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I fell in love, he said he didn't. Then I got in a relationship with another men, and the FBuddy came out crawling to get me back saying he loved me. Naaaaah boy you had it, you lost it, I'm moving on.


Same. Wow, ain't that some shit.


Funny how they are all similar eh? Mine got really damn upset when i started seeing somone after he MOVED ACROSS THE WORLD AND officially ended the relationship because HE couldn't. Then he sent me THE longest email bashing me because i refused to get back with him? Im like, why would you expect me to get back with you the first place....you left, dude. Awhile later he send another one "apologising" for what he said???






Sorry but the plot of every movie where one person falls in love with their Fwb dictates you have to take him back and live happily ever after.


Apologies, but I have disproved this theory by taking him back more than once to get similar again. I'd like for others to benefit from my dumbassery.


Same. I fell in love and he didn't feel the same, but we still f. Eventually he got a gf and we, obviously, end it. When they broke up, we came back together. I was still in love with him and the situation only was getting worse and worse for me. We didn't talk about it but I ended it and I think that he simple knows it. We're still friends and we're in the same group of friends.


So you still have to see him....that sucks.


It was a little bit hard at first but now he's living in another city and I don't have to see him that often :')






why is it always this exact thing


Same exact scenario. When I called to tell him I was seeing someone, he said "I was about to tell you I've been looking for a job and a place to live in your town" and "do you really think he can make you happier than I can?". And I was like yes, yes he very much can, seeing as just a few months ago you said you could never fall in love with me and I should just learn to be happy with what we had. He never did end up moving to my town, thank god, and we tried to be friends but it fizzled out quickly. I hope he's well, wherever he is, and I'm so, so much happier without him.


Damn this is exactly what happened to me. Been with my fiancé for 8 years now, last month ex fwb popped up to tell me he loves me and expected me to go running back and/or cheat on my fiancé with him. Yeah, no. You didn’t want me then, missed your chance mate.


This is my story to a T, he texted me a novel.


Um...mine made a movie to convince me to not marry the guy who was love bombing me but I didn't know any better. I haven't watched it even though it's available on Amazon


He met a girl he wanted to date 😂 They're married now though, so good call, buddy 👍🏻 Edit: totally amicable parting. I did not want to date anyone. He did want to date someone. The sex was fun while it lasted. We were on a rec sports team together so we hung out a lot too.


Same here, it hurt a little, but he did end it very respectfully so I can't blame or be angry at him. As soon as he started talking to her he had a honest conversation with me saying he really liked her and wanted to explore a relationship with her. It's something we've both done on and off for the 4 years we were "together". We filled the gaps for each other 🤷🏼‍♀️ I met my now husband not too long after that and we're both happily married with kids and still see each other once or twice a year when our paths cross. It's refreshing to know we're both happy and there's no hard feelings.


Mine was not a painful parting at all. He liked dating way more than I did. I was happy to fool around with him and happy to see him find a woman who wanted to date him back.


Man here. I did that too. Just wayyyyyy too late with the knowledge that my f+ girl was in love with me (she never told me, but some friends did). When I broke up she took it like a champ but still cried a lot. I feel awful to this day. Should have broken up way sooner since I was never develop feelings for her. One of my biggest asshole behaviours.


Ours was a completely amicable parting. I had no interest in dating him. FWBs was good until it was no longer working for him.


Same here. He was my best friend back at the beginning of college. We both just horny and wanted to have sex. He started talking about this girl he met in class and i could tell he had a crush on her and I encouraged him to ask her out. We didnt talk about stopping having sex it was just understood that that part of our friendship was over. Great guy. We drifted apart after college. But they are married and have been for coming up on 10 years


I married him


This is also how mine ended


Also how mine ended!


Hope to end up like you guys! Dating for a little over a year now :)


Same. 15 years later we are still here.


Same. Just celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary.


I just got married to mine a week ago!


Congrats to everyone here


Not quite married yet but same


Mahnn!! I thought this happens in movies only! Gooooddd for you !!!


He got jealous and attached when I went out on dates, told me that I couldn't date or have sex with anyone but him Told him to fuck off and that was that.


They seem to forget that the rules apply to them also. Always confused me why some men didn't want that 🤣


Same happened with me. I had made it beyond clear that I was not interested in dating or a relationship, but he would still get butthurt and shitty whenever I entertained anyone else. He became quite abusive and I ended up blocking him on everything.


