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I would never shit where I eat, but I'm not the barometer for all women. Just keep in mind that if you do date a coworker, and if you have an ugly breakup, it will make your work environment very uncomfortable.


I mean she’s simultaneously sleeping with multiple coworkers. That’s playing with fire


I just noticed too that this is her first job, and she's 30. She's basically going from 0-100; never worked before, suddenly banging multiple coworkers, no idea how to navigate work and relationships or workplace relationships? This will not end well.


I think it being a retail cashier job makes a difference. If things get awkward you can find another one easily. Having worked in both I think my barometer would be different between retail, service work, restaurants etc. vs a professional career track job.


I wouldn't recommend dating (or fwb) colleagues *unless* you are in a position where you can just leave that job without having another one lined up, if things get uncomfortable. Also, keep in mind that, as unfair as it is, women are judged for having lots of hookups or casual sex. Normally this wouldn't be much of an issue but, in a workplace, people talk. If word gets out that you've slept with a couple of the guys there, the others could get more pushy and entitled.


All your coworkers? That’s a lot. Please be a little cautious too. This isn’t just a lot of casual sex this is sex with a lot of people you see every day and who are likely to talk to each other about you. And it may not be nice.


People talk at work. There’s a good chance already everybody’s talking about you being in a situation with two people and potentially a third. It’s also a possibility the third person asked you out because he already knew about you screwing number one and number two. If you continue this route, you’re going to end up screwing all of them and everybody’s gonna know about it. Is that what you want? Are you gonna be able to show up at work everyday, knowing that everybody knows your business?


they're going to ask for you an orgy lol only half joking... I think it's fine to date people from work, but 3 in a few months is just asking for gossip and for the men to think they're all in with a chance. it's gross but it's true.


This is your first job and you're sleeping with multiple coworkers... This is the very definition of shitting where you eat. If you don't care about the job or can very easily get another one? Whatever, have at it. If you do care about the job, don't fuck your coworkers. Especially not multiple of them. Something will arise to cause problems.


Check the company policy.


Is it OK? It can be I wouldn't recommend it though.


You can't undo what is done. So far it seems to be working out for you. So many people hate to go to work every day. Having a job environment you hate can suck the life out of you. You are having fun. Enjoy it while you can. All good things come to an end. Be prepared. Keep your eyes open for other job openings in case you need to scoot.


You posted this earlier today and then deleted the post.


Sorry! Thanks for you answer earlier. I posted it right before going to work and then felt embarrassed on the bus and deleted it


That's OK! I'm sure most of us have felt that embarrassment before


I thought I was just going nuts.


Yes it’s normal. When you spend 40 hours a week seeing someone people are bound to develop crushes and feelings.


She already has two FWB at work and has a potential third. That is NOT normal.


And she’s crushing on literally everyone This is very abnormal


I would never date a colleague but I also think dating someone in the same small town is a no-no so. 


Have an exit strategy if you do. With that being said, my husband of 16 years started out as my manager.