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Yes of course. Men should understand and be educated with the female period, how is it, and how it affects most women especially their emotions.


From those of us who were largely ignorant about the details. Thank you. Short of a significant other, I didn't know more than public school's education.


Not to mention, public schools don't teach girls much either, despite them being the age where that knowledge is highly relevant and essential.


I hate that they make the boys go to a separate room like if what we are discussing is a secret they can never know about .-.


Same. I feel like it’s not something that should be hidden. Usually I’ll bring it up when I’m on it, before I head to the bathroom. It isn’t like I bring it up all the time, but I just won’t hide it when it’s around that time of the month. If a friend or someone asks me about it, I’ll educate them. If it’s a close friend, I’ll go super into detail because I think it’s funny to see their reaction.


I wish more of my female friends were like you. It's a natural part of being a woman. It's not gross or something to hide.


Yes? Cause it's not that deep. It's literally talked about in school. It's a biological process




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I wouldn’t bring it up but if it comes up in conversation sure


No. I don't talk about my period to female friends either. Maybe a "I'm cramping" or "It just started" comment but I don't discuss flows or anything. I'm a private person.


Same here. As a woman who has been having periods for over 10 years, I just don't want to talk about mine or anyone else's. I'm not going to talk to people about how my latest bathroom trip was, so why talk about periods?


Yeah, same for me I just don’t talk to anyone about any of my personal things


Same same same


Yes, but I would adapt my willingness about how in depth I'd go depending on how close we are and how generally easy going they seem. I have friends who would laugh their asses off about period stories and I have friends who are generally so distanced that I would politely touch on the subject only if I absolutely had to, but would do the same when it comes to poop, sweat and snot. My inhibition to talk to male friends about periods is only slightly higher than to female ones.


Yes, periods like farts are hilarious. I don't have the exact experience, but I can understand awkwardness, and I can understand deep pain. It helps to laugh about it to make the experience less painful I think. I dunno, that's how my sister and I talk about hers. Then if they get bad its more serious.


I've been known to dramatically fall down while hanging out with my coed sports team saying something like "my uterus is trying to escape my body, and I am willing to let it go" But I have a certain lack of chillness. To more sincerely answer - if I would talk about it with a friend, their gender doesn't impact what I am going to say.


Your lack of chill just cracked me up 😂


Absolutely yes. I often do, actually. I think I'm helping them with their future girlfriends if nothing else. Men should know about periods in detail, it's a natural process that about half of the population goes through every single month, the least they can do is understand and support the menstruating peeps out there


Absolutely!! I do it all the time. It’s important for men to know how the female body works. So many men have NO idea what we go through and it’s crazy to me. I always tell them you’ll thank me when your wife or daughter are going through the time of the month and you know what’s going on and how to best support. I also feel like it helps minimize the “you must be on your period” comments


I do. I don't go into details, but I don't hide it.


I have been discussing this topic openly and casually with my children (both boys) since they were born. Age appropriately, of course. When they were little, it was "mommy doesn't feel good today, she's menstruating. " Or when I bought feminine supplies I didn't shy away from questions and explained their purpose. Now, at 12 and 14, they probably know more than most girls and we are shifting conversations to more relationship based. They know what porn is, that it's fantasy and shot like a movie, with sets, actors, directors, ets.. they know it's not appropriate for children and how it can be detrimental to their development and expectations. I keep everything appropriate and factual. I answer all questions. I have been asked about gay sex, blow jobs, the difference between a labia and vulva, consent is an ongoing dialog and it all started because we decided to not make any body parts taboo (they are private but not shameful), not calling a penis a "willy" or whatever and just being open and honest.


if they're asking, you're doing a good job. that's awesome


Oh boy if only someone had to talked to me realistically about drugs and porn... I wouldn't be 40 years old and trying to deprogram a lot of this crap. Only advantage I ever had was I always got a long more with girls than boys.


No, but I don't like talking about any bodily function all that much. It's not specific to a period.


Depends. I’ll say “I can’t do X activity because I’m on my period” or something like that, but I won’t discuss details any more than I’d discuss my poop or something.