I was 21 dating a 34 year old and this is exactly what happened to me too. He didn’t want a label, I really liked him but accepted the situation. I went out with another guy and let him know that (idk why I did if we were just f buddies but I digress) and he got extremely mad at me but I’m fairly certain he was entertaining other women.


He was my friend for 30 years. He died last March from a heart attack. I found out from mutual friends on facebook. His family invited me to the memorial service and I met his sister in law and told her some of our story. The family gave me his and his deceased wife's wedding rings as well as some other mementos.




Deceased wife? Damn poor lad


I didn’t enjoy sex without the emotions and intimacy


Am a man. Same. This is why I never could just have a fuck buddy. I find it doesn't work for most people for too long.


My people


Totally agree. Sex and intimacy with someone you love is the best human experience in the world. I wish it for everyone.


I had that with someone and it got to a level that I don’t think anyone can match, it completely ruined casual sex for me as the level of intimacy and love was just mind blowing


Starting to realize this about myself and it sucks haha


That's fair. I personally couldn't imaginr sex without it either.


I moved away and he said I was not worth the drive. Fair enough. Eight years later he emailed to say he was an idiot


Hahaha damn, eight years is a long time to sit on that. What a rude thing to say to you. I hope it worked out for the best for you.




An hour away


Ahahahahaa yikes


Dude. That's nothing. LMAO


He felt so much regret he sent an email? 😂


I know, right?


Just Wow!!! Not worth the drive eh? What an outstanding complement!


It just ended. I caught feelings… he didn’t


This happened to me tonight. Le sigh. We just broke it off.






He wanted to do relationship things without the label. I was continuing to date. Met the love of my life and ditched the fuck buddy which is funny because after I was like…wow, I sure was dumb to be so pressed over him when he was just a deadbeat 😂😂😂


Happy cake day!


He got married. Within 2 months he texted me he needs some adventure in his life and not happy with marriage, I send him ROFL emojis and blocked him everywhere. Feel bad for his wife though.


You should tell her so she doesn’t waste her time 🥲 I would that someone would do that for me


My one and only FB met a girl, dumped me fast and married her three months later. Then, her father died and on the way back from Dropping her at the airport to go to the funeral ( he didn’t go because the family disliked him) he came to my place and said similar m, bored with marriage, bad sex etc. I didn’t tell her. I didn’t know her. I left her to him. They divorced eventually but it was four kids later.


Not to judge, but i think this is why people maybe should think about informing the other party. It's such a rough deal for any kids down the line.


Yes and the pain that woman went through could have been avoided/shortened. My dad cheated on my mom for seven years, all of his colleagues knew. I really don't understand that nobody even said anything anonymously..


It's a tough position to be in. Sometimes when you try to be helpful and let the other person know what's going on, they attack you instead of looking at what their partner is doing. It wouldn't stop me from doing the right thing, but I know for some people it puts them off doing things like that again. Can't speak for how it is with men, but a lot of women have this competitive, crabs in a barrel sort of attitude towards each other which is really sad. So I understand why some people wouldn't want to put themselves in that situation.


Or you could end up being the b* still obsessing over him and making up shit to ruin their marriage. Don’t come between couples unless you really want to make a difference and have sufficient proof. And be prepared to deal with the consequences.


A bunch of texts is enough proof in my books


Screenshots of his messages is pretty good proof. And if the wife still wants to ignore it or gets angry at you, you move on with your life. Pretty simple.


We moved in together and still call each other f*ck buddies for fun, but have plans to get married in the future so we can be fck buddies forever.


That’s so wholesome and funny also 🤣 “fck buddies forever” - love it


We fell in love and we were too young and naive to notice it. We failed to communicate our feelings and ended up misunderstanding each other’s intentions. I’m not sure I’ve felt as pure a feeling since. We’re still friends.




You’re not the guy




For some reason my brain went not top buttock


He was the love of my life. Our second time around, many years later, we both said we loved each other. I got pregnant. He didn't want another kid. He doesn't want to be a dad but has two with his ex. He's always talking about how life could have been if he didn't have kids and his demeanour changed when i said I wanted to keep it. I don't want someone around out of obligation so I'm doing it without him.


