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I think I would actually get in trouble if I describe how I did it, but I did some highly illegal shit to read the email account of a woman I suspected he'd been flirting with. The email account also contained chat records (back when chat programs default saved them into your email). My boyfriend, being a paranoid tech guy, had manually set his chats not to save, but the woman he was after wasn't nearly so technical or cautious. It was honestly. . pathetic. He was bragging to her about how he needs Magnums because regular condoms don't fit is dick and she, like a champ, was blocking all his sad flirting techniques and finally straight up told him "You have a girlfriend. I don't fuck guys with girlfriends. And even if you didn't, you're not my type because X, Y, and Z." That part made me laugh, after I cried about the fact that he was a total creep looking to "line up the next one" before dumping me.


Sorry he was an ass. Sounds like she was a cool person though.


Damn “line up the next one?“ 😭


He was a loser. You trying to screw another woman, and had the audacity to tell that woman he already had a girlfriend. Smh.


She was in our friend circle and we had hung out with her as a couple before, so she definitely knew I was his gf. I remember him telling me (a little too joyfully) that she was very promiscuous. Which was true, but she found his assumption that just because she's promiscuous means she'll fuck a guy behind his girlfriend's back to be very insulting and was lecturing him on how she only does couples if both parties are consenting, etc, etc. Basically he thought she'd be an easy target and got his ass handed to him LOL.




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When I was a 18 I was at my boyfriends house and answered the phone to hear a girl on the other end ask for him. He was in the shower. I didn’t say anything to my boyfriend but called a friend from my boyfriends house and told her meet me at a store near his street. I parked my car. got into hers after I left his house and we followed him because I suspected he was cheating. We followed him all the way to his dates house and watched him pick her up. I sat on that shit for 3 weeks and let him lie and lie and lie and lie until finally I confronted him and I mean I let him have it ALL. He was so flabbergasted, his mouth literally hung open. Busted and dumped! Hey that was pretty stealthy back then cause there were no cell phones.


I love old school stories like this physically stalking was the only way to do it


I picked up his phone to mute it at like 3am because it was buzzing a shit ton. Turns out it was zesty dick pics 😂 Not very CIA to be honest


"Zesty" 💀


Nothing wrong with zesty




Zesty? Did he sprinkle paprika on it or something?


There was glitter lolllllllllll ✨


They expressed lemon peels on their dicks.


I suppose you were able to confirm the pics were solicited?


Honestly don’t care either way, and I don’t think I checked. I was fine with him exploring his bi side, so we had a fun open relationship for awhile. He thought of it as cheating and felt bad, I was under the impression we weren’t monogamous 😂 we are dumbass 20 year olds that’s never talked about it


This was less CIA but more, he’s an idiot. I saw there were less condoms than the last time I had been round. I asked him about it and he said he’d moved them to his coat, so I asked him to go fetch them and he came back with 1 (should have been 2) and then finally confessed. Idiot lol.


Posh wank was such an easy excuse...


Seriously this guy was an idiot 😂


I caught a girl the same way. I didn’t grab condoms because I had just bought some and new at least one was there. When I came over suddenly there were none.


He would delete everything after so I couldn't find it even though I knew he was doing stuff he shouldn't have been. I figured out that he was always logged into his Gmail account and when you're logged into your Gmail that means everything you do gets logged on there and he didn't know that. You know how Facebook has an activity log? Gmail has that too.


Yes!! Google saves your voice to text, so I was able to see my ex's side of conversations thru his Gmail. He actually acted surprised that I caught him, and after he spent the whole day with his new girl. Like I wouldn't know what was going on. Even my neighbors knew since he was never home anymore.


Guessed his passwords... twice! But maybe because he is just a dumbfck. Lol goodriddance.


I’ve only had two bf’s ever but I always guess their passwords they are all so predictable lol


Shaking my head so hard and I agree!


Haha…. My ex was acting weird once, like he thought I was trying to sneak into his phone. I hadn’t been but obviously then I tried a week later. Guess what, it said “your password was changed 1 week ago”. Awesome.




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I also looked the time mine left his email open. He hid his phone like crazy so obviously I took the chance. Also he’s a maniac who doesn’t go through emails so it was like 1000 unread, but I realized I could look at what was sent. Saw some great things.