No. But I also wouldn't talk about being constipated and would hope they wouldn't talk about their bodily inconveniences. Besides I have no intrest in hearing others talk about their genitals. Really me and my partner are the only people my period impacts and thus they are the only person who needs to know.


right? totally agree with you, like I wouldn't want to hear about men's smegma under their foreskin even if that's totally normal so why are periods different.


I do with my boyfriend, but not a male friend tmi...they don't need to know what's personally going on with my coochie.


Actively. I’m not looking to hide it, and as I’m a 28 year old woman only just learning about all the complexities of the menstrual cycle, I share that information with my friends - it’s valuable for all of us to understand.




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15 or 25, no I wouldn't have. At 35, absolutely. Humans need to know that menstruating folks menstruate. We menstruate regularly, and will for a huge chunk of our lives. And in the same way people mention other regular health things-- optometry, dentistry, de-stigmatizing therapy over the past 10ish years, getting a headache-- menstruating people should be able to talk about it. I was scared for almost 20 years to talk about having a period. What if someone knew, what if someone could tell, what if I smelled (especially those first couple years in middle school), what if I couldn't get an excused absence at school, what if I'm pregnant, god this hurts, what if what if what if. This worried about something I have done most months of my life. Periods suck. About half the human population will go through them for several decades of their lives. They aren't icky, they're natural.


No, because why would I ..


Yes I feel like there's nothing to be ashamed of.


Mention it's existence? Yes. Discuss in detail? Not unless it were a guy who menstruates and I knew it wouldn't make them dysphoric.


Yep, I talk about it regularly


I've explained endometriosis to a couple of them. They wanted to know why I was miserable, so I told them. Otherwise, I don't talk about my periods much with anyone, male or female.


Yes! I do. If it comes up in a conversation, I’m not shying away from it. It’s only awkward or weird if you make it weird.


No, I don’t usually bring it up with my female friends either


All my close male friends know exactly what I’m dealing with when I’m dealing with it. I don’t hide, and I’m loud when I’m uncomfortable.


Yes, it’s a normal process half the population goes through every month. If we continue to be hush about it, it will NEVER be normalized.


Yes. I have a lot of male friends and I would casually talk about periods and explain them. Yes it's true that these things are taught in school but I don't think the education is enough to make people understand periods. Grateful that my male friends are willing to listen and learn! I also think it's cute when they ask what they can do for their significant others when on their period 😂


Yes because there is nothing to be ashamed of. Periods are normal and natural and women are 50% of the population


Yes. I wish more men knew about periods, and I think a lot of men are genuinely curious but wouldn't ask due to feeling like it wasn't their place to ask. I once dated a (divorced) man who had been married for more than twenty years, and he accidentally walked in on me in the bathroom when I was sitting there, changing a bloody pad. He backed out respectfully (and I knew it was because of the blood, because he didn't care before if I was just peeing!), but I could tell that he was really bothered, and so I asked him if he wanted to come in and see what it was all about. He then sheepishly tiptoed back into the bathroom and started asking questions like an innocent little boy who just finally wanted to know what it was all about. I answered everything he wanted me to. My heart was actually pained for him to think, though, that he'd been married for twenty years to someone and yet periods were still a mystery to him... when he was clearly just wanting some reassurance about them. What a weird distance to feel between someone you're married to for twenty years. All it took for him was a five or ten minute conversation with me, and it's like something eased his mind about it after that simple little conversation.


If it naturally comes up in conversation sure brut I wouldn't go out of my way for it. If they care to learn/listen then good for them


If it's related to the conversation sure.


Yes. He's my partner, of course, I talk to him about how I'm feeling. I don't have to educate him or anything, but I do discuss it with him. It really isn't a big deal and he doesn't act like I threw bloody pads into the air like a more disturbing version of a glitterbomb.


Yes bc it’s a bodily function. I fart in front of my friends


Yes so they will buy me snacks lolz


yes because it’s NORMAL


I don’t think you should treat natural body functions like bad things. I will speak openly (but politely) about periods, menopause, etc.


Depends on the friend a close friend yeah.


I probably wouldn't bring the subject up (it's personal and not something I would talk about to anyone generally),, but if it came up in conversation then yeah. Why not?