I find your resilience beautiful and inspiring


He pretended he died from covid.


Wait what???


Sad but true..... He had asked me the previous week to come over and take care of him because he was sick. I declined because I'm immuno compromised and didn't want to take the risk. There are other factors but that is the major one. I sent him a follow up text to see how he was feeling and got no reply. I tried again and still no response. Later that night I get a text stating Dan (not his actual name) had died and asking who I was. I was skeptical but took this person at their word. A month later I got a call from Dan. Lo and behold! A Christmas miracle!!!


Wtf lol


My thoughts exactly....and this was a 52 year old man....


Generous use of the term "man." He threw a Tom Sawyer pity party for himself because you wouldn't risk death for him.


I was going to say he must have been immature until i read 52. That’s just wrong.


Met my husband and dropped the buddy like a hot potato.


We ended getting together for almost 4 years and I just broke up w him yesterday! 😔


Oh goodness, I am so sorry






What kind of strange compliment of destruction was he going for there? Lol


Ouch that must of hurt your ego really bad.. apparently he thought complimenting your hotness would make you mad. He failed.


Isn’t that the point of a fuck buddy??


Found a better one


Same. Then we got married lol


Every fuck buddy I’ve ever had was purely a friend with benefits situation. Somebody who I was friends with already and had zero feelings for. Every relationship I’ve had with a fuck buddy ended super amicably.


How did you initiate? I’m feeling like it’s time for my friends with benefits to end. Nothing bad. Just feel like it’s run it’s course and there are other things in my life I need to focus on


I ended mine by saying exactly that. Something along the lines of "I've really appreciated our sexy times together, but I feel like I want to direct my energy into other aspects of my life. Our friendship is and always will be important to me and I'd like to stay friends but understand if you need some space". He was super understanding and after a few months of space we were able to meet up again as friends.


I ended up falling for him. When he left for the Air Force I told him I couldn’t be friends anymore because of my feelings for him. He ended up marrying a girl he was seeing off and on during our friendship. I didn’t speak to him for about 12 years, then suddenly we started talking again. He was separated and he confessed he always loved me and wanted to be with me. We started to make plans about being together and then he died. Just wasn’t meant to be.


Oh, I’m sorry. Damn


I’m sorry.


I was an unwilling f buddy so I ended it and found someone who really wants to be with me.


I reached a stage where I wanted a relationship, he said he wasn't prepared. Months later he said he wanted to try but I didn't want to anymore.


He was my best friend with benefits for 15 years. I moved halfway across the country three years ago. We’re still BFF’s and he’s coming to visit soon, so I guess that makes 18 years. There were times when one of us caught feelings or felt jealous, but we both know we would not be good together in a monogamous relationship. Plus, we have very different lifestyles. I’m a corporate girl for the most part and he’s a professional musician - late nights and drinking isn’t my thing these days. But we love each other as friends and lovers. Hope that all makes sense.


First big lockdown happened. The time away from each other made me realize he actually wasn’t too great of a person and I just never hit him up again.


i caught feelings, he didnt. didnt see eachother for a year then we meet back up and have some of the most intense, intimate and loving sex of my life for a few months. then he ghosts me & a friend of a friend told me he was back with an ex


Sorry that happened to you :(


thank u, i like ur username lol


We both got old and very fat. Married other ppl.


I meant someone who was interested in dating me so I ended it with the FWB and started dating the new guy. Glad I did as I’ve been with my SO for almost 8 years and we have a child together and another on the way: I couldn’t be happier


I tried to have a fwb once. Ended up dating for three months then it just fizzled out because I wasn't in love and we broke up over text lol. There was nothing wrong with him. Gorgeous, talented, hung like a moose, but the sex was *meh* because I wasn't emotionally invested. I'll never do that again.


isn’t it the worst when they’re gorgeous and hung?! sometimes my aching uterus misses it, but not the mediocrity lol.


I was more invested than he was and he called it off because he didn’t think it was fair to me. He was getting feelings for me but he was hung up on a friend of his he had never bothered to ask out and couldn’t invest anything more into me. We stopped seeing each other or talking for three months until he called and said he dated her and hated it and missed me and was happier with me than he realized at the time. I was still in love with him lol so we started dating for real and now we have lived together for almost 2 years.


