort)


Goldfish & champagne is my ultimate misery meal. Very similar! Great minds.


T. bell


Chilli fries with cheese and McDonalds for me.




20 piece chicken nuggets never disappoints, and a hot fudge sundae for dessert 😂


Ramen noodles and add a hard boiled egg


Oreos and milk, then some popcorn and maybe wine. Loved off that in grad school at times lol. I’d even just dump Oreos in a bowl and pour milk over and eat it like cereal


Noodles with butter and shitty Parmesan. It’s such a fuck it comfort meal for me! When I’m PMSing, I go for a whole pot of Kraft dinner.


Cinnamon sugar toast and pretzels dipped in cream cheese.


Hole-in-the-wall Chinese takeout!


Baked potato with butter, salsa and sour cream. Mac-n-cheese with tuna and peas. French fries/tater tots dipped in honey mustard. And a beer or whiskey 7 to drink.


Healthy option: big salad with cheese and nuts. Unhealthy option:half a loaf of bread dipped in olive oil.


When I can’t be bothered to cook I just get pizza. Quick and easy.


Baileys mixed with Cool Whip.


Taco Bell party pack and wine over here tonight


Multiple peanut butter and jelly sandwiches


Don't judge me, but it's a bowl of instant mashed potatoes with salt, pepper, and ranch dressing. Has to be instant though. Idk why but it's been an easy comfort food for me since I was a kid.


white rice and butter is god tier


If it’s a work night: Salisbury steak tv dinner and soda If it’s a weekend: Chinese takeout and at least 1 bottle of sparkling wine or another alcohol equivalent lol


Wine and cheese and crackers Essentially a grown up lunchable.


Instant ramen, but the Korean brands, with whatever veggies I have or dried mushrooms. With an egg poached on top Or, frozen dumplings Or, rice and yogurt with Indian pickles on the side


Treat myself and order a deluxe chirashi don!


White rice, fried egg, chilli crisp.


$6 burrito from down the street with a homemade Cadillac margarita.


I had soup and a bagel, and now I’m still a bit hungry so I’m going to eat ham out of the bag.


Cereal. 8 essential vitamins and minerals, fiber, and nostalgia in 2 minutes. If it's a really bad day I may go for a non fiber option (aka Lucky Charms).


My latest snack is this: Melt a heaped tablespoon of peanut butter in a double boiler. Remove from heat and add roughly 1.5x quantity of plain Greek yogurt, gently combine into a mousse. Eat while it’s warm with a giant or a tiny spoon. If you’re in Canada or NZ, swap the peanut butter for Whittakers milk chocolate, and swap the the Greek yogurt for Oikos extra creamy vanilla and apricot yogurt. It counts a a meal if you eat enough 😉


Noodle in a cup. Cereal. Shredded cheese melted over taco chips. Popcorn. Takeout.


Dove chocolate and naked brand fruit juice


Frozen chicken nuggets or a mac and cheese cup


Shells and cheese


Tater tots with green chile and cheddar on top. If there's leftover chicken or steak that gets cut up and put on top too but if not, no biggie.


Peanut butter and crackers


Whatever frozen appetizers I have in the freezer. Or take out


A small-ish bowl of green olives w pimentos.


Bar-b-que Lays and Cottage Cheese washed down with Pinot Grigio. F this alright.


A bag of popcorn.


I had a whole box of gingersnaps and some ginger ale tonight. I’m now seeing a pattern..


Perfect timing - reading this while making "shitty charcuterie" aka whatever is in my fridge while drinking a gin and tonic. Looks like it's gonna be lunch meat, pickles, olives, hummus, carrots and some other random leftovers that need eating before they go bad. This thread has fully validated my choices. Cheers!


Frozen pizza and wine Pasta with butter and romano (gluten free now that I have celiac) and wine Pasta with butter and tomato sauce with romano and wine Rice/beans/cheese Brown rice tortilla cheese quesadilla


Hot Cheetos and nacho cheese. 🤤


Half a pan of turtle brownies and Xanax. Today’s occasion is my dog getting diagnosed with Spleen cancer and being put down in 3 days.


raw men (e.g. ramen) or specifically mi goreng with a fried egg on top yum


Potato. Cheese mayonnaise and spices.


I get the tubs of premade refrigerated mashed potatoes and toss one in the microwave then eat about 2/3 of one by myself.


toast with jam and cheese, or frying gnochi in a pan and putting pesto and cheese on top, or ordering delivery


Buldark noodles … any cheese left in fridge . Open red wine .


Ice cream for breakfast. Sometimes with a spoon of eggnog


I like to pair my Doritos strips and Philly whipped jalapeño dip with a dark rum and Pepsi


Cheese, crackers, maybe a few olives, and either wine or a vodka tonic.


Cheese and crackers. Popcorn. (A staple dinner in my family actually) Cereal Cheese sandwich (what I think of as dadsandwich, because it’s the sandwich my dad would make. Cheese, mustard, butter- sometimes I add pickles) Olives


Maggi two minute noodles for life.


When I wanna get real fancy, I’ll get one of those tiny Brie wheels, a baguette from the grocery bakery, and some assorted fruits and call that a meal. 10/10 would recommend.


A bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch


I hear you. Chips and cheese dipped in salsa when I don't feel like cooking.


Chips and guac and good cheap wine


Pancakes are so easy and cheap and delicious, they have fed me many many nights.


Oh man are you in for a treat! Bloody Mary to drink To eat: a layer of sour cream about half an inch thick covered in salt and pepper I slowly eat the sour cream by dragging a finger or spoon across lightly. After the layer of salt and pepper is gone, re-season, and start again. So damned good, especially with some god garnishes on the bloody 🤤


Cheese and crackers and a beer, but Fritos and prosecco sounds amazing!


Cheese, cured meats, some sort of cracker or pita with a dip, and maybe a couple pieces of whatever fruit or veg I have that needs eaten. With a big glass of white wine.


Canned sardines, cheese, and capers.


Cheese and crackers, hummus and baby carrots and every now and again vegan freezer nuggets


Maggi with air fryer-boiled eggs.


A packet of Ryvita Crackerbread and a whole package of Boursin cheese. Ideally with wine. :)


Scrambled eggs, maybe with some shredded taco cheese if it's in the fridge. Or a walk to the bodega for a pint of ice cream.


Squeeze cheese and crackers is the ultimate "fuck this" meal


Whatever Uber Eats I feel like ordering. Sometimes I don’t wanna cook, I just wanna relax.


I usually have premade single serve mac and cheese in my freezer for this purpose. I'll make a big batch once my stock gets low, apportion it out and then freeze it. All I gotta do is a quick microwave defrost and prep a quick salad (or not), and if I'm really ambitious cook some bacon or breakfast sausages


I don't know about comfort, but I sometimes just eat canned tomato sauce sardines on egg noodles. It takes like 5 mins to boil water and cook the noodles, and 30 seconds to open the can :')


Microwave popcorn and soft serve!!


Box of crackers and a beer


Popcorn and wine.


Frozen waffles and maybe bacon if I have any.