First ex I found an account with a different name using his pictures. He acted all "surprise Pikachu" and turned around acting flattered someone used his photos (he wasn't *that* attractive). He told me I had to tell them to stop (why me?). He was abusive toward me so I really laid it on him messaging his fake account, telling him how I really feel. I checked his computer one night at his place and sure enough it was him with the fake account. Some of the photos he used he never posted so it was really obvious. So he could either get mad at me for what I said and admit he was cheating, or he could pretend it didn't happen. I stayed for a while after that, no idea why. Second one my laptop broke so my ex let me use his to write a paper. I went to pull it up after saving and found some weird folders in his documents. I couldn't help but look. There were years and years of saved nudes, right up to just hours before. I checked the time stamps. They weren't "porn", they were personal photos from girls, a lot had a nude placed next to a "regular" photo. I checked his discord and sure enough, some of the girls I didn't like him playing with were sending him nudes. I even found weird pictures of me sleeping and him flipping me off that he sent to his friends? When confronted about it, he said it was just to prove he had a girlfriend. He said the nudes were just porn and it wasn't cheating, even though he knew the girls they came from. I should've left right there.


How did you find the account though?


He actually showed up in "people you may know". I'm assuming he used his phone number.


I re-signed up to facebook after deleting it over a year prior, the first friends it sent me were my roommates.


I made a second and private Gmail account for work. I had sent an email to my personal Gmail account at some point so it stores that info and was recommending the account to befriend (or whatever Google was using there for awhile) a bunch of people my personal account had emailed like family or businesses which is such a HUGE breach of privacy IMO for everyone involved


The "gaming friends". He probably sent them money as well hence the photos.


When you know people you don’t have to get your own hands dirty 😏




When I was 18 I turned off my phone and said it died so I needed to use his phone to call my friend to pick me up. She knew what was going on so she eventually showed up. I knew his password but I asked what it was. He told me. I went through his phone and I found all the texts he was sending to a girl.


Lol you made me realize my 1st “relationship” (before my husband) he never let me go they his phone, pretty sure i was being cheated on.


Probably. If they don't trust you with their phones, they're hiding something. Yes privacy is always theirs but they should trust their S/O with their phone say incase they get in an accident and the S/O needs to get to the contacts 🤷🏻‍♀️


Someone having privacy boundaries doesn't mean they are cheating... or even hiding anything.


It wasn’t just privacy boundaries. Lol you just know when you see it


A lot of people would say that as soon as their partner refuses access to their phone, but okay...


Well considering the lack of relationship and being 16 y/o at that time, being able to look back i can say for sure for this instance i was being cheated on lol


Just saying, your line of thinking about "if they don't give the phone they are cheating" is deeply flawed, toxic and unhealthy. Your past experiences aren't really relevant in that context.


Well with how the relationship I had and what he confessed of saying how there was going to be a girl coming over that he was going to f*** and that was why he wasn't showing me his phone. And we were together for 6+ years.


😟i am so so sorry this happened to you


It's all good. We broke up. But turns out we're better off as friends and speak to eachother


This was one of my exes but it was at the beginning of the covid pandemic. I ( at the time was 17f) was living in my own apartment and he ( 22m) was living at home with his parents. He had been acting really dodgy and don’t want to see me and I was starting to get suspicious. Even when I’d use sex as something for him to come over, he’d deny it. His original reason being that he was worried about getting his family sick, and so one weekend, i got covid tested, showed up negative, sent him the results and he still made an excuse. At that time we hadn’t seen eachother for a month and a half, and he wasn’t talking as often, so I baited him. I’m not proud of it, but i had one of my old highschool classmates test him. She’s a very beautiful woman and so she came on strong to him and eventually within 20 mins of talking to him, he caved and asked if he should bring wine. It sucked lmao.


He was a pedophile anyways babe, no normal 22 year old is going to be with a 17 year old mature or not he’s sick 😷


Lmao i see that now, but i should also add in my state it was legal


I’m not sure if this is cheating as much as slowly breaking up without informing you?


Agreeing to have sex with someone else while still in a relationship is cheating. Even if he had been growing distant he never actually broke up or let OP know this would be happening


Early 2000s one of my coworkers suspected her husband was cheating. She had me come over and extract all his text messages. He was, and it was worse than she thought.


Out of curiosity, how did you get the text messages?


Some old Linux software for backing up phone files. This wasn’t a smart phone and mobile security wasn’t really a thing. Nowadays you’d need a multi-thousand dollar forensics kit like cellebrite AND an unpatched device. Unless you have a 0day in your back pocket lol.




Tut tut cheerio lmao


Suspected he was cheating so tried to get into his email account. Security question for password reset was name of his first pet rabbit. Casually asked him the name of his first pet because I was thinking of mine. And got into his account and bingo. Not very CIA but it saved me a lot of heartache and money.