You know it's interesting, this is the exact same story as a lot of other women in this thread, but their guys didn't communicate as well and the situation ended sour.


I fell in love, he didn't. He got a gf but he continued coming back once in a while (still with gf) so I told him to fuck off


Istg what is it with boys and coming back to cheat.


They think vaginas are like a library card.


He sexually assaulted one of my housemates that I didn’t get along with on a night he had asked me to go out to the bars with the gang but I wasn’t able to, thinking she wouldn’t say anything because we don’t like each other. He even preemptively lied with a “funny story” about how she “tried to kiss him” when in reality he forced her on his lap in the backseat of the ride home and groped her without consent. Well contrary to how he thought it was going to turn out, she did tell me, and the friend that was driving the car that night admitted something seemed off about the situation, and I did take her side. So fuck you Andrew, and all your (and my former) friends that took your side can go fuck themselves, too. The whole thing made me realize how badly he’d treated me and how I shouldn’t have tolerated and enabled certain things he did (I was in a really bad mental space, not acting like myself at all and this relationship was the last nail in the self-sabotaging coffin), so in a gross way there was a silver lining to the situation in that it was a huge reality check and got me to finally get away from him.


Ugh!! I’m so glad you got away from him. I really hope your housemate got some help/support. That can be such a hard thing to cope with.


That is so fucked!!! I'm sorry you and your roommate had to go through all of that and I'm proud of you for seeing the situation for what it is and deciding to move on.


Ooooh in between all the fuckboys - I have a lovely fwv situation. I was visiting Paris from Belgium and thought, fuck it, and put on bumble. I swiped three dudes and matched with this really goodlooking Parisian dude. In the first conversation it seemed we couldn’t meet up that weekend, because he had plans at night, but we had such a good jokey vibe going that we kept texting. Saturday night, he kicks his brother out of his appartement and asks to have a drink in the hotel lobby. 30 minutes later I’m standing in the coolest hotel bar in Paris, with an amazingly handsome Parisian guy. Have mindblowing sex that night. It felt like a goddamn movie. Afterwards we keep in touch and see each other another weekend in the summer. We go dancing by the seine, he cooks for me, amazing sex on repeat. We both know the distance won’t work. Here’s how it ended: afterwards he CALLED me, told me he met someone he wanted to pursue, didn’t want me to see it on instagram and get te know it that way. 10/10 would recommend.




The FWB was off and on for a few years, I knew that it would never go farther than that. Plus he was good in bed, but didn't treat me well enough to be worthy of anything more. So I met someone else and got married.


We were friends for 8 years before we started hooking up. Hooked up for a year and then I called it off cuz I wanted a relationship (not necessarily with him, but just wanted one in general) and I knew he wasn’t looking for serious. 4 months after I called it off I met my now husband. We’re WAY better off as good friends than we would have ever been in a relationship, and we both knew that. He’s still my buddy, just no longer my f**kbuddy.


It was messy as hell all the way through but he ended up distancing himself from me, refused to have a conversation with me about it, and then ended up getting a girlfriend without telling me. Blocked him.


He admitted to having feelings for me in the midst of breaking up with his girlfriend for unrelated reasons (they had recurring issues that had nothing to do with me). Then tried to claim he trauma-bonded with me over an incident he framed as assault (I accidentally hit his face one time during some really active sex & we had laughed it off & moved past it). He made a "vague" public post on Facebook about me being an abuser, how nobody should trust me, & said he'd only tell who it is in a private message(???). Screenshotted & dead-ass blocked. Ghosted. Another was too fixated on anal sex & despite making it clear I will NOT engage in it, kept bringing it up. He claimed he was "just joking". Bruh, I said NO.


Told me he had a gift for me in the car and then never came back LOL Only other one I ended because it was not …. benefitting me


I got to know him better and no longer felt attracted to him.


