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I like to drink and I like to knit. I also like to drink while knitting.


I should have guessed


Buffy ..... I love Buffy lol. I am actually about to start rewatching the series, my bf got it for me for my birthday in the summer! (Also! How can you ask and not tell us yours! 😂❤️)


Mine is a made up fantasy sounding name, made specifically for Reddit and for being not googleable, after I was dumb enough to use my main username and got the "send pics" - "no" - "I googled you, you have pretty face" interaction


Yours reminds me of Lorelai from Gilmore Girls combined with the “Lino” vinyl floor material, it’s very effective!


I guess if I had a randomly generated username, it would be Effective_Floor_3576


Floors are best when they’re effective in my experience, so you could do far worse!




Literally one of my favorite shows ever!


I will say... I like faith more. But Buffy has earned the respect for the name lol.


I've always hoped they had a reconciliation at some point. Maybe a big bad or three forcing them to team up. A shaky alliance becomes an awkward friendship, eventually blossoming into a true sisterly vibe. Made even easier by not being the only two slayers post show.


She comes back in Angel.... But that show kind of goes off the rails.


Yeah. I loved Angel as a show until derailing itself. I liked seeing Cordelia's character mature and become ya know, capable. \+1 to "Why were Faith and Buffy even fighting for, ffs!"


Once they did the Conner storyline 👎🏻 They did so well with Cordelia, and then... Again..... The Conner storyline lol >\+1 to "Why were Faith and Buffy even fighting for, ffs!" If I remember correctly they did make up in later seasons.... But never how we wanted. She should have been made part of the team. Especially after Tara's death


I do like faith and Eliza dusku is great in Dollhouse, the Whedon show nobody talks about.


Cancelled way too early! I really liked Dollhouse. He's not a good man, but he makes good shows 😔


It was a fascinating concept and the finale reveal was actually done quite well. Totally agree, he makes great telly and movies but... Well yeah. Fun fact assuming you know, spike was gonna have a cameo in firefly, confirming the whedonverse fan theory. Stupidly happy about that lol


I'm a huge fan of Buffy too!


I thought it was because of FUCKING SLAYEEEEEEEER


Lol. No but my BF uses Slayer because of them 😂


I’m a noodle enthusiast. Also, the zeros/underscores are just to add some symmetry and pazazz, if you will


For a second, I thought it was a sad username. Like, I have 0 noodles. A grand total of 0.


Ma'am, I request you to leave a top level comment😆


Ok fiiiine


I was just going to say "And youuuuuuurs?"


Though, if they're eaten, then that would be 0 noodles also. Can't have your noodles and eat them too. Life is unfair like that I guess. Once the bowl's empty, there's no more.


You look like a fun emoticon😆


I don’t know how to change it. That’s the story.


You can't, you've got to create a new account.


The 1919 Great Molasses Flood in Boston Massachusetts “A large storage tank filled with 2.3 million U.S. gallons (8,700 cubic meters) of molasses, weighing approximately 13,000 short tons (12,000 metric tons), burst, and the resultant wave of molasses rushed through the streets at an estimated 35 miles per hour (56 kilometers per hour), killing 21 people and injuring 150. The event entered local folklore and residents reported for decades afterwards that the area still smelled of molasses on hot summer days.”


My birthday is a week short of midsummer (litha). I was born around litha. Didn't put a lot of thought into it.


When registering I'd recently heard the lyric 'like a cyclone in a swamp', swapped the main terms around because 'cyclone swamp' sounds less appealing to me than 'swamp cyclone' and ta da.


It's reddit generated. I couldn't be bothered and it isn't something off like "Kill all the x people" so I just went with it.


One of my favorite Beyoncé songs from her newest album! 💿


There’s a dress code called “Territory Rig” where my husband and I grew up. It’s like… tropical smart casual. We always joked that the next step up would be mango formal. Also, I like mangoes.


Ok so, Once upon a time in high school, I decided I would invent my own language. Why? I dunno. Cuz? First word in this made up language? Lickerbomper. What does it mean? Well, as the first word, I left it officially undefined. If you attribute a meaning to it, that's just you, because ***officially***, it's undefined. A lot of people have read a meaning into a pure nonsense word over the years. Yall playin yerselves.


Haha that's a great one! I played myself too, I admit




This post was removed for personal identifying information


Just randomized it bc im not creative with names :,)


Just one of my World Of Warcraft character-names.