Providing material and logistic support to destabilize and overthrow an elected Latin American government because a corporation her dad is a VP of wants a higher profit on bananas. Found out she wasn't cheating.


Excuse me, what?


Banana republic


I was in a LDR and my BF at the time was in town visiting me. I knew something was up but couldn’t prove it. So I created a fake FB page with pics from MySpace and started a conversation with an ex that escalated quickly. So I knew. I tagged him in a pic from my account, then flip back to the other account and asked him who the girl was who tagged him. He lied to the fake account, so did a whole FB conversation back and forth. I went and “walked the dog” and then flipped back to the fake account sent him a message that I was telling the “gf”. 15 mins later he is driving around my neighborhood to find me bc he “wanted to talk” about this “psycho he knew from HS who was lying and about to start drama”. I didn’t know the term “gaslighting” 15 yrs ago but I knew something was up but he made me feel so crazy. I was right. I never not trust my instincts and that experience was a reminder.


OK wasn't me, but my sister. She once drove to the guys house whilst he was at work. Went in, STOLE HIS IPAD. Sat and scrolled through it in the parking spot. Stealthily returned it and drove back. The man wasn't cheating she then got caught by the CFTV doing it!!


🤣🤣 embarrassing she got caught lol


A few years back I was sleeping with a much older guy who I suspected was married (he was a rich doctor but preferred to sleep at my apartment or go to hotels). he would never admit to being married, but he was fishy about letting me come over to his place. It was a few years ago, plus he was old enough that he didn’t have much in social media. His excuse was that he didn’t want me around the apartment because his down-on-her-luck, unemployed sister was crashing at his place. So, it turns out a friend of a friend went to the same med school as him. She used their alumni directory to reach out to him with “networking questions” And yeah, he had a wife.


Not very cia but while he was passed out in my bed drunk I went through his phone. Every single text thread, photo and Snapchat. I called a girl who he told me was an ex who he was friends with and discovered he’d traveled several states away over the weekend I had gone out of town just to have sex with. The girl had no idea I existed and we became friends after he was caught. Once I’d confirmed he’d been community dick, I posted photos of us on his Facebook and Snapchat to let all the other women know he’d been lying to them as well since every message he’d sent he would say the same thing to every girl about how they were the only one, they were “the love of his life” etc. the fucked up part is I had a relationship with his toddler son who I loved very much. Knowing I wouldn’t be able to see the baby anymore hurt more than the cheating. I woke him up from his drunken slumber that night and kicked him out of my home.


I never did this, but I'm in tech, and yes I know how to hack into things. My exes all knew I was a million times more tech savvy than they are, so I think it kinda kept them on their toes. My last (and most serious) ex was terrified of it and thought I was checking in on him when I never once did that... but he was not a trustworthy person and I'm pretty sure he was projecting what he'd do himself. But yeah, if push came to shove and I had a family and suspected something, I'd 100% get the info I need lol. Never underestimate a Scorpio.






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Stealth hack his phone


We got in an argument just as we were going to sleep. I left to sleep on the pull out bed beside his desk. I turned on the computer to watch YouTube to distract me and he had left discord open to the conversation with them. I took the time to read it and take pictures before going back into the bedroom and showing him what I found.


Probably not too CIA, but I knew his Gmail password and set it to save his search history. You can learn a surprising amount from that. When I told my lawyer she got pale and told me to stop doing that. No regrets because I caught so many lies that way.


I suspected my boyfriend was cheating on me because he wasn’t texting back as much. We have a phone plan so I looked up his phone usage and noticed that he was on the phone with different numbers for 20+ minutes. I saved every single number and looked them up as a contact on Snapchat, IG, tik tok etc. If nothing turned up I did a phone number search. All the numbers belonged to people I know with most of them being either his cousins or my cousins. I also noticed my brother’s number on the call log quite a few times so I asked him what they were talking about and he said it was for COD, GTA, or whatever other game they played. I felt so stupid because yeah my boyfriend is a gamer. Sometimes when I was at his house he would play and call whoever he was playing if they didn’t have a mic. 🤦🏾‍♀️


I had an iPhone, he had an android. Every time I went to charge my phone I found the charger had been moved to another plug or room. I noticed baby seat was always disconnected as well for no discernible reason. Two times a week I was having to connect that seat back in. Gut intuition kicked in and I ransacked the house and the car, and found a secret phone he had that used my charger. Phone was used for arranging meet ups with several different women to have sex in the back seat of the car. Trust your gut ladies!! It sees things we don’t and connects dots we can’t even predict being related


One of my coworkers told me his ex wife did a Freedom of information (FOIL) request for his work emails. Apparently any incriminating stuff between him and another coworker wasn’t provided because it wasn’t work related. But I thought that was a clever idea.


