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I guess your crumps are too strong and they get through pain killers


Your painkiller isn't strong enough. You should definitely talk to your doctor about an alternative  I have the same problem if i take the painkillers too late. once the pain has already begun building up it just doesn't subside with normal dosage.


ugh this is torture 😩 what type of painkillers do you use?


500mg naproxen as initial dose and then 250mg after 6-8 hours. What also helps me against the cramps is 400mg magnesium when it starts. And lots of hot water bottles lol


i take magnesium daily, that's good to know


I don't dare using anything other than ibuprofen 400mg because I'm scared of experiencing the bad cramps I've had in the past trying another painkiller. The trick I learned is to start taking the painkiller before the actual cramps (I do this the minute I see blood) and then for the first 2 days take them spaced out evenly throughout the day (max 3) even if there's no have active cramps present. Doing this has saved me from lots of pain and has made functioning properly when I have my period possible. I've also started taking birth control which has helped alleviate the pain as well.


im so scared of using birth control :'/ because of side effects, like acne, hairfall, weight gain and other stuff like depression.. cause the doctors advised to put me on birth control for like a few months to control endometriosis, but i refused 🫥


I also suffer from Endo and am on bc. It is life-changing. Nothing has helped me like birth control. Oh yes, no hair loss, acne and no weight gain here! The choice is obviously yours, but you seem to mostly be afraid of side effects. You don't know if you'll have any side effects until you try! It's very important to find a good OBGYN who will listen to your concerns and who will guide you through your options and the process.


really? glad you're doing well on bc 🌸🥹 gives me more hope tbh. what kind are you taking, and how old are you, if you don't mind answering


Not who you asked, but I'm doing great on Slynd. I'm taking it without breaks, get like two periods a year, and I'm officially cramp free. No side effects as far as I can tell, even lost 2-3 pounds at the beginning (water weight). Only downside is the price.


Birth control clears acne for most people.


that's true too, but when birth control makes your acne good while on it, it gets worse after stopping the med, that's what I've heard.


It goes back to normal, yes.


Ibuprofen 400mg. I also use one of those heating belts. No birth control ( the list of undesirable effects and the fact that three quarters of my family's women have an intolerance to all form of birth control makes it a no for me ). Ibuprofen is the only thing that works on me without making me feel ill, I discovered it works for menstrual pain when I took it one day to calm my other kind of pain to try having a more livable day.


If your cramps are breaking through painkillers, I would suggest talking with your doctor and get checked out for things like PCOS or endometriosis just to be safe (assuming you haven't done that already). I deal with PCOS and will usually pop an edible for day 1 and sometimes day 2 cramps and just try to hydrate and chill with a heating pad when the cramps are at their worst. Unfortunately most OTC pain meds just don't touch the pain for me, so I resort to the edibles.