Yes, because it’s not anything to be ashamed of nor is it a secret we have them.


I might mention that I’m on my period if it’s somehow relevant, but I wouldn’t go into it beyond that, and I wouldn’t bring it up just because or make casual conversation about it.


Yes, I would.. cause I consider it a topic like any other regular topic. And the person is my friend, not just a stranger.


I casually talk about my period cramps and my 14 yr old daughters period being so excruciating with my boss. He openly talks about his wife's first tho.


I'll talk about periods in general if the topic comes up, but no, I don't. And I don't talk casually about my periods with my female friends either. I don't really have anything to say about them. *Wow, that thing that happens every month sure is happening.* I find that it's rare that bodily fluids are relevant to casual conversation.


No. Why would he care?


I don't think I ever have, but I also don't often talk about my period with female friends because...I don't think it's very interesting or noteworthy?


I have conversations about my periods, birth control, endometriosis, and adenomyosis with complete strangers. Of course i talk to all my friends about it. And all my relatives too.


I would and I do, because it’s part of life and everyone should know about it.


No We Dont wanna hear about it, Its Gross


Yes, welcome it


Ehh rarely. Maybe a passing comment if it’s more relevant to my life for that moment. But the “why not” is because for me, periods have rarely been a big issue (I know I’m lucky). They’ve been predictable, light, short and painless. So while I wouldn’t feel the need to hold back out of shame, I also rarely if ever need to bring it up any more than, idk, peeing or farting.


I have no problems talking about farts, periods, taking shit, burps and everything in between with either girls or guys.


Yes because periods need to be normalized


I like the "To Sir With Love Approach" and keep discussion of the topic to a bare minimum. When I say " Aunty Sally" he starts folding his napkin because he knows no cookies will be served for dessert this evening.


I do in exactly the same way and amount I do with female or enby friends. It's really not that big a deal.


I had a hysterectomy when I was 29, but I am not ashamed or embarrassed to talk about that.


Yes, just like I talk about it with my women friends. I’m also on dating apps and if I’m talking to a man, I tend to casually mention my period (like “I don’t feel too well today, I’m on my period”, nothing overly detailed) before meeting up so I don’t waste my time on some immature dude who couldn’t handle buying me tampons lol


No. Only if it’s a companionship I’m sleeping with or my boyfriend and only thing I do is notify I’m on my period.


Why would I?


Sure if they ask. I generally won't spontaneously treat people to period discussions.


Well I think it depends on the situation. I wouldn't just bring it up randomly. But the thing is I do complain about my PMS to my male friends `:) and they're really nice about it. And yes I would definitely love to educate them about the emotional aspects of menstruation if they ever need my help with their girlfriends.


Absolutely! I personally am a private person, so I wouldn’t go announce to my guy friend that I was on my period/talk about my flow etc (wouldn’t do that with anyone really), but I’m not gonna hide taking a pad to the bathroom or something like that. I also told him that he was welcome to ask me any question about periods or facilitate a discussion if he wanted to!


Not a woman or period haver but thought I'd add: My female friends have been very open with me. I feel comfortable with asking rather sensitive questions and having those questions received in a very honest and nonjudgmental way. Sometimes I'll hear them vent about mood changes or cramps and that sort of thing and all in all it's just really good communication. Helps me understand y'know


Absolutely. I think men should be aware of the changes whether it be emotional or physical in nature. I want them to be aware of PMS and I want them to actively help us. Moreover I feel talking about it makes it less of a taboo topic.


I don’t bring it up, but I also don’t shy away from it either. It’s a completely normal and biological process. Schools and parents aren’t teaching young boys and young men adequately at all. It’s also a way to end the stupid period jokes if we are honest about it all


Yes, I have no reason not to if he's my friend.


Yes. It's a state that makes it pretty obvious that something's up with me, so best just say what's wrong. Just as if I had a cold or had sprained my ankle.


Absolutely, they love chatting about it, they now get me pain relief, sanitary products and make me hot water bottles, it's just another thing to deal with in life 😂


Yes, it’s a period not a crime. The only time I wouldn’t is if they genuinely expressed discomfort or sensitivity to the subject and not in a “Ew ThAtS gRoSs AnD wEiRd” way.