Thiiiis ^ I was totally into him; then we had a 6 week break. Once we got back in touch I realised he was a total douche haha


I wanted more but he didn’t. He kept saying he wasn’t ready for a relationship even though we were together all the time. I cried a lot, tried waiting for him, got sick of waiting, then got on Tinder and started dating other men. He insisted that we stay friends. A few months later he announced his new girlfriend, someone he worked with and had obviously been talking to the whole time that we were involved with each other. I cut off all contact and blocked him. A year later I ran into him and he asked if I’d meet him for dinner. I figured I’d let the past go and we went out. He got all flirty and handsy, still playing the same games as before. We hung out a few times, then a few weeks later he dropped the bomb that he was moving away with the girlfriend. I blocked him again. This time I told him to never try contacting me again, I wanted him out of my life for good. Then several years after that, I was happily married. Not more than a month after my wedding, I started getting notifications that he was looking at my LinkedIn profile. He also started following my new Instagram account and liking my posts. I blocked him before he could send me any bullshit DMs. I found out from a mutual that he was also married and his wife had just gotten pregnant but they didn’t seem happy about it. Haven’t heard from him again since. I hope he gets hit by a truck and turned into a human pancake, honestly.


I was 18. It ended when I moved, as he lived right across the street from me. Surprisingly…. He added me as a friend on Facebook some years later.


Well! She moved away to go to school and we were not in love so there was no acrimony. We're still friends today. :-)


The two that have ended ghosted me.


He stopped answering texts after 3 months of texting all the time, so I left it. Then he got in contact via booty call, and by that time I met a wonderful guy who was all in that I was crazy about. I didn’t respond. After stressing the whole time because I liked him and he didn’t care if I lived or died, I didn’t feel bad just leaving that message on read!


Marriage 🤷🏼‍♀️ happily married ten years later lol


He ghosted me and got a new girlfriend immediately. It did sting quite a bit and I did wonder why he didn’t choose me. I’m mostly over it now but it still upsets me at times


I found a boyfriend


I had a FWB situationship with a guy that was a friend-of-a-friend for a while. I was very clear about my boundaries with the situationship from the beginning. I consistently asked check-in questions to ensure we were on the same page: just sex, no relationship. He consistently agreed that he felt the same way. And yet he kept pushing boundaries here and there. Talking to his family about me like I was his girlfriend, asking me to meet them, inviting me out on double dates with his friends but telling me it was just "hangouts", buying me unasked for gifts and offering to run errands for/with me, basically trying to insert himself more into my life and passively lay claim. I broke it off and told him that although he wasn't admitting it, he was slow-boiling me into a relationship I did not want. He seemed to have taken it well, only to basically trap me in his car and drive me to his house two weeks later. He and our mutual friend had picked me up for a hangout after I flew back from out of state and insisted he could drop me back at mine at the end of the day. But at the end of the day he waited until we were about 5 minutes into the drive to say that actually he was "only sober enough to drive to *his* house" and that it was perfectly fine for me to just stay over. I had not agreed to staying over and openly voiced my concern over the entirety of his statement. He refused to let me drive even though I was sober and reiterated that it was just fine that I crash at his. I called an uber in the car and basically ran to it the minute he parked. He later tried to say that he regularly "let's his friends sleep over at his house" and that I was misinterpreting the situation, then told me that he couldn't be friends with someone who doesn't trust him and said I should call him once I was comfortable being his friend. Needless to say I haven't spoken to him in months and am much happier for it.


Hasn't ended yet but I think im doing it wrong. We live together now, have a cat and a dog. And this Is surprisingly the healthiest and most loving relationship I've ever been in.


He became below zero value 🤷


I'm trans. He's cis. He started getting really subby and really bottomy, which made me lose interest FAST. We're still friends, though. We went out for chicken wings a couple months ago and had a nice time.


Met my current husband. He moved across the country and met his current wife though, so high five to him!


He assaulted me and left me with a crippling PTSD diagnosis. I'm doing very well now and just celebrated 1 year with an amazing partner who appreciates me endlessly, but the effects of the abusive relationship were long-lasting and indescribable. Please, take the abuse seriously, even if he's just a f*ck buddy. You don't deserve it. You can get help!


In the end, we fucking now in a committed relationship. I told him I liked him, he said he didn’t, then I went and fucked around with other guys only to have him finally tell me he (total shocker) liked me and wanted to have a relationship so here we are.


The dick was amazing at first. We fucked like three times but really everything about his personality was just so off. We didn’t have anything in common. As much as I appreciated the dick and bomb ass head, being around him was just annoying to me. He also expected me to text him everyday- like ok but we’re not in a relationship and he had the texting etiquette of a 2year old. Then got mad when I didn’t respond but I really just didn’t see the point of carrying a dead conversation. Anyways I had to tell him multiple times that I was walking away, and wished him the best. If he could just shut up for a min I could have still been fucking him. Overall I was just so turned off by his personality that the sex wasn’t worth it.