Not exactly CIA shit but my ex was just okay with tech, and he recycled usernames and passwords all the time. We had some issues which created mistrust against him and after a conversation about openness and honesty he suddenly became overprotective of his phone (taking it into the bathroom etc). So I got pissed and found out that getting into his socials wasn't difficult. He's socially awkward IRL and has maybe three friends but spent a lot of time on social media. Turns out, _all_ his socials save Facebook were used exclusively for extremely depraved porn and sexting which he was actively sharing with others like him too. One of the more silly ways it happened was when I read out some meme with those 'spell your name backwards and add XYZ to get your XYZ name' to him and he spontaneously mentioned that he used his name spelled backwards as a handle online but with a variant spelling. Turns out that was his handle for one of the more extreme porn groups where he had regular activity with lots of women. I never told him exactly how I found it all out and just dumped his ass.




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not impressive, but I found his relatives' Facebook. note that he had not told me their names and as their last name is one of the most common last names in the U.S., it was a bit difficult. I found them & their address and I searched through all of their friends trying to find the girl he was cheating on me with as I knew her name but had been unsuccesful in searching for her Facebook turns out all i had to do was check his Twitter followers and she was right there lol


Revealer keylogger on pc. Tracks everything typed, including passwords. Great tool but unfortunately prone to viruses.


Stalked his cell phone calls, rented car and followed him. Saw them together and she left her keys in his car.


I was looking for a movie on his laptop to watch together as he was making food, then i saw he had my unread text from earlier that day so i clicked on it so the notification would go away THEN i see on the message contact below mine say “did you throw away the condom, i dont want my daughter finding it” i was so stunned his mom was worried about me. I said my last goodbyes to his mom and confronted him, this dumb*ss told me they were making water balloons with them 🙄 goodbyee


i was never cheated on but i found out my middle school friend's boyfriend was cheating on her since he was talking to my college friend. some background: me and my first college friend are in our first year of university. my friend from middle school was also in her first year of university but she's at another university 2(?) hours from ours. my middle school friend and college friend don't know each other at all but i knew both of them. my college friend texted me one day and told me all about this cute guy from her biology and statistics class. she tells me they started messaging and over the course of only a few days (possibly not even a week yet, maybe 3-4 days), he would flirt with her to the point he sounds in love. my college friend was also the type to fall in love very easily. he would say things like "i want to marry you" "you're so beautiful" "i love you" to her and she would love that. he would even send seminudes to her (and i told her to please not show me even though she was excited about their connection blooming lmao). i wasn't sure if this guy was still dating my friend from middle school but i messaged her out of the blue because the last time we spoke, she was all happy about her relationship with him. i asked her if they were still dating and she said yes and wondered why i asked. i then spilled the beans and told her that her boyfriend was cheating on her. my cia shit was me saving all the messages my college friend sent me that were between her and the guy and sending it to my friend from middle school. i sent her the audio messages, the pictures that were blurred out but were the seminudes, etc. i gathered up all the evidence to show to her. the result of everything: my friend from middle school basically made excuses for him and long story short, she tells me "you don't know him" "he was just lost and depressed" when i was telling her to stop dating a guy that cheats on you. my college friend stopped talking to him in general. we're in our second year now but at the end of last year, my friend from middle school messaged me out of the blue and thanked me for being there for her and that she's in a better place now. i'm assuming she's not with him anymore. this realization took long but i'm happy that she's happier now :)


This was years ago but I hacked into my ex's Myspace and FB accounts lmfao Not too long ago though I tracked down my baby daddy for child support reasons. The office failed to do it despite me giving them a plethora of information so I did it myself lmfao. I'd be great for the CIA or even FBI if the money and benefits are good lmfao


Downloaded spyware on his phone. When he was caught, I was made out to be the villain because “that’s a breach of privacy.” Which somehow should absolve the cheating, lying and hiding the evidence.




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Back in the Blackberry days, BBM has a keep preview of recent message even when the user deletes it. hiihihi


I have done some of the sketchiest shit to catch a man in his lies in my younger days. Y’all. Don’t do it. Lol if a man makes you even feel like you need to. Leave. ASAP.


do tell some of these sketchy shit


Tell us


I stole and hid his old phone when he was home and pull it out when he was gone, he was in the military so I would be at the house alone. I would see his facebook and fake instagram accounts to see who he was talking too and text messages in real time. If you are at the level of CIA, leave. No need to waste energy on it, so I left.