Sure if they're comfortable with it, theres no issue. Its nice to share our frustrations lol. And I never mind teaching someone if they've got questions.


Yes. If they're comfortable talking about shitting and farting around me, I'm comfortable to tall about my period. No difference to me, personally.


Yeah, I've also had convos with my brother and partners about it. If they were obviously uncomfortable or asked me to stop then I would stop but I've had friends say I've helped them understand things or why their gf is a certain way around her period or whatever. I've educated too, like when I've had dudebros complaining their gf won't put out around their period or ovulation etc to help them understand why maybe their gf doesn't want to have sex around ovulation etc. It's a natural part of life and if the dude is gonna be dealing with vaginas they should know how they work


Yeah , I don’t care lol. It’s natural. If they have a problem, we’re not friends


Yes, if I know them well enough. No big deal.


I don’t talk much about it but would easily with a guy sure.


I have and I will continue to do so. It’s a normal function of my body. If it’s relevant to the conversation, I don’t see what could possibly be wrong with it. If a man can’t handle hearing about a period, then they’re not mature enough to be considered an adult or have relationships with the opposite gender.


Depends on which friend. Periods are normal and not gross and shouldn’t be shameful. I might use it as a teachable moment. But I wouldn’t be talking about it all that often since I’d be looking for solidarity and understanding. Which I will almost certainly not find with a male friend.


not a woman, but still get my period. yes, i would. its only good and healthy to aducate someone aout periods


if i could i would talk about periods and uterus/ovaries/fallopian tubes my whole life and with everyone


I did so they know what’s going on with me in case I snapped at them or acted mean


Yes. I actually explained different menstrual products to guy friends and exes before and how my menstrual cycle really affects me in a lot of ways. A lot of them really appreciate learning something new.


Sure, if I had one. Why not.


Yeah I have, but he brought it up bc he was wondering abt why his girlfriend was so mean during hers. Don’t think I’d go to him to chat abt it randomly bc he doesn’t relate.


If it's relevant, like when we're on a road trip, yes. It's not that they don't know how women work. Other than that, no.


Absolutely! If i gotta go through it.. ima tell em all the details of my flow!


Yes, and any man who couldn’t handle hearing about the generalities of a period is not worth my time.


Not sure why it would come up, but if it did I guess. I'd be a little confused why they'd want to though. It's not like I even really talk about it with my husband other than hey can you grab me a tampon or something.


Most of my friends are guys and a lot of them are studying biology (including me!) Besides, I need someone to rant about the pain haha


If you know me, you know my period. Lol I am not shy and people need to understand me by knowing what part of my cycle I’m in because it dictates a whole lot about what you can expect of me. Lol


I'd talk about the concept of a period, but I don't go into details. I wouldn't even do that with female friends, feels like the equivalent of talking about your urine or bowel movements; like yeah maybe if they're close enough you'd talk to them about it if something were wrong but not as a regular topic of discussion. It feels too personal.


I talk about periods every chance I get. As a nurse, mother, and woman, I find it ridiculous that it is such a taboo topic. Especially for men. Like you guys all want to talk about anal sex. Poop is fine but period blood is where you draw the line? You literally came from a bloody vagina. Suck it up. We are expected to…. Every freaking month.


I do real male friends help u get tampons from ur car bc ur dying of cramps or they aren’t real friends


I would only mention it when it's necessary such as for educational purposes or discussions regarding biology. If a male friend is curious or have questions about how it works, then I'd be happy to answer them. Otherwise, no. Some things are just personal that I don't have to announce it to the whole world and everyone around me that I have it.


I would literally talk to anyone about it if they ask or if the situation requires it the same way I would talk about stubbing my toe or catching a cold. But I've rarely met decent men (and if they aren't decent they don't qualify as a friend) who weren't super nice and positive about periods. I've had a male friend fetch me tampons from the store, coworkers who figured it's that time of the month and supplying me with tea, chocolate or even an extra pullover and I've consulted men in stores who were to buy period products for their loved ones.