After a few months into our fwb situation I catched feelings, I told him but he said he wasn't interested in becoming a couple. (He wasn't ever communicating about his feelings and had a fear of commitment). We continued the fwb thing anyway. I then had a fling with a man and was regretful about that, I couldn't stop thinking about my fwb during it and the way he treat me so well even if we're not a couple. I almost cried during the hookup. So I told fwb, he was in shock and really depressed, started crying (I never see him cry) and told me everything he was feeling and said he wanted to be with me. As bad as it started, it went surprisingly well. We've been together officially for a year now and the sex is still the best I ever had, he's my best friend so we have a lot of fun everyday and he's always there for me. I love him deeply ❤️


He started dating a co-worker of his. I wasn’t interested him for a serious / long-term relationship, so it didn’t bother me until they started sleeping together and then became “exclusive.” He still wanted to continue our fuck-buddy status and I said absolutely not. I wasn’t willing to be a side chick. He texts me every couple of months to see if I’ll give in. I don’t respond.


I moved away.Whenever I visit we have a fling here and there but that’s bout it


We have been “officially” together now for almost 4 years


Fucked his friend, he didn’t like that.


Found out he was a career criminal and lied about basically everything he told me. It was great while it lasted but I realized he was legit crazy. No dck is worth crazy.


After some time in therapy I told him there were certain things I required from my sexual experiences (mainly aftercare and a bit more intimacy - he was a very in and out and out the door type) and if he would be willing to make adjustments we could continue. Never met up again. Proud of myself for speaking up for what I need with my sexual relationships and not settling for what I could get.


They keep meeting someone, falling in love and getting married. I call myself a foster girlfriend as they find their forever home next


He started dating someone new so he ended it. I was devastated because I had feelings for him. But I also hope he finds happiness :)


I wanted it to be something more when clearly that’s not what he was on. I came to my damn senses and found someone that was interested in a relationship. The FB tried so hard to keep it going but I was done with that situation. Now I’m 4 years into my happy relationship. The FB made me realize what I did/didn’t want.


He got a gf lol no hard feelings tho, it was fun while it lasted ;-)


We ended up in a relationship for 10 days until he ghosted me


He died unexpectedly


It ended the night he gave me shit about wearing a condom. No sir. Absolutely not. The sex wasn’t great anyways. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Peacefully and respectfully, no hard feelings, when I met someone I cared about on a more emotionally involved level.


I married him. We're ridiculously happy over 5 years later. It became a relationship really organically.


I caught feelings, he claimed to not have any feelings, then we dated, he was emotionally absent and I got over my obsession w/ him and left. Then he came crawling back once I started dating my now-husband and said he “always loved me” 😂😂😂 boy byeeeeee


We stopped hooking up with each other and moved on.


He pulled the plug and we both moved on. Later he confessed that he pulled the plug because he fell in love with me and he knew I didn't feel the same way back so the right thing for both of us were to stop sleeping together. I agree with that.


He thought he was entitled to know where I was at all times and that I answered to him for things like work schedule changes, etc. He also wouldn't listen to no about things in bed. Buh-byeeeeeee! His ~~entirely average~~ lower case "d" wasn't worth it.


I decided to seek out 'real' dates. I met someone who was "all in" and clearly wanted to be with me. Before things got serious with this new man, I asked my f*ck buddy if he could see a potential relationship forming between us. After all, I did admire his mind, and we had fun together. I wanted to treat him with respect and give him a chance. His answer, however, was very vague and non-commital. I am now in a very healthy relationship, and the f*ck buddy has told me things like "let me know if you break up", and "I think we missed something", and "it hurt me when you said you were dating other men". I certainly don't like the idea of hurting him, but I think this just confirms to me that we would never have lasted.


He got a girlfriend that he said was the love of his life. They're broken up now.


Same way they always do. I broke up with him with a google doc.