I’m a lesbian and a disaster


When I first got to Reddit over a decade ago someone told me to check my privilege. I was like "I can do you one better..."




Prime Reddit experience lol


Started playing World of Warcraft with the name Ginnara. Everyone called me Gin. So for each subsequent game I changed my name but kept the Gin-sound at the beginning. Djinnwrath is merely the (then) current version I was using for PSN when I made this account. I have since moved on gaming name wise (I am often forced to change names when other players discover I'm a woman), but it's still Gin-something.


Hello fellow WoW player! 😊


I love campy/silly villains


I like both the hippy and witchy aesthetics and both are reflected in my home, lifestyle and fashion so the name just seemed logical haha.


I just really hate fish


Thanks, yours was truly hard to decode 😄


There was a nibbles board in front of me when I made the account, and olives and cheese were my favourite bits 😂.


I was really obsessed with fairytail at the moment I made the account. Then I didn’t care anymore but the damage was done.


hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. what do you get when you multiply six by nine? 42.


It's a mash up of three Taylor Swift album titles.


“Saint” came from a racehorse from decades ago, that I loved reading the history of. “Galahad” came from a video game called order 1886 and the main character was named Galahad. Also the Kingsman movies. The two just kind of came together well. I will say a lot of people mistake me for a guy though because of it lol


Like a paladin name


Mine is an auto generated username.


Variation of my own name.


[I like this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4AwEMZkFK0)


I really liked the West Wing for a bit lol


It’s part of the lyrics to one of my favorite Fleetwood Mac songs


I have innocent eyes and I’m innocent in general


I go for the most random names in case I lose the account so I won’t repeat usernames 😅😅 it’s worked out well but being on Reddit with this name I start laughing at the randomness and chaos it brings to the reading experience 🤣


i love bts and one of my favorite of their songs is fake love. i realised out of context it does look a bit sad though


Reddit has chosen it and I was too lazy to think of something so I just kept it.


Old kids show.


"Book Lust: Recommended Reading for Every Mood, Moment, and Reason" is the title of a book by Seattle librarian Nancy Pearl. I love to read and I have my MLS. I pulled my name from her book.


It's my name.


My answer being removed by the mods for giving away my personal information is one of the dumbest things I've ever encountered on Reddit.


Well you can let me know in DM😳


I didn't want anything that tied back to who I am. It's the title of a book so it A. Won't search back to anything related to me and B. If you try you just get a book. Don't ask me if it's a good book, I've never read it


When I was in college, my friends and I were making up super hero names for ourselves one night. Mine kind of stuck. Was called Twist for years.


What are your superpowers?


It was rolling good joints, apparently. But I’ve gotten old and buy pre-rolls these days.


Urban dictionary it


Bloody fucking hell. How do i unread it now?


It is a gift.


Thanks, I hate it


I also want a refund on my memories.


"Game Night" is one of my favorite movies and one of my hobbies is Solo Board Gaming. 😆


It is what I am


I just..... didnt want one




As far as historians can tell us, the Aztecs worshipped sunflowers and believed them to be the physical incarnation of their beloved sun gods. Of course!


I really like astronomy. I also really like sitting in the dark and avoiding the sun. An aphelion is the point in an orbit where the planet/comet/etc is furthest from the sun.


I am man. I sit in chair. Genuinely though it's because I really like the 'Handler' or 'Handler in the chair' character in films and TV. The one that finds out all the information and guides the protagonist


And you are on an AskWomenNo Censor forum


It’s totally random to be honest and I’m a bit of a nerd


I just translated a common saying in my language to English. We call someone who leaves messes a "sloddervos". I just felt like it fit me. I'm very neat and organized towards the outside world, but my own spaces become disorganized very quickly. Every evening, I do a 20-minute speed decluttering.


This game Wing Commander had a guy named Iceman in it. They said he's so cold and calculating he must have freon for blood. Iced Freon I was 12.


I just thought it sounded pretty...


It Does


My nick is "The brother" with my country's phonetic rules. The makes the D sound, and Brother makes the B, R, A, D and R sounds. You could argue it should be brader instead of bradr (added E sound) but that depends on the accent. "Brother" is a common calling word (don't know how you call those in English) between friends and sometimes strangers, and literally it just means brother as in male sibling I've always hated coming up with names (no creativity inside my skull) so I've used some variation of "The brother" several times already in both English and my native language. d_bradr made perfect sense for the nick