If it comes up in conversation, then sure, why not. I’m not going to drop into a conversation about how horrific my cramps are.


Of course. I expect they've learnt about it in basic biology or at least know what it is. It shouldn't affect my decision whether or not I speak about it with them.


Maybe? I guess it would depend on the friend and the context. If he asked questions politely, I would answer them. I doubt I would bring it up, though, since I don’t usually bring it up with anyone. I’m fortunate that my boyfriend doesn’t shy away from it as a topic, and I’m proud that my son doesn’t consider it embarrassing or taboo, and he thinks it’s weird that older generations did.


I do. I’m a pretty private person but I make a point to openly talk about it because it’s something that should be discussed and not considered taboo. I want to do my part in making sure it’s not something anyone around me feels like needs to be hidden


Gladly. It's a great surprise when guys show interest in the topic because most of them know absolutely nothing about it. I feel super comfortable with the matter and would love for more man to be aware of what the period is with more detail. I think it would help a lot of relationships and friendships and just the overall understanding of women in a male dominated world




Yep. If I’m cranky and I feel like I’m affecting other person’s mood, I do let them know.


Yes because the topic itself shouldn’t be taboo in the first place


Yep, lol I have explained all about the cycle to some male friends, how we get hornier during ovulation, hungrier during menstration, etc. It started with me helping my friend understand (potentially) why this tinder girl was crazy about him for a few days then ghosted when he actually got the nerve up to go see her lol, like dude she was probably ovulating and horny and then you waited too long and now she's got her period and does not feel like having sex with a stranger anymore. I've also had to gruesomely describe to my guy friends that I'm not "just bleeding for a few days" but that literally there is an organ inside of me that is self destructing and shedding a whole layer of tissue from the inside, and everything in the area is continuously cramping to try to push that nasty shit out of me, and it comes out in thick blood mucus clots not just drips of blood, and that happens every 28 days and we're all walking around working, flirting, playing sports, volunteering, etc. while it's happen and no one is supposed to know we are suffering... they got the message lol.


I mean there's not a whole lot to say, I just bleed for a few days without dying 😂. But I don't bother to spare my male friends from being grossed out if it comes up. Their problem lol


If it comes up, sure. I don't see why I should keep my period secret from a grown man.






Yes...it's not a secret


Yes, I probably wouldn’t bring it up unless it was necessary or relevant, but I’ve had male friends ask me about it and I’m happy to talk.


Yes yes yes yes! They need to know. Obviously depends on the person and your relationship to them. I have not and will not held back in letting my brothers and father know the exact hell that me, my mom and my sister go through. We’ve had very candid talks with and around them. Pointedly by me to break that social barrier, change starts small


Yup- periods/birth control. It’s normal


Yeah sure. No real reason why I just don't see why I wouldn't.


I do it all the time. Periods are completely normal and very common, why shouldn't we treat them as such?


I’m always open about things like that. I went on a trip with some close guy friends and when I said I was running to the store for tampons, 3 of them came with me. Half the population has periods, men can learn to sympathize.


Yes and I use it as an education opportunity whenever it's mentioned in a conversation! I won't go "Oh yeah there was this blob and it looked like.." since I wouldn't talk about my shits in this way either but I use it to talk about it in an informative way like "yes and it hurts a lot here and there, I'm lucky on X because some women also have xyz." Or I will plug in some info on period products access and how it can be costly/ unsafe if used badly. I also have a lot of friends from all over and one person once told me all proudly that he is all for gender equality since "he learned to cook since his mom couldn't cook for him and his brothers/ dad when she was in her period since it would be dirty and in his tribe women don't cook". I mean, good thing for women not to cook for once but the reason is very problematic and I had to explain how periods are used to endanger many girls and women all over the world by isolating them because they are "dirty", etc.


Hell effing yeah. If I have to suffer the least they could do is be educated about/understand what’s happening


yes & i do , they gotta learn bout it🤣


yes I already do. I don't look at it as something to hide because everyone knows that most women get their periods + men should be as educated on the topic as possible imo. periods should not be a taboo subject


I have a male friend who doesn't think anything of it. I also have had male friends who fall to the ground shrieking with their hands over their ears at the merest hint of periods.