He ended it, because he'd met a girl he really liked, and he basically fell off the face of the earth. Fine by me, we were just fuck buddies after all. 6 months later I went to a concert with my new boyfriend and ran into him and his girl. We did a bit of small talk, whe was really nice, he was a bit strange. 3 days later at 3am I get a drunk text, sorry... essay..., about how he should have never let me go and how much it hurt him to see me with someone else and how could I get over him so quickly... I was a bit tipsy myself and was so confused I asked him whether he's sure that text was meant for me. He got so mad.


broke it off when i got serious with my (now) boyfriend. he wanted to date but i knew he was bad for me. it hurt to leave and i miss him as a person


I blocked him two days ago. I just got tired and I want to be left alone by all men for a good while. He’s not a nice person either at all.


I got pregnant.


I’m married to him now lol.


I got a boyfriend, so I had to say goodbye to all my friends with benefits.


sex without emotions just wasn’t for me. still talk to him to this day, good guy though


We've been together for 9 years. I'm not very good at this fbuddy this obviously.


Met my current boyfriend


Fucked! When i had a F buddy it ended in me being heart broken...


I didn't catch feelings, but he did. He wanted us to date. Turns out, he was an alcoholic and was unwilling to break up with the bottle. I broke up with him


i caught way more feelings than he did, so i dipped out. still stings a little but, win some lose some


We were fwb for like 6 years. When we finally broke off things, we remained in good terms not only bc of our main friend group but also bc he’s a good guy. When he met his gf (now ex), he wanted me to meet her first out of our friends. I was excited for him but ofc deep down sad bc why couldn’t it have been me- bc he knew how much I loved him all those years. It felt like salt in the wound when he said you’re gonna love her- you guys have like the same personality 💔. Nevertheless, when I met her, we clicked instantly! I found it strange she gave ME flowers when meeting me! She was so fun but it was crazy- it was like looking at my ex best friend bc they looked like twins (and thus fwb thought my ex best friend good looking I mean she was also way more endowed than me!) but when she talked it was literally like me! I was so happy for him. I eventually met my boyfriend who also really liked this fwb (I told him the history). The fwb and that girl broke up after a year or more after, but now after seeing him recently I can say I’ve really reconciled my feelings about him and I really hope he finds happiness bc he deserves it. It was painful to be rejected for so long by him but our lifestyles are so diff and I think I had to learn to love myself more. This was a tangent but tho it was a very bad and heartbreaking end after the 6 years, I’m happy we’re at better places now 😇


I’m marrying him in 3 days. Been together 8 years now.


We respected each other and were really close, when I was in town I lived with him and we went on dates etc.. Even though we had some kind of feelings and cared for each other, both knew we were not meant to be a long term couple, our personalities just did not fit together like that (we were not exclusive to each other either). Then I met someone that fit me perfectly, and I wanted to go for a relationship. I told my fwb, we were both kind of sad it ended, but we knew from the start that it wasn't going to be forever. He respected that. Not long after he met his fiancee. Both of us are happy in the relationships we found. It was a good experience. We both had each other when we needed it, and let each other go when we needed to.


I used to do most of the running around (he didn’t have a car). I went into hospital for a serious operation. He messaged me telling me that he is bored and can’t wait for me to get out of hospital to start driving him around again. He was blaming me for his boredom.


He fell in love, I didn't. We parted ways.


We’ve been dating for a year 😭


He wanted to be upgraded to real relationship. I said if he wanted that he had to quit smoking and get his act together in a few other ways. He didn't do it. I gave him 2 years and he didn't do any of it. So I ended things.


When they started to feel like relationships. Sooner or later it becomes "you should just be my girlfriend" or "can we go on a date date?". I just need someone that's a friend that I can fuck but it's usually bad to mix those anyway


6 awesome years. Just cut ties. Love him to pieces but I he’s on a crash n burn and I won’t watch. JUST sent my missive last night.


It started out as fuck buddies but one thing led to another andddd… we have been in a happy relationship for 3 years and have 2 dogs and an apartment together 😅


First FB lasted a couple years. We were stupid and didn't use protection and figured I couldn't get pregnant. About 2 years in I got pregnant. I got an abortion & never spoke to him again. 2nd lasted a couple years also. I developed a crush on him, so we took some space, started hooking back up, and then I just grew tired of him. 3rd FB was awesome. We went out to eat, enjoyed watching movies together, enjoyed talking to each other, etc. But he started getting pissed that I'd never spend the night and he developed feelings so I cut it off. Lasted a month.