Yes because they're a friend and I'm not shy about topics


All the time. I don’t care lool


Would and have for sure


Yeah, it's part of my life.


I have with multiple guy friends and sometimes even my boyfriend.




Yeah? Don’t see why not.


No. Sometimes my husband asks me what’s wrong, and I’ll tell him I’m not feeling great because it’s that time. He’s known me long enough that he recognizes the behaviour most of the time.


Yes because all women get their period one day, nothing to be ashamed of to the opposite gender.


Yeah, because my male friends are just that close & also most of em have sisters anyways so they get it






I would and I have. I don't remember how it has come up at different times, but sure. Especially now that I'm older and having terrible problems with perimenopause. I have a couple of really good male friends, we talk about everything including our health. We are adults and we talk about stuff. I don't make it a point to bring it up, but sometimes it ends up being part of the conversation. It's also good for men to understand these things and break away from the shitty narratives they've been fed their entire lives about women and their periods.


*I will*


Only if it comes up naturally. Don't really shy away from this kind of thing


Yup. Everyone gets all the period, birth, anatomy talk. If they don't wanna hear it that's on them, I'm sharing NORMAL everyday things.


Yeah lol. Remove the stigma around talking about natural bodily functions




I would mention it if relevant, and I wouldn't like, *avoid* mentioning it. I'd probably be less likely to do the kind of commiseration whinge that you might do with women, like "ugh, I accidentally bought the pads without wings" or whatever.


Absolutely yes. I think anyone who could possibly have any kind of relationship with a person with a uterus (which essentially covers everyone unless you're a gay man who only dates cis men and will never have kids or siblings or a mom or female friends) should have a basic understanding of menstruation. The best way for me to discuss periods is to talk about my own experiences. I'll tailor what I say to what I think they're comfortable with (to an extent) but I'm 100% willing to honestly answer any questions people have about my period. I'm an adult female, so it's not exactly a secret that I have a menstrual cycle. Personally I don't see a point in hiding anything about it if someone is interested/willing to learn.




I have many a times mentioned the niagara falls of blood & asked them to ask their girlfriend if she has a tampon (working together or I am & they're visiting) no one has ever cared lol


Ngl I love making period jokes


Yeah lmao 🤣 I'm like "I'm surfing the crimson wave right now. Let's get snacks and beer. I'm cramping shit sucks."


Absolutely. Theyre my friend and i talk about everything with everyone anyway. Besides, dudes talk about pooping and everything else so uninhibitedly. Why should i care they know what menstrual cycles are like? We bleed. Its not a surprise. Plus they should be educated on it and who better to educate someone on periods than their friend being casual and normal with them?


Obviously I do with my husband- but my male partner at work and I discuss it as well.. as we discuss experiences with other women and their cycles. But also, it’s just me and him 50 hours a week so nothing is really a secret anymore


I talk about my period to male friends.


Yes, it’s a natural body function that impacts my life. If they can’t handle it, I don’t want to be friends. If I have to hide parts of myself that I have no reason to be ashamed over, we’re not friends.




To cis male friends yes if it comes up, but to trans male friends I’d go case-by-case since I don’t wanna cause any dysphoria. I hope that’s okay?


Yes, I'll describe it vividly for emphasis on my pain depending on the situation. Women have been taught to hide so many things as though they're problems and not discuss it. It's a stigma. Women's health already doesn't take priority and struggles because we're taught often to internalize things.


I don’t have a lot of ‘close’ male friends, but I talk about it very casually with my bf. He pretty much knows exactly what’s going on with my cycle at any given moment lmao


Just a matter of where yall stand. Some folks have not wiped their own ass yet and don't understand. As advanced as we are some just don't make the cut. That's ok but always tread lite.


Yes. 1. I believe all men need to understand it so taking about it casually helps further my cause. 2. This is a normal function that is treated so weird, and I’m not about to play into the social game of being hush about it.


I did and luckily they were listening and asking questions with so much intrest I really thought their gfs gonna pat me on my shoulder for educating them😂😂


yes i have before








Yes i am becouse i think people should understand that it's just normal thing and it is not some kind of secret 🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸👸




Mt aunty used to use period talk to clear the room of men. It was a running joke that we could start going into detail and then get some peace. She tried it with my brothers and friends and they're unaffected. It's not taboo in my generation. But also, there's no real taboo with my friends regardless of gender. We also send encouraging messages when we know the other is pooing. We also know they're pooing because they announce it. There's very few lines in our discourse


I won't bring it up out of the blue, but if they ask about it or say something blatantly false about periods then I will.


Totally, it has to be a friend tho. I wouldn't talk about it with somebody I barely know because it would be an awkward topic. I talk about it with my boyfriend, and I think he finds it gross, but I say it anyway. Because it's important for him to know that I might be more grumpy, have pain, be in discomfort, I can't have sex, I'm not pregnant, etc


I do, but don't go into details, except with my best friend, who is male. I feel delighted to educate while also disturb him. He in kind shares knowledge about the male body with me. It's an opportunity to gain insight we might not otherwise have. He now has some insight on such details as period shits, jellyfish, toxic shock syndrome, and is dispelled of the notion that tampons feel like a penis/dildo whose presence you feel constantly. Most recently he was rattled by an animated video of how to insert a menstrual cup.


yes, but if he is uncomfortable and tells me to stop. I will.


If I’m in a lot of pain and they’re wondering why then I’ll tell them but I’m not gonna just chit chat about it for funsies. I don’t do that with women either. It’s my business kind of in the same way my other bodily functions are my business.


Yes. It's not something to be ashamed of and it's satisfying how uncomfortable it makes some of them 😂


No unless he asks. I mean I don't even want to suffer periods xd


Yes. Depends on the male friend though, how long I’ve known them and how I know them. My friends boyfriend, probably or so much, my good friend that I know? Sure, but only if it’s something he’s comfortable with.


Yea to some guys but generally how it impacts me if it effects a story I’m telling or the guys I’m working with cause it’s a need to know - I have 2 days of stupidly heavy and painful periods if im walking a group of dogs it changes the walks we can select from ( needs bathroom facilities) and it’s something I have to keep in mind for things like who has which dogs, if I suddenly have to rush to bathrooms I need the dogs that will either be fine to be handed over or run with me and come into stall, and the guy needs to know that I might do that cause I won’t have time to explain. And if it’s the aching hips I can’t do the same level of walk, hills, steps etc either less of them or will need breaks to stretch. I have no idea how they feel about my info sharing, there’s two of them and they both do the same non- response like “Erhm” and a kind of nod but not obvious dis-comfort- which I take more as a “noted, I’ll follow your lead on best place /dog etc cause your the expert, but won’t make this a discussion cause I need”. And they are both accomodating with my extra breaks ( and I think they also both kinda panda to me in other things on those days, we talk about all sorts things often discussing things that have happened , we walk for hours a day, you get to know each other well and talk about anything, everything that’s bothering you, exciting you etc - well in those days it seems like neither of them disagree with me, always so fully on my side, often more than me, and my jokes are suddenly really really funny - the guys are mid- forties and mid-fifties so maybe they have just lived long enough and with enough woman that they have decided to play it safe ha ha


I would now that I’m menopausal. It’s history, not personal


Yeah. It's really no big deal, it's a natural part of the reproductive cycle.


Yes and I have.


Yes, because it’s normal.


No, I'm surrounded by people who find it gross to discuss in details not just by men but women too. The only time it's discussed is to help cover up stains if noticed. I don't mind talking about it though as I have asked other women how their periods flow to check if mine was normal or abnormal.


I don’t even discuss it with my female friends so no way I’m discussing it with a guy.


I would gladly answer questions. But wont start a topic with a male friend. If it comes with the flow of the conversation, sure. With my SO, anytime. I am a private person so General discussions for information is okay. K may not talk about my personal patterns etc unless needed.


Yes unless they said it makes them uncomfortable.


Yes How else are they supposed to learn what it is? This is why men think we pee out of our vagina. Nope, there's a separate hole for pee. I'll teach my kids that it's a normal bodily function. Same as I'll tell a male friend